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ad evita 7 aches one =~ aN Ne boa a BS aN OUTCOMES Misses rs WORKBOOK Li cieetitc | at CENGAGE LEARNING | “** Learning” ‘Outcomes Upper intermediate Workbook {© 2016 National Geographic Learning, apart of Cengage Learning ‘Amanda Maris ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covered by the copy: Gere Fight herein may be reproduce, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, oF mechanical, including Publishing Consutant: Karen siller but not inte o photocopying recording, caning dgtiaising, Development Etor: Clare Shaw taping, Web distribution information networks, or information Head of Strategic Marketing, ELT: Charlotte Elis storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section Project dltor Nick Venta 107 01108 ofthe 176 United States Copyright Act, or applicable copyright lw of another urisictin, without the prior writen Production Controller Eline Wills Sk eiekean com oes Compositor: Q2A Media Services Pvt, Ltd. | eeernengepaaaaiion, National Geographic Lision: Wesley Della Volla ee aren eee ra es | ‘eam egret IsAN: 9781305102104 National Geographic Learning Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, Hampshire SPIO SBE United Kingdom Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customised learning solutions with ofc locations around the globe, including Sin {2pore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Bra and japan {oeate our loca fice a international. ‘Cengage Learing products ae represented in Canada by Nelson Featon ed. Visit National Geographic Leeming online at ngl.cengage-com Visit our corporate website at creorrs ‘hy ta am yi oi tert nye Text ‘heir nd et ake fg gemini prt por on hetero 245 The ae Fanon wenctonshindsenogsh Photos ‘he pb wou tate aig ser emis a gh ted ma Se tos ome manrteha Sanat 6 te enatey mgs ape wear, ‘2 hmmm tnatcon i heatesiapesndghan 6 Guay eked marshuarta an 9 tea nero, Ohl adrson Oty gers © Foe abn spent 0 © stan asda 2 © Om Yunnan GmavtyCblenshcentntson' Gcoeiteyptn ae ety mae 0s Ces ho aa heh ‘SThvehesneneccon ston nahh © surSocgas We Sai amity ager Weg Ov maar Seer te ee remrrac:soe Ewin se 9 near Gree prc Nees aa oes tpstemssele Ouro a tarts) onsen RACOODAFIay ages Seon ‘Sines rer nec sr ht noggin ty ge ae nation Memes trum tance scaatue We isaeialsecr 2 Grice cso nap nace mpd © ae Ss) eee ci ericmraie caer choy aman ottoman enanicanineiemeep eae Surat woes fsmen erste as ba tsiphnca © acs WaetaeiSterpena We onStap ‘tgs Oomsbandnan fog) © Memon oe Oglinony OS SS owen ey Printed in China by RR Donnelley Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2015 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ENTERTAINMENT SIGHTSEEING THINGS YOU NEED SOCIETY SPORTS AND INTERESTS ACCOMMODATION NATURE ‘CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ‘CAREERS AND STUDYING SOCIALISING TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL HEALTH AND MEDICINE LIFE-CHANGING EVENTS. BANKS AND MONEY FOOD BUSINESS Aupioscript ANswer Key 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100 113 GRAMMAR Habits 1 Read the answers to the question Do you... much? What are the people talking about? Match the answers (1-6) to the questions (a-f) 1 Hardly ever nowadays. We used to get away about twice ayear but it's Just too expensive now. We've got 3 tent so we go.camping along the local coast whenever we can, 2 Not as much as used to.To be hhonest,| got really overdrawn at one point and so had to stop. Now Fi pick up a bargain in the sales but only if realy need it 3. Not if can avoid it! The local service is never on time and it's always packed. tend to cycle everywhere but 'l'take the tube if its pouring down 4 Allthe time. think they'e a brillant local resource. Most of them are free and you can learn such ala. Even my kids enjoy the Interactive exhibitions. 5 Whenever get the chance. My sister Ives abroad so we use the internet a lat for email and stuff. But | aso like to chat, so lend up with a huge phone bil! {6 Not as much as Id ike ta. really enjoy having a day of from cooking but it works out quite pricey. As a rule, it's usually to celebrate someone’ birthday. oyou .. much? Use public transport visit museums and galleries gout todinner keep in touch with family and friends travel abroad go shopping 2 ‘Theres one missing word in each sentence. Add the word in the correct place. 1. As ule, go out once a week, usually on Saturday evenings 2. dont ead for pleasure as much a8 like to. 3 tend see my family just on birthdays and at Christmas. 4 We used go to the cinema about once a week before they put the prices up. 5 check the B&C website alltime, | rarely use any other sites. 6 She must be really busy. She ever comes to the badminton lub anymore, 7 enjoy going tothe theatre but we only go once a while 8 We used to go walking every weekend, We get up early and be cut on the hils to see the sunrise, Language note used to and past simple ‘You can use the past simple or used tot talk about habits in the past, For single actions inthe past, use the past simple. ‘used to go / went fora run every day when | wos in my 20s went fora run yesterday VOCABULARY Describing films, music and boi Oks 3. Choose the correct words. 1. could listen to tall day. The music sso inspiring just 0 uplifting (weird. 2 saw it twice. The plot was realy exciting, just really ‘ripping | disturbing, 3 Why's this play so popular? | thought it was terrible, absolutely catchy / awful 4 Iear't stand her acting. She's just too much, always so dull /overthe-top, 5 Itall sounds the same to me. ts only produced to make ‘money, just very hilarious! commercial 4 Complete these sentences using the adjectives that weren't the answers in Exercise 3, 1. couldn't stop laughing. The show was so funny, absolutely 2. The second half was so boring just very 3. Iwouldn't take your kds to se it. The special effects are quite upsetting, really quite 4. Ididiit get it tall. The dialogue was rally strange, ust really 5 cant stop singing it. t's so easy to remember, eally quite DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS Di ‘Add the words in brackets in the correct place, 1A: im really into heavy metal 8: Oh, right. find it loud and scary to be honest. It’s the kindof thing my teenage son listens to. (a bit) Wasn't that a brilliant fim? Did you think so? It drt do anything for mem afraid really) Do you listen to jazz much? tr.'m not keen on jazz | prefer something lighter abit more commercial. (that) 4: Doyou fancy coming to see a musica tthe theatre tonight? 8: Thanks, but m not very keen on musicals. prefer something more serious, more realistic. bit) 5A: Have you read the latest Philip Roth novel? 