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Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown

The world of education and learning is moving towards online training. The benefits are

undeniable: reduced cost, great flexibility for the student and the ability to train thousands of

people all over the globe at the same time. However, e-learning is not without its faults. Online

class comes with its own particular characteristics, which can limit the success of the classes. E-

learning should not be seen as a panacea.

As a student, we encounter difficulties in an understanding lesson that was being discussed by

our prospective teachers because we can't deny that online classes can be quite boring. Although online

classes are meant to provide a solution to the boredom of classroom-based learning, this is not always

the case. Many e-learning classes consist of never-ending texts followed by a long list of multiple-choice

questions that fail to engage students. This happens because some teachers only focus on a few

students and forget to call each name of the students to ensure that they are wide awake and listening

attentively. To prevent us, students, from getting bored or out of focus, we hope that the teachers will

find a way to make our classes dynamic, fun, and interactive. Teachers can also promote competition to

hyped the mood, these will enhance students engagement and participants are not only more likely to

listen and cooperate but, above all, to learn more and better. `

Unfortunately, experts say, technical issues are bound to happen in an online-only environment.

Teachers and students both encounter technical difficulties. While it may sound obvious, technical

problems are one of the main stumbling blocks of online classes. Very often, there are compatibility

issues that adds to their frustration and reduces the learning experience is disrupted and will probably

lose their motivation in attending classes. Especially when the teacher is discussing and the student
experiences a buffer due to the connection she/he cannot deeply understand the lesson being discussed

because some words are buffered and can't hear it clearly. We know that we can't do much about it but

I hope the teachers understand our situation as we understand theirs. The most important step is to

stay in touch with professors and inform them about what's happening, experts say. They will hopefully

understand and be flexible about the situation, perhaps even recording class sessions as a backup. If

online classes have more options like an email address or forum for sorting out technical glitches, you

can be certain that technology won’t be a problem and won’t get in the way of the learning process.

There will be technology issues, and I think it's important that every student understands they're not

alone in that, to allow themselves the patience to work through the problem.

While studying from home or wherever students may be, there be more distractions that usual,

especially with family and possibly younger siblings around. As a result of these distractions and possibly

having additional responsibilities – time management becomes more challenging. We student must

think about building a schedule and figuring out properly our schedules. We should also try to identify a

quiet time, place in our houses and inform the people who are with us to be quite during the specific

time of our classes. Online learners use their computers and the Internet to participate in online

learning, they may be tempted with distractions. A student working on a challenging assignment may

find herself surfing the Web, checking social networking sites or catching the latest viral video online.

One way students can combat these distractions and more effectively manage their time is to set aside

breaks in between periods of work.

Online Learning has its both pros and cons that we can’t deny. Teachers and students must

understand each other during this time of catastrophe. We must cope with this new environment of

ours and try our best to learn despite of many barriers that we encounter.

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