CBP New Method Histopathology

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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147

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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

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Inhibition of cadmium- induced genotoxicity and histopathological

changes in Nile tilapia fish by Egyptian and Tunisian montmorillonite
Karima F. Mahrous a,n, Aziza M. Hassan a,b, Hasnaa A. Radwan a, M.A. Mahmoud c
Cell Biology Department, National Research Centre, 33 El-Bohooth Street, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Biotechnology Department, Faculty of Science, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Department of Pathology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, El Giza Square, Giza, Egypt

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cadmium (Cd) is an important inorganic toxicant widely distributed in the environment because of its
Received 1 January 2015 various industrial uses. The aims of the current study were to investigate the efficacy of purified Egyptian
Received in revised form and Tunisian montmorillonite clays (EMC and TMC) to inhibit genotoxicity and histological alterations
28 April 2015
induced by cadmium chloride (CdCl2) utilizing the Nile tilapia fish as an in vivo model. Chromosomal
Accepted 29 April 2015
aberrations (CAs), micronucleus (MN) frequencies and DNA fingerprinting profile were genotoxic end
Available online 19 May 2015
points and histopathological changes that were used in this investigation. Six groups of fish were treated
Keywords: for 2 weeks and included control group, CdCl2-treated group and groups treated with EMC or TMC alone
Fish or in combination with CdCl2.
The present results revealed that, treatment of fish with CdCl2 exhibited significant increased in the
number of micronucleated erythrocytes (MnRBCs), frequency of CAs and instability of genomic DNA.
Cytogenetics Treatment of EMC and TMC in combination with CdCl2 significantly reduced the frequency of MnRBCs by
Histopathology the percentage of 53.28% and 60.77% and the frequency of CAs by 43.91% and 52.17% respectively. As well
as, normalized DNA fingerprinting profile and significantly improved histopathological picture induced
by Cadmium treatment. It is worth mention that both clays have the ability to tightly bind CdCl2 and
decreased its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity; however, Tunisian clay was more efficient in binding with
the CdCl2 than Egyptian clay.
& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction levels of the trophic chain (Stoeppler, 1991). It is well known as

carcinogen (Banerjee and Flores-Rozas, 2005), teratogenic (Hov-
The contamination of food and feedstuff with heavy metals land et al., 2000), caused sterility (Bench et al., 1999), nephrotoxic
represents many problems for human and animal’s health, thereby (Ahmed and Abdel-Wahhab, 2000; Cai et al., 2001), hepatotoxic
continuously attracting worldwide attention (Satarug et al., 2003; (Horiguchi et al., 2000; Ahmed and Abdel-Wahhab, 2000), geno-
FAO/WHO, 2003). Heavy metal contamination in the terrestrial as toxic and apoptotic (Kim et al., 2005; Mondal et al., 2005) and also
well as the aquatic environment is a worldwide problem of in- inducing pancreatic activity changes (Shimada et al., 2000). For
creasing magnitude. Heavy metals can affect aquatic organisms this fact, excessive exposure to Cd results in diseases and occa-
through water, sediment or food chain (Zyadah, 1995). sionally death (Othumpangat et al., 2005).
Cadmium (Cd) is an important inorganic toxicant widely dis- Cadmium that enters aquatic environments accumulates
tributed in the environment because of its various industrial uses within the bodies of aquatic organisms (Habib and Samah 2013).
The growth, osmoregulation and reproduction of fish are affected
and it is a nonessential element to all living organisms (Randi
by exposure to this metal (Kim et al., 2004). Cd obstructs numer-
et al., 1996; Besirovic et al., 2010). Also contamination of ground-
ous reproductive processes in fish such as sexual maturation,
water from smelting and industrial uses as well as the use of
spermatogenesis, fertilization success and development of the
sewage sludge as a food-crop fertilizer. Cadmium was known by
embryonic and post embryonic stages (Jezierska and Witeska,
their bioaccumulation and caused harmful effects in different 2001; Dietrich et al., 2011). It is also causes DNA single-strand
breaks, DNA–protein crosslinks, chromosome aberrations (CAs),
Corresponding author. Fax: þ20 2 33370931, þ20 2 3766187. and apoptosis (Hovland et al., 2000). Previously, Muley et al.
E-mail address: kfmahrous@hotmail.com (K.F. Mahrous). (2000), found significant alterations in the DNA and RNA contents

