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Robert Liang
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Cold Dishes and Salad Recipes..................................................6

Stir Frying Recipes....................................................................15

Vegetable Soup Recipes...........................................................27

Rice Porridge Recipes...............................................................33


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This e-book will include my favorite recipes excerpted from http://www., where you can find more stir frying, salads,
soup and porridge recipes.

There are three reason that I like these recipes for:

Firstly, they are delicious. Of course, the personal preferences vary from
person to person. These recipes included in this e-book are all those that
satisfy my tongue.

Secondly, they don’t take much time. But moms are only amateur cooks,
too, because they have other things to do during the day. They will either
take care of the laundry and shopping in the markets. Some of them even
have a day job. The recipes that you will see below will fit into your busy
schedule because they are designed for modern working people.

Thirdly, they are simple to cook. Cooking is not something that can only
mastered by qualified cooks. You will find that for many things in life, the
simpler it is, the better it can be done. It applies to cooking, too. Once you
find the recipe of your own, you will excel with it alone.

Fourthly, they can be personalized. Remember your mom’s chicken soup?

No one else can cook the same as your mom, right? You will be
unforgettable and unique too if you follow the recipes below and make
tweaks of your own.

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Cold Dishes and Salad Recipes

Chinese cold dishes are usually served at the beginning of a dinner as the
first course. They are not only acting as appetizers, sometimes they can be
your thing that you will not eat without.

Cold dishes don’t necessarily mean that the vegetables are eaten raw.
Some of them are supposed to be edible when they are raw. Others are

Those that can be eaten raw have the properties of fruits, which I love.
Those that can not be eaten raw are usually immersed into the boiling
water so that they can be eaten when made into salads.

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Green Bell Pepper Salad

One thing that I love bell peppers so much about is that they are so juicy. Another
reason that they are so cute is that they are not as hot as chili peppers. I think it would
be a great pity if they are cooked on with hot fire due to these reasons. I am making
one type of bell pepper recipes, which is a salad (I would rather call it cold dish because
there is no salad paste added.) made of green bell pepper. It is so easy that you don’t
need to turn on your burner at all.

Green bell pepper: 500 g
Sesame oil: 10 g
Scallion: 10 g
Salt: 5 g
Five-spice powder: 2 g
MSG: 2 g

Cooking Steps:
1. Wash the green bell peppers clean.
2. Get rid of the pedicel (the base of the bell pepper) and the seeds inside.
3. Cut the bell peppers and scallion into strips and put them on a plate.
4. Add in the seasonings to the bell pepper strips and mix them together.

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5. Ready to serve.

Cooking Tips:
After making this salad, I found the biggest problem with it, i.e. it is all green. As we all
know, there are many colors of bell peppers available in the market. Red and yellow are
the two colors that are also very popular. Purple peppers can also be found, but rare.

So next time (why don’t you take this tip for the first time), I will include the red bell
pepper and the yellow bell pepper inside. Can you imagine how colorful that would be?!

Note: People might not want to eat raw bell peppers at the first thought. I didn’t before.
However, when you reach the third bite, you will love them. They are comparable to
fruits in terms of juice and taste.

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Sour and Spicy Potato Salad

The potato is one kind of vegetable that both the Eastern and the Western styles of
cooking favor. It can be made into a variety of dishes and desserts, salads or cooked
dishes. It can be sliced, cut into strips, diced or even steamed as a whole. This list can
go on and on.

Potato: 500 g

Scallion: 10 g
Ginger: 10 g
Salt: 6 g
Vinegar: 15 g
Chili oil: 10 g

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Cooking Steps:
1. Cut the scallion into strips.
2. Cut the ginger into strips.
3. Peel and cut the potatoes into strips.
4. Boil some water in the pot.
5. Immerse the potato strips into the hot water until they become edible (100% done,
nothing more or less).
6. Filter the hot water away and cover them with cool water.
7. Then filter the cool water away and put the potato strips on a basin or big bowel
where it is easy to stir.
8. Add the scallion strips, salt, vinegar, chili