Magnetism & Inductors Final Exam

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Faradays Law States that;

A. The magnitude of the EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of

magnetic flux
B. The magnitude of the EMF is indirectly proportional to the rate of change of
C. The magnitude of the EMF is directly proportional to the magnetic flux

2. Two inductive coils are placed in close proximity with each other at 90
degrees. The number of flux linkages is

A. Zero
B. Maximum positive
C. Maximum negative

3. The point of coercivity occurs when the

A. Magnetizing force applied causes the material to become magnetically

B. Magnetic flux is zero even though a magnetizing force is being applied.
C. magnetizing force reaches a peak positive or negative value

4. Three inductors 10 mH, 5 mH and 20 mH are connected in parallel. What is

the total inductance?

A. 35 mH
B. 2.86 mH
C. Without knowing the coupling factor the total inductance cannot be found

5. The symbol for flux density is

A. H
B. B
C. ø

6. Which of the following materials is easiest to magnetize?

A. Soft iron
B. High grade steel
C. Cast iron
7. To find which end of an electromagnet is the North Pole, use the

A. Fleming's Left Hand Rule

B. Right Hand Grasp Rule
C. Cork Screw Rule

8. Through which material will magnetic lines of force pass the most readily?

A. aluminium
B. iron
C. copper

9. Time constant of an inductor is

B. L/R
C. L2/R

10. Permanent magnets have

A. high reluctance, low coercive force

B. low reluctance, high coercive force
C. high reluctance, high coercive force

11. Magnetic force surrounding a magnet is not uniform.

A. Great concentration of force at each end of magnet and weak force at centre.
B. Great concentration of force at the centre of magnet and weak force at each
C. equal concentration of force throughout

12. If the rate of change of current is halved, mutual inductance will

A. double
B. stay the same
C. halve

13. In a circuit containing three inductors of equal value connected in parallel,
one inductors goes open circuit. The current in the other two inductors will

A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain the same

14. Of the following which pair of materials would most readily become

A. copper and steel

B. nickel and bronze
C. iron and steel

15. If a number of inductors are connected in parallel, the total inductance is

A. the same as the lowest

B. smaller than the lowest
C. greater than the lowest

16. The term used to denote the strength of a magnetic field is

A. Retentivity
B. Hysterisis
C. Flux density

17. Why are the iron cores of most induction coils laminated?

A. To reduce the effects of eddy currents

B. To increase the core permeability
C. To reduce the core reluctance

18. A soft iron core is used in an ELECTRO magnet because

A. It has HIGH permeability and HIGH coercivity

B. It has HIGH permeability and LOW coercivity
C. It has LOW permeability and HIGH coercivity

19. A short circuit between the supply and earth

A. does not matter if the circuit uses the aircraft earth as a return
B. could be very dangerous as the current drawn will be very high
C. is not dangerous as the current drawn will be low

20. When two coils are linked by a common flux, a voltage can be induced in
one by a changing current in the other. This process is known as

A. mutual induction
B. the magnetic effect
C. self induction

21. The S.I. unit of magnetic flux density is the

A. Weber
B. Henry
C. Tesla

22. When an electrical supply becomes open-circuit

A. The loss of continuity will prevent its component from functioning

B. The fuse or circuit breaker should isolate the circuit due to the increased
current drawn
C. The component will operate normally but will not switch off

23. The area of a hysteresis loop is proportional to the

A. Energy dissipated in putting the material through a complete cycle of

magnetization and demagnetization
B. Relative permeability of the material being magnetized
C. Energy absorbed in completely demagnetizing the material

24. When more than two inductors of different inductances are connected in
series in a circuit, the total inductance is

A. equal to the sum of the individual inductances

B. less than the inductance of the lowest rated inductor
C. equal to the inductance of the highest rated inductor

25. The core material used for an electromagnet is soft iron because

A. It demagnetizes easily
B. It retains most of its flux density when demagnetized
C. Its magnetism is not easily destroyed

