Case Digest in Consti

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MANILA PRINCE HOTEL VS GSIS government assumption of power by stating that the "new

government was installed through a direct exercise of the

power of the Filipino people assisted by units of the New
Armed Forces of the Philippines."
The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) decided
to sell through public bidding 30% to 51% of the issued and
ISSUE: Whether or not the government of Corazon Aquino is
outstanding shares of the Manila Hotel (MHC). In a close
bidding, two bidders participated: Manila Prince Hotel
Corporation (MPHC), a Filipino corporation, which offered to
buy 51% of the MHC at P41.58 per share, and Renong
Berhad, a Malaysian firm, with ITT-Sheraton as its hotel
Yes. The legitimacy of the Aquino government is not a
operator, which bid for the same number of shares at P44.00
justiciable matter but belongs to the realm of politics where
per share, or P2.42 more than the bid of petitioner. Pending
only the people are the judge. The people have accepted the
the declaration of Renong Berhard as the winning bidder and
Aquino government which is in effective control of the entire
the execution of the contracts, the MPHC matched the bid
country; It is not merely a de facto government but in fact and
price in a letter to GSIS. MPHC sent a manager’s check to
law a de jure government; and The community of nations has
the GSIS in a subsequent letter, which GSIS refused to
recognized the legitimacy of the new government.
accept. On 17 October 1995, perhaps apprehensive that
GSIS has disregarded the tender of the matching bid, MPHC
came to the Court on prohibition and mandamus.
The petitioner invokes the constitutionally protected right to
Petitioner invokes Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII, of the 1987
life and liberty guaranteed by the due process clause,
Constitution and submits that the Manila Hotel has been
alleging that no prima facie case has been established to
identified with the Filipino nation and has practically become
warrant the filing of an information for subversion against
a historical monument which reflects the vibrancy of
him. Petitioner asks the Court to prohibit and prevent the
Philippine heritage and culture. Respondents assert that it is
respondents from using the iron arm of the law to harass,
merely a statement of principle and policy since it is not a
oppress, and persecute him, a member of the democratic
self-executing provision and requires implementing
opposition in the Philippines. The counsel for Salonga was
furnished a copy of an amended complaint signed by Gen.
Prospero Olivas, dated 12 March1981, charging Salonga,
ISSUE: Whether the provisions of the Constitution,
along with 39 other accused with the violation of RA 1700,
particularly Article XII Section 10, are self-executing.
his counsel filed a motion to dismiss the charges for failure of
the prosecution to establish a prima facie case against him,
to which denied. It is the contention of Salonga that no prima
Yes. Sec 10, Art. XII of the 1987 Constitution is a self-
facie case has been established by the prosecution to justify
executing provision. It is complete in itself and becomes
the filing of an information against him. He states that to
operative without the aid of supplementary or enabling
sanction his further prosecution despite the lack of evidence
legislation, or that which supplies sufficient rule by means of
against him would be to admit that no rule of law exists in the
which the right it grants may be enjoyed or protected, is self-
Philippines today
executing. Hence, unless it is expressly provided that a
legislative act is necessary to enforce a constitutional
ISSUE: Whether the above case still falls under an actual
mandate, the presumption now is that all provisions of the
constitution are self-executing
No. The Court had already deliberated on this case, a
consensus on the Court’s judgment had been arrived at, and
On February 25, 1986, President Corazon Aquino issued
a draft ponencia
Proclamation No. 1 announcing that she and Vice President
was circulating for concurrences and separate opinions, if
Laurel were taking power. On March 25, 1986, proclamation
any, when The court is constrained by this action of the
No.3 was issued providing the basis of the Aquino
prosecution and the respondent Judge to withdraw the draft
ponencia from circulating for concurrences and signatures received a new ad interim appointment as judge of first
and to place it once again in the Court’s crowded agenda for instance with authority to preside over the CFI of Manila and
further deliberations. insofar as the absence of a prima facie Palawan. After taking his new oath, Zandueta performed
case to warrant the filing of subversion charges is concerned, several acts pertaining to the office. Meanwhile, the CA
this decision has been rendered moot and academic by the disapproved his ad interim appointment. The President then
action of the prosecution appointed respondent De la Costa as judge of first instance
with authority to preside over the 5th Branch of the CFI of
TIJAM VS SIBONGHANOY Manila and Palawan, and his appointment was approved by
FACTS: CA. Zandueta now prays to declare De la Costa to be
The action at bar, which is a suit for collection of a sum of illegally occupying the office of judge of the 5th Branch of the
money in the sum of exactly P 1,908.00, exclusive of CFI of Manila, and himself to be entitled to continue
interest filed by Serafin Tijam and Felicitas Tagalog against occupying said office.
