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Ultramicroscopy 107 (2007) 669–673

A new method based on image analysis for determining cyanobacterial

biomass by CLSM in stratified benthic sediments
A. Solé, J. Mas, I. Esteve
Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain
Received 27 July 2006; received in revised form 27 November 2006; accepted 9 January 2007


Cyanobacteria are the dominant primary producers in microbial mats, which are stratified benthic microbial ecosystems found in
coastal environments. Some cyanobacteria form long filaments, which make difficult to apply classical methods to estimate their biomass
because they establish strong interactions with detritic particles. In a previous study, we described a method for determining
cyanobacterial biomass by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). However, the manual method used, based on summa
projection images, was difficult to apply when analyzing a large number of samples.
In this paper, we described a new automated method, based on stacks and applying the plugin voxel counter in the ImageJ analysis
system, more adequate for obtaining biomass data quickly from a large number of CLSM images.
r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM); Image analysis; Cyanobacteria; Biomass; Microbial mats

1. Introduction photosynthetic microorganisms emit naturally autofluor-

escence [14–16]. However, the density of the filamentous
Cyanobacteria are the most abundant photosynthetic cyanobacteria, which can be seen in each sample, makes
microorganisms colonizing a wide range of different it difficult to correctly identify them and determine the
habitats. Among these, microbial mats (benthic ecosystems biomass that these microorganisms represent in the
stratified in millimeter-thick colored layers), have been natural environment. Despite this, confocal microscopy
studied by different techniques [1–6]. Cyanobacteria are scanning microscopy (CLSM) provides high-resolution
located in the upper part of microbial mats, where light is images which have been used to determine the diversity
available [7–10]. These microorganisms in general and of the cyanobacteria in the microbial mats from the
particularly the filamentous type belonging to the order Ebro delta [17,18], and from other places around Europe
Oscillatoriales, form a complex network throughout the [6,8,9].
mat where they interact strongly with the detritus material In 2001, we published a paper in which we applied a
which surrounds them. Moreover, some of them produce manual method using images obtained with CLSM for
exopolysaccharides [11–13]. Due to this, the upper part of identifying and quantifying (biomass) the cyanobacteria in
the microbial mat, which coincides with the green Ebro delta microbial mats [3]. This manual method is
pigmented layer where the cyanobacteria live, has a very far more efficient than estimating obtained biomass
compact texture. Among the microscopical techniques used through pigment extraction. It also improved high-resolu-
for identifying microorganisms in this type of environment, tion microscope techniques (SEM and TEM) by not
fluorescence microscopy has been applied repeatedly since requiring the use of lengthy protocols in sample prepara-
tion [1,19].
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 5813255; fax: +34 93 5812387. As regards the use of molecular techniques for identifi-
E-mail address: (A. Solé). cation, many cyanobacteria (and particularly Microcoleus

0304-3991/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
670 A. Solé et al. / Ultramicroscopy 107 (2007) 669–673