26. A non-magnetic metal

A. has no permeability
B. has high retentivity
C. is a poor conductor

27. If the North pole of a magnet is brought nearer to the North pole of another

A. attraction between them will be increased

B. repulsion between them will be increased
C. repulsion between them will be reduced

28. Flux density will

A. increase linearly with coercive force

B. increase linearly with magnetic flux
C. decrease linearly with magnetic flux

29. Storage of magnets should be

A. in pairs end to end

B. in a non magnetic pox
C. in pairs with keeper plates

30. When a conductor is cut by magnetic lines of force an EMF is induced. This

A. Lenz's Law
B. Faraday's Law
C. Kirchhoff's Law

31. The hysteresis loop for a magnetic material is on a graph with

A. total flux against flux density

B. current against flux density
C. flux density against magnetising force

32. A material with a narrow hysteresis loop

A. will have high retentivity

B. will have low retentivity
C. cannot be magnetised

33. If a bar magnet is cut in half

A. the magnet is destroyed

B. two bar magnets are formed
C. one bar magnet and one non-magnet is formed

34. The diagram shows a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. The
conductor will move

A. upwards
B. downwards
C. sideways

35. The electromagnetic force between two charged bodies is

A. proportional to the distance between them

B. inversely proportional to the distance between them
C. inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

36. Copper is a

A. paramagnetic materials
B. ferromagnetic material
C. diamagnetic material

37. Switching on or off the current in one coil produces an emf in another coil
adjacent to it. The two coils are said to have

A. self inductance
B. mutual inductance
C. auto inductance

38. The time constant in an inductive circuit is the time required for the current
to reach

A. 63.2% of maximum value

B. 63.7% of maximum value
C. 70.7% of maximum value

39. The MMF of a coil fed with 2 amps and having 10 turns is

A. 5 ampere turns
B. 20 ampere turns
C. 20 amperes / turn

40. In a circuit which possesses mutual inductance, current is increased to the


A. the induced EMF in the secondary produces a current in the secondary

circuit which opposes the increase in flux due to the increase of current in
the primary
B. the induced EMF in the secondary produces a current in the secondary
circuit which assists the increase in flux due to the increase of current in the
C. the induced EMF in the secondary produces a current in the secondary
circuit whose flux has no effect on the flux in the primary

41. The property of a material to accept lines of flux is called

A. permeability
B. reluctance
C. retentivity

42. The MMF is dependent on

A. Current
B. Number of turns of the coil
C. Both

43. Magneto motive force can be found by

A. N/I b
B. I x N
C. Blv

44. Ferromagnetic materials are those which are relatively easy to magnetise for

A. Copper

B. Steel

C. Both

45. When magnetizing a piece of material, magnetic strength will rise

A. linearly with coercive force

B. linearly with magnetic force
C. non-linearly with magnetic force

46. A material with a narrow hysterisis loop

A. has a high retentivity

B. has a low retentivity
C. cannot be magnetized

47. When switching off the supply, the back emf in a collapsing field in an

A. never exceeds forward emf

B. can be multiple times bigger than forward emf
C. is equal to forward emf

48. A material exposed to heat will

A. be harder to magnetise
B. be easier to magnetise
C. have no effect on magnetism

49. An induced current in a coil

A. opposes the EMF producing it

B. aids the EMF producing it
C. does not affect the EMF producing it

50. Lines of magnetic flux pass from

A. N to S
B. E to W
C. S to N

51. The direction of current in a wire rotating in a magnetic field can be

determined by

A. Fleming's right hand rule

B. Fleming's left hand rule
C. cork screw rule

52. What is the SI unit of resistivity?

A. Ohm metre
B. Ohms/metre
C. Ohms

53. Mutual inductance is dependent upon:

A. Number of turns in each coil and Physical size of each coil

B. Permeability of each coil and Position of coils with respect to each


C. All the above

54. Magnetic fields around two parallel conductors carrying current in the same
directions will

A. attract
B. repel
C. will attract or repel depending on the type of current

55. Magnetic flux

A. is more concentrated at the centre of bar magnet

B. occupies the space around the magnet with equal flux density
C. exist in all space around the magnet

56. One volt is induced into a circuit with a current varying at 1 amp per second.
The circuit has

A. 1 Henry
B. 1 ampere turn
C. 1 Tesla

57. Two inductor coils in very close proximity; if one of the coils is rotated 90
degrees slowly away from the other the mutual inductance