Spouses Magdaleno Sibonghanoy and Lucia Baguio, was
originally instituted in the Court of First Instance of Cebu on ISSUES: WON Zandueta entitled to repossess the office
July 19, 1948. A month prior to the filing of the complaint, occupied by him under his former appointment
the Judiciary Act of 1948 (R.A. 296) took effect depriving the
Court of First Instance of original jurisdiction over cases in HELD
which the demand, exclusive of interest, is not more than P No. There is incompatibility between his former and latter
2,000.00. The case has already been pending now for appointments; consequently, he is deemed to have
almost 15 years, and throughout the entire proceeding the abandoned the office he was occupying by virtue of his
appellant never raised the question of jurisdiction until the former appointment. The territory over which Zandueta could
receipt of the Court of Appeals' adverse decision. exercise and did exercise jurisdiction by virtue of his latter
Considering that the Supreme Court has the exclusive appointment is wider than that over which he could exercise
appellate jurisdiction over all cases in which jurisdiction of and did exercise jurisdiction by virtue of his former
any inferior court is in issue, the Court of Appeals certified appointment. Hence, there is incompatibility between the two
the case to the Supreme Court along with the records of the appointments. In accepting the latter appointment and
case. qualifying for the exercise of the functions of the office
conferred by it, by taking the necessary oath, and in
ISSUE: Whether or not the appellant's motion to dismiss on discharging the same, disposing of both judicial and
the ground of lack of jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance administrative cases corresponding to the CFI of Manila and
during the pendency of the appeal will prosper due to laches of Palawan, Zandueta abandoned* his former appointment,
and ceased in the exercise of the functions of the office
HELD: occupied by him by virtue thereof.
party may be estopped or barred from raising a question in
different ways and for different reasons. Thus, we speak of YNOT VS INTERMIDIATE APPELEATE COURT
estoppel in pais, or estoppel by deed or by record, and of FACTS:
estoppel by laches. The doctrine of laches or of "stale Then Pres. Marcos issued EO 626-A to strengthen EO 626,
demands" is based upon grounds of public policy which which prohibits the interprovincial movement of carabaos.
requires, for the peace of society, the discouragement of Ynot transported 6 carabaos in a pump boat from Masbate to
stale claims and, unlike the statute of limitations, is not a Iloilo when they were confiscated by the police station
mere question of time but is principally a question of the commander of Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo. Ynot sued for recovery,
inequity or unfairness of permitting a right or claim to be and the Iloilo’s RTC issued a writ of replevin. After
enforced or asserted. considering the merits of the case, the court sustained the
confiscation. The court also declined to rule on the
ZANDUETA VS DE LA COSTA CASE DIGEST constitutionality of the executive order, as raise by the
FACTS: petitioner, for 1) lack of authority and 2) EO’s presumed
Petitioner Zandueta was discharging the office of judge of validity. (Later affirmed by IAC)
first instance, and was presiding over the 5th Branch of the
CFI of Manila. When the judiciary was reorganized pursuant ISSUES: Whether EO 626-A is constitutional
to CA No. 145 (the Judicial Reorganization Act), Zandueta HELD
EO 626-A did not pass the sufficient standard test, In the the provisions of the Law of Waters and of the Civil Code in
instant case, the carabaos were arbitrarily confiscated by the force. he question involved here is not the actual
police station commander, were returned to the petitioner establishment of an easement which might be objected to by
only after he had filed a complaint for recovery and given a an action in court, but a mere act of obstruction, a refusal
supersedeas bond of P12,000.00, which was ordered which is beyond the powers of the city of Manila, because it
confiscated upon his failure to produce the carabaos when is not simply a measure in connection with building
ordered by the trial court. The measure struck at once and regulations, but is an attempt to suppress, without due
pounced upon the petitioner without giving him a chance to process of law, real rights which are attached to the right of
be heard, thus denying him the centuries-old guaranty of ownership.
elementary fair play. Also, The reasonable connection
between the means employed and the purpose sought to be PEOPLE VS FAJARDO
achieved by the questioned measure is missing. FACTS:
Fajardo and Babilonia (son-in law) are charged with violation
AYALA VS DE ROXAS of Ordinance 7 Series of 1950 of the Municipality of Baao,
FACTS: Camarines Sur which penalizes a person who constructs a
Petitioner applied to the defendant city engineer for a license building without permit from the mayor. After his incumbency,
to construct a terrace over “the strip of land 3 meters in width Fajardo applied for a permit to build a building beside the
between the main wall of her house and the edge of the said gasoline station near the town plaza. His request was
canal of Sibacon or San Jacinto, which strip of land belongs repeatedly denied due to the reason that it “hinders the view
exclusively to her”; but the defendant refused to grant the of travelers from the National Highway to the public plaza”.
license or authorize the plaintiff to build the terrace, because, Appellants proceeded with the construction of the building
as the plaintiff has been informed, the sole reason wherefore without a permit, because they needed a place of residence
the license was denied is because “the said defendants very badly, their former house having been destroyed by a
pretend to compel the plaintiff to leave vacant and without typhoon and hitherto they had been living on leased property.
any construction whatever thereon the said strip of 3 meters
in width which is a portion of the ground belonging to her, in ISSUE: WON Ordinance No. 7 is a valid exercise police
order to use the same as the wharf or public way so that the power in its regulation of property.
plaintiff will only be able to use the said strip in the same HELD
manner and for the same purposes as the public in general, NO. The ordinance doesn’t state any standard that limits the
thus losing the enjoyment, use, and exclusive possession of grant of power to the mayor. It is an arbitrary and unlimited
the said strip of the property which the plaintiff and the former conferment. The subject ordinance fails to state any policy, or
owners thereof have enjoyed quietly and peacefully during to set up any standard to guide or limit the mayor’s action.
more than seventy years. Additionally, it was agreed The standards of the ordinance are entirely lacking making it
between both parties that the strip above referred to had not unreasonable and oppressive, hence, not a valid ordinance.
been expropriated in whole or in part by the municipality of While property may be regulated to the interest of the general
Manila, and that neither had the latter offered any welfare, and the state may eliminate structures offensive to
compensation for the same to the owner thereof. the sight, the state may not permanently divest owners of the
beneficial use of their property and practically confiscate
ISSUE: Whether the non-issuance of a license to the them solely to preserve or assure the aesthetic appearance
petitioners is tantamount to a taking that requires just of the community.
