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Estimated Duration: 4 hours   Dimensions & Terrain. The Chicken Lich's lair is a cellar
Suggested Music: "Obscura" by ASKII where the top layers have long since been swallowed by a
primordial forest. Creeper vines run down the walls and onto
 the cracked pavers in the ancient floors. Inside the cellar, the
ceilings are roughly 15 feet high and braced with ancient,
The Lost Castle of Dreams is situated deep in the forest, far rotten timbers. Old, moldy tapestries of some long-forgotten
from the nearest town. Currently, it is infested by chickens. It royal family still hang from the walls.
is rumored that countless treasures of gold are stored here. Doors. What few doors there are have been left open,
granting access to Zeek's henchchickens. In some locations,
 however, the doors are protected with traps, as noted in the
This side trek is designed for three to seven 5th- to 10th- individual areas.
level characters and is optimized for five characters with an Lights. With the exception of area 1, continual light spells
average party level (APL) of 9. have been cast all around the establishment.
This unusual encounter can be placed as a side quest or at Sounds & Smells The place reeks. Mold coupled with
the end of a major quest. While set in the world of Omeria by chicken feces attacks the nose immediately upon entry. Then
default, it can easily be placed in any campaign setting that fits there's the sound of clucking throughout.
the description (dark forest, far from town, etc.) 
 Finding the actual entrance into the Lost Castle might prove
The Chicken Lich was once a powerful spellcaster named difficult for the characters as they travel through the forest.
Zeek. Zeek intended to have his soul stored in a decorative However, the telltale sign of chicken prints might give away its
golden egg. Unfortunately, the egg went missing the day of the location.
immortality ceremony and one of Zeek's henchmen Stairs Out. The stairs leading into the castle's old cellar are
substituted a normal chicken egg. The ritual went awry and terribly overgrown and count as difficult terrain.
three weeks later, Zeek hatched as a newborn chick. Zeek still Trap: Hold Person Glyph. At the bottom of the stairs, Zeek
had his memories and spellcasting abilities but was much has set a glyph of warding trap. Any creature that steps onto
shorter and covered in feathers. Needless to say, Zeek the bottom step without disarming the trap automatically
immediately disintegrated the henchman who caused the triggers it. The glyph targets the creature that triggered it with
mishap. The rest of Zeek's disciples and henchmen were then a hold person spell (DC 17). Noticing the glyph requires a
turned into chickens to share in Zeek's misery. successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check, then a second
successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check to disarm it.
 Creatures that are no proficient in the Arcana skill cannot find
or disarm the trap.
Unless stated otherwise in the individual room descriptions,
the chicken lich's lair has the following features:

  Stoneshape Door. The door leading back to area 2 is
blocked by a wall created by the stone shape spell (the same
Of Chickens and Men one described in area 1). It is clear that there was once a door
The Chicken Lich's lair is ruled by Zeek and his there that has since been bricked up.
Zeek, The Chicken Lich uses the archmage stat 
block with the changes described for chickens
below. Stagnant water pools in the majority of this room.
Zeek's chicken disciples use the mage stat block Cell Bars. Old, rusted bars give anyone standing in area 5 a
with the changes described for chickens below. clear view of this area.
Zeek's chicken guardians use the rat stat block
and a swarm of Zeek's guardians uses the swarm of 
rats stat block. Either way, the guardians have
Intelligence scores of 10 and can speak Common. One of Zeek's chicken disciples stands guard here. The
chicken disciple has a large amulet around its neck which it
In addition to their own stat blocks, the uses to control the shield guardian that is also present. The
chickens have the following changes: shield guardian has a stored slow spell within it (DC 17).
The creature's size is Tiny, its type is beast, and Double Door Riddle. A creature that steps in front of the
its alignment is Lawful Evil. set of double doors is stopped by a magic mouth that appears
The creature's Strength score is 2 (-4).
The creature does not have a melee or ranged
on the wall over the door. The mouth looks like a chicken's
weapon attack that it can use. beak. It asks the following riddle:
What Does Zeek Want? Ultimately, Zeek wants to "To proceed, answer this riddle correctly. To perish, answer this
be left alone to his own devices. Sometimes, his riddle incorrectly.
needs cause trouble—for example, he may require
the blood of a virgin to complete a spell. And he's "I have ten or more daughters. I have less than ten daughters.
been known to accidentally open doors to the
I have at least one daughter. If only one of these statements is
Other here and there. This events draw attention to
adventurers. true, how many daughters do I have?"
What Does Zeek's Henchchickens Want? Overall,
most of Zeek's henchchickens are okay with their
current predicament. After all, the work is good and If the mouth has any daughters, there will always be two
there's plenty of seeds to go around. However, statements which are true. Therefore, the correct answer is
some do long to become human again. "no daughters."
Failure to answer the riddle correctly causes the mouth to
cast a power word kill spell on the answerer. Then, the door
arcanely locks and will not open for another 24 hours, at
The trap also alerts the chicken disciple and shield guardian which point it asks the question again. While locked, the door
from area 4. The pair arrive 1 round after the glyph is requires a DC 25 Strength check to break open or a DC 25
triggered. Dexterity check using proficiency in thieves' tools to unlock.
Stoneshape Door. The entrance to area 2 is blocked by a The doors have AC 20, 50 hp, threshold 10, and immunity to
wall created by the stone shape spell. It is clear that there was poison, psychic and as well as bludgeoning, piercing, and
once a door there that has since been bricked up. slashing from nonmagical attacks.
If the prisoner saved from area 4 is the mage or the chicken
 henchmen, it will automatically know the right answer.
Zeek keeps those who've wronged him or those he finds Treasure. The belongings of the prisoner kept in area 4 are
important here. Roll randomly or choose one of the following in this room. To determine the nature of the belongings, refer
NPCs from the Zeek's Prisoner table to determine the identity to the Prisoner's Belongings table below using the identity of
of the prisoner. the Prisoner as determined by Zeek's Prisoner table (see area
Zeek's Prisoner Prisoner's Belongings
d6 Prisoner
Prisoner Belongings
1 A lawful good mage.
a spellbook containing all the spells
2 A chicken guardian who turned on Zeek. from the mage spell list
A rogue (spy) who tried to break into the cellar, chicken guardian —
looking for Zeek's treasure.
spy all of the spy's normal equipment
4 A commoner Zeke needs for a sacrifice.
commoner a pouch with 10 sp
5 A vampire spawn whose blood Zeke needs.
vampire spawn +1 longsword, chainmail
6 A goblin named Boop.
goblin short bow, scimitar, dungeoneer's pack

 
Two chicken disciples and three swarms of chicken All of Zeek's treasure is in this room contained in a stone
guardians are in this area. They can see into area 3, therefore, sarcophagus measuring 10 feet by 4 feet.  If Zeek must flee to
if an intruder enters that area without being careful, the entire this room to escape intruders, he can easily teleport away with
complex will be on high alert. this sarcophagus.
Treasure. The sarcophagus holds the following treasure:
 13,500 gp and 1,500 pp in linen bags, 10 gems worth 1,000 gp
Zeek, The Chicken Lich is in this area. If alerted to the each, +1 chain mail, +2 wand of the war mage, and a sword of
presence of the characters, he is ready for battle. He's cast a vengeance. The wand of the war mage is cursed. Any creature
globe of invulnerability on himself. Meanwhile, he uses his that attunes to the wand permanently polymorphed into a
two shield guardian amulets to call forth his two shield chicken. While a chicken, the creature's size becomes tiny, its
guardians. While the shield guardians distract the characters, Strength score becomes 2 (-4) and it can't wear or carry
he retreats to area 8 to prepare his belongings and escape. anything. To change back into a chicken, a greater restoration
The shield guardians each have a stored slow spell (DC 17) spell must be cast upon the character.
which they can use to slow down faster characters (such as
rogues or monks). 
He keeps his time stop spell handy in case he needs to flee
to area 8, which he can defend with a wall of force long 
enough to gather the most valuable treasure and teleport Zeek is over a hundred years old and plans to see his 200th
away. birthday. He will try to escape if he feels that the odds are
 against him and failing that, he'll try to cut a deal with the
adventurers. If he does escape, he won't take the setback
This area is where Zeek sleeps. The floor is covered in hay. lightly. Almost immediately, The Chicken Lich will learn
Unlike the other chickens who reside in the Lost Castle of everything it can about those who raided his Lost Castle and
Dreams, Zeek keeps his regular areas free of his own use that information to seek vengeance. A devious chicken,
droppings. Zeek isn't above capturing loved ones, framing the characters,
ruining the characters' reputation, or destroying whatever else
is important to them.

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