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Unit 3 evidence

➢ Read the following conversation with a partner and practice to present.

Then answer the question in the end of the text.Renter: Good morning. The name is
Kenji Kijima. I have a reservation.Agent: Certainly, sir. Just a moment...Oh yes. We were
expecting you. A full-size sedan with GPS.Renter: That's right.Agent: And was that with
automatic transmission or manual?Renter: Either way.Agent: Ok, I've got a nice
automatic that's all readyto go. I'll need to see your driver's license and a major credit
card.Renter: Here you go.Agent: Thanks! I have you returning the car on August 14th
here at the airport.Renter: Yes. That's correct.Agent: Well, you're all set. Here are your
keys and documents. The car's right outside.Is it good to rent a car?Give five reasons
in which is better to rent a car. Share them in the chat.

➢ 1.-Yousave car insurance payment

2.-Change car model
3.-You save paperwork time
4.-You do not pay car maintenance
5.-You save money

➢ Check the parts of the car and identify the missing vocabulary. Then practice spelling
and meaning. I'm going to ask you later

1 Headlights
2 Engine
3 Hood
4 Windshield wipers
5 Windshield
6 Sunroof
7 Trunk
8 Taillight
9 Turn signal ligth
10 Bumper
11 Tire
12 Side-view mirror
13 Window
14 Door

➢ Check the interior of the car: identify the missing vocabulary. I'm going to ask these
ones too

1 Steering wheel
2 Horn
3 dashboard
4 gas pedal
5 brake pedal
6 Clutch
7 Gearshift
8 rearview mirror
9 emergency brake
10 seat belt

➢ Picture


• Razor

• Nail clipper

• Toothbrush

• Toothpaste

• Shampoo

➢ Activity. Maximum of 5 articles to survive ugliness

1.- Toothbrush
2.- Toothpaste
3.- Soap
4.- Deodorant
5.- Shampoo

➢ How many personal care products do you use?

Receptionist: Can I help you, sir?
Client: Would it be possible to get a massage? I don't have an appointment.
Receptionist: Well, actually, you're in luck. Our eleven o'clock just called to cancel his
Client: Terrific
Receptionist: Let me show you to the dressing area.
Client: Thanks, Oh, while I'm at it, do you think I could get a haircut, too?
Receptionist: Yes. But you might have to wait a bit. We don't have anything until 12:00.
Client: Not a problem. By the way, how much will the massage and haircut come to? I don't
have much cash on me.
Receptionist: Let's see, it will be 110 euros in all. But you can charge it to your room.
Client: Great. One more question. Is it customary to tip the staff?
Receptionist: Well, that's up to you. But most clients give the stylist and the masseuse a euro or
two each.

➢ Example

I have some... (objects)

I don't have any... (objects)

I have some keys

I have some masks

I don't have any pets

I don't have any water in my pool

➢ Activity

I have some chickens

I have some bags
I have some lights
I don't have any cars
I don't have any pools

➢ Use a lot of with both plural count nouns and non-count nouns in statements and
That store has a lot of razors. / They don't have a lot of sunscreen. / Do they have a lot of

Use many and much in negative statements:

Many: with plural count nouns
They don't have many brands of makeup.

Much: with non-count nouns

The store doesn't have much toothpaste.
Many = I can count them with my fingers

Much = I can't count them with my fingers

What do you have "a lot of" at home?

➢ GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Complete the conversation between a husband and a wife packing
for a trip.

Dana: Do we have (1 any/many) shampoo?

Neil: Yes. We have (2 many/a lot of) shampoo.
Dana: And Maggie uses (3 much/ a lot of) sunscreen. Is there (4 many/any)?
Neil: No, there isn't (5 some/any). And we don't have (6 much/many) toothpaste, either. I
can pick (7 some/any) up on my way back from work.
Dana: Hey, Adam's shaving now. Does he need (8 any/much) shaving cream?
Neil: He doesn't shave every day. He can use mine!

Ask ss to read in pairs and check the corrections.


1. Any
2. A lot of
3. Much / A lot of
4. Any
5. Any
6. Much
7. Some
8. Any

➢ Elaborate a questionnaire of 5 questions using some/any. You must ask something you are
curious about.

Do you have some pets at home?

Do you and your family like any restaurant?

Do you like any videogame?

Do you want to see any upcoming movie?

Do you understand some French/Japanese words?

➢ Activity

1.Do you like any place in Apizaco ?

2. Do you have any plants in your house ?

3. Do you like any actor of Holiwood?

4. Do you wanr to travel for any place i the word ?

5. Do you buy some milk ?

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