YES, What the defendants have therefore done is to prevent National Power Corporation a GOCC vested with Eminent
the plaintiffs from continuing to enjoy, use, and freely dispose Domain power-initiated negotiations for right of easement to
of such strip of their ground, as they had been doing up to construct transmission lines to several lots. The
the time when they applied for a license to construct a commissioners appointed recommended P1.00/sqm
terrace over said strip, and the defendants prevented it with easement fee for Gutierrez lot. This was countered by
the intention of establishing a public easement provided for in Gutierrez with P10.00/sqm as disturbance compensation.
an ordinance of their own which they consider is pursuant to Court countered with P5.00/sqm. The lower court granted
P10.00/sqm but this was appealed and was reduced to including government-owned and controlled corporations,
P5.00/sqm. Still not satisfied NPC appealed to CA. CA Section 193 of the LGC prescribes the general rule, viz., they
sustained the decision of the lower court. NPC contend that are withdrawn upon the effectivity of LGC, except upon the
full ownership is retained by the private respondents and they effectivity of the LGC, except those granted to local water
are not totally deprived of the use of the land. They can districts, cooperatives duly registered under RA No. 6938,
continue planting the same agricultural crops, except those non stock and non-profit hospitals and educational
that would result in contact with the wires. On this premise, institutions, and unless otherwise provided in the LGC. the
petitioner submits that if full market value is required, then full petitioner can no longer invoke the general rule in Section
transfer of ownership is only the logical equivalent. 133.

ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner should be made to pay ERMITA MALATE HOTEL OPERATORS VS CITY OF MNL
simple easement fee or full compensation for the land FACTS:  
traversed by its transmission lines. On June 13, 1963, the Municipal Board of Manila passed
Ordinance No. 4760 with the following provisions questioned
HELD: for its violation of due process refraining from entertaining or
While it is true that plaintiff are only after a right-of-way accepting any guest or customer unless it fills out a
easement, it nevertheless perpetually deprives defendants of prescribed form in the lobby in open view; prohibiting
their proprietary rights as manifested by the imposition by the admission o less than 18 years old; usurious increase of
plaintiff upon defendants that below said transmission lines. license fee to P4,500 and 6,000 o 150% and 200%
In the case at bar, the easement of right-of-way is definitely a respectively (tax issue also); making unlawful lease or rent
taking under the power of eminent domain. Considering the more than twice every 24 hours; and cancellation of license
nature and effect of the installation of the 230 KV Mexico- for subsequent violation. The lower court issued preliminary
Limay transmission lines, the limitation imposed by NPC injunction and petitioners raised the case to SC on certiorari.
against the use of the land for an indefinite period deprives
private respondents of its ordinary use. ISSUES: WON The ordinance compliant is with the due
process requirement of the constitution
FACTS: Ordinance is a valid exercise of police power to minimize
Petitioner Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority certain practices hurtful to public morals. There is no violation
(MCIAA) was created by virtue of Republic Act No. 6958 and of constitutional due process for being reasonable and the
since the time of its creation, the petitioner enjoyed the ordinance is enjoying the presumption of constitutionality
privilege of exemption from payment of realty taxes in absent any irregularity on its face. As such a limitation cannot
accordance with Section 14 of its Charter. However, on be viewed as a transgression against the command of due
October 11, 1994, Mr. Eustaquio B. Cesa, the Officer-in- process. It is neither unreasonable nor arbitrary. Precisely it
Charge of the Office of the Treasurer of the City of Cebu, was intended to curb the opportunity for the immoral or
demanded payment for realty taxes on several parcels of illegitimate use to which such premises could be, and,
land that is owned by the Petitioner. Petitioner objected to according to the explanatory note, are being devoted.
Cesa's demand, claiming that such demand is baseless and Taxation may be made to implement a police power and the
unjustified since Section 14 of RA 6958 exempts the amount, object, and instance of taxation is dependent upon
petitioner from payment of realty taxes. Petitioner also the local legislative body. Judgment of lower court reversed
asserted that it is an instrumentality of the government and injunction lifted.
performing governmental functions, citing Section 133 of the
Local Government Code of 1991. GALMAN VS SANDIGANBAYAN
ISSUE: Whether or not MCIAA is exempted from paying its An investigating committee was created to determine the
realty taxes? facts on the case involving the assassination of Ninoy
Aquino. It appears that majority and minority reports showed
HELD: that they are unconvinced on the participation of Galman as
NO, The SC held that, tax exemptions or incentives granted the assassin of late Sen. Aquino and branded him instead as
to or presently enjoyed by natural or juridical persons, the fall guy as opposed to the military reports. Majority
reports recommended the 26 military respondents as ISSUE: Does membership in Congress exempt an accused
indictable for the premeditated killing of Aquino and Galman from statutes and rules which apply to validly incarcerated
which the Sandiganbayan did not give due consideration. persons in general.
