Water Scarcity Essay

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The developed nations of the world lead the rest in terms of scientific discoveries.

And even in those

countries which are supposedly first-world nations, the water crisis is a terrible issue. In such
countries, not everyone is equally affected by the scarcity of water.

Countries like Australia have two different segments of people living in their land. Some are abysmally
poor and cannot afford the scarcity of water in their everyday life. On the other hand, some people
are so rich that they seem to be undisturbed by the scarcity. This difference exists because the
distribution of income in such high-income countries is skewed towards those who can earn more and
spend more.

Since they earn about ten or fifteen times more than the average individual in their country, buying
bottled water to drink at home is not much of an issue. For that matter, such people can even afford
to buy water to fill their tanks and swimming pools when they are avoidable in times of a crisis.
Because of such actions of people with a lot of money in their hands, water scarcity has become a
glaring issue these days. The measures that Governments across countries are adopting often fall
short of implementation tactics.
Measures like rainwater harvesting, reuse of water for domestic purposes, and creating financial
schemes for saving water have to date been discussed and deliberated by various administrative

But the problem lies in implementation. Often it becomes difficult to put these things across the
larger sections of society that are unaware of the dangers. It is not that such people do not face
hardships because of the scarcity of water. Such people are myopic in terms of understanding how
their hardships would increase in the days to come.

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