0147-6513/& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K.F. Mahrous et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147 141

in gills, liver and brain of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio ex- maintained on a standard fish diet at the Animal House, Faculty of
posed to cadmium chloride and lead acetate. Also Bais and Lo- Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University (Giza, Egypt). Feeding was
khande (2014) found reduction of DNA in Ophiocephalus straatus done once daily using a pelleted diet (32% protein ration) at rate of
fish. 3% of the fish body weight. The water in aquaria was changed daily
Many of common clays and zeolitic minerals may be non- to avoid metabolite accumulations in glass aquaria (static system).
selective in their action and may pose significant hidden risks due After an acclimation period of one week, the fish were divided into
to interaction with nutrients and heavy metals. Several reports six experimental groups (10 fish/group) and each group was
have indicated that the phyllosilicate montmorillonite clay, which placed in a fully prepared aquarium containing de-chlorinated tap
is currently used as an anti-caking agent for animal feed borne water, the average water temperature was 20 73.7 °C and the pH
metals uptake, may remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions was in the range 7.17–8.19.
(Subramanian and Gupta 2006; Da Fonseca et al., 2006). In the
aquatic environment, Montmorillonite Clay binds toxins and 2.3. Experimental design
heavy metals to a degree that far outperforms charcoal and other
filter products, plus it supports beneficial bacteria also, the Mon- Fish within different treatment groups were treated for
tmorillonite Clay has a protective effect against some mycotoxins 2 weeks as follows:
(sterigmatocystin and aflatoxin) and could be used to protect Group 1, untreated control group fed on the standard diet;
cultured tilapia from such toxins (Mahrous et al., 2006; Hassan Group 2, treated orally with Egyptian Montmorillonite clay (EMC)
et al., 2010). Scientifically speaking, most bentonite clay minerals alone at level (400 mg kg  1 BW); Group 3, treated orally with
have peculiar adsorption arising from their layered structure, Tunisian Montmorillonite clay (TMC) alone at level
charged layers and active edges. The layered structure provides (400 mg kg  1 BW); Group 4, treated orally with CdCl2
inter-layer space to host guest molecules and ions. Charged layers (2.5 mg kg  1 BW) in water; Group 5, treated orally with CdCl2
and “broken edge” sites attract varieties with opposite charges (2.5 mg kg  1 BW) simultaneously with EMC (400 mg kg  1 BW)
through Van der Waals force. Such features allow clay minerals to and Group 6, treated orally with CdCl2 (2.5 mg kg  1 BW) si-
be used as adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from multaneously with TMC (400 mg kg  1 BW).
water. Calcium Montmorillonite Clay can also be effective ad-
sorbents and absorbents of oily pollutants and animal waste 2.4. Cytogenetical investigations
(Mckinnon, 2013).
Therefore, the application of the purified montmorillonite clay 2.4.1. Micronucleus test
collected from Tunisian and Egypt environments as adsorbents for A drop of blood from the gills was mixed with a drop of fetal
remediation of Cd toxicity is of great national and international calf serum and smeared directly on slide then air dried, fixed in
interest. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the pro- absolute methanol for 5 min and stained with 5% Giemsa for
tective effect of Egyptian and Tunisian clay on the chromosomal 7 min. Two thousand of red blood cells per fish were analyzed for
aberrations (CAs), micronuclei (MNs), DNA and histo-pathological the frequency of MN erythrocytes. The diameter of the micro-
changes in tilapia exposed to cadmium. nucleus (MN) was less than one-third of the main nucleus, sepa-
rated from or marginally overlapped with main nucleus and had
similar staining as the main nucleus. The number of micro-
2. Materials and methods nucleated erythrocytes (Mn-RBCs) was expressed per 2000 ery-
throcytes (De Flora et al., 1993).
2.1. Chemicals
2.4.2. Chromosomal preparation
2.1.1. Cadmium chloride Chromosomal preparation of kidney tissues was carried out
Cadmium chloride was purchased in a pure standard solution according to the method described by (Al-Sabti, 1986) with some
in concentration 1000 mg /L from Merck, 64271 Darmstadt modification. In brief the anterior kidney from each fish was ex-
(Germany). cised and cut into fine particles in 5–7 ml of RBMI medium and
0.2 ml of 0.05 colchicine was added to each tube in vitro. Cultures
2.1.2. Tunisian montmorillonite clay were incubated at 37-38 °C for 1 h then the cells were centrifuged
The results of the chemical analysis of TM revealed that was at 1000 rpm for 10 min and resuspended in pre warmed (37 °C)
composed of 52.61% SiO2, 10.11% Al2O3, 5.10% Fe2O3, 0.44% TiO2, hypotonic solution (KCl 0.5%) for 30 min at 37 °C. The sample were
1.05% MgO, 5.75% CaO, 2.22% Na2O, 2.30% K2O, 20.19% FL, and 0.19% centrifuged and fixed; the slides were produced by the conven-
SO3 based on the dry weight. tional method and stained with Giemsa stain. Chromosome ana-
lysis was carried out in 100 metaphase spreads for each fish.
2.1.3. Egyptian montmorillonite clay
It was kindly supplied from the Ceramic Department, National 2.5. Molecular genetics analysis
Research Center, Dokki, Egypt. The results of the chemical analysis
of EM revealed that was composed of CaO 0.99%, SiO2 43.90%, 2.5.1. DNA extraction
Al2O3 18.64%, Fe2O3 9.50%, MgO 2.04%, SO3 0.07%, K2O31.08%, DNA was extracted from the liver fish according to the method
Na2O 2.10% and Cl‾ 4.21%. described by Sambrook et al. (1989). The genomic DNA was iso-
lated using phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipita-
2.2. Fish tion method with minor modifications.