The office of the Tanod Bayan was originally preparing a HELD
resolution charging the 26 military accused as principal to the NO, The immunity from arrest or detention of Senators and
crime against Aquino but was recalled upon the intervention members of the House of Representatives arises from a
of President Marcos who insist on the innocence of the provision of the Constitution. The privilege has always been
accused. Marcos however recommended the filing of murder granted in a restrictive sense. The provision granting an
charge and to implement the acquittal as planned so that exemption as a special privilege cannot be extended beyond
double jeopardy may be invoked later on. The petitioners the ordinary meaning of its terms. It may not be extended by
filed an action for miscarriage of justice against the intendment, implication or equitable considerations. The
Sandiganbayan and gross violation of constitutional rights of accused-appellant has not given any reason why he should
the petitioners for failure to exert genuine efforts in allowing be exempted from the operation of Sec. 11, Art. VI of the
the prosecution to present vital documentary evidence and Constitution. Such an aberrant situation not only elevates
prayed for nullifying the bias proceedings before the accused-appellant’s status to that of a special class, it also
Sandiganbayan and ordering a re-trial before an impartial would be a mockery of the purposes of the correction
tribunal system.

ISSUES: Whether or not there was due process in the INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF EDUC. VS QUISUMBING
acquittal of the accused from the charges against them. FACTS:
HELD International School Alliance of Educators (the School) hires
The Supreme Court held that the prosecution was deprived both foreign and local teachers as members of its faculty,
of due process and fair opportunity to prosecute and prove classifying the same into two: (1) foreign-hires and (2) local-
their case which grossly violates the due process clause. The hires.In which, the School grants foreign-hires certain
court further contends that the previous trial was a mock trial benefits not accorded local-hires including housing,
where the authoritarian President ordered the transportation, shipping costs, taxes, home leave travel
Sandiganbayan and Tanod Bayan to rig and closely monitor allowance and a salary rate 25% more than local hires
the trial which was undertaken with due pressure to the based on “significant economic disadvantages” The labor
judiciary. The court’s decision of acquittal is one void of union and the collective bargaining representative of all
jurisdiction owing to its failure in observing due process faculty members of the School, contested the difference in
during the trial therefore the judgment was also deemed void salary rates between foreign and local-hires.The Union
and double jeopardy cannot be invoked. More so the trial claims that the point-of-hire classification employed by the
was one vitiated with lack of due process on the account of School is discriminatory to Filipinos and that the grant of
collusion between the lower court and Sandiganbayan for the higher salaries to foreign-hires constitutes racial
rendition of a pre-determined verdict of the accused. discrimination.

PEOPLE VS JALOSJOS ISSUES: Whether or not the Union can invoke the equal
FACTS: protection clause to justify its claim of parity.
he accused-appellant, Romeo Jalosjos, is a full-fledged HELD:
member of Congress who is confined at the national Yes. The Labor Code’s and the Constitution’s provisions
penitentiary while his conviction for statutory rape and acts of impregnably institutionalize in this jurisdiction the long
lasciviousness is pending appeal. The accused-appellant honored legal truism of "equal pay for equal work." Persons
filed a motion asking that he be allowed to fully discharge the who work with substantially equal qualifications, skill, effort
duties of a Congressman, including attendance at legislative and responsibility, under similar conditions, should be paid
sessions and committee meetings despite his having been similar salaries. the Court finds the point-of-hire classification
convicted in the first instance of a non-bailable offense on the employed by respondent School to justify the distinction in
basis of popular sovereignty and the need for his constituents the salary rates of foreign-hires and local hires to be an
to be represented. invalid classification. There is no reasonable distinction
between the services rendered by foreign-hires and local-
lease, distribution or possession for purposes of sale, lease
ALLADO VS DIOKNO CASE DIGEST distribution, circulation or public exhibition of pirated video
FACTS: tapes.”
Petitioners, Diosdado Jose Allado and Roberto L. Mendoza,
were both implicated as the masterminds of the kidnapping ISSUE: Did the respondent judge act with grave abuse of
and murder of Eugen Alexander Van Twist. discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction in ordering the
An information for the said crime was filed against the immediate return of some of the items seized by virtue of the
petitioners primarily on the strength of a sworn statement by search warrant
Escolastico Umbal, who admitted that he was among those
who kidnapped and killed the victim upon the orders of the HELD:
petitioners. Thereafter, respondent judge, Roberto C. Diokno, NO, the respondent judge DID NOT act with grave abuse of
ordered the arrest of the petitioners and no bail was discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction in ordering the
recommended. Petitioners, contending that their arrests was immediate return of some of the items seized by virtue of the
effected whimsically as there is no probable cause, search warrant. Search Warrant No. 45 fails to satisfy the
questioned their arrests test of legality. This is more so because the Court has
previously decided a case dealing with virtually the same
ISSUES: Whether or not probable cause is present to kind of search warrant. GT Video Network, Inc. is a
warrant the order of arrest against the petitioners. registered and duly licensed distributor and in certain
HELD: instances and under special instructions . . . reproducer of
No, probable cause do not exist to merit the order of arrest videograms, and as such, it has the right to keep in its
against the petitioners. Based on the evidence thus far possession, maintain and operate reproduction equipment(s)
submitted there is nothing indeed, much less is there and paraphernalia(s).”