8: Tobe honest, m not interested in fiction. | tend to read about politics and current affairs. (really) 6 A 'veseen all the Bond movies at least twice. 8: Really? Im not fond of action movies. 'm more into romantic comedies, to be honest. (that) LISTENING 1.1 You are going to hear people talking in six different situations. Choose the correct answer, a,b, orc 11 What did the woman think about the film? The main character was too complicated, 'b They changed alot of the original stary from the book € Itwasn't very exciting 2 What does the man think about modern forms of entertainment? a There's too much choice b You need too much technology to enjay them. € It’s made people less sociable, 3. Why doesn't the man go tothe theatre very much anymore? a He doesn't have much time. The shows ate too dull € Its too expensive, ‘4. What does the woman say about the facilities in her town? 2. She prefers to go out in the bigger cities nearby. She doesn't approve ofthe number of pubs c_There needs to be mare provided for young people. 5. Why does the woman criticise her son? a He watches TV in his bedroom, He doesn't have a range of hobbies. ‘¢_He's always asking for money. {6 What was the problem with the exhibition? a Not many artists contributed their work Itwasrit very well attended. The standard of the art was disappointing. PRONUNCIATION nd w Language note strong and weak forms ‘Many function words (such as prepositions, determiners, conjunctions, pronouns and auxiliaries) can have two pronunciations + the weak form, which is unstressed and contains a schwa fl. This i the most ‘common pronunciation + the strong form, whichis stressed. hi He's from the north of tay. i Where are they from? 7 ©1.2 Listen to the sentences. Choose the correct symbol for each underlined sound, 1 bf ef | wish they woulde't do that Ljust think that they shouldbe true to the original story 2 hl bf People used to go out to have fun. People don't socials like they used to. 3b) hw You used to bea really keen theatre-goet Not as much as id like to. 4 bl bt I's the teenagers | eel sory for. | mean there rally isn't much for them to do, 5 bl hu! Im not asking you, m telling you | don’t want you to watch any more TV 8 Choose the correct words. Then practise saying the sentences. When the function word isa the beginning / end of a sentence, the pronunciation is usually weok / strong, VocaBULARY Talking about pictures 1 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the ‘words in brackets. There are nearly as mary opinions on art as there are paintings themselves. Describing 2 painting is always open to (interpret). What appears 2 (atmosphere) or” (érama) to one petson may seem dull or! (convertion) to Another Abstract artis perhaps the style that is most difficult to appreciate because its meaning is often » (ambiguity) 2 Complete the conversation with the words in thebox. realistic intimate subtle abstract bold ‘A: Can we skip the modern art section? It’ al bit too for me. ike to know what m looking at. 8: Yeah sure. Look, this ones ery? You fel {you could almost pick up the rut and eat 2: You'e right. It must be difficult to get i all that deta ‘And what do you think of tis one? B: Oh, ts very dramatic isnt it The colours are very? ‘A Yeah. but this one is ifferent: These + colours are very soft and relaxing, 8: Hmm. find it a bit disturbing to look ata prhate ‘moment lke this, though. It’s too to share with other people, ell. 3 Match the sentence halves. This one is so realistic It looks as. Come and look at this. The man inthe picture {dont see the attraction. To me all his paintings She looks furious so they've The artist was born in Belgium and that could Ill seems very weird. think it must. tsa celebration and they appear Looking at this one, get ‘to have just got married ‘well be his hometown, look really dul if it’s been photographed with a camera, the impression the artist was rather depressed ‘obviously ust been arguing, looks a bit lke your brother. show some sort of nightmare, of look They look ealy dul look + adjective) It looks as ifs been photographed, look as if + clause) He looks ike your brother (look like + noun) GRAMMAR Adjecti Ds 4 Find and correct the six sentences that contain mistakes with adjectives or adverbs. 1. You look tired. Have you been working hard recently? 2. She said it was an absolute dreadful fr, 3. Ifyou arrive lately for work again, you'l be in real trouble. Don't forget to check your work really careful ‘She looks very sadly.Do you think she's been crying? Funny enough, | was thinking exactly the same thin. We hardly ever go tothe cinema nowadays. Look direct atthe camera and give a big smile! 5. Complete the sentences with one word from box A and one from box B. Unusually wrongly terribly absolutely completely badly [Eile airaang igure city sod arsed 1 Both the driver and passenger were In the acident. 2 Thegallery was. after the fire. 3 Itwas ‘to hear the news of his death 4 The gig was =the best I've ever been to. 5 Theman was but then was released after new evidence came to light 6 This month has been temperatures for years We haven't had such low DEVELOPING WRITING A review ~ making recommendations © Read the possible headings for a gig review. According tothe information {in the Learner tip, which two would make you want toread the whole eae ‘Triamphant eee Quest “THE NEXT BIGTHING? “There ara lots of reasons 0.90 and see Quest at Pe ores the City Hall this month, 7 Read the review quickly and choose the correct heading from Exercise 6. How often do you go along toa gig and See something new? Wel, Quest's Fiday night gg atthe City Hall certainly caught my attention. Having heard one or {wo tracts online, | was expecting group of about si musicians. Imagine my Surprise when just thre young men walked on stage It was clear that the band already have a small but loyal following. A group of fans in front of the smal stage were singing along to at leas half ofthe songs. And it was easy to see why. Quest have 2 clever combination of catchy Ics, an imesistble beat, and very much ther ov Sound. Al tree ofthe band members Play with oreat energy and expertise despite thei age. ‘The only downside was when it came tothe encores. They ended up repeating ‘some oftheir material and giving us cover versions of ealy rack classics. Abit isappintng, but give them time and tm sure theyll be writing a lat more. Im sure wel be hearing a lat more from Ques. Check them ‘ut every Friday atthe City Hall util the end ofthe month. I's well worth it 8 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two words that you don’t need. 10 downside encores irresistible singing along