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Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929


T.L.E. 7 (Home Economics- Caregiving)
Quarter 4 Weeks 3-4 (Date:______________)

Name of Student: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Maintain Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia
I. Introductory Concept
Care in using the tools and equipment is not only done while you use them but also
aftercare activities are essential. It is important that tools, equipment, and paraphernalia are
thoroughly cleaned and stored after usage. Proper care contributes to the efficiency and
performance of caregiving tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. A schedule may be made in
performing this task to make sure that these tools, equipment, and paraphernalia will operate
efficiently, prevent future problems and will also prolong their usage.
Be sure to wear your complete PPE (apron, face mask, gloves) and follow safety
precautions while performing these tasks.

Caregiving Tools, Equipment and Cleaning and Storing


1. Clean air pot by rinsing it using small

amount of mild liquid dish detergent with
water. Gently use sponge brush to
thoroughly clean it.
2. Fill the air pot with hot water and add
small amount of white vinegar.
3. Allow the solution to stand overnight.
Gently rinse air pot with hot water with no
leftover residue.
4. Clean the spout by running small
amount of hot water and vinegar on it.

For easy cleaning of Blender

1. Unplug the blender before cleaning it,
remove the body or jar from the motor
base. 2. Clean the body or jar using
sponge with mild liquid dishwashing soap
and warm water. Rinse it thoroughly, and
then dry.
3. Wipe motor base with a dry soft cloth.
Be sure to unplug the blender before
wiping it. 4. Reassemble the body parts
and store it in a reachable place when often
used. Tip: For blender with unpleasant
odor, dissolve 1-part baking soda to 1-part
water. Put the solution inside the blender
for 10 minutes. Rinse well.
1. Disassemble all removable parts of the
Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929

coffee maker following manufacturer’s

2. Wash these parts by hand using mild
liquid dish soap and water.
3. Rinse the parts carefully before putting
the parts of the coffee maker together.
4. Turn on the coffee maker using water to
reach a brewing cycle to eliminate soap and
Cleaning the Coffee Maker using
Baking Soda to eliminate its
unpleasant odor
1. Dissolve one fourth cup baking soda in
1 cup of Water
2. Turn on the coffee maker using water to
reach a brewing cycle using this solution.
3. Rinse coffee maker thoroughly using
1.Disassemble the removable parts with
care following manufacturer’s instructions
as guide.
2. Wash the blade using mild dishwashing
soap and dry
3. Wash the removable parts. Dry
4.Wipe base/motor using clean, soft cloth
Assemble the parts of food processor.
Tips: To remove unpleasant odor.
Dissolve ½ cup baking soda in ½ cup
water. Allow the solution to stand in the
bowl of the processor for 10 minutes, then
rinse with water thoroughly.

1. Clean food tongs using dishwashing

after use, sing a sponge, or steel wool.
2. Wipe it dries with a clean cloth.
3. Store it properly in a kitchen cabinet.

1. Unplug the microwave oven. Use a

sponge soaked in dishwashing liquid
mixed with warm water to clean it. 2.
Gently remove the turntable. Clean it using
a sponge. Rinse and allow to dry.
3. Use soft dry cloth or rag to gently
remove crumbs inside of the microwave
4. Use a soapy sponge to gently scrub
inside surfaces starting from the top, sides,
Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929

bottom part, and door of the oven.

5. Wipe all the surfaces using a damp paper
towel or soft dry rag or to remove the suds.
Wipe until all surfaces are dry.
6. Put the turntable back in an oven
Note: For a smelly microwave, you can use
vinegar or lemon instead of dishwashing
1. Put the ironing board to a stand and use
a clean dry cloth to remove the dust on the
2. Remove the ironing board cover and
wash it separately.
3. There are ironing boards with attached
cover. Read the manufacturer’s instructions
before cleaning it.
4. Detach the pad from the ironing board
carefully without damaging it. Remove the
dust on the ironing board using a dry cloth.
Wipe the ironing board using a dry cloth.
Wipe the legs, part under the board and all
5. Place the ironing board in a clean
designated/ chosen place.
1. Unplug the iron. Allow to cool before
cleaning it.
2. Pour two to three drops of liquid
detergent in 1tbsp water.
3. Soak a soft cloth, rag or paper towel in
the solution and wipe the residue on the
iron’s soleplate.
4. Wipe gently using soft cloth to dry.
How to clean the iron’s soleplate using
baking soda
1. Dissolve 2 Tablespoons baking soda into
1tablespoon water to make a cleaning
paste. 2. Soak a clean, soft, white cloth or
rag into the paste and scrub the soleplate
3. Dip the cloth in a small amount of
water and rinse the soleplate.
4. Store in a clean and reachable place free
from dirt and dust.
To take care of your Iron - Don't use any
abrasive cleaners and hard objects in
removing the residue on soleplate coating. -
Do not iron plastic or metal zippers, snaps,
hooks, rubber design or silk screen printing
Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929