probable cause, to incriminate petitioners. For them to stand
trial and be deprived in the meantime of their liberty, however PEOPLE VS RUBIO
brief, the law appropriately exacts much more to sustain a FACTS
warrant for their arrest — facts and circumstances strong The administrative Code, section 1434, grants police power
enough in themselves to support the belief that they are to internal revenue agents acting pursuant to this authority,
guilty of a crime that in fact happened. Quite obviously, this the chief secret service agent and a supervising agent of the
has not been met. bureau of Internal revenue gave testimony under oath before
Judge revilla, in which they specified the premises situated at
COLUMBIA PICTURES VS JUDGE FLORES Calle Juan Luna, District of binondo, City of Manila, occupied
FACTS: by Jose rubio, manager of the Simple Trading Corporation,
As a consequence of a complaint filed by the Motion Picture which it was desired to search upon probable cause thus
Association of America, Inc., NBI agents conducted being shown, a search warrant was issued . On the same
surveillance operations on certain video establishments, day, internal revenue agents proceeded to the place
among them respondent FGT Video Network, Inc. (FGT), for indicated in the warrant, searched the premises, and took
“unauthorized sale, rental, reproduction and/or disposition of there from books, invoices, and documents belonging to the
copyrighted film," a violation of PD 49 (the old Intellectual Simplex Trading Corporation of which Jose Rubio was the
Property Law). In the course of the implementation of the manager. Thereafter, as indicated, a motion was presented
search warrant in the premises of FGT, the NBI agents found on behalf of Rubio to secure a pronouncement of nullity of
and seized various video tapes of copyrighted films owned the search warrant, which motion, after receiving memoranda
and exclusively distributed by petitioners as well as other in support and in opposition but without taking evidence, was
appliances and machines. FGT moved for the release of the denied.
seized television sets, video cassette recorders, rewinders,
tape head cleaners, accessories, equipment and other ISSUE: WON the searched warrant was illegal and void for
machines or paraphernalia seized by virtue of the subject failure to particularly describe the things to be seized
warrant. It argued that as a licensed video reproducer, it had
the right possess the seized reproduction equipment, which HELD:
are not illegal per se, but are rather exclusively used and NO, while the place to be searches and the property to be
intended to be used for reproduction and not in the “sale, seized under a search warrant must be particularly described
in the warrant, yet the description is required to be specific FACTS:
only in so far as conditions will ordinarily allow. By the nature Leila Johnson was arrested at the airport after she was found
of the goods to be seized, their description must be rather to have in her possession more than 500 grams of shabu
general, it is not required that a technical description be when she was initially frisked by a security personnel at a
given, as this would mean that no Warrant could issue. gate in the airport. The security personnel felt something
hard in respondent’s abdominal area and when asked she
PEOPLE VS SUSAN CANTON said that she had to wear 2 girdles because of an operation.
FACTS: Unconvinced, the security personnel went to her supervisor.
That on February 12, 1998 at the Ninoy Aquino International Subsequently, after a thorough search on respondent,
Airport, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the packets of shabu were seized from her. Accused
above-named accused did then and there willfully, unlawfully (respondent) was subsequently convicted and sentenced to
and feloniously has in her possession NINE HUNDRED reclusion perpetua.
NINETY-EIGHT POINT TWO EIGHT HUNDRED ZERO In the present appeal, respondent contended that the search
NINE (998.2809) GRAMS of methamphetamine made upon her was not valid and that her constitutional
hydrochloride, a regulated drug, without the corresponding rights were infringed when such search was conducted.
prescription or license.
Unsatisfied with the decision of the trial court, SUSAN HELD:
imputing to the trial court the following errors: (1) in justifying The constitutional right of the accused was not violated as
the warrantless search against her based on the alleged she was never placed under custodial investigation but was
existence of probable cause; (2) in holding that she was validly arrested without warrant pursuant to the provisions of
caught flagrante delicto and that the warrantless search was Section 5, Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure
incidental to a lawful arrest; (3) in not ruling that the frisker The methamphetamine hydrochloride seized from her during
went beyond the limits of the “Terry search” doctrine; (4) in the routine frisk at the airport was acquired legitimately
not ruling that SUSAN was under custodial investigation pursuant to airport security procedures.Persons may lose the
without counsel; (5) in admitting to the records of the case protection of the search and seizure clause by exposure of
the report of Dr. Ma. Bernadette Arcena, which was not their persons or property to the public in a manner reflecting
testified on or offered in evidence, and using the same in a lack of subjective expectation of privacy, which expectation
determining her guilt; (6) in justifying under the rule on society is prepared to recognize as reasonable. Such
judicial notice its cognizance of the medical report that has recognition is implicit in airport security procedures.
not been offered in evidence; and (7) in applying the ruling in

ISSUE: Whether or not the warrantless search and AQUINO SARMIENTO VS MORATO
subsequent seizure of the regulated drugs, as well as the
arrest of Susan were violative of her constitutional rights. PRESLEY VS BELL-AIR ASSOCIATION
HELD: Spouses Almendras were the registered owners of the
No, the search was made pursuant to routine airport security property while Presley as lessee of the property, is the owner
procedure, which is allowed under Section 9 of Republic Act and operator of Hot Pan de Sal Store. A complaint for
No. 6235, “ Every ticket issued to a passenger by the airline specific performance was filed by Bel-Air Village Association,
or air carrier concerned shall contain among others the Inc. against the spouses (deceased, substituted by petitioner)
following condition printed thereon: “Holder hereof and his for violating a Bel - Air Subdivision restriction that the subject
hand-carried luggage(s) are subject to search for , and house and lot shall be used only for residential and not for
seizure of, prohibited materials or substances. Holder commercial purposes, and for non-payment of association
refusing to be searched shall not be allowed to board the dues to them. The RTC rendered decision in favor of
aircraft,” which shall constitute a part of the contract between respondent which was affirmed by the CA Motion for
the passenger and the air carrier reconsideration was denied hence this petition.