Sixty apparently healthy, two-month-old Nile tilapia fish (Or- 2.5.2. Random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD- PCR)
eochromis niloticus) with an average body weight of 907 10 g were RAPD-PCR was carried out with the pooled and the individual
purchased from El-Nobarya Fish Farm (El-Nobarya, Egypt) and genomic DNA samples. A total of six random decamer primers of
transported alive in a large plastic water container supplied with arbitrary sequences with 60-70 GC% content were used as listed in
battery aerators as a source of air. During transportation fishes Table (1). The amplification conditions and PCR mixture were set
were treated with lidocaine (5 mg/L) to reduce stress. Fish were according to Williams et al. (1990) and Plotsky et al. (1995),
142 K.F. Mahrous et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147

Table 1 Table 2
Sequence of primers used to amplify DNA. The effect of Egyptian and Tunisian clays on the induction of micro-nucleated red
blood cells in cadmium treated fish.
Primer Sequence (5′–3′) CG %
Treatment No of Mn-RBCs Mn-RBCs mean 7 SE
B04 GGACTGGAGT 60 Control 20 4.3 7 0.25d
C18 TGAGTGGGTG 60 Egyptian clay (EMC) 18 3.6 7 0.31d
C20 ACTTCGCCAC 60 Tunisian clay (TMC) 14 2.8 7 0.37d
D01 ACCGCGAAGG 70 Cadmium 241 48.4 7 1.72a
D06 ACCTGAACGG 60 EMC þ cadmium 126 24.9 7 1.72b
TMC þcadmium 102 21.6 7 1.3c

Means superscript with different letters are significantly different (P o 0.05).

thermal cycling (ABI 9700) was carried out by initial denaturation
at 94 °C for 2–5 min, followed by 34–45 cycles each at 94 °C for
30–60 s, annealing temperature at 28–54 for 30–60 s, poly-
merization temperature at 72 °C for 30–60 s and final extension at
72 °C for 10 min. The samples were cooled at 4 °C.

2.5.3. Agarose gel electrophoresis

The amplified DNA fragments were separated on 2.0% agarose
gel, stained with ethidium bromide, visualized on a UV transillu-
minator and photographed by Gel Documentation system Gel Pro
(version 3.1 for window 3).