sp.) produce abundant exopolysaccharides, which may 2. Materials and methods

frequently cause difficulties in DNA extraction [4].
Fluorescence ‘‘in situ’’ hybridization (FISH) has been used 2.1. Ebro delta microbial mats
as a suitable method for the quantification of phylogenetic
groups in environmental samples [20], nevertheless, this Microbial mats were obtained from the delta of the Ebro
method has limitations when cell permeability is dimin- river, near Tarragona, in the NE of Spain (401400 N,
ished. Furthermore, molecular techniques also involve long 01400 E). Samples were taken from a site near the ‘‘Salines
protocols. de la Trinitat’’ (P8) in the Alfacs Peninsula between April
The manual method described was also applied to 1997 and May 1998. They were collected monthly; more
determine the spatio-temporal dynamic of the total samples were collected during the summer months in which
biomass and the biomass distribution of each type of greatest microorganism growth occurred.
cyanobacteria during one annual cycle [18]. However, this
method required that the limits of each cyanobacterium 2.2. Confocal microscopy and image processing analysis
presented in each summa projection were established
manually on screen to obtain different morphometric data. Stacks of images were obtained with a Leica True
Furthermore, different stereometric corrections were ne- Confocal Scanner TCS 4D (Leica Lasertechnik GmbH,
cessary to obtain the final biomass values. This laborious Heidelberg, Germany) under an excitation beam of
manual procedure was tedious to apply, especially when it wavelength 568 nm, from an argon–krypton laser, and
was necessary to analyze a large number of images or stored on CD ROMs with a 650 Mb capacity.
samples. In a previous study, we published a manual method for
This report describes a reliable and simple method of determining cyanobacteria biomass in microbial mats by
computer-assisted microscopy for the quantitative analysis means of CLSM optical series and the computer-aided
of confocal laser scanning microscopy images from drafting program, AutoCAD release version 14 [3].
stratified benthic sediments in which complex populations In this paper, we reuse the optical series or stacks of
of cyanobacteria are present, and which at the same time images obtained with CLSM from samples of Ebro delta
allows a larger number of samples to be analyzed quickly microbial mats. In order to determine the cyanobacterial
and easily. biomass using the new computerized method described in

Fig. 1. Confocal summa projection images showing different levels of cyanobacteria complexity: (a) high density of Microcoleus chthonoplastes filaments;
(b) Oscillatoria sp. filaments; (c) low density of Microcoleus chthonoplastes filaments; (d) Pseudanabaena sp. filaments.
A. Solé et al. / Ultramicroscopy 107 (2007) 669–673 671

Section 3. The Voxel Counter plugin, created by Wayne available on-line, was applied to this software. This specific
Rasband and available on-line, was applied to the ImageJ application calculates the ratio of thresholded voxels or
1.33f analysis system, a free image-processing and analysis cyanobacterial volume (Threshold Voxel Count) to all
program. voxels or the total sediment volume (Total Voxel Count)
from each binary image in every stack. This value (Volume
2.3. Statistical analysis Fraction) was multiplied by a conversion factor of

With the goal of comparing both methods (manual

versus computerized), a mixed Lineal Model [21] for
repeated measures was established, with the biomass
logarithm as the response variable, and month, depth and
their interaction and method, as the covariates. Statistical
significance was fixed at a ¼ 0.05. All statistical analyses
were performed with SPSS 13.0 for Windows.

3. Results and discussion

When sediment samples, such as microbial mats, are

analyzed with confocal laser microscopy, high-quality
images are obtained. These high contrast images show
the natural autofluorescence emitted by cyanobacteria
(foreground), against a black background (detritus and
non-fluorescent microorganisms).
Summa projection images, generated from optic series or
stacks in which all cyanobacteria are summarized in one
single image can be easy or more to analyze depending on
the type of cyanobacteria present. Among the oxygenic
phototrophic microorganisms described in the Ebro delta
microbial mats, Microcoleus sp. is the dominant cyano-
bacterium. It has filaments which are usually long and
curved and that are normally grouped together in bundles
surrounded by a exopolysaccharide matrix. The images
that this microorganism generates have a high degree of
overlapping and intercrossing filaments (Figs. 1(a) and (c)).
Oscillatoria sp. is characterized by its generally short, thick
filaments that have a rectilinear trajectory, which means
that in the images where it appears there is not as much
overlapping as in the case of Microcoleus sp. (Fig. 1(b)). As
well as these two types in the Ebro delta, other types of
filamentous and unicellular cyanobacteria are found in less
abundance. Underneath the green layer coinciding with the
anoxic zone, the images taken show very thin filaments of
varying lengths, which normally do not occupy many
microns of depth (Fig. 1(d)).
In the present study, a free image processing and analysis
program, ImageJ 1.33f, which is available on-line [22] was
used to determine the cyanobacterial biomass from mat
samples. Confocal stacks of varying complexity and
thickness were used instead of summa projection images.
Stacks of images were opened and imported as 8-bit Fig. 2. Summa projection and optical sections from the same CLSM stack
512  512 tiff image sequences (original image format) and are shown. This stack was composed by 14 optical sections in an 11 mm
transformed to binary images (black/white) using the depth. The distance between each two optical sections was 0.88 mm. (a)
threshold adjust commands in which an optimum thresh- Original confocal summa projection image from filamentous cyanobacter-
old was required, so that the least possible information ia in an Ebro delta microbial mat sample, (b) AutoCAD manual drawing
from image (a), (c), (e) and (g) the 3, 6 and 9 optical sections taken in
from the images was lost. This optimum value was depth in this stack; (d), (f) and (h) binary images, from images c, e and g,
established in each of the stacks analyzed. Later, a plugin obtained with ImageJ 1.33f software using the adjust threshold command
called Voxel Counter, created by Wayne Rasband and to obtain an optimum black and white image without losing information.
672 A. Solé et al. / Ultramicroscopy 107 (2007) 669–673

