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Intro: Oh my God! I'm really in a big trouble. Can I say something?

I’m the type of person if

you ask me a question, and I don’t know the answer, I’m going to tell you that I don’t know.
But I bet you what I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer! You have my
word. Give me a minute. Let me get to the point.

1. In recent years, families are now not as close as they use to be for several reasons.
Be busy at work and school
Over-use technological devices
Deal with family matters differently

In recent years, the family is not as close as it used to be for a number of reasons. So is
there still a strong bond between family members? There are a number of contributing
factors that can be identified. Here, I would like to present my point of view.
Firstly, family life has many changes when society is increasingly advanced. One of them is
that once large families tend to shrink. Many children are forced to leave their parents at a
young age to go to school or work somewhere else. Children gradually become emotionally
estranged from their parents. Parents are always focused on earning money to take care of
the family, so they can't spend time with the family in their spare time. The meaning of
kinship is slowly fading from their minds.
Secondly, the availability of various types of recreational facilities diverts people from
enjoying conversations with their family members. They spend most of their free time
watching TV, surfing the Internet, or playing video games. They lose interest in
communicating with their family members.
Thirdly, solving family problems in different ways is also the reason why the family is no
longer as close as before. When the family in a perverse scenario. It's stagnant and they
hate it. In such a situation, everyone will be very tense, each person gives a different opinion
but no one gives way, leading to disagreement. People at the mad with each other, one
hates the other and the family that is already at odds is now even outnumber broken.
Finally, the indulgence of parents for their children is also the reason why the family
becomes estranged. Many families have parents who prioritize and pamper an only child
over a second child or a son over a daughter. That leaves the rest of the children feeling
lonely, depressed, and distant from their families.

2. There are several risks of children watching too much TV.

Worse health
Behave badly
Waste time

First of all, we must know that watching TV negatively affects children's development for
many reasons. The first reason is that spending too much time in front of the TV screen is
bad for children's health. Many children today suffer from obesity, eye strain and fatigue from
watching too much television. They are too focused on watching TV, if they don't study, poor
intelligence is very possible.
Another reason is that many TV programs and movies contain violent contents or sexual
images which are inappropriate for children to watch. Heavy exposure to violent movies can
put a child at a higher risk of violent behavior, which could ruin their future.
As long as this privilege is not abused, technology can be a part of a healthy childhood.
However, too much screen time can be harmful.
Technology can be a part of a healthy childhood as long as it is not abused. However, too
much screen time can waste children's time. On average, they sleep 10 hours a day
because children will sleep longer than adults, then go to school in the morning, go out in the
afternoon, come back to watch TV at night. As such, they will waste their time studying and
doing homework.
About my ideas, I think children watching too much TV also leads to them being socially
isolated and immersed in the illusion of the virtual world. That will adversely affect their lives.
They will feel the real world has become alien and forever live in the virtual world.

3. Climate change brings a lot of negative effects

Animal extinction
Extreme weather
Environmental imbalance

From our well-being to our wallets, we’re seeing the effects of a world transformed by rising
temperatures and changing climate patterns.
The increase in global temperature brings disastrous consequences, endangering the
existence of plant and animal species on Earth. Changes in living conditions in the natural
environment cause death, disease, mass migration of species or even extinction. In addition,
absorbing too much CO₂ kills fish, algae, corals and other creatures in the sea. Changes in
ecosystems and desertification cause the deaths of between 10,000 and 50,000 species
each year.
Climate change also significantly affects the weather on Earth as the atmosphere has been
punctured by it. The heat melts ice at the poles, raises sea levels and threatens to engulf
coastal communities and small island nations. Hurricanes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts,
fires, floods, rain and snow all increase the level of violence caused by global warming,
resulting in many deaths, many victims, refugees and damage. about material.
Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers
have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have
shifted and trees are flowering sooner.
Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are
now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat
The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer
periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of
tropical storms.