2.6. Histopathological examination

Tissue specimens from kidneys, liver and gills were collected

after clinical and gross examination and immediately fixed in
neutral buffered formalin 10% and dehydrated in ascending grades
of ethanol (70%, 80%, 90%, and 100% for 1 h each). The specimens
were then cleared in 2 changes of xylene, embedded in paraffin
and sectioned at 4–5 mm thickness. The sections were stained
using routine Hematoxylin and Eosin stain (Bancroft et al., 1996).

Fig. 1. Histogram showing the inhibition percent of both EMC and TMC clays on the
frequencies of micronucleated erythrocytes and chromosomal aberrations in
3. Statistical analysis

All values were expressed as mean 7 SE in each group. Sig-

nificant differences between the groups were determined with chromosomal aberrations induced in all experimental groups.
SPSS 10.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) by performing one- Various types of structural chromosomal abnormalities recorded
way ANOVA with post hoc comparisons followed by Duncan’s were chromatid breaks, chromatid deletions and fragments
multiple range test. The results of cytogenetic study were statis- (chromosomal breaks), centromeric attenuations, Centromeric
tically analyzed using t-test. A difference was considered sig- fusion and polyploidy whereas chromatid gaps were excluded.
nificant at the p o0.05 level. The results showed that the mean value of chromosomal
aberrations induced by both Tunisian and Egyptian clays was
found to be statistically insignificantly changed as compared with
4. Results control group. However, the mean value of chromosomal aberra-
tions induced by cadmium was statistically significant (P o0.05)
4.1. Cytogenetical results increased when compared with control group. On the other hand
combined treatment of Egyptian or Tunisian clay resulted sig-
4.1.1. Micronucleus result nificantly (P r0.05) reduction in the frequency of chromosomal
The size and position of micronuclei in the cytoplasm showed aberrations in compared to the Cd-treated group. The reduction
slight variation and one or more micronuclei per cell was ob- percent in the chromosomal aberrations incidence was calculated
served. The frequencies of micronuclei recorded in all groups are to be 43.91% and 52.17% respectively (Table 3). The effect of Tu-
summarized in Table 2. The results showed that Egyptian clay or nisian clay was more pronounced than Egyptian clay in the pre-
Tunisian clay induced non significant increase in the mean value of vention of induction of micronuclei and chrmomosomal
micronuclei in erythrocytes of fish as compared to the control aberrations.
group. Cadimum at dose 2.5 mg/kg BW induced a statistically
significant (P o0.05) increased in the frequency of micronuclei. On 4.2. RAPD-PCR fingerprinting profiling
the other hand, treatment of EMC and TMC in combination with
Cd significantly (P r0.05) reduced the frequency of micronuclei Six random 10-mer primers (B02, B04, C18, C20, D01 and D06)
induced by cadmium alone and the reduction percent in the mi- were used to analyze instability in the genome of hepatic treated
cronuclei incidence was calculated to be 53.28% and 60.77% re- tilapia using RAPD-PCR fingerprinting and the presence of changes
spectively (Fig. 1). in the RAPD profiles obtained from the exposed population de-
pending on the primer used. From the six primers, only three
4.1.2. Chromosomal aberrations results produced reproducible and scorable amplification fingerprints.
Table 3 showed the mean 7standard errors of types and total Primers produced similar RAPD fingerprints for controls and
K.F. Mahrous et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147 143

Table 3
The effects of Egyptian and Tunisian clays on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in kidney of cadmium treated fish.