following pertise disappointing _ worth 1 ne of the best things about the concert was the of the conductor. twas amazing to hear the crowd {oll the bands hts, It’s well the price ofthe concert ticket. The biggest was the acoustics in the hal: It was very dificult to hear the singers, I can’t see why this pianist has such a large. ‘To me, she's very dul, After playing three. the band finally went of stage leavin crowd still wanting more. ‘Match the collocation. play develop ave puton an individual style ‘8 memorable performance {an exciting light show {an old cover version 23 two-minute standing ovation an inspiting piece of music ‘Write a review (150-190 words) of a Big / concert you have been to. Use ‘the language in this section and the following plan tohelp you: Include an interesting heading and first sentence. Where and when the concert was, and your expectations positive aspects of the concert negative aspects ofthe concert. your overal view and recommendation. FANCY A MASTERPIECE FOR JUST $40? ‘The matket for contemporary art shows no sign of falling and the opportunity to snap up an original ato bergain price {ust can't be missed. Every year London's Royal College of rt (ACA) orgonises its Secret exhibition ond sole... The College invites both established, wel-hnown artists ond ‘young art students to create an original piece of at based (on just two mes ~ the work must be done on a postcord ‘ond must be signed on the back® All the cards ore exhibited for 0 week and then sold ino one-day sole at @ price of just £40 each, Since the first exhibition, Secret has really coptured the ‘PUbIi¢'s Imagination. *.. Th list of Fomous contributors Indudes: artists Damien Hirst, Dovid Hockney and Tracey min, designers Monolo Bichnik, Poul Smith and Stella McCortney, ond musicians David Bowe and Paul Simonon from The Gosh. *... Port of the fun Is deciding which of them Is by 0 famous ortist or designer, and whichis by © hard-up ort student. Buyers could end up with a great investment or just a pretty picture by o student the public has never heard of. Fe one recent exhibition, a lucky visitor bought 0 shetch of ‘© human shull with an eye in the middle ofits forehead, ‘only to discover that it was by fashionable British etist Damien Hirst I wos loter auctioned at Sotheby's for over £615,000. nother good investment was the painting of ‘a bearded man in a canoe by British artist, Peter Doig, It ‘sold for £42,000 at the some Sotheby's auction os the Hist osteard, Secret was set up in 1994 ond wos the brainchild of an ACA student who wanted to help rose funds for fine ort students Ct the collage. Since its beginnings, aver one milion pounds has been raised for the Royal College of Ft Fine Fr Student Award Fund. *.. Professor Giyna Williams, Head of Fine Art ot the RCA sold: ‘ACA Secret Is about searing the future of the next generation of arsts and when the public ‘buy postcards ot the event the are helping to make this possible. * ~—everjene hasan equa hence of geting © ig name’ As well as roising mudrneeded funds for the students ot the College, ACR Secet has attracted loyal support from 0 group Cf ort lovers who have been visiting the show since it stated. It isnot only one of the most popular events at the ACR,’ Glossary hhard-up: sh stall: the auction: Ato th READING 1 Read the article on page 8 quickly. Who do you think wrote it? a anart student b the director ofan at college the arts correspondent ofa newspaper / magazine Seven parts ofthe article have been removed. Write the correct letter (a-g) in the gaps in the article. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. {3 The postcards can be viewed in person at the RCA or enline. inorder to keep the artists'identitya secret Its one of the mast democratic at sales in the world Most examples are much too expensive forthe average buyer ©The idea behind itis simple but ithas also developed into an important date in the British at calendar 8 The money has helped hundreds of students in the early stages oftheir career hh Now over 1,000 artists take part in the event each year. ‘Number the paragraph summaries in the same order as the article who benefits from Secret the overall role of Secret how Secret works who made a good investment from Secret who has taken part CChoose the correct words. Look back atthe article if you need to. Vinever® heard ) known of Secret until went along with a friend last year. wasn't really hoping to find / snap up a bargain, more just interested to see the art: We spent ages * viewing looking the postcards and the hall was packed ‘The exhibition has obviously taken / captured the public's imagination. In the end, bought just two cards and nether ‘of them will make anything at auction J investment. | don't really mind.| think its a great way to * rise / raise funds for young artists Vocabulary Builder Quiz 1 Download the Vocabulary Builder for Unit 1 and try the ‘quiz below. Write your answers in your notebook. Then ‘check them and record your score. 41 Replace the underlined words with an adjective from VBUnit 1 That lm was so ful othope and positive. 2 ttwasa beautiful painting in sof colours 3 dda ike the ending. What happened tothe main character was unclear 4 couldn't watch itt was ust too upsetting, 5 Thestoryis seating You won'tbe able to putt down. 6 His jokes were extremly funy. ve neve laughed so much 7 wish she would tell meal the privat details of herlif 2. Which words that are both verbs and nouns can ‘complete these sentences? 1 Moving toa foreign country can bea big I need more responsibilty this ob doesn' ‘enough. 2. Why di he........himselfas a clown? He managed to escape because he was in 3. He burned down the factory in an act of. Hes spent years trying 10... himself on his attackers 4 Winning the hand of the princess isthe heros final {fm sure the company will... him or all his work. Complete the sentences with adjectives ending inal The damage was.......,50 It was easy to repair. This film is quite... and tres new techniques. It’s all about good and bad:it has a strong, message. Having lower costs gives Us 3... advantage. We all havea... need for lave and security Hsa.......