to avoid hardened materials to stick on

1.Fill the tub with hot water.
2. Add two cups of vinegar. Run the
machine for a few minutes to mix the
vinegar in the water.
3. Add ½ cup of baking soda. Run the
machine again for a few minutes so the
baking soda will dissolve properly together
with water and vinegar. Allow the
dissolved mixture to stay for 30 minutes to
1 hour.
4. Start the wash cycle and let it run to
complete the cycle.
5. Scrub the inside and outside surfaces
using a sponge. Rinse using a water. Run
washing machine for a few minutes. Drain
the water.
6. Wipe again using clean, dry cloth to dry
the surfaces. Baking soda eliminates the
odor while vinegar acts as cleaning agent.
1. Put 1 cup of white vinegar into the
2. Run the sterilizer to complete the cycle.
Unplug and allow it to cool down and
drain. 3. Clean using a sponge to remove
any dirt.
4. Put enough water (same amount when
sterilizing) into the sterilizer and turn on
the sterilizer to complete the cycle again.
5. Unplug the sterilizer. Allow it to cool.
Rinse the sterilizer using tap water and a
sponge. Place the racks inside the sterilizer.
6. Store the sterilizer in a clean kitchen

1. Use several drops of mild liquid

detergent into a sponge.
2. Scrub the cuff, tubing and bulb carefully
using a sponge.
3. Rinse the cuff and tubing with warm
4. Spray the entire cuff with alcohol.
5. Dry cuff and tubing 6. Place the
instrument in its case after cleaning.

1. Soak a cotton ball in a rubbing alcohol

and damp it on the entire thermometer.
2. Air-dry the alcohol on the thermometer
to disinfect it.
Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929

3. Allow the thermometer to dry

completely before using or storing.

II. Learning Skills from the MELC’s

LO1. Perform aftercare activities for tools, equipment and paraphernalia
 Tools, equipment, and paraphernalia are cleaned after use according to standard
operating procedures and in accordance with relevant safety procedures.
 Tools, equipment, and paraphernalia are placed / stored in the appropriate area
following safety procedures.
 Tools, equipment, and paraphernalia are checked regularly for orderliness/tidiness in
accordance with employer’s requirements.
 Routine maintenance is carried out or arranged as per standard operating procedures.

III. Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Arrange the following steps in cleaning and storing caregiving tools and equipment
accordingly. Write A if it is the first step, B for the second step and so on.

I. Cleaning and storing Blender (A-E)

_____1. Clean the body or jar using sponge with mild liquid dishwashing soap and
warm water. Rinse it then dry.
_____2. Reassemble the body parts, and store it in a reachable place.
_____3. Wipe motor base with a dry soft cloth.
_____4. Remove the body or jar from the motor base.
_____5. Unplug the blender.
II. Cleaning and Storing Flat Iron (A-E)
_____1. Dip the cloth in a small amount of water and rinse the soleplate. Wipe gently
using soft cloth to dry
_____2. Unplug the iron and allow it to cool before cleaning it.
_____3. Store in a clean and reachable place free from dirt and Dust.
_____4. Dissolve 2 Tablespoons baking soda into 1tablespoon Water to make a cleaning
_____5. Soak a clean, soft, white cloth or rag into the paste and scrub the soleplate gently
to remove the dirt.

Activity 2
Directions: Read and analyze the following situation. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Irene is tasked to perform aftercare to her family’s ironing board. How will she clean and store
the ironing board?
Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929

A. _______________________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________________
D. _______________________________________________________
E. _______________________________________________________

2. Daniel notices that the food processor is still smelly even after cleaning it. What tip/s can you
can give to Daniel to remove the smell of the food processor?
3. After using the thermometer, Joy wants to make sure that it will be cleaned and safe to use it to
her other patient. What are the steps to clean the thermometer?
A. _______________________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________________

Activity 3
Directions: Collaborate with your parents or older sibling. Make an informative vlog on how to
clean and store at least one caregiving tools, equipment and paraphernalia that are available
at home. Follow the guidelines below in making the video. Enjoy!

• Duration: 5-10 minutes.
• Language: Filipino/English
• You can choose only 1 tool, equipment, and paraphernalia that is available at home.
• You can use background music or sound effects but make sure it will not affect the clarity of
your voice.
• Foul/inappropriate languages is strictly prohibited.

IV. Rubrics for Scoring for Activity 3

Procedure 10 points
Video Quality 5 points
Safety Precautions 3 points
Time Management 2 points
TOTAL 20 points

V. Answer Key
Activity 1 Activity 2
I. Cleaning and storing Blender ( Answers may vary )
1. C
2. E.
Salvacion, Palanas, Masbate
School ID: 309929

3. D
4. B
5. A
II. Cleaning and Storing Flat Iron
1. D
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. C

VI. References
A. Printed Materials

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module-


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