Treatment Total aberration excluding gap Chromosomal breaks Cent. attenuation Cent. fusion Polyploidy Gap

Break Deletion Fragment

Control 2.5 7 0.29e 0 0 1.75 7 0.25cd 1.757 0.25cd 0 0.5 7 0.29e 1.57 0.30bc
Eg cl 4.27 0.25d 0 0.25 7 0.2c 1.8 7 0.31c 1.87 0.31c 0 1.75 7 0.24d 1.57 0.27bc
Tun cl 3.757 0.48de 0 0.5 7 0.28c 1.5 7 0.29d 1.57 0.29d 0 1.5 7 0.20d 1.27 0.31c
Cadmium 25.57 1.93a 5.07 0.41a 4.75 7 0.48a 5.75 7 0.63a 5.757 0.63a 1.07 0.41a 4.3 7 0.48a 3.757 0.25a
Eg þ Cad 15.47 1.5b 2.57 0.29b 2.9 7 0.31b 3.0 7 0.57b 3.07 0.57b 0.57 0.29b 3.25 7 0.48b 1.57 0.29bc
Tunþ Cad 13.57 0.65c 2.07 0.1b 3.0 7 0.41b 3.0 7 0.40b 3.07 0.40b 0.257 0.2c 2.5 7 0.29c 1.757 0.25b

Means superscript with different letters are significantly different (Po 0.05).
treatment groups rendering it uninformative in revealing altera- interstitial infiltration with oesinophilic granular cells (Fig. 3.1c).
tions in hepatic DNA. A total of 36 loci of different bands were Focal tubular necrosis replaced by leucocytic cells infiltration as
amplified by the three primers (B02, C20 and D01), with an well as oesinophilic granular cells aggregations around the glo-
average about 12 loci per primer. The 36 loci that were amplified, merular tuft were observed in some examined sections (Fig. 3.1d).
14 bands were polymorphic giving (38.8%) polymorphism, the si-
zes of bands ranged from 420–1530 bp. DNA profiles presented in 4.3.2. Liver
(Fig. 2A–C) were generated using three primers and a mixture of Microscopically, liver of tilapia from control group and those
three individuals from each replicate. Profiles generated by these treated with Egyptian clay alone revealed no obvious changes.
primers revealed differences between control and exposed in- Meanwhile, examined sections from fish treated with Tunisian
dividuals, with visible changes in the number and size of amplified clay showed vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes. Conversely,
DNA fragments. Moreover, the most obvious result was the ap- sections from fish treated with cadmium revealed cytoplasmic
pearance or absence of new bands in DNA samples of the group vacuolization of hepatocytes, necrosis of hepatopancrease
treated with cadmium alone which resulted from the genetic al- (Fig. 3.2a) accompanied with infiltration with eosinophilic gran-
teration in DNA in cadmium-treated group whereas none of these ular cells. However, examined sections from groups treated with
new bands were found in the genomic DNA of the samples col- combination of cadmium either with Egyptian clay or with Tuni-
lected from hepatic fish of the control group or that received CdCl2 sian clay revealed no histopathological alterations except vacuo-
in combination. lization of hepatocytes (Fig. 3.2b).

4.3. Histopathological results 4.3.3. Gills

Sections from control, untreated tilapia revealed no histo-
4.3.1. Kidney pathological alterations. Meanwhile, those treated with Egyptian
Examination of kidneys of both control fish and those treated clay alone showed congestion of secondary gill lamellae. On the
with Egyptian clay alone revealed no histopathological changes, other hand, examined sections from tilapia treated with Tunisian
whereas, sections from tilapia treated with Tunisian clay alone clay alone revealed hyperplasia and fusion of gill lamellae as well
showed vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelium. Mi- as infiltration of the brachial tissue with eosinophilic granular
croscopically, kidney of tilapia treated with cadmium revealed cells. Examined sections from fish treated with cadmium revealed
vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelium (Fig. 31a), focal marked congestion of secondary gill lamellae (Fig. 3.2c), hyper-
necrosis of renal tubules associated with oesinophilic granular plasia of mucous secreting cells, hyperplasia and fusion of gill la-
cells infiltration (Fig. 3.1b). Examined sections from tilapia treated mellae. Massive infiltration with eosinophilic granular cells was
with combination of cadmium and Egyptian clay revealed im- also noticed in some examined sections (Fig. 3.2d). Meanwhile,
provement in histopathological picture as it showed vacuolar de- sections from group treated with combination of cadmium and
generation of renal tubular epithelium without necrosis or evi- Egyptian clay showed hyperplasia and congestion of secondary gill
dence of inflammatory cells infiltration. On the other hand, kid- lamellae as well as hemorrhages in the branchial tissue (Fig. 3.3a).
neys from group treated with combination of cadmium and Tu- Moreover, gills from fish treated with combination of cadmium
nisian clay revealed severe changes described as vacuolations of and Tunisian clay revealed marked hyperplasia of mucous se-
epithelial lining renal tubules, intertubular edema associated with creting cells as well as diffuse hyperplasia and fusion of gill