¥weakness, which will destroy him. Her writing tye is very different. She never uses ideas. ‘Write the missing word in the correct place. If 1pass the exam, it will enable to get a better job, ‘The message in the poem is open interpretation. | never tir reading this book. ‘They are bound get together in the end, | used to spend hours online, until my dad banned. ‘Do you think they will get away the robbery? His reasons for leaving struck me odd, Score_/25 ‘Wait a couple of weeks and try the quiz again. ‘Compare your scores. VOCABULARY Buildings and a Complete the descriptions with the pairs of adjectives in the box. deprived / residential rough / run-down high-rise / hideous affluent / stunning up-and-coming / trendy historic grand 1. People say t'san atea.They'e starting to open a lat mote shops, bars and stuf like that. !hopeit doesn't get too "though. as the house prices will go up. 2 Thearchitecture is amaaing. t's full of. bulldings like the fst synagogue in the area, but there are also palaces and squares, 3 It’s always been a bit with lots of litter and grat everywhere, but now it's stating to look really All the houses are ina terible state. 4 It’s always been the mast district inthe city and | could never afford to Ive there. The houses are with up to Seven bedrooms and enormous gardens. 5 About 20 years ago this pat of town was quite There were lots of empty houses and shops, and very few faclities. Now it's been transformed into a quiet area, Loads of young familes Ine there. 6 They" planning to bulid some blocks of about 25 floors on the edge ofthe old town. think mixing ola And new ike that is going to look Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1A: Wow! Look at that castle. totaly (dorminate) the whole area. What does it say about itn the guidebook? B: Apparently. (date back) to the sixteenth century and it (cenovate] several ties since then, 2. A: Why have they bought a flat down by the station? It Used to be really ough down there. always tld vistors (steer clear] oft B: Ital changed now. Thy. (knock down) the run-down old buildings about a year ago and built some trendy new flats Needless to say prices over there (soar) now, 3A: Doyou remember where | used to ive? B: Yeah it was quite trendy Lots of small shops and businesses. (base) there. And there was that ld factory on the main road ‘A: Yes! You wouldn't recognise it nowt (clean up) and it houses a big art gallery and café GRAMMAR Relative clauses ‘Ada commas where necessary. 11 Weld walked round the same streets five times at which point I decided it was time to buy a map, 2 The local people who had a fst appeared rather unfriendly couldn't do enough for us 3. Ourhotel turned out tobe in a pretty run-down part of. town which ealy spoilt the trip. 4 Most of the old town where my parents lived for many years had been knocked down and completely rebuilt. 5 We booked several day trips tothe surrounding areas all of which were really good value for money. 6 The first day of the festival when everyone dresses up in amazing costumes is the ane not to miss. ‘Match the information (A-F) in the box to sentences 1-6, rewriting it each time asa relative clause. '8 Tk was completely amazing 8 We had missed dinner by then, She had done a course in Mandarin Chinese. D His family is from South Aca, E My brotherin-lave-has-a hoat there F_ None of them were open when we actually got there. 1. Itwas very relaxing to spend afew days in Cannes, 2. The tour didnt finish until 10pm, 3 We spent a week exploring the coastine 4 We couldn't have managed in Bejing without Nicola. 5 Myold boss gave us alot of travel tip about Cape Town. {6 We spent ages planning our visit to different vineyards, DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS 5. Match the opinions and responses. 1 ve never seen such a run-down area, The architecture in the old town is amazing. The height of that tower is unbelievable. What wonderful od buildings! The people round here must be quite wealthy They've turned this into quite a trendy area, ‘Aren't those high-rise Nats awful? The design ofthe oof isa bit strange. 2 You're right. t's absolutely stunning, 'b know. They'e beautiful aren't they? Yes, it does look quite an affluent area 4. agree, it does look a bit weird Yes, it does look pretty rough, doesn't it? Ves, heard it was quite fashionable now, Bg know. It's incredible isnt it? hh Lage. They look hideous. 6 Write responses agreeing with these opinions, using asuitable synonym. ‘A: The view across the bay i lovey. Beh se bnew ‘A This looks quite a fashionable area 8 ‘I think the new architecture round here is really hideous. 8 2: Fd hate to live here I looks realy rough, 8 2: The design of the new gallery is 2 bit weld 8 & Just look at the design ofthat cathedral. ent it stunning? The condition ofthe buildings inthe old town is Incredible. A: | think this must be the most affluent part of the whole city. LISTENING 7 © 2. Youare going to hear two people planning a day's sightseeing, Listen and tick the places / events they decide tovisit, the annual parade theity Museum a tour ofthe temple ruins the street market the old town ‘ld Merchant's House {8 Number the places inthe order they are going to vist them. Listen again if you need to. PRONUNCIATION Connected speech 9 Underline the main stresses and mark the linking (final consonant + vowel sound). 1 Itstats in the town square and then goesall the way ‘through the main streets 2 The city museum has one ofthe best collections of modern land abstract at in the country 3 Its not the kind of place you can see in ust a short time. 4 Take a trip into the past and soak up the atmosphere at the street market. 5. So,¥e spend the morning atthe market and we end up at the parade 6 We need to be up there for the parade anyway. 10 © 2.2 Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. VOCABULARY festivals and carnivals READING ‘What are the people talking about? Match the statements (1-5) with the items in the list (a+). a firework display costumes parade confetti a sound system a bontive ‘band masks floats 11 "Wow! Look at how many people there are. tt stretches all the way back to the main square. And the music is billant. ave all those Caribbean rhythms. or 2 ‘Look at that one with al the flowers. That must hhave taken ages te build. And the one in the shape of the boat is beautiful. But I can't hear the ‘commentary very well It ist loud enough 3 "Trnfreeaing Let's get a bit closer tothe flames. Oh, it’s started! Arent they amazing? Like litle coloured stars hanging inthe sk! 4 There were people dressed as Romans, characters ‘from Disney, birds all sorts. didn't even recognise iy own sister Her face was completely covered with feathers? 5 ‘Look at mel 'm covered in bits of paper. And you ate too. sal in your hai ‘cross out the verb in each set that doesn't collocate. 