English Level Test 4 Test Form 1: Section 1 - Listening Comprehension

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Section 1 – Listening Comprehension
Part 1 – Cue Response
Instruction: Listen to the speaker, then choose the best response.

1. a) I’m sorry. We already have plans for this weekend.

b) No, we can’t make it.
c) Would you like me to make a reservation?

2. a) It’s torn.
b) It’s cracked
c) It’s scratched.

3. a) Everything’s fine, thanks.

b) The driver lost control of the car.
c) Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.

4. a) What are you saving for?

b) How much are you saving?
c) What are you saving?

5. a) Have you heard the breaking news?

b) When did the reporter call?
c) What was the breaking news?
Part 2 – Conversation

Instruction: Listen to the conversation, then answer the questions.

Conversation 1
6. What are the two speakers trying to arrange?
a) a business lunch
b) an end-of-year celebration
c) a birthday party
7. When and where will they meet?
a) at the Calypso on Thursday morning
b) at the Calypso on Thursday at 1 p.m.
c) at Madeleine’s on Thursday at 1 p.m.
Conversation 2
8. What is the man telling his colleague?
a) that the company wastes money
b) that he has an idea for decreasing waste and saving money for the company
c) that the company buys too much coffee
9. What is the man’s idea?
a) to make visitors feel more important
b) to ask employees to write their names on their coffee mugs
c) to reduce waste and save money on paper cups
10. According to the man, which mugs would have a name on them?
a) clients’ mugs
b) employees’ mugs
c) important visitors’ mugs

Section 2 – Reading Comprehension

Part 1 – Structure
Instruction: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
11. All the invitations ____ next week.
a) will send out
b) we will send
c) will be sent out
12. If you ____ us a 5% discount, we _____ your proposal.
a) will give / will consider
b) would give / would consider
c) give / will consider
13. You can’t add a comment _____ logged into your account.
a) unless you
b) unless
c) unless you have
14. The trade fair _____ Ms. Curtis attended was held in Frankfurt.
a) that
b) what
c) where
15. Luke _____ when I arrived.
a) is being examined
b) was being examined
c) has been examined
16. I have to go. My friend _____ for me for an hour.
a) has been waiting
b) waits
c) was waiting
17. If I _____ a lot of money, I _____ someone to do my errands for me.
a) had / would hire
b) would have / would hire
c) had / hired
18. _____ Ed’s leadership, our factory reduced waste by 39%.
a) Thank you to
b) Thanks for
c) Thanks to
19. Fortunately for Tom, he _____ his shares by the time the prices _____.
a) had sold / went down
b) had sold / go down
c) sold / had down
20. Jill wishes she _____ karate lessons when she was younger and in better shape.
a) started taking
b) has started taking
c) had started taking
21. Yoko can’t make it for our annual cookout. She has to _____.
a) visit the reception
b) attend a reception
c) see the reception
22. Can I ____ your pen, please?
a) lend
b) borrow
c) pay back
23. It’s becoming easier and easier _____ an order online.
a) to search
b) to ship
c) to place
24. Simon was _____ that his favorite TV show was canceled this season.
a) furious
b) happy
c) disappointed
25. The driver _____ of the car.
a) lost control
b) crashed
c) ran off
26. My biggest _____ is that I am sometimes impatient with my employees.
a) weakness
b) strength
c) personal quality
27. If you want to _____ your money well, you should make a budget.
a) keep
b) save
c) manage
28. I read an interesting article in the paper about energy _____.
a) conservation
b) pollution
c) environment
29. The fire _____ many homes in the area.
a) hurt
b) destroyed
c) restored
30. Brenda’s apple pie won first _____ at the state fair.
a) award
b) success
c) prize
Part 2 – Reading Comprehension
Instruction: Read the text, then answer the questions.

Dear Bert,
Congratulations on your retirement! I’m sorry to hear you will be leaving us, but at least now you will
have time for all those hobbies you talk about. Don’t forget to keep in touch with us.
Best regards,

31. Why is Bert leaving?

a) He wants to stop working.
b) He was promoted to another position.
c) He has found another job.

32. What does Connie want Bert to do?

a) to travel abroad
b) to find a new hobby
c) to write or call from time to time

Last night a huge earthquake rocked central China. Houses and roads have been badly damaged. Several
bridges have collapsed. Gas explosions have caused fires in many towns and villages. The government
reports that thousands of people are missing. Rescue workers are already on location. As yet, there are
no reports as to how many people have been injured or killed.

33. In which section of a newspaper might you see this article?

a) in the classified section
b) in the education section
c) in the international news section

34. According to the article, what has fallen down?

a) the roads
b) the government
c) several bridges

35. What do we know about several thousand people?

a) They have been injured.
b) They are homeless.
c) They are missing.
Part 3 - Language Use
Instruction: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

Dear Ms. Long,

Thank you for _____ (36) me for the management _____ (37). I think your company is doing great_____
(38), but I have decided _____ (39) this is not the right job _____ (40) me at this time.
Theresa Taylor

36. a) considering
b) wanting
c) thinking

37. a) title
b) candidate
c) position

38. a) job
b) work
c) task

39. a) that
b) it
c) on

40. a) of
b) to
c) for

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