Fig. 2. RAPD fingerprinting profiles of DNA from different groups of fish using primers B02,C20 and D01 in A,B and C. Lane (M): DNA ladder. Lane (1): control. Lane (2):
treatment with Eg cl. Lane (3): treatment with Tun cl. Lane (4): treatment with cadmium chloride. Lane (5): treatment with Eg þCd. Lane (6): treatment with TunþCd.
144 K.F. Mahrous et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147

Fig. 3. 1-Photomicrographs of kidney of O. niloticus fish: (a) treated with cadmium showing vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelium (H&E 200  ). (b) Treated with
cadmium showing vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelium, focal necrosis of renal tubules associated with oesinophilic granular cells infiltration (H&E 200  ).
(c) Treated with combination of cadmium and Tunisian clay showing vacuolations of epithelial linning renal tubules, intertubular edema associated with interstitial in-
filtration with oesinophilic granular cells (H&E 200  ). (d) Treated with combination of cadmium and Tunisian clay showing oesinophilic granular cells aggregations around
the glomerular tuft (H&E 400  ). 2-Photomicrographs of several organs of O. niloticus fish: (a) Liver of tilapia treated with cadmium showing necrosis of hepato-pancrease
(H&E 200  ). (b) Liver of tilapia treated with combination of cadmium and Egyptian clay showing vacuolization of hepatocytes (H&E 200  ). (c) Gills of tilapia treated with
cadmium showing marked congestion of secondary gill lamellae (H&E 200  ). (d) Gills of tilapia treated with cadmium showing massive infiltration with eosinophilic
granular cells (H&E 400  ). 3-Photomicrographs of gills of O. niloticus fish: (a) Treated with combination of cadmium and Egyptian clay showing hemorrhages in the
branchial tissue (H&E 200  ). (b) Treated with combination of cadmium and Tunisian clay showing marked hyperplasia of mucous secreting cells as well as diffuse
hyperplasia and fusion of gill lamellae (H&E 100  ). (c) Treated with combination of cadmium and Tunisian clay showing necrosis, edema and massive infiltration with
granulated and degranulated eosinophilic granular cells (H&E 200  ).

lamellae (Fig. 3.3b). Necrosis, edema and massive infiltration with The results of our study showed increasing in the induction of
granulated and degranulated oesinophilic granular cells were no- micronuclei in peripheral erythrocytes of O. niloticus when ex-
ticed in gill rackers of examined sections (Fig. 3.3c). posed to cadmium. In line with our findings, several authors have
previously been able to demonstrate that the micronuclei test in
fish erythrocytes and other tissue cells yielded positive results
5. Discussion after the administration of cadmium. Cadmium induced significant
micronuclei formation in different tissues of Oreochromis niloticus
Cadmium has been demonstrated to stimulate free radical (Ozkan et al. 2011), Oreochromis mossambicus (Chandra and
production, resulting in oxidative deterioration of lipids, proteins Khuda-Bukhsh, 2004), Salmo trutta, and Phoxinus phoxinus
and DNA, and initiating various pathological conditions in humans (Sanchez-Galan et al., 1999) and rainbow trout (Castano et al.
and animals (Shaikh et al., 1999; El-Demerdash et al., 2004). Fishes 1998). Similarly, Cavaş et al. (2005) reported an increase in the
are very sensitive to a change in their environment and can play induction of MN in peripheral blood erythrocytes, gill epithelial
significant role in assessing potential risk associated with con- cells, and liver cells of Cyprinus carpio, Carassius gibelio, and Cor-
tamination in aquatic environment (Lakra and Nagpure, 2009). ydoras paleatus with exposure to doses of Cd. They suggested that
K.F. Mahrous et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147 145

