Mar 53 Mdi-Pp II 2021 - Wiremesh

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me Leeper 0 2 | 0 2021 MATERIAL APPROVAL REQUEST ‘Pl oar} Woe ee pROUEST TE IseECs SECTION bmi CODE lem Palembang Gly Sewerage Project ow Qo lee vocanion: Bnew sustrrat render orawing no. assorasoco- | sre fA sraucruse Palembang tkalldon ooossos, esotasoor-220c017, | re F] evecreca, s3s0:430-00000-cs01 lan JsuemrrrAt no. O resvewirrat ec FE] mecvaneat Peter vroege IMaRusziMoi-Ppnuz021 pe] pane REFERENCE SUBMITTAL NO. : oD omens Manufacturer Vendor Matera roto: cation Buy alogue or Drawing No- aman fe : : ‘Manufacturer 7 (Catatogeen or Dr 1g Ne cmc ce ‘Vendor Material | Material (Wo ceuec non senoveD (Clerenoveowemcoment ues (Cleonaccreo a nesuorico emes |Wiremesh ww a wwes | P1700 STEEL | vee, 7 and] - catalogue of Furniture Casson wnoustmes | MEN? fatacnmene Ares ENO pRePaneD By. REVIEWE: CHECKED BY "APPROVED BY ‘uel eee na yorElndi David Feraan te Viceue Ado Abin coararation manalorjectvanager _onrstars Represntat sentornspecter Wors eos bembuat fomitmen : pate} Pa DINAS PEKERJAAN UMUM DAN PENATAAN [Ot More Ap u owe 3-2-2014 RUANG KOTA PALEMBANG f-02-Y ETHENG.FRIGOL-GEN 2914 Revo 1ssuty 2000 SPECIFICATION COMPARISON MATERIAL : Wiremesh SUPPLIER : PT TOGO STEEL INDUSTRIES No| Requirements Referensi Contractor Proposal Status 1 |Wiremesh SL 72 (For Footpath) eee eect Wiremesh M6 Sirip 150 x 150 Equivalent & Comply (Wiremesh [Tender Drawing No. 83501430-01-220- Conversion 2 |Wiremesh SL 81 (For Benching Concrete) cot7 Wiremesh M10 Sirip 150 x 150 according to STQNo. 15- MDIPP-STQ- 3 |Wiremesh SL 82 (For Wide Dish Channel) eee ee eee eee Wiremesh M7 Sirip 150 x 150 Xi-2020 rev 1 ETIENG-FRMO01-GEN-2914 REV 0 16 JULY 2020 7 aaa Teta nies ous q 1 i 4 ELEVATION, ELEVATION BOLLARD TYPE 1 BOLLARD TYPE 2 Z REET MOR RNS a 4 nme 2 Jt A= a omonas S20 A CONCRETE FOOTPATH Gs) SLED a aa z iz WATER AND SANITATION PROGRAN CITY SEWERAGE GRANT- | FOR CONSTRUCTION sme | eee | ae ACTIVITY 268.1 DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN =f Se. ee —2/@) MWH.| Australian OO — neces rea Se Rid AP | Cswtocau0 83501430-00-000-c305 [1 © © pressor fra: wate amps et wat aeteata Pad - ] = ai sates ALL REINFORCEMENT N2O=150 UNO LT \ica0 te al = 8 maton a | dl en — SEF — coweise0 exransion sont - F100 : 7 wom jf no ne : tt _/ Bitte, LIE amis ‘Nm secrion : © © : [esensts) . A MIO BARS, eee ; | x f perererere _ feos oe Ld SATS mR a : | ae fe WATER AND SANITATION PROGRAM CITY SEWERAGE GRANT [~~ FOR CONSTRUCTION =e Po = Ge . (eee (9) sw —fo eee SO “same. 3% CROSSFALL HESS SCHED aT ERE Sency SEA Fs were ru een crea “ NO CROSSFALL SALES SEALED ACCESS ROAD SECTION FARKNGSTALL ay) vat SiRee sewer samara [Sroeone a ones DETAIL SCALES a GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD SECTION * \ \— tem Tk 2h (LASS, ae Koco \. BEeeiees eerie ‘anne agcresete. —— Dame cee FAL, Lt sh ssa Be hon DISH CHANNEL SENS anim euttact¢9 — WATER AND SANITATION PROGRAM CITY SEWERAGE GRANT - ACTIVITY 268.1 DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN [Gemeente 7 |SURFA\ ‘SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE PIT FOR CONSTRUCTION 16.03.15 STANDARD DETAILS PEMERINTAH PROVINS! DAERAH KHUSUS IBUKOTA JAKARTA DINAS PERINDUSTRIAN, PERDAGANGAN, KOPERASI, USAHA KECIL OAN MENENGAH v KAN LABORATORIUM UNIT INDUSTRI BAHAN DAN BARANG TEKNIK =“ siceesiog™ 4k. Letjend. Soeprapto Kav.3, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat ‘Toip. (021) 4209179, Fax. : (021) 42881790 002762 LAPORAN PENGUJIAN ‘Nomor Pengujon £94 /1.05B / $22 / LP / VIE / 2020 ‘Nama Conta Uj Jaringan Kawot Baja Las Untuk Tulangan Beton Deere tangga! 05 Agustus 2020 ‘Dau tangoa! 24 Agustus 2020 Dibunt unt 1 PT, TOGO STEFL INDUSTRIES Jin, Raya Kutabum Kawasan Industri GKBI No. 1 Tangerang, Banten 1. Keterangan Canton 1. Kenta Contoh + Merk TOGO MESH Jenis 2 Diameter 6,0 mm LUturan jaring 150 x150 mm Kode: 1 2, Keadaan Contoh + Satu lembar dalam kaadsan baie ‘3. Petunjuk Pengambian Contoh _: Diterima dilaboratorium 1. Keterangan Pengujan 1. Metode Uy + SNINo.07-0663-1995, Javingan Kawat Baja Las Untuk Tulangan Beton. Uraion Pengujan Hast Uj ‘yarat Mutu SNI No. 07-0663-1995 1. Stat tampak Balk, bdak cacat | IKBL harus kokoh, Uk las harus kuat dan repih, ewat-kawat satu sama lain harus tegak lurus. Permukaan kawat baja tak boleh mengandung serpinan, gelombang, ipatan, retakan | = Lebar, m 1,050, ~ Uran Jaring, rom 180,79 x 151,23, = Penyimpangan keskuan, % oat Maksimum 1 + Diameter kawat, mm 6410 6,0 +010 | Serak scp, mm 48 48-72 + Tiga snp, mm 0:38 Moirmum 0,27 + Berat kawat be, ka/m 0228 0,222 = 0,0056 | ‘tet ~~ Bates ulur, kgf/mm? $311 ‘Minimum SO = ata, 6108 Maram 55 : unt tre 70 Miriam 30 | Kuat tank» 70 Mrimum 25 ~ Ruat ser las, kot/mm? 5026 ramum 20 = Lengkung, 180° Bak, tidak retak | Tdak boven retak pada sis uar lengkungan |__ Dun pelengung vs x Oxamener | __ 1 Jakarta, 77 Agustus 2020 KEPALA UNIT INDUSTRI BAHAR DAN BARANG TEKNIK KOORDINATOR SATUAN PELAKSANA DDINAS PERINOUSTRIAN KOPERASI PENGUJIAN DAN KALIBRASI Panjang, m 1,057 ~ Lebar, m 109 = Ularan Jaring,, mm 150,83 x 151,59 024 Maksmum 1 | 7.03 7.02013 ass 48-72 oz 0.305 0,302 + 0,008 56,63 ioimum 0 62,46 Minimum 8 6137 at tark = 70 Mira 30 | Kuattarik > 70 Minimum 25 ~ Kua geser las, kof/mm? | 43,02 Minimum 20 = Lengkung, 160° | at, tidak eta “Tidak boleh retak paca si kar lengkungan Duri pelengiang ¥ x Diameter | a Cotaton Pengujian diakukan berdasarkan permintaan pelanggan PRR an eh EPALA UNIT INDUSTRI BAAR DAN BARANG TEKNIK NIP 196501081992031005, Jakarta, 27 Agustus 2020 KOORDINATOR SATUAN PELAKSANA PENGUJIAN DAN KALIBRAST 70 Minimum 25 = Kat geser as, ktm? 3432 Minium 20 = Legiung, 180° Bal, ak retake Tidak boleh retak pada sis har lengkungan ur pelengiung 1 x Diameter Ny. Cotatan = Pengujan dlokutan berdasartan pamintaan pelonggan Salar, 19 Novernber 2020 KOORDINATOR SATUAN PELAKSANA PENGUIIAN DAN KALIBRASI J MARIO BAHRY, 5.51 NP 198308242016011019 Fr79.102 PENN TAN PROUINS!OAERANLAINUSUSIDUKOTA JAKARTA Vv mAs rerannusinn renbaGawals xortaAst usanaKece oan wenenoan NC AAA LABORATORIUM UNIT INDUSTRI BAHAN DAN BARANG TEKNIK ““suristiny 31 Leon! Soeprapto Kae 3. Conga Pub Jahata Pusat Tos (021) 4200479, Fae (021) 42081700, 004067 LAPORAN PENGUJIAN Nom Pergunaa 128 / L088 733 UP) 2020 Nama Contch Uy Jango Kaw Bop Las Unk Tulmgan Beton Derma tanga! 