4. There are several advantages to students living at university

Be more confident and responsible
Access campus facilities
Adapt to diverse environment

Those students who live at the university enjoy many advantages. More confident and
responsible, use of campus facilities and adapting to diverse environments will be beneficial
to them. They can also use their free time more efficiently as they can choose their own
schedule or make new friends living at the student hall.
Firstly, those students who live at the university are more confident and responsible. During
the education process, they have to face more challenges and get into more complicated
situations, which enable them to be more confident and independent. In addition, there is a
strong sense of responsibility in them because they have to be responsible for their own life
or study. Take good care of their things and environment will also make them feel mature.
Secondly, those students who live at the university use campus facilities better. Generally,
students who live at the university are more serious about studying. Due to this, they need to
build their own study habits and implement them properly. They should do a good job in
taking care of their study environment. Good arrangement of their things can facilitate their
studies and enable them to get better results.
Thirdly, those students who live at the university can adapt to diverse environments.
Generally, students will study hard and take care of their environment. Thus, they can carry
on studying despite bad weather and survive difficulties.
Fourthly, those students who live at the university make friends with other students living on
campus in different ways and at different levels. They can choose to go out for a walk
together or have dinner in a restaurant while chatting about the university. This will make
them feel closer to each other and more relaxed.

5. There are many potential advantages to studying abroad

Better learning environment
Knowing more about the world
Sharpening life skills

You've probably heard about the numerous advantages of studying abroad. There are
countless reasons to study and many potential advantages to doing so, ranging from a better
learning environment to a better world, improved life skills such as public speaking,
independence as a traveler and the ability to adapt rapidly to changes. But it is important to
consider the few benefits of studying abroad before you rush to another country on the most
important event in your life.
First, the advantages of studying in a different environment must be grasped. While travel
may appear to be the most exciting option for studying abroad, it and other similar
opportunities may not be as beneficial as some belief. A new country with its own customs
and language is difficult to adapt to.
You should look into resources that can help you adjust to life in a new country, such as an
orientation program that offers classes, lectures, and activities so you don't miss out on the
classroom experience. You have the option of exchanging places with another student or
staying with a host family to become acquainted with their ways of life.
You will also improve your life skills by studying abroad in a new environment. To survive in
an odd place, you'll have to do everything and make the most of what you have now. You'll
gradually become accustomed to what you have and how to do what you need to do to get
the most out of it.
Taking a year off while studying abroad is a good way to adjust to this. You will have plenty
of time to explore your new home and learn about your life during the year. You could
participate in a volunteer program, travel, or work part-time. This will help you integrate into
your new culture and give you the opportunity to decide how long you want to stay on an
adventure. A gap year can be a great way for students who struggle to adapt to their
surroundings and prefer to travel away from school during their year.

6. Playing sports brings a lot of benefit to students

Physical health
Mental health
Social skills

Sports can offer many benefits to students, and it doesn't have to be anything major like
winning a championship or getting an Olympic medal. All of these benefits could provide you
a lot more than you're getting with your regular schoolwork. Here's what exactly they are and
how playing sports can help you get them:
Physical health: Playing sports will help keep your heart in shape by strengthening it without
climbing high mountains, climbing trees, or participating in marathon races. You can also
exercise without running a marathon. It can be really fun to play badminton or soccer and get
exercise at the same time.
Mental health: People who are very competitive and get addicted to playing sports take this
mentality into other aspects of their life. You will want to win in everything that you do, even if
it isn't sports-related. Sports can also keep your stress levels under control so that you don't
have uncontrollable stress when you go back to school or work.
Social skills: Just as you can gain a lot of mental benefits from playing sports, you can also
gain social ones. When you play team sports, you are given the chance to work with and
understand other people. When playing team sports, it's important to have good
communication with your teammates so that you know what each person is doing. You will
connect well with others and be able to work well with them even if it isn't related to a sport.
Playing sports helps the body and mind and boosts social skills! It's good to have on the
school calendar. You'll find out that playing will get your grades up and it will get your mind
off of other things. It's a great sport for every student regardless of what you do in school.
I hope this article gave you a better understanding of how playing sports can help students in
every aspect of their lives.