ISSUES: Whether or not the deed of restriction can be continuous, uninterrupted and open possession of the
enforced by BAVA against the petitioner. property in the concept of owners for more than 60 years
No. The contractual stipulations on the use of the land even if ISSUES: Whether all the indispensable parties had
said conditions are annotated on the torrens title can be beenimpleaded by the respondent in the trial court
impaired if necessary, to reconcile with the legitimate HELD:
exercise of police power. Like all contracts, subject to the It is the contention of the respondent that the subject property
overriding demands, needs, and interests of the greater was sold by Lagata to his father, Astrologo Hular, in1961.
number as the State may determine in the legitimate exercise Hence, when his parents died intestate, they were survived
of police power. The jurisdiction of the court guarantees by their children. Article 1078 of the Civil Code provides that
sanctity of contract and is said to be the 'law between the where there are two or more heirs, the whole estate of the
contracting parties,' (Civil Code, supra, art. 1159) but while it decedent is, before partition, owned in common by such
is so, it cannot contravene 'law, morals, good customs, public heirs, subject to the payment of the debts of the deceased.
order, or public policy.' (supra, art. 1306). Above all, it cannot Until a division is made, the respective share of each cannot
be raised as a deterrent to police power, designed precisely be determined and every co-owner exercises ,together with
to promote health, safety, peace, and enhance the common his co-participants, joint ownership over the proindiviso
good, at the expense of contractual rights, whenever property, in addition to the use and enjoyment of the same
Jupiter Street has been highly commercialized since the PEOPLE VS VELLARDE
passage of Ordinance No. 81-01. The records indicate that
commercial buildings, offices, restaurants, and stores have PEOPLE VS TALIMAN
already sprouted in the area. The Court saw no reason why PEOPLE V TALIMAN, GR 109143, October 11, 2000
the petitioner should be singled out and prohibited from FACTS:
putting up her hot pan de sal store. The appellants assailed the trial court's decision finding
them guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder. The victim
BALOLOY VS HULAR was Renato Cuaño (hereinafter referred to as "Renato").
FACTS: Prosecution witness Ernesto Lacson (hereinafter referred to
his is a petition for review on certiorari on the decision of the as "Lacson") was the uncle and employer of Renato, who
CA. The respondent Alfredo Hular filed a complaint for was the caretaker of his gravel and sand truck. On July 21,
quieting of title of real property with damages against the 1990, Renato came to see Lacson and informed him that
children and heirs of Iluminada Baloloy and petitioners armed and hooded persons 4 were asking for money
Reynaldo and Adelina. The respondent alleged in his amounting to six thousand pesos (P6,000.00). The amount
complaint that his father, Astrologo Hular, was the owner of a was reduced to six hundred pesos (P600.00) and finally to
parcel of residential land located in Juban, Sorsogon, within two hundred pesos (P200.00). On July 22, 1990, Lacson
area of 287 square meters, and that such lot was part ofLot arrived home from church. His wife handed him a letter
No. 3347 of the Juban Cadastre. The respondent alleged that delivered to her by a child. In the letter, purportedly members
Iluminado Baloloy, the petitioners’ predecessor-in-interest, of the N.P.A. demanded eight thousand pesos (P8,000.00)
was able to secure a Free Patent over the property through from him. On the same day, at around eight o'clock in the
fraud on March 1, 1968, on the basis of which the Register of morning (8:00 a.m.), Lacson instructed Renato to take his
Deeds issued Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No.P-16540 passenger jeep and to proceed to his "gold field" in Nalisbitan
in his name. Subsequently, the respondent later discovered to get his collectibles from the field. This was the last time
that in the cadastral survey of lands in Juban, the property of Lacson saw Renato alive. Also on the same day, Lacson told
his father, which actually consisted of 1,405 square meters his employee, prosecution witness Elizer Obregon
was made toform part of Lot No. 3353, the property of (hereinafter referred to as "Elizer"), to go to the crossing of
Iluminado Baloloy.According to the respondent, even if the Nalisbitan, the place mentioned in the letter to investigate
residential land was made to form part of Lot No. 3353 who the persons demanding money were. Elizer complied
registered under the name of Iluminado Baloloy, he had and reached the place at around five o'clock in the afternoon
acquired ownership of the property by acquisitive (5:00 p.m.) of the same day. Upon reaching the place, Elizer
prescription, as he and his predecessors had been in saw Renato and spoke with him. In the vicinity, Elizer saw
accused Basilio Baybayan, Pedro Taliman and Amado
Belano. At that time, accused Sgt. Pedro Taliman and C1C presence of said blood stains, accused Jara told the police
Basilio M. Baybayan were members of the Camarines Norte that before he learned about the killing, he was with his
Constabulary/Integrated National Police Command. Elizer stepdaughter Minerva Jimenez in the public market dressing
saw two other civilians in their company. Elizer then saw chickens.
accused Pedro Taliman and Basilio Baybayan take Renato to
a hilltop, where he was guarded by accused who were ISSUE: Whether or not such evidences are sufficient to
armed. Elizer heard one of the accused say that Renato must overturn the presumption of innocence in favor of Jara
be taken as "he must be acting as a lookout (for Lacson)."