20.0stober 2020 Das tanggat 1 November 2020 Dat unt +. TOGO STEEL INDUSTRIES 2. Rayo Kutabum Kowasan Indust GXBE Mo, 1 Tangerang, aren 1. Keterangan Contch 1 Toenttas Centon 4 Merk TOGO STEEL Diameter 10,0 mm Jen's 2, Benuk A Usuran janng 150° 150 mm ode : 2. Resdan Contoh ‘Satu lenbar data keadaan bak =| 3 PetunjukPengambian Conton.: Oterima disbeatxim 1. kewranganPenguon E). Meode us + SNE ND.07-0663-1995, snvngan Kawa Bas Las Untuk Tuangan Beton A] mm. vast yy i Train Penpaion teary ‘Syaat Mu SM No 070683 1595 ] [Stet tampox Baik dak cacat | IKBL horus 4okon, WK as horus Kut don aD, | favatiawat saty sama toh horus teak lurus Pemutaan Jawat bap vdak bole mengandung -serinan,gelombang,ioata,retakan 2, Ura = Diameter kawat, mn 19303 102013 3. Stat Mekanis + Boras ult ffm? 61,80 Minimum SO ~ kuat tak, 698 Momum 55 + Kontakst, 9% 517 ‘uat anc $ 70 Meni 30 Kut tank» 70 Minna 25, > at ges 1a, ttimm? 3581 ‘Minenum 20 = Lenghung, 180° Ba, ak eta ‘Tidak bol retak pada ss ar lengkungan Dust pelenghung 1x Olameter ee 1, Catatan: Pengujan dlakukan berdasarkan permintaan pelanggan Jakarta, 19 November 2020 Diluangmngatip dan empethanyak dal hen sen tn wn MARIO BAHAY, S.Si ‘up 198308282010011019 Fr 78102 = Site Technical Query Feta No, ST@ 15M} Disciptine PPISTOVKIL/2020 Project No. 2814 Dare ENGINEERING December 12th, 2020 [uae Engnearng [Kem RainTarconrent Tor taneate [osatranto HOPE lsubject: Jwiremesh Conversion {rom Australian Sandard (SL 82, S81 & & 72)to Indonesian Sandard (M7, M10 & MB) [Based on the designs & drawings hat we Tecelved, wiremesh are using Ausivalan standards We hereby propow 3} lconversion from Australian standards to SNI standards with the following considerations: 1. Australian standard wire mesh sizes must be a special order 2. Production time with Australian standards is quite long I. Not all suppliors.can make special orders, [The conversion can be seen in table below No | Ausiatan Standard [ “1 | “st a2 Piten 200, 2 [Attachment ~ REINFORCEMENT CONVERSON SLBZ, SC BTERLTZ] [attachment res NO eine [Gost Impact YES i [Schedule Impact ves vio ‘CONTRACTOR (MDI PP JV) Prepared by ‘Approved by ‘Approved by ‘Andri Ari SCoardination Manager| Bakhtiyar lend! Project Manager | Oavid F.- Contractor's Represenialive Date [bare bate: 1471220 IENGNEER Description ENGINEER (CMG) checked by MC [ewc Comments Taiscencronmone rrenoveovan coun Petar viene romecres reser lowe: If19 = 962 Lb-9=9e20 Sresecreo CLOSE OUTREGURED _uYES ono ‘GLOSE OUT= CONTRACTOR [Coordination Manager Name ISonature bate [Ste Manager Name ISgnature Date ‘CALCULATION SHEET YC... INFRATAMA Project WWPS and WWTP Palembang. avn rae Location Palembang, South Sumatera Structure Name | Reinforcement Conversion TTY-DOC-PLBG-WWTP-IV-05 REINFORCEMENT CONVERSION SL82, SL 81 & SL 72 To M7, M10 & M6 ‘A. REINFORCEMENT BAR STANDART 1. Various kinds of yield stress are commonly used: 1 The yield stress refers to the SNI bb, The yield stress refers tothe Australian standard 500. N/mm2_ 500. Nfmm2. 