310 fg C/mm3 to convert it to biomass [23,24]. This factor that applying different mathematical formulae can cause
was also applied previously in the manual method. loss of biomass due to the error produced when the outlines
A summa projection drawn with the manual method drawn of the bacteria do not correspond to well-defined
(AutoCAD) and some optical sections binarized with the geometric figures, as in the case of filamentous cyanobac-
ImageJ program from the same CLSM stack are shown in teria. At deeper layers of the mat, the filamentous
Fig. 2. In this figure, Microcoleus chthonoplastes images cyanobacteria are not so abundant, and the images coming
have been selected as they are more abundant in the Ebro from this area overlap less, so that both methods show
delta microbial mats. similar biomass values (6.01 mg C/cm3 of sediment using
The spatial dynamics of cyanobacterial biomass deter- the computerized method and 4.81 mg C/cm3 of sediment
mined from stacks (white points) and summa projections using the manual method, both results at 0.55 cm depth in
(black points) corresponding to different periods of time July 1997).
are shown in Fig. 3. The results obtained with the The statistical analysis detected significant differences
computerized method show the same profile throughout between both methods tested (po0.001), with a 95%
the study as those obtained manually. However, the values confidence interval [2.31, 4.14]. The results demonstrate
of the computerized method applied to stacks are higher that the new method described here is much more accurate
(38.98 mg C/cm3 of sediment at 0.45 cm depth in April than the manual method, particularly when analyzing
1997) than those obtained using the manual method samples with high population density of filamentous
(2.26 mg C/cm3 of sediment at 0.45 cm depth in April cyanobacteria. This is why, analyzing each image of the
1997), especially in layers where cyanobacteria were most same stack provides quantitative information that is more
abundant (green layer). Applying the program ImageJ accurate than that obtained from a bidimensional image of
achieves, in this case, much higher biomass as it provides us the entire stack.
with information about the entire stack. The lower values Furthermore, the computerized method offers other
obtained by the manual method could be due to the fact advantages compared to the manual method. Firstly, it

0 0
0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.6
a c
0.8 0.8 d

1 1
29/04/97 07/07/97
Depth (cm)

1.2 1.2

0 0

0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8

1 1
04/08/97 27/02/98
1.2 1.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Biomass (mgC/cm3 sediment)

Fig. 3. Spatial and temporary cyanobacteria total biomass during four different months from the annual cycle studied. The data from the two methods
based on summa projections (AutoCAD) and on stacks (ImageJ) are shown. Results are expressed in mg C/cm3 of sediment. The depth of the pigmented
layers is expressed in cm. Green layer ; red layer ; summa projections results K; stack results J. Letters a, b, c, and d (indicated by arrows) show where
images from Fig. 1 are obtained.
A. Solé et al. / Ultramicroscopy 107 (2007) 669–673 673

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