Elizer then proceeded to Bagong Silang and reported to HELD:
Lacson that Renato was taken by accused Pedro Taliman, Yes. No general rule has been formulated as to the quantity
Basilio Baybayan and Amado Belano. A custodial of circumstantial evidence which will suffice for any case, but
investigation was conducted. Attorney Nicolas V. Pardo was that matters not. For all that is required is that the
mayor of Labo, Camarines Norte. He went to the police circumstances proved must be consistent with each other,
station upon invitation of police corporal Cereno to "assist" and at the same time inconsistent with the hypothesis that he
accused during their custodial investigation. Accused is innocent and with every other rational hypothesis except
executed extrajudicial statements, confessing to the that of guilt. The circumstances constitute an unbroken chain
commission of the crime. It was during this custodial leading to one fair and reasonable conclusion which points to
investigation that accused Basilio Baybayin confessed to the guilt of the Jara beyond reasonable doubt. Mere denials
prosecution witness Sgt. Bonifacio Argarin that he of the accused as to his participation in the crime are only
participated in the killing of Renato because Renato did not self-serving negative evidence which cannot outweigh
give them the money they were demanding. This confession circumstantial evidence clearly establishing his active
was given without the assistance of counsel and was not participation in the crime.
reduced to writing.
ISSUE: Whether or not the oral waiver of the accused of his FACTS:
right to counsel during the custodial investigation was valid. In November 1998 accused-appellant Francisco Taruc was
charged before the RTC of Bataan with the crime of murder
HELD: NO. Even assuming that the right to counsel was in connection with the death of Emelito Sualog. RTC found
orally waived during custodial investigation, 43 still the defect Taruc guilty beyond reasonable doubt as principal by direct
was not cured. The Constitution expressly provides that the participation of the crime of MURDER and with the attending
waiver must be in writing and in the presence of counsel. aggravating circumstance of treachery, was sentenced to
This, accused-appellants did not do. suffer the penalty of DEATH. The case was brought to the
Court of Appeals for automatic review pursuant to A.M. No.
PEOPLE VS JARA 00-5-03-SC. However, the PAO lawyer concerned informed
FACTS: the Court of Appeals that accused-appellant escaped from
There were no extrajudicial confessions admitted in prison on 23 August 2002. Said PAO lawyer claimed that he
evidence. But circumstantial evidence was presented to had no means of knowing the current whereabouts of the
support a verdict of conviction that Jara was the mastermind accusedappellant. Thereupon, the PAO lawyer asked the
of the killing of his wife and the latter’s friend: 1.), Jara Court of Appeals to direct the Warden of the Provincial Jail in
resented his wife for having a relationship with a girl, the Balanga, Bataan, to file a certification as to the accused-
other one who was killed. 2.) At the canteen where they appellant’s escape. The Court of Appeals granted PAO’s
work, whenever Jara committed even the slightest mistakes, Motion for Extension of Time to File Appellant’s Brief in view
his wife scolded and cursed him. 3.) One of the waitresses of the ruling of the Supreme Court in People v. Flores,
observed that Jara shed no tears and his face did not show making the review of death penalty cases mandatory. The
any indication of sorrow when he saw the lifeless body of his Court of Appeals rendered a Decision affirming with
wife. 4.) the hammer used in the killing is an instrument with modification of penalty from death to reclusion perpetua.
which Jara is familiar. 5.) During the investigation at the Accused-appellant appealed on questions of law and fact.
scene of the crime, blood stains were found splattered in the Hence, this petition
trousers and shirt worn by accused Jara. His eyeglasses
were also smeared with blood. When asked to explain the
ISSUES: Whether or not, the accused-appellant has right to ISSUE: Whether the CA erred in ruling that the condition
appeal his conviction even when he escaped from jail and imposed by respondent Judge that the approval of
eluded arrest. petitioner's bailbonds "shall be made only after his
arraignment" is of no moment and has been rendered moot
HELD: and academic by thefact that he had already posted the bail
No. The Supreme Court held that by escaping prison, bonds and had pleaded not guilty to all the offenses
accused-appellant impliedly waived his right to appeal.
Although Rule 124, Section 8 particularly applies to the Court HELD: YES, In requiring that petitioner be first arraigned
of Appeals, it has been extended to the Supreme Court by before he could be granted bail, the trial court apprehended
Rule 125, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of Criminal that ifpetitioner were released on bail he could, by being
Procedure.There are certain fundamental rights which cannot absent, prevent his early arraignment and thereby delay his
be waived even by the accused himself, but the right of trialuntil the complainants got tired and lost interest in their
appeal is not one of them. This right is granted solely for the cases. Hence, to ensure his presence at the
benefit of the accused. He may avail of it or not, as he arraignment,approval of petitioner's bail bonds should be
pleases. He may waive it either expressly or by implication. deferred until he could be arraigned.
When the accused flees after the case has been submitted to
the court for decision, he will be deemed to have waived his US VS. JUDGE PURUGANAN
right to appeal from the judgment rendered against him. The FACTS:
accused cannot be accorded the right to appeal unless he ursuant to the existing RP-US Extradition Treaty, the United
voluntarily submits to the jurisdiction of the court or is States Government, through diplomatic channels, sent to the
otherwise arrested within 15 days from notice of the Philippine Government Note Verbale No. 0522 requesting the
judgment against him. While at large, he cannot seek relief extradition of Mark B. Jimenez, also known as Mario Batacan
from the court, as he is deemed to have waived the appeal. Crespo.