1 setfight ! mate Ist rund / throw wood on a bonfire 2 watch / light / cancel J miss afreworks display 3 listen to / form / play / book a steel drum band 4 setup test / record /hirea sound system 5. watch / hold ook / take pat in a parade 6 com local | dressup na J design a! weor national costume 7 decorate / build / ride on / sit afloat get dressed / make / wear /hide behind a mask 9. throw / spray! ban / be showered with confetti Read the blog opposite quickly. Match the headings (3-f) to the correct sections (1-6). Learn something new Declare your home a workfree zone Keep a record Indulge yourself little Plan ahead Set start and finish dates Read the blog again. Which of these statements are true, according tothe writer. 1. The only reason for doing a staycation is lack cof money, 2 At first, the writer's children weren't keen on the idea ofa staycation 3's important to decide a fixed period for your staycation 4 Astaycation isa good time to catch up on household jobs. 5 Only ane person should plan the family activities. 6 Its good idea to explore your local area ‘on foot 7. You should be prepared to spend a bit on money on something special 8 People don't often bother to look back on their staycation experiences. ‘Add one missing word to each sentence, Look back at the ‘log if you need to. 1 Our kid aren't very demanding. They usually along with what we suggest, 2 You can't trust toluckifyou want a successful party I's In the planning 3. Ifyou want to improve your language skils staying with 2 host familys just the for you. 4 | avoid fattening foods, but | like the ice cream now and again, 5. There's ot to choose from, but have what your fancy 6 You've been very kind. 1 lke to dinner. you toa nice [eeo | HOLIDAYS FOR THE HARD-UP Short of money, time or just energy? Fed up of being ripped off at hotels, restaurants and theme parks? Tired of getting stuck in endless trafic jams Most colleges and sports centres And airport queues? Then a stycation may just be the thing for you. Adapted Wu" summer schools that ofer {rom the word vacation, a 'staycation’ is becoming the trend for families who wide range of courses, Have a go eg ara acaieh a: Sonate EE Cenbe moe tanta | at something the whole family can oor base cla rds enjoy - pottery, cookery local wildife— ouamiabe think winatever takes your fancy. ‘My family and | have been ‘stayationing’ for the last couple of years. At first my kids went wild tthe thought of net going abroad. What on earth Explore your own backyard ‘would they tell their friends or put an thei Facebook profile a the end of the summer? But then they realised they wouldn't have to put up with an exhausting journey, sharing a room with siblings, communication problems “Take the time to explore the area near where you live, Walking oF cycling is a great way to enjoy the scenery {and endless arguments over the plans for each day. Suddenly, exploring without adding to your earbon ‘the area near their own home and being able to hang out with ther friends footprint seemed like heaven. Basically, as with any family activity it al inthe planning. Don't expect to 5 | | have a successful break by Just staying at home and hoping that something ‘Add up all the money you're saving Ieresting will happen. Here are afew pointers to get you started fn travel and accommodation and treat the family to something really nice, It could be a banquetstyle takeaway, a fancy dress party, or an 1. 3. ‘evening out Schedule a beginning and ending to Have a daily activity in mind and a | make your staycation seem like a backup in case the weather changes. 6 real holiday. Otherwise, It might end Let each member ofthe family Take photos or videos, Just as you up Feeling like a series of days just choose what they would like to do ould ifou went sens fans Roe hanging around at home, for at least one afternoon .. and Yor our aliday Remember your ds make sure the others go along with will want something to show thelr 2 t friends, and you will want to keep That means no housework, no those staycation memories too, Paperwork and no homework. You Check out what's free . are on holiday, ater al Everything from bike rides in the Have a happy staycation! countryside to family fun days in the local park Pack your own picnic and Seta budget for treats lke boat trips, Cold drinks and the odd ice cream. Glossary backup: a second plan incase a situation char your own backyard: the area near where you live ‘arbon footprint: 3 measure ofthe amount of carbon dioxide produced by a person / organisation GRAMMAR 1 Language note referring to the future Remember that theres no single future tense in English We use a range of afferent forms and sometimes ‘mote than one form can be used with little Aiference in meaning. ‘cross out the one future form that is not possible. 1 It’s pouring dawn. Do you want a ft? / 1 give you a It. ¥m planning to give you if 2 What will you do / are you going todo / do you do ‘when you finish your contract? 3. When are they hoping to / going to bound to move house? 4 Wedrive/ Were driving / We're going to driveto the airport at about ten oclock tomorrow. 5 Where re we meeting /are we going to meet /do we meet ater? 6 Thestrike plans to start / Js due to start / starts on Wednesday 7. Lookat allthis traffic. We're going to / bound to hoping to miss our tain 8 Im taking / 1m going to toke /| take next week oft. Revite each sentence using the word in brackets. ‘Make any necessary changes. 1 It inevitable that you wil gt the job (bound) 2. When should your train arive? (due) 3 It probable thatthe festival will be cancelled ikely) 4 don't think thatthe weather will mprove at allthis weet, (unlikely) ‘expec the tax wl get herein about 0 minutes, (ue) iia DEVELOPING WRITING ma vay erence tac: 3. Read Martin's email to Kati. Choose the main reason for writing. 2. toask forhelp with money b toask for some travel tips tage and ask for news 4 Read the email again and underline examples ofthese aspects of informal writing. + contracted forms «short sentences + direct questions + phrasal verbs + two abbreviations + amore informal way of saying: 1 thankyou 2 fine 3 sendyoua message 4 you don't have to hurry 5 Complete the sentences with the verb phrases in the box. ‘get around drop off picking me up eat out booked up put on put usup hang out 11 Weld keto stay with a family. Do you know anyone who could 2 mariving inthe early hours of the morning, Would you mind 3, We like to get away from the tourist areas, How easy wil it be to. on public transport? 4 We don't want to organise accommodation in advance, but will, hotels be at this time of year? 5 Were hoping to try sore local specialities, so where would you recommend to ? {6 Wellbe in town for just 24 hours. Is there a safe place where wecan our bags? 7 Annie is desperate to see some flamenco, so where do they the best shows? 8 lke to sample the nightlf, so where are the best areas to me Inthe evening? 