8, REINFORCEMENT BAR CONVERSION ‘The yield stress unit is N/ mm2. So the area of reinforcement according to SNI must be increased/decreased in area, because SNI yield stress standard is different, itis necessary to add / reduce reinforcement area to be able withstand a farce as large as Australian standards Increase/decrease area Is done by shortening/larging the distance between reinforcement (for plates] and increase/decrease the number of reinforcement (for columns and beams) B.1. REFFER TO STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA 1. Wiremesh St&2 ( pitch 200) 2, Diameter SL82 = 7.60. mm b. Section area SL82 45.36. mm2 «. Reffer to Australian standart yield stress 500, W/mm2. d, The force is held to the yield stress of SL82 22,682 N . pitch = 200. mm f. Force per mm length within 200 mm that can be held = 13.41 N/mm 2. Wiremesh M7 2. Diameter M7 = 7 mm b. Section area M7 = 3848 mm2 «. Referring to SNI yield stress - 500. N/min2_ 4d, The force is held to the yield stress of M17 19202 N < 22,682 N e. piteh 150 mm f. Force per mm length within 150 mm that : can be held = 12828 Nim — > 113.41 N/mm. ‘The force that can be held is bigger than the SL&2 , siti stil proper B.2. REFFER TO STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA 1, Wiremesh S181 ( piteh 100) a. Diameter St81 . 7.60. mm b. Section area SL8i 45.36 mm2 © Refer to Australian standart yield stress - 500 N/mm2 4. The force is held to the yield stress of SLB2 = 22682 N e. pitch - 300 mm 4. Force permm length within 200 mm that can be held = 226.82 N/mm 2. Wiremesh M10 2, Diameter M10 : 10 mm b. Section area M10 = 7854 mm2 Referring to SNI yleld stress - 500 N/mm2 d. The force is held to the yield stress of M10 = 39270 N > 22,682 @. pitch . 150 mm §, Force per mm length within 150 mm that can be held = 261.80 Nim > 226.82 N/mm ‘The force that can be held is bigger than the SLB1 , sot is still proper 8.3. REFFER TO STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA 1. Wiremesh S172 ( pitch 200) 2, Diameter SL72 : 6.75 mm b. Section area St72 = 35.78 mm «. Reffer to Australian standart yield stress . 500 N/mm2 d. The force is held to the yield stress of SL72. 17,892 N . pitch = 200 mm {Force per mm length within 200 mm that can be held = 89.46 N/mm 2. Wiremesh M6 2. Diameter M6 . 6 mm b, Section area M6 = 2827 mma «. Referring to SNI yield stress 500 Ny/mm2 4d, The force is held to the yield stress of ME 4137 N << 17,892 N . pitch . 150 mm f. Force per mm length within 150 mm that can beheld = 9425 N/mm => 89.46 N/mm ‘The force that can be held is bigger then the S172, o itis still proper ©. CONCLUSION For the purposes of converting reinforcing iron in the fleld due to differences in standards between Australia ‘and indonesia, , it can be converted from Australian standards to Indonesian standards as follows: 2. Wiremesh SLE2(pitch200) canbe convertedto :_Wiremesh M7 _Sirip 150x150 b. Wiremesh SL82( pitch 100) canbe convertedto =: Wirermesh M10_Sitip 150x150 ©. Wiremesh $172{(pitch 200) can be converted to Wiremesh M6 Sirip 150x150 04 December 2020 Prepared by, Burhanuddin Cuil Engineer

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