Thus, having escaped from prison or confinement, he loses
his standing in court; and unless he surrenders or submits to Upon learning of the request for his extradition, Jimenez
its jurisdiction, he is deemed to have waived any right to seek sought and was granted a Temporary Restraining Order
relief from the court. Accused-appellant, in the case at bar, (TRO) by the RTC of Manila, Branch 25. The TRO prohibited
has remained at large for most of the proceedings before the the Department of Justice (DOJ) from filing with the RTC a
RTC, as well as for the entirety of the pendency of his appeal petition for his extradition. The validity of the TRO was,
before the Court of Appeals, and even until now when his however, assailed by the SOJ in a Petition before this Court
appeal is pending before this Court. He cannot so in the said GR No. 139465. Initially, the Court -- by a vote of
audaciously hope that his appeal before this Court would 9-6 -- dismissed the Petition. The SOJ was ordered to furnish
succeed. private respondent copies of the extradition request and its
supporting papers and to grant the latter a reasonable period
LAVIDES VS CA within which to file a comment and supporting evidence.
Lavides was arrested for child abuse under RA 7620. His Acting on the Motion for Reconsideration filed by the SOJ,
arrest was made through an entrapmentoperation where he this Court issued its October 17, 2000, Resolution.By an
was found in his hotel room with Lorelie, 16 year old identical vote of 9-6 -- after three justices changed their votes
daughter of the complainant, wearing onlya t-shirt and an -- it reconsidered and reversed its earlier Decision. It held
underwear. An information for violation of Art. III, §5(b) of that private respondent was bereft of the right to notice and
R.A. No. 7610 was filed thereafteragainst petitioner in the hearing during the evaluation stage of the extradition
RTC-Quezon City. Petitioner, among others, filed an process. This Resolution has become final and executory.
application for bail before the RTC.RTC granted his right to
post bail with conditions. One of these conditions makes Finding no more legal obstacle, the Government of the
petitioner's arraignment aprerequisite to the approval of his United States of America, represented by the Philippine DOJ,
bail bonds. Petitioner also filed a motion to quash the filed with the RTC on May 18, 2001, the appropriate Petition
informations against himbut was denied for Extradition which was docketed as Extradition Case No.
WON an extraditee is entitled to notice and hearing before ISSUE:
issuance of warrant of arrest. WON the crime of plunder is unconstitutional for being
NO. It is significant to note that Section 6 of PD 1069, our HELD:
Extradition Law, uses the word”immediate” to qualify the NO. As long as the law affords some comprehensible guide
arrest of the accused. This qualification would be rendered or rule that would inform those who are subject to it what
nugatory by setting for hearing the issuance of the arrest conduct would render them liable to its penalties, its validity
warrant. Hearing entails sending notices to the opposing will be sustained. The amended information itself closely
parties, receiving facts and arguments from them, and giving tracks the language of the law, indicating w/ reasonable
them time to prepare and present such facts and arguments. certainty the various elements of the offense w/c the
Arrest subsequent to a hearing can no longer be considered petitioner is alleged to have committed.
immediate. In Section 2 of Article III of our Constitution, We discern nothing in the foregoing that is vague or
which is invoked by Jimenez, does not require a notice or a ambiguous that will confuse petitioner in his defense. A
hearing before the issuance of a warrant of arrest. To statute or act may be said to be vague when it lacks
determine probable cause for the issuance of arrest comprehensible standards that men of common intelligence
warrants, the Constitution itself requires only the examination most necessarily guess at its meaning and differ in its
-- under oath or affirmation -- of complainants and the application. In such instance, the statute is repugnant to the
witnesses they may produce. There is no requirement to Constitution in two (2) respects – it violates due process for
notify and hear the accused before the issuance of warrants failure to accord persons, especially the parties targeted by it,
of arrest. fair notice of what conduct to avoid; and, it leaves law
enforcers unbridled discretion in carrying out its provisions
ESTRADA VS SANDIGANBAYAN and becomes an arbitrary flexing of the Government muscle.
ormer President Estrada and co-accused were charged for
Plunder under RA 7080 (An Act Defining and Penalizing the
Crime of Plunder), as amended by RA 7659.
On the information, it was alleged that Estrada have received
billions of pesos through any or a combination or a series of
overt or criminal acts, or similar schemes or means thereby
unjustly enriching himself or themselves at the expense and
to the damage of the Filipino people and the Republic of the
Estrada questions the constitutionality of the Plunder Law
since for him:
1. it suffers from the vice of vagueness
2. it dispenses with the "reasonable doubt" standard in
criminal prosecutions
3. it abolishes the element of mens rea in crimes already
punishable under The Revised Penal Code.
Office of the Ombudsman filed before the Sandiganbayan 8
separate Informations against petitioner.
Estrada filed an Omnibus Motion on the grounds of lack of
preliminary investigation, reconsideration/reinvestigation of
offenses and opportunity to prove lack of probable cause but
was denied. Later on, the Sandiganbayan issued a
Resolution in Crim. Case No. 26558 finding that a probable
cause for the offense of plunder exists to justify the issuance
of warrants for the arrest of the accused.

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