the mechanism of cadmium genotoxicity is mainly conditioned by an acceptable explanation for the cytoplasmic vacuolation of the
single strand breaks in DNA through the direct cadmium–DNA cells as a result of swelling and inhibition of mitochondrial
interactions as well as by the action of incision nucleases and/or function.
DNA-glycosylase during DNA repair (Privezentsev et al., 1996; The changes in the gills in our study were clear in case of fish
Lutzen et al., 2004). Also several pathological examinations sug- group exposed to cadmium and were characterized by hyperplasia
gest that cadmium can cause aneuploidy, and it poisons the mi- of gill filaments, congestion and eosinophilic granular cells in-
totic spindle (Berces et al., 1993). The mitotic spindle has a great filtration; the results were go parallel with the findings of Be-
importance in the formation of micronuclei. sirovic et al. (2010). The changes in the gills were also noticed in
Our results also showed that the exposure of fish to Cd induced the treated group; however it is not indicative to inefficiency of
elevated levels of chromosomal aberrations including; chromoso-
the clays to inhibit the toxicity but it may attributed to failure of
mal breaks, gaps, centromeric attenuations, Centromeric fusion
the tissue to regenerate the chronic changes that noticed in
and polyploidy. These results are in agreement with previous
branchial tissue.
studies as Chandra and Khuda-Bukhsh (2004) have revealed that
In this work we find that there are no significant effects on the
CdCl2 induced aberrations of various kinds in Oreochromis mos-
number of MnRBCs in the treatment with Egyptian clay or Tuni-
sambic, such as break, terminal association, centric fusion, pre-
cocious centromeric separation and C-mitosis. Cd had already sian clay alone compared to the control group. As well as no sig-
been reported to have adverse effects on chromosomes and Cd nificant differences in chromosomal aberrations were observed in
burden in the body has been reported to be directly correlated the group treated with Tunisian clay alone compared with control
with chromosomal aberrations (IARC, 1993). Low dose of cadmium group, also between Egyptian clay and Tunisian clay. This result
(1 mg/kg/day) for 30 days resulted in chromosomal aberrations as confirmed with several reports indicated that treatment with
manifested by aneuploidy, breaks, gaps, centromeric fusion re- montmorillonite or other clay minerals did not show any tox-
sulting in formation of submetacentric and metacentric chromo- icological or physiological effects in rats (Abdel-Wahhab et al.,
somes. However, it was also observed that CdCl2 administration at 2002; Wiles et al., 2004; El-Kady et al., 2009), chicken (Chung
a large dose given staggered e.g. 25 mg/kg/day for 20 days and et al., 1990), in mice (Abbès et al., 2006a,b, 2007a), human (Phillips
200 mg/kg/day for 5 days resulted in severe chromosomal damage et al., 2008) and in Tilapia fish, (Abdel-Wahhab et al., 2005; Hassan
if compared to the same dose given singly (Singh et al., 2007). et al., 2010). These results confirmed the safety of EM.
Singh and Sankhla (2010) have observed that in animals ad- Clay minerals have been shown so far to protect against toxicity
ministered with CdCl2 there was a significant increase in the of various natural or synthetic chemical products, including my-
number of chromosomal aberrations and a decline in mitotic in- cotoxins and heavy metal ions (Abdel-Wahhab et al., 2005; Gupta
dex. Free-radicals can originate from exposure to various en- and Gardner, 2005; Abbès et al., 2006a). In the present study fish
vironmental toxicants, cadmium being one of them, resulting in received the combined treatment of cadmiumplus Egyptian or
disturbed homeostasis and induction of biological stress as man-
Tunisian clay showed a significant improvement in the frequencies
ifested by a sharp decline in mitotic index and an elevation of
of micronuclei, chromosomal aberrations, DNA alterations and the
chromosomal aberrations.
histopathological picture of liver and kidney although it failed to
The present results, RAPD profile showed genomic DNA al-
normalize them. The mechanism by which EM induced its pro-
teration in cadmium- treated group which represented by the
tective effect may be achieved from in vitro study revealed that
appearance or absence of new bands in DNA samples which re-