7. Nowadays, more and more people use public transportation

Reduces air pollution
Decreases private car use
Saves money

More and more people are using public transport in recent years due to the increasing
number of commuters. Public transport reduces air pollution by reducing private car use,
saving money and reducing traffic congestion. It also encourages less private car use as
people switch from cars to public transport.
There are many news programs, articles about the benefits of public transport to be more
environmentally friendly. For example, while a bus has about 50 passengers, these buses
will generate less pollution than a personal car with only one person. This is because buses
have large engines and fuel tanks that result in more emissions than smaller engines in
personal cars.
Many experts also explain how public transport maintains better air quality than private cars.
For example, the air inside the bus is not only cleaner but also less polluted. This is because
when there is more pollution in the air from vehicles, it can travel a longer distance and be
recognized as a pollutant. Before the pollution reaches the bus, it is filtered out, so the air
inside the bus is cleaner. That's why the air quality on buses is better than in private cars.
Public transport can also save money. Instead of spending around $50 on petrol and only
going for 20 days, it can cost you just over $10 a month to be able to ride the bus whenever
and for as long as you like.
In addition, when using public transport, you will not be stressed when driving by yourself.
When sitting on the bus or subway, you will have more time to enjoy life such as reading
books, reading newspapers, playing games, listening to music or watching movies...

8. More and more people are travelling in tour groups

Saves money
Helps make friends
You and your friends are planning a week-long trip, do you travel to the mountain town of
Dalat, the beaches of Nha Trang, or have a city-break in Saigon.

Oh, that sounds good. If I had to choose one of three places: Da Lat, Nha Trang and Saigon,
I would give my opinion and choose Da Lat.
Da Lat is a small city located in the highlands of Vietnam. Dalat is quite far from Saigon city,
about 6 to 7 hours by car through plantations and windy mountain roads. And because it is
located on a high mountain, the city's temperature can drop to 15 degrees Celsius, much
cooler than where I live. Besides the atmosphere, scenery, spectacular waterfalls also
contribute to making Da Lat one of the most popular tourist destinations in Vietnam.
Some people told me I lost my mind, but my aim is to experience life in a cozy house in Da
Lat and move there permanently when I get older. The vision that comes to mind is lying on
a high hill, far from the center so that I can see the beauty of the whole city next to the
person I love. As I mentioned above, the weather, scenery and culinary specialties are the
reasons why I want to come to Da Lat. Moreover, unlike Da Nang people like me, Da Lat
and its people have a very peaceful and comfortable way of enjoying life. And that's basically
what we need when we grow up!
As for the coastal city of Nha Trang, I have been there before and have to admit that the sea
there is very beautiful. But I did not choose Nha Trang because there mostly only activities
around the main theme of the sea, which is not lacking in Da Nang and I am so used to it. I
also do not choose Saigon because I do not like the noise and bustle. I'm a rather quiet
person, so I don't think crowds or crowded places don't suit me. And another thing is that I
am quite worried about the problem of theft in Saigon.
All that I have just said is enough to see how convincing Da Lat is to me.

Advertizing on television should be strictly regulated

Manipulated people
Popularize unhealthy products
Attract children to unsuitable content

