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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science (Grade level)

Kathy D. Fernandez June 15,2021

________________ ___________

Name of Student Date

Mr. John Oliver A. Cabaral, LPT 10:30-12:00

__________________________ __________

Name of the Teacher Time

at the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:

A. identify what are the four layers of the earth;

B. investigate on what are the functions of the four layers of earth; and

C. demonstrate the reflection of an egg to the layers of the earth.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The four layers of the earth

References: Science Grade-5

Materials: Visual aid, paper, pencil, boiled egg, dull knife

Values integration: Collaboration, Analytic

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Energizer

4. Checking of Attendance

5. Classroom Agreements

B. Developing Activities
1. Review: recall the last topic

last time we discussed about solar system

the teacher will ask the students.

1.what are the 8 planets?

2.on which planet do we live?

3.Why is earth the only planet where humans can live?

C. Engage

The teacher will show the pupils a picture of a model

1. What have you observed about the picture ?

2. do you have an idea of this picture?

3. what are the four layers of the earth?

D. Explore

Activity: "dissect an egg"

the teacher will group the pupils into two groups and let each group perform the activity.
Instruction: observe each step and compare the layers of the egg to the layers of the Earth.

A dull knife for each student
A boiled egg for each student

What to do:
1. Begin by peeling the shell of the egg off.
2. The next layer of the egg is the white of the egg. It is the middle layer. You will cut through
this layer until you reach the yellow portion.

3.The only portion of the egg remaining is the layer at the center of the egg.

E. Explain

Answer the following questions by observing about the activity.

1. What is the outer layer of the Earth called? ___________________________________

2. What is the middle layer of the Earth called? ___________________________________

3. What is the center layer of the Earth called? ______________________________

4. what is called between the mantle and the inner core? ________________________

F. Elaborate

Find the words in the puzzle below, and answer the questions.

a s r o c k y y

b u o t s u r c

c r g l h k l a

e f e e i h f v

r a n s t d t k

o c s r e y a l

c e a d a t t u

y w e l t n a m

1. The ________ has three main layers.

2. The Crust, Mantle, and Core are the three main _________

3. The ___________ is the outermost layer of the Earth.

4. The ___________ is between the crust and the core.

5. The _________is located in the center of the Earth.

6. The Earth’s __________is also called the crust.

7. The core of the Earth is under pressure and is ________

8. Earth’s crust is ________and brittle and can break during earthquake

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Give the functions of the layers of the earth.

1. crust- _________________

2. mantle- ________________

3. inner core- ______________

4. outer core- ______________

V. Assignment


Why is Earth the only planet we can live on? Support your answer.

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