Topic 7 Karina C

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Nama : Karina Chania dan Amalia Lenanda

Kelas/Prodi : 2B/D3 Keperawatan




Nurse : Good morning

Patient : Good morning, nurse

Nurse : How are you?

Patient : I’m good

Nurse : Okay, I’m nurse karina of faletehan serang, I will take care of you today

Patient : Okay

Nurse : I am here to do an asssessment on your eyes and ears. Is that okay?

Patient: that sounds fine

Nurse : I am going to start with two questions. Do you wear eye glasses?

Patient: No

Nurse : Have you ever had any problem with your eyes like infection?

Patient: No

Nurse : I need to check your visual acuity. So I ‘m going to have you take this card and put it
over your left eye.

Patient: (doing the instruction)

Nurse : Look straight at me and Tell me if you can see my finger, just saying now

Patient: yes

Nurse : Alright and then switch to your right eye,so let’s say when you can see my finger.

Patient: Yes, yes, yes, yes

Nurse : I want you to look at this pen and I’m going to move this pen and I want you to keep
your head still but follow it with your eyes.

Patient: (doing the instruction)

Nurse : Okay I should see is that your pupils move in a conjugate manner that means they
move together to watch the object and that’s a normal finding. that’s accommodation
wonderful and what I’ve checked in with that is I should see that your pupils move in
and that they constrict. And well I see that they’re both round and they’re equal in
shape you have dark brown irises so that’s all normal.

Patient: Okay

Nurse : So I’m just gonna shine light on your eyes, is it okay with you?

Patient: Okay nurse

Nurse : Now just look straight at me

Patient: (doing the instruction)

Nurse : Okay I would document it as perla up (pupils are equal round reactive to light and

Patient: Okay

Nurse : And then I’m looking at the eyes overall, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelid should all be

Patient: Okay

Nurse : Okey can you look up?

Patient: (doing the instruction)

Nurse : I’m looking at the sclera which is trying to white and conjunctiva which is shiny and

Nurse : Now I’m moving on to assessing the ears, first I’m just looking at both pinup of the
ears, I’m making sure the ears are in the proper location and symmetrical on the head

Patient: Okay

Nurse : Now we’re going to palpate your cartilage and mastoid, So I’m going to touch your
face, is it okay?
Patient: Yes

Nurse : So do you feel any pain as I touch it?

Patient: No

Nurse : Okay no there seemed to be swelling with the cartilage, now to the mastery process,
do you feel any pain?

Patient: No

Nurse : Any tenderness?

Patient: No

Nurse : Okay there are no swelling and no masses, so cartilage mastery process is normal.

Nurse : And then I’m going to do the whispered voice test which is cranial nerve number eight,
I’m gonna say something and you’re going to repeat it to me

Patient: Okay

Nurse : Black?

Patient: Black

Nurse : Red?

Patient: Red

Nurse : Wonderfull, so she did well with that so I know that cranial nerve number eight is
intact and Ok fine that’s it.

Patient: Thank you nurse

Nurse : Your welcome

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