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same

58. Magnetic flux saturation takes place when

A. the magnetized medium will accept no further lines of flux

B. the magnetic field starts to reduce with increased magnetising force
C. the magnetic field drops to zero
59. Magnetic field on a solenoid is

A. Strongest outside the coil

B. Weakest outside the coil
C. the same both inside and outside the coil depending on applied current

60. Increasing which of the following will increase the EMF induced into the
secondary coil?

A. Magnetic field strength and Number of conductor turns only

B. Rate of change of flux and Permeability of core/s only

C. All the above

61. The ‘coefficient of coupling’ between 2 coils is

A. Equal to the ratio of the flux cutting one coil to the flux originated in the
other coil
B. Equal to the ratio of the applied source voltage to flux cutting both coils on a
common core material
C. None of the above

62. If the 2 coils are positioned so that all of the flux of 1 coil cuts all turns of
other, coils are said to have?

A. Approximately Unity (1) coefficient of coupling

B. 0.5 coefficient of coupling
C. Both are correct provided that Magnetic field strength is not varied

63. At saturation point,

A. NO additional amount of external magnetisation force will cause an increase

in its internal level of magnetisation
B. NO increase in primary current will increase amount of induced emf in the
C. Both (A) and (B)

64. Which coil has a higher inductance value?

A. Coil A
B. Coil B
C. Both coils have the same values since the number of turns are the same
(three turns)

65. Which core material has high permeability?

A. Material A
B. Material B
C. Both have the same value since the number of turns are the same (three

66. In regard to above core materials,

A. Inductance of a coil increases directly as permeability of core material

B. Inductance of a coil increases directly as permeability of core material
C. Inductance of a coil decreases directly as permeability of core material

67. Basing on domain theory of magnetism, an iron atom has 26 protons in

nucleus and 26 revolving electrons orbiting nucleus.

A. If 13 electrons spin clockwise & 13 counterclockwise – atom is


B. If more than 13 electrons spin in either direction – atom is Neutral

C. None of the above

68. The atom (iron) below is?

A. Neutral
B. Magnetised
C. None of the above because there is no magnetizing force applied

69. A material can be magnetized by?

A. Heating
B. Stroking
C. Hammering

70. Which statement is correct in regard to magnetic lines of force?

A. Parallel lines of force traveling in same direction repel one another

B. Parallel lines of force traveling in opposite directions tend to unite with each
other and form into single lines
C. Both (a) and (b)

71. Which statement is correct in regard to magnetic lines of force?

A. They always cross one another

B. They all have the same strength
C. Both (a) and (b)

72. Removal of a field (demagnetisation) may be accomplished by?

A. Heating material
B. Pushing a component in to a coil with AC passing through it.
C. Both (a) and (b)

73. Which is true?

A. Permanent magnet – produced from material with high reluctance, low

B. Permanent magnet – produced from material with low reluctance, high
C. Both (a) and (b)

74. Temporary magnets are?

A. Produced from materials with high reluctance, low permeability.

B. Produced from materials with low reluctance, high permeability.
C. None of the above

75. In regard to the shape of hysteresis loops,

A. Hard materials have wide loops.

B. Soft materials have wider loops because they are easily magnetised and
C. It all depends on amount of magnetisisng and demagnetizing force used.

76. Both coercivity and remanence are quoted in

A. Tesla.
B. Weber
C. Henry

77. Calculate the mmf for a coil with 1000 turns and a 5 mA current

A. 5 Ampere-Turns
B. 5Amperes
C. 5 Turns-Amperes

78. Calculate the mmf for a coil with 150 turns and a 500 mA current

A. 75 Ampere-Turns
B. 70 Amperes
C. 75 Amperes

79. Base unit of magnetic field strength is

A. Ampere-turn per meter (A. t/m).

B. Ampere-Turns
C. Amperes per turn

80. The law of magnetism

A. Unlike poles attract

B. Like pole attract
C. Both (a) and (b)


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