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Safety in Mechanical Engineering

What are the components of the fire triangle? Discuss how a fire extinguisher must be used. How can
one prevent fire from spreading?

In fire protection, fire triangles exist. The first component would be the fuel, in order for something to
fire there must be a thing to burn. Fuel is any kind of combustible material, it can be oil or paper etc.
Next is the heat where it fires up the ignition. And lastly the oxygen takes place, it basically sums up the
process, when the fuel burns, it reacts with the oxygen to release heat and generate combustion. This is
where the importance of fire extinguisher takes place, however there are different types of fire
extinguisher, and we must know how to use it depending on its type. There are water type, foam type,
powder type, wet chemical type and carbon dioxide type of fire extinguisher. The basic way to use it is
to firstly pull the pin, next is to bold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release
the locking mechanism, you also need to aim low. Next is to point the extinguisher at the base of the
fire, then squeeze the lever slowly and evenly, then carefully weep the nozzle from side-to-side. Most
importantly don’t panic, you need to remain calm and assess the whole situation carefully. Fire
prevention is different from fire protection and that is a common sense. It is also written and stated that
prevention is better than cure, so how do we prevent fire from spreading? First is we need to be extra
careful with our tools and label it accordingly. Have a smoke alarms, as much as possible the workplace
should be fire resistant so it can be used for the long run. If ever worst scenario happens do not hesitate
to call emergency if it cannot be prevented in the first place

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