6 You are going to spend time in a place that an English-speaking friend knows well. Write an ‘email 150-190 words) to ask for some help in planning your trip. Remember touse a fairly {informal style and include some of the language from this section, How are things? | hope a the family are doing OK. | wanted! to drop you a quick ne to ask you a favour As you know, Im fishing uni at he end of this term and 'm going to do some travaing with a fond over the summer. We're planning to vist Hungary and | was wendering i could ask you for some focal nfo, We won't have a huge ammount ‘of spending money so can you recommend any bargain hotels and places to at in Budapest? ‘Aso, when would be the best te to ist in terms Cf the weather and things to do? Apart frm the capital, where would you recommend we go? A ‘fend of mine suggested Lake Balaton. Do you think its worth a vist? Any advice you can give Us ‘on transpor, sightseeing and local customs would be very welcome, Im realy looking forward tothe tp but ve got 1 get through my fra rst! Theres no rush for ‘reply as | know you're reall busy, oo. Just get back to me when you can | cheers | martin Learner tip Vocabulary Builder Quiz 2 Download the Vocabulary Builder for Unit 2 and try the quiz below. Write your answers in your notebook. Then check them and record your score. 1 Complete the sentences with a word or phrase with up or down. Alot of work is being done on this area Everyone wants to move here now and prices have ‘mglad they've ‘that awful old building. Why dont you visit can you ‘fora few days The house looks so It needs renovating Replace the underlined words and phrases with more expressive language from VB Unit 2. I briefly saw the sea between the mountains, The new design forthe town hall is very ugly. ‘She was given lots of presents when the baby was born, Some ofthe new buildings in the cty ate very attractive. The renovation project has completely changed this area, House prices went up sharply uring the housing boom. 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets. ‘The library recently applied fo planning (permit) to build a large? exten) toits branch inthe city centre. Unfortunately there was quite strong? (oppose to the * (propose), which Involved adding an® (innovate) modern wing to the old building Local residents object to any further modern * (develop) development inthis historic area ‘Correct one letter the underined words. It took us ages to elect the tent The house was very grant with ornate decoration, ‘The bombs ofthe Egyptian pharaohs attract milions of tourists. Td sneer clear of the ham sandwiches, they don't taste very fresh It's a lovely residensial area but prices are high here. Don't spit me around, | get really dizzy ‘The company has ambitious plans for expension. {'m afraid | spitt some rice, just steep it up, Score Wait a couple of weeks and try the quiz again ‘Compare your scores. VOCABULARY Useful things ‘What do these people need? 1 ‘Tye made a mistake in my homework 2 "The button’ come off my sir! 3 "Dad's cut his finger onthe bread knife’ 4 "You've dropped ie all verte floor 5 “Im teo short t reach the lightbulb 6 ‘My mobile is completely dead 7 “need to stick down this envelope 8 “You've spilt waterall over the floor” ‘Choose the correct words. ‘A: Mum, ve found the clathes pegs lips, but where's the washing-up liquid / washing powder? need to ‘wash my favourite top for tonight. 8: What? You can't do that now. You'l ust have to wear something else. ‘A: But the rest of my stuf is stil in suitcases. B: Well unpack it.The? dil / ron isin that box over there, ‘And here are the scissors / staples so you can cut the ® string rope round the box. Ce Mum, setting up my computer and stuf but my bedroom has only got one socket. Have you got an adapter /a stapler? ‘As Dad packed all the electrical stuff 30 ask him, CC: Hes putting up some pictures. |just saw him with the hammer! saw and some needles / nails. 'A: Why on earth is he doing that now? He should be looking forthe tin opener! corkscrew so we can have some lunch. : Any sign of the ighter/ torch? I want to go up the loft but theres no light in there ‘A: Do you have todo that now? 'm just warming up some soup so can you find some * buckets / bows? : was ust about to go to the DIV store down the road. need some screws / clips to repair the garden gate. ‘A: Don't bother doing that now. Lunch is ready and Im really hungry so let's sit down and eat GRAMMAR Explaining purpose using so, 3. Write new sentences with the information from, ‘box A and box | popped round to my neighbour's house, ‘im just going to-get the hammer I need a plaster. | went to the DY store. bought some fies. Im looking forthe dustpan and brush. | want to sweep up this broten glas. | want to cover this cut | needed to organise all the papers from my course | wanted to borrow her stepladder. | needed to get some paint. want to knoe in this nai 1 Lingus animate aet.the hammer: teckoeckn dita 2 3 4 5 6 4 There is one word missing in each sentence. Add the word in. the correct place. ‘This cteam Is great you need to treat a bite or sunburn. found some realy nice paint decorate the bedroom with, Wipe up that juice quickly it doesn't stan the table. Hete’s the corkscrew open the bottle with, “The plasters are in the cupboard your finger’ bleeding. Please tur of all appliances when leaving order to conserve ‘energy. Keep the ion on low you don’t burn your silk scar. Hete'sa needle and thread so you repair the hole in your top. DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS 5. Complete the conversations with the words inthe box. There is one extra word exch time, thing sort mean what_—how made & 4 you cal that thing you use for DV? 8: Can you bea bit more specific? 2s Yeah, soryit's of plastic and metal and thas a > of pointed * at the end.You use it to put screws into pieces of wood. 8: What? You". a screwdriver? mean tke use what stuff as ‘A: What's the name of that materia together? Ws abit {you use to hold pieces of zip or something. os You mean the stuff they tofasten trainers and bags? A: Yeah thas two layers that kind of lock together. B: Yeah yeah. know exactly what you but don't know what it’ calle, Soy Language note questions with what / how Remember we say What i. called? and What does. ok hike? How can be used like this: How are you? How are things? How come? © Choose the correct words. A: Ow I've Just cut my finger Ave there any plasters in the frst aid kit? B: No, sorry We need to buy some! Don't / Can't you use a bandage? ‘8: Idon't think sa, Not on my finger. 