This is a rather difficult question for me. I think TV advertising needs to be strictly controlled.
Because advertising is a tool to spread information and products, but advertising also has its
bad side.
Luckily, I recently read an article about media manipulation strategies. Over the long time
since then, we've had the Internet, Twitter and Facebook…. Therefore, the media has even
more ways to manipulate people. Distracting attention: this is the media's favorite tactic.
Important information goes unnoticed amid a forest of little stories. Next is problem
exaggeration: sometimes, a fictional issue or an exaggerated issue can provoke serious
reactions from society. In addition, there are still many ways for advertising to manipulate
people like they will play ads repeatedly, the content will be very kind and bring more
emotions. Because they know each other better than themselves, they will spread guilt to
everyone, not provide enough information and direct people to trivial omens.
Ads also spread information about unhealthy products such as alcohol, snacks,
confectionery and carbonated soft drinks. Although such products are not banned, they will
bring unpredictable harm to consumers when most of those products contain substances
that are harmful to health.
Looking at today’s children, I would have to say advertisements have predominately had a
negative influence on their lives and character. Ads create a discontentment with what
children have and a desire to own more and to be like everyone else. Advertisements
usually tend to be unrealistic and give a false impression of how the children should be or
what will happen when they buy the product.
In my opinion, ads are a waste of people's time and are easy to annoy those who see them.
Like when watching a movie or when watching a certain program, you have to wait for about
5 to 10 minutes for an ad, not to mention the middle of the program, when there is an ad in
the middle of the program.
In summary, I think ads should be broadcast at a certain time before or after programs, and
should promote healthy products, useful information for viewers.

Vietnam is a famous destination for foreign tourists

Has nice and various weather
Has a lot of tourists sites
Different cuisines

Wow, it will be interesting to talk about this topic, I love it. I will try to tell you more about
Vietnam Việt
In recent years, Vietnam has emerged as a popular destination for foreign tourists. A famous
destination needs to meet all conditions such as culture, weather, scenery, rich and diverse
Regarding the weather of Vietnam, I think very few countries have climate like our S-shaped
country. The North has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. That brings
something new and varied over time. There is no winter in the South, so the weather here is
always cool, not afraid of cold.
Varied weather is also a factor that makes some places famous over time. For example, in
the late winter and early spring, when the northern climate becomes the coldest, you will
enjoy the only snowfall in Vietnam on the 3143m high Fansipan peak. In addition, if you are
in the South, coming to Phan Thiet city, you will experience the feeling of sand skiing like a
skiing game, this is also where singer Son Tung MTP filmed his movie Sky Tour. However,
recently due to the Covid pandemic, the tourism industry has temporarily closed to limit the
A famous destination like Vietnam without a diverse cuisine would be lacking. When coming
to Vietnam, you can easily find a dish that suits your taste without having to go far. Each
place has its own specialty. Two Vietnamese dishes that have entered the top 50 most
delicious dishes in the world are pho and summer rolls.
In addition, Vietnamese people are also what makes foreigners want to come to this country.
Vietnamese people are friendly, hospitable, and very respectful to foreigners. Typically, now
there are many foreigners living in Vietnam such as football players or tiktoker.
Vietnam is a country worth visiting at least once, the people here always welcome visitors
anytime and anywhere.

A friend is going to take a summer job where she can meet new people. Three jobs are
suggested: a volunteer nurse, a tour guide and a sale employee at bakery. Which one would
be the best choice?
Oh my God! I'm really in a big trouble. Can I say something? I’m the type of person if you
ask me a question, and I don’t know the answer, I’m going to tell you that I don’t know. But I
bet you what I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer! You have my word.
Give me a minute. Let me get to the point.

Oh my God! Too easy. I will keep this simple.

If a friend of mine needs my advice about work, whether to choose a volunteer nurse, a tour
guide or a bakery salesperson so that she can meet new people, I would advise her. She
should choose to be a volunteer nurse.
First, the job of selling at a bakery is fixed in one place. Customers will only come to eat the
cake and come back or buy it, and she still has a lot of customers so it's impossible to come
to know each person one by one, they will miss her this time but if they are not satisfied with
the dish to eat they will never come back. There are not many employees in a bakery.
Next is a tour guide. This job requires contact with a lot of people, but mostly tourists. The
nature of this job is to work independently. She will meet a lot of guests and will know a lot of
people, the range is too wide to be close to anyone.
So volunteer nurses are the most reasonable. She should be able to care for one to two
patients multiple times per day. Being in contact with a small number of people will help her
make more friends. Even colleagues can help her with patient care.
However the choice lies with her, I can only give such advice.

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