sulted from the genetic instability in DNA in cadmium-treated EM had a high affinity for Cd2 þ ions in aqueous solutions (El-Kady
group. In this concern, Rocco et al. (2014) stat that the dis- et al., 2009). This mechanism appears to involve sequestration of
appearance or the loss of PCR amplification products can reveal a Cd2 þ ions in the gastrointestinal tract and chemisorption (i.e.,
change in the DNA sequence due to mutations, showing new an- tight binding) to EM, which resulted in a reduction in metal
nealing events and/or large deletions, bringing two pre-existing bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract by adsorption of Cd2 þ
sites nearer or separating them farther. Furthermore, the amplifi- ions metal by EM after simultaneous addition. In this regards,
cation pattern of the DNA of the individuals exposed showed the Abdel- Wahhab et al. (2002) reported that montmorillonite did not
acquisition or the loss of bands and/or the change of intensity of affect minerals metabolism in animals that received aflatoxin.
the same, caused by a variation in the number of recognition sites Cd2 þ ions are bound on the clay minerals by cation exchange (Da
of the sequence of the primer and thus of mutations. The varia- Fonseca et al., 2006; Hassan et al., 2010).The mechanism of pro-
tions of frequency of the bands could be the result of structural tection by clay minerals has been primarily attributed to the ad-
changes induced by the genotoxic events such as cadmium. sorption and cation exchange capacity to reduce the bioavailability
Previous studies (Zhiyi, and Haowen 2004; Atienzar and Jha, of the toxins or the heavy metal ions in the gastrointestinal tract
2006) showed that the changes in electrophoretic patterns reflect when added to contaminated diet (Babich and Stotzky, 1977; Ab-
the alterations of the DNA due to a single change in the bases del-Wahhab et al., 2005; Abbès et al., 2006b).
(point mutations) or a more complex chromosomal reorganiza- Moreover, the results of this study indicate that, the effect of
tion. In the same manner, Cambier et al. (2010) confirmed that
Tunisian clay was more pronounced than Egyptian clay in the
cadmium treatment producing differential band patterns between
prevention of induction of micronuclei and chromosomal aberra-
control and metal-exposed genomic DNAs in zebra fish which in
tions. The absorbability of different clay minerals differs according
consistent with our results.
to their specific surface area (Sposito et al., 1999). So that Tunisian
From pathological point of view our results indicated that,
obvious pathological lesions were noticed in case of exposure to clay has a high affinity to adsorb cadmium. The physicochemical
cadmium. In liver vacuolar degeneration was a common finding. properties of this montmorillonite indicate a high cation-exchange
Necrosis and inflammatory cells were not uncommon. In this capacity and high specific surface area (Srinivasan and Fogler,
concern, Kaoud and El-Dahshan (2010) observed vacuolar degen- 1990a,b). These results agree with those reported by Phillips et al.
eration in kidneys and necrosis in liver as a result of cadmium (1995) that montmorillonite effectively sequesters different con-
toxicity in O.niloticus fish. The degenerative changes in the cells taminants. Abbès et al. (2007a) indicated that TEM has a good
may be induced exposure of the cells to either toxic or hypoxic ability to absorb heavy metals and protect mice against im-
cases which effect on cellular function, Al- Nasser (2000) provide munotoxicological effect of cation.
146 K.F. Mahrous et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 119 (2015) 140–147

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Cairo University (Department of Pathology), which generously duced changes in lipid peroxidation, blood hematology, biochemical para-
accepted to perform laboratory work and scientific sectors tissue. meters and semen quality of male rats: protective role of vitamin E and β-
carotein. Food Chem Toxicol. 42 (10), 1563–1571.
We express our appreciation to the three anonymous reviewers for El-Kady, A.A., Sharaf, H.A., Abou-Donia, M.A., Abbès, S., Salah-Abbès, J.B., NaguibK,
improving our paper. Oueslati, R., Abdel-Wahhab, M.A., 2009. Adsorption of Cd2 þ ions on an Egyp-
tian montmorillonite and toxicological effects in rats. Appl. Clay Sci. 44, 59–66.
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