8: You just need a plece of cloth or somewhere / something to keep the dirt out. Would a tissue do / make? It wouldn't be strong “enough / too. What about a cotton pad? You could use / to use some sticky tape to hold in place Yeah, that © ought / should do. Let me help you ow! (Oh, sorry Have | made it worse? your top now. Don't worry. These things result / happen 8: You might want to soak your top in water or®/t'/ it shall leave a stain, ‘And you've got blood on LISTENING © 3.1 You are going to hear five people talking about shopping, and the difference between wants and needs. Match the speakers (1-5) to the letters (a) ‘Theres one letter that you don't need. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speakers 2 Fve given up buying luxury brands. I got into debt by having what | wanted, | thinks good for people to have what they want 4. ve stopped impulse buying. € ltr to buy only what | really need. f can never resist a bargain, PRONUNCIATION intonation and lists ‘Mark the intonation arrows on the sentences 1 They think they really must have that bigger Fuse; the latest mobilephone. a designer top,” forsome luxury food.” 2 Weall only really need somewhere to lve food and Water basic health and hygiene products, and clothes ‘or different situations 3. remember in one weekend | bought sx pats of ‘trousers eight shirts, around 20 CDs and a new mobile phone 4 Infact, just yesterday | bought a bag, a pair of sandals, 2 pair of jeans and two white shirts 5 It didnt matter ifit was in a shop window, ina ‘magazine o catalogue,on a website, or even in an auction 6 Our economy would suffer workers in the developing ‘World would ose their jobs, and lfe would be very dull © 9.2 Listen and check. Then practise saying the sentences, UNDERSTANDING VOCABULARY Word families READING 1 Complete the questions with the correct form of the words in ‘brackets. Then give true answers. ‘Complete the words in the text with the missing endings. ‘When 1s about seven, I started a collection of football programmes. This started asa harm... abby but overtime it became an obsess... 1 ad to have every programme from every Liverpool match, even some from before Iwas born. By the ‘ime | was 20, had thousands of programmes all over my parents’ house. | saw this as one of my greatest * achieves... ‘but they were annoyed by haw much space they took up.| was always full of good * intent... about orting them out but ‘never didn the end, my parents threatened me with evict. If didn't do something withthe collection. Nt wanting to be home... finally agreed that | would ’ adver... them for sale on eBay. The whole collection was bought by alocal man as a gift for someone, but I never found out who So, on one rain. afternoon in February, my programmes were sent by courier to ‘their? home. 3. Read the title and the introduction of the article ‘opposite. Choose the correct reason for writing the article, 2 totalk about the history of shopping bb tocomplain about shops on the high street € tohighlight the amount of consumer choice 4 Read al ofthe article. Are these statements true or false? 1 The range of items available in shops stops people buying things 2 The internet has made choosing products easier. 2 No part of lfe has escaped from having too much choice. 4 Professor Schwartz thinks the prices we pay for products are too hgh, 5. Having a lt of choice raises people's expectations of products 6 Scientists have shown that people fee ess stressed when given less choice 7. The article advises buying fewer products. 8 Professor Schwartz recommends researching but ‘only fora short time. 5. What do these numbers in the article refer to? 50 (line 4) 154 (line 10) thousands (line 21) 10500,000 (line 35) six (ine 47) 30 seconds (line $5) 6 Complete the text with the words in the box. They ‘were all taken from the article. choice missed out on| {got round to dissatisfied range choose between ‘overwhelming popped Last time! Into my local coffee shop, couldr't believe the ‘on offer ~ full fat, lowfat, aericano, cappuccino, decaffeinated, even something called an iced mocha latte. It took me ages to. the drinks in the lst. t was completely _ When I$ making a decision, | went for awhite coffee, which is what | always drink athiome.As | let the shop fet a bit * with my” asifia® something much better Do you remember the old days? The time when buying a pair of jeans oa mobile phone involved choosing between two or three options. Now, pop into a shop on the high stret and you'l find about 50 different styles ‘of jeans and literally hundreds of mobile phones, But is more necessarily better? We've never had so much choice. Take supermarkets, for example. A local store could offer you 38 types of milk, 107 varieties of pasta, over 170 types of salad dressing, ‘and 156 flavours of jam. The average supermarket offers ‘more than 30,000 products, with thousands more being added each year. In the words of one shopper, It's so overwhelming that it just makes you feel awful. If you carefully considered every aspect — ethics, food miles, Price, flavour and ingredients - you'd never get round to buying anything, ever, But it ist just about food, For every aspect of life, there's an incredible range of products and services ‘on offer ~ from clothes and gadgets to educational and financial services, not forgetting holidays and entertainment. ‘Access to the internet has of course widened this choice. Tt not only offers the products themselves, but detailed reviews of product ranges with comparisons of style, brice and reliability. These are intended to make our lives easier but in realty just lead to information overload. It now seems that allthis choice isnt good for us. Professor Bamry Schwartz, a psychologist from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania and the author of The Paradox OF Choice says, There is vastly too much choice in the ‘modern world and we are paying an enormous price for it, It makes us feel helpless, mentally paralysed and profoundly dissatisfied’ But shouldn't we be happy to have allthis information and choice? Why i ita problem ‘to have 275 types of breakfast cereal or 10,500,000 hits to an internet search for ‘holidays in Spain’? The bigger the range of products availabe, the less satisfied we are with our choice. We imagine that the perfect mobile or pair of jeans must exst in such a big ‘number of products and that we might have chosen the wrong thing. Or that by choosing a particular service or form of entertainment, we might have missed out on something better. Experiments seem to indicate that less choice is better. 45 A team of researchers at Stanford University in the USA Tan a test on consumers choosing jam. Those who tested {ust six jams felt happier and bought more products than Consumers who had 24 jams to taste. Another experiment showed that students who were given a smaller range of 50 essay topics produced better work ‘So what can we do? One technique is simply to choose smaller shops with fewer products. And Professor Schwartz advises, ‘Choose when to choose. ... Don't worry about what type of mobile-phone package to opt for. Pick a sofa 55 from IKEA in 30 seconds and youl feel better than if you spend hours researching sofas ~ because you won't know what else youre missing out on’ Glossary 5 this IKEA: 9 VOCABULARY How things go wrong Choose the correct words. 1 nearly completed the jigsaw and then | ealised there were afew bits mised / missing, 2 What a waste of money d only worn the trainers afew times before they started to fll apart / break through. 3. Iwouldn't use that brand again. it made / gave me spots fon the fist day tried it. 4 My hot water bottle had a break / leak and | woke up in the middle of the night covered in water! 5 sent the dress back because the sleeve was all ripped / broken andthe zip didnt work 6 My usual size didnt sult it me. t was a bit tight, sol had to try size up. 7. She was running across the high street when the heel of her shoe fell down / came of 8 When the furniture was finally delivered, one ofthe chairs was all scratched / packed. GRAMMAR Cross out one extra word in each sentence. 11 We should t try and sll some ofthe stuff we don't need on ebay. 2 You rally should've have cleared all his mess up. 4 You shouldn't nat buy things just because theyre half price 5 You rally should have been asked before borrowing iy stuf. 6 You do should try and get your camera repaired - don't just buy new one. Complete the sentences with should / shouldn't (have) and the correct form of verbs in the box. checkout sign up for ‘ill up tyon cut down on sort out 1 Wereally eating out.It costs usa fortune every month 2 complained about the order weeks ago. They it by now, 3 These boots rally ae too tight. them inthe shop. 4 You any online deals unless you read the small print 5 You always ‘second-hand cat before you buy i 6 Were about to run out of petrol. We. before we let. ‘They shouldn't be have been allowed to get away with tl DEVELOPING WRITING 4 Read the anecdote. What is the main reason for writing i? ‘a tawam people about a specific company to request a refund from customer services tatell a story bout something that went wrong Ta beenianingup for my gérfrendl’y birthday and T wanted to eat her to somthing really ‘special. Thera frieedd recommended a balloon Aaght: He'd organised one just month before which had beon a real succets. IC wounded deal oT wont for the celebration package’ widh a exible booking date, ans hour nthe balloon, champagne anda DVO of the flight: Perfect, oF so thought: Maly way delighted aud she wanted to do the fight on har actual but. Thi where the problem turtad. It cummed ‘ut that they were already fully booked. When I inaateds (hey jut sa, ‘There'y nothing we can do: We appreciate your booking No-esplanation, no apology, nothing: Werinally got flight Owe dayy later bur thang didn’ improve. We were up (nthe-aur for only 35 minutes, the champagne glasier were ‘racked andl the DVD arrived seratched. 1 promised Mdly I would get a refund andl we would go-auwey for the weekend: Three months later ye stdL waiting. The company wont reply to-my einadlyandT caw get Ovoug ‘tocustomer rerwces Without wanting to ound over the- top, 'rbeor the most sreuful hing Te ever tried to 5. Read the anecdote again. Whats the main purpose of each paragraph? 1 a toexplain who the people in the anecdote are b togive background to what was bought/ordered 2 a toexplain what went wrong bb tocritiise the company 3. a tosay what action the writer intends to take b to describe the end result © Are these statements about the anecdote true or false? The anecdote contains direct speech, Isaddressed toa specific person, includes short sentences to keep the reader Interested ses a fairly formal style describes how diferent people felt. uses full forms, rather than contractions Complete the collocations with the words in the box. keep insiston fall customer refund wrong sortout_—_waste of services / helpdesk care 2 Boing wrong / breaking down / calling the company 3 my money /the payment / €750 4a money / time / effort 5 ‘the booking / the problem / the mistake 6 the colour / size / mode! 7 speaking to the manager / getting a refund / getting a new one 8 apart /ta pieces / off 8 Write an anecdote (150-190 words) about a situation when you had to complain, Use one of these ideas or an idea of your own. A product + 8 laptop that arrived damaged * apairoftrainers that fell apart + special treat that went wrong Vocabulary Builder Quiz 3 Download the Vocabulary Builder for Unit 3 and try the quiz below. Write your answers in your notebook. Then check them ‘and record your score. Complete the sentences with words ending in ion. They gave me money as forthe problems, ‘There are many laws forthe cof consumer rights Always act with when money is involved! She fas good: but she forgets to put them into practice to the museum costs £6, (Geling is my brother’ latest He cycles every day. Choose the correct words ‘When | got back to the car It was all squashed / sratched on the side What's the best way to get a coffee stain / leak out ofa carpet? ‘ropped my ipad and there's a big crack / faut int Don't rip / rub your eyes, you'll make them sor. You can't wear those shoes, they're falling away / apart. He always thinks the worst will happen but 'm much more optimistic 1 pessimist 7. His mother from Spain, but she settled / let down here 30 years ago. 8 She's full of wel / good intentions but she never follows through. 3. Which word do you need to complete the sentences in each set? 2 Trn the... to open the door. He caf .....the bike well /V cant... arguing with her, 2 keep the........forthe new laptop. /The TV is still under 7 it comes with a one-year 3. Long hours are an occupational ‘The old wiring was afire ‘Smoking can be a health 4. Use string to.........those together. /I wear a sult and {for work. /........ your hair back before cooking, 4 Complete the text withthe correct form of the word in brackets. The numberof (evict) i rising and it's clear that people should have been more? (caution) about the property market. A few years ago,” (practice) all of my friends became “ (obsession) with owning a house, but many of them hadn't Understood the * (imply) of paying a large mortgage. They soon found that they could no longer afford all the things they were used to, and they were forced to make the * embarrass) (admit) that they had made a mistake. Score _/25 Wait a couple of weeks and try the quiz again, Compare your scores.

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