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Between Qualitative And

Quantitative Analysis And How It
Should Be Applied In Our

Short Essay

: Aldon M.H.P.


Qualitative And Quantitative Analysis Definition
The difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis has clearly
stated. Qualitative is an examination of variable or pehenomenon in a deep
comprehensive manner. In the other wise, quantitative analysis oriented in gathering
information focuses on describing a phenomenon across a larger number of
participants thereby providing the possibility of summarizing characteristics across
groups or relationships (Rhodes, 2014)
As a research, there are a definition of qualitative research i.e; an approach
used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It
provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for
potential quantitative research (Wyse, 2011)
In opposites of definition above, Wyse (2011) also says about quantitative
research as; an approach quantifying problem by generating numerical data or
information that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify
categories, attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables. The specific
determination to qualitative method is its capabilitiy to generalize results from a
larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate
facts and uncover patterns in research.
Characterization from it aims, Qualitative analysis also says tend tobe in‐
depth, comprehensive understanding in wich as the analyst, we must involve as an
active participant. Otherwise, quantitative analysis tend to be focused, structured
as we as an analyst must playing role as an objective investigators. (Eliyahu, 2014)

Difference Between Qualitative And Quantitative Analysis

Altough the definition of qualitative and quantitative analysis has shown the
main difference, both qualitative and quantitative analyisis has their own purpose,
strength and also limitation. Based on some reference we can learn that Qualitative
and Quantitative Analysis have a particular difference which can be noted on some
aspect, ie
Orientation of Meaning
Qualitative is focus on meaning with in‐depth approach on describing a
phenomenon. Meanwhile the quantitative approach oriented to describe the
phenomenon by measuring quantifiable character the object. As an example,
when we analyst the color of blue, qualitative analysis will focused on the
meaning of blue which mean cool, deep, and describe how “blue” imply
people as its imply the analyst. The quantitative approach on “blue” will
focused on measuring the level of blueness, convert it on quantifiable symbols
which can be compared to another “blue”.

Data and cases

Qualitative analysis has oriented on using a small amount of data to
explain many cases. On otherwise, quantitative analysis as an objective
approach has determine a particular number of data (many data) needed to
explain only a few of cases.

Hypothesis and founding

Study in‐depth and details as an qualitative approach has driven the
qualitative analysis without predetermined categories or direction. So
sometimes qualitative analysis will find another fact which not yet been
determine by the analyst. Quantitative analysis playing in different way. We
need to determine the analysis, predetermined the directions and also the

Researcher’s Conceptional Roles

Since there is no predetermined categories or direction on qualitative
analysis, Researchers must play important roles. Researchers must act as
instruments, rather than the conceptors of the objective. In the other hand,
due to an objective value, in the quantitative analysis, researchers play a role
as a
designer (conceptor of the methodologies). There is why predetermine
metodhology is very important.

As a role of analyst has tobe more important than the design,
qualitative analysis will results more sensitive outcome to the context of the
research. Differ from that, the quantitative analysis will results the universal

The goal
Then in order characterization above, we can say that qualitative
analysis will serve our research with enrich descriptive goals, while the
quantitative will deliver specific variables measures.

Experiences in Using of Qualitative And Quantitative Analysis

Somehow, as an agronomist, previously I was intensely working with
quantitative analysis moreover the qualitative analysis. As an exact study, I heave
trained to read, and conclude a fact by major trends of population. Compares the
different by the wide of variation or the length of range on some measureable
parameter. The quantitative framework also drive me to quantify many qualitative
parameter, so it can be state empirically as a common sense.
Some late research specially in agricultural human resource, change my
overview of designing methodology. As Im working for a research which come from
curiousity of why particular people has decided to encroachment of the forest near
village. As I am working with quantitative research as a frame work and utilize
quantitative analysis as an approach, with descriptive statistics and t‐test to
compare the means. I only have a number as a concusion. The research analysis
cannot answer why the people tends to do so.
Realizing that quantitative approach cant really answer the main questions, so
I started to use farmer small focused group discussion and employ the discussion to
find some points which can not measures in a previous method. The results was very
interesting. During the discussion everyone involve on the discussion group has
deliver their motivation in harvesting forest tree. And more than that, they also
shows divers various kind of economics, social, knowledge, perception and value
aspects whose has involve in constructing the motivation.
Using buble diagram, we can draw the various aspect, the magnitude and
closeness of each aspect. From the approach and analysis we can conclude a set of
descriptive points which answer the key questions why people in particular
condition, act a particular way.
After that experience, I realize, that we can employ both Qualitative and
Quantitative analysis and approach to answer comprehensively and also conclude a
universal generalization. On other says, combining qualitative and quantitative
approach will give us an ultimate instruments to explain the phenomenon from
complete dimension.
At the same way, Schmied (1993) has stated that both qualitative and
quantitative analyses have something to contribute to science development. There
has been a recent move in social science towards multi‐method, which use more
than one method, and provide more comprehensive conclusion.

Refer to discussion above we can noted some point to summarize and answer
the question “differentiation of qualitative and quantitative analysis and how it
should be applied in our disciplines” .
1. The difference between qualitative and quantitative methods has lied on
those aims and limitation as an instruments of research.
Qualitative analysis has an specific aim to :
‐ Identification of new phenomenon, and able to reveal information that
cant be identified by pre‐determined methodology
‐ Can provide deep understanding of some mechanism / processes
‐ Provides information which somehow can be converted to numerical
The limitation of Qualitative analysis :
‐ Cannot generalizing the population
‐ Could be difficult to applying with statistical method
‐ The effectiveness depend on the researchers as an instruments of

Quantitative analysis has an specific aim to :

‐ Gathering information from a relatively large number of participant
‐ Provides numerical or rating information
‐ Allows generalizing to broader population
‐ Easy to applied with statistical techniques that allow
determining relations between variables
The limitation of quantitative analysis :
‐ Difficult in recognizing new and untouched phenomenon (specially
“why” phenomenon)
‐ Framed in statistical designed, causes limited conclusion

2. Recently, its familiar to employ both qualitative and quantitative in the same
research. Multi‐method approach which combine both analysis, can be
effective and useful to in‐depth describe and in the same time also take a
general conclusion.
Adar Ben‐Eliyahu, Ph.D, 2104. Understanding different types of research:
The difference between qualitative and quantitative approaches.‐methods‐whats‐the‐difference‐between‐
qualitative‐and‐quantitative‐approaches/. 24 Nopember 2014, 14:12

Jean Rhodes, 2014. On Methods: What’s the difference between qualitative and
quantitative approaches?.‐methods‐whats‐
the‐difference‐ between‐qualitative‐and‐quantitative‐approaches/. 24 Nopember
2014, 14:12

Schmied J. (1993). Qualitative and quantitative research approaches to English

relative constructions. In C. Souter & E. Atwell (Eds.), Corpus‐based
computational linguistics (pp. 85‐96). Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Susan E. Wyse, 2011. What is the Difference between Qualitative Research and
Quantitative Research?.‐is‐the‐
difference‐between‐qualitative‐research‐and‐quantitative‐research/. 24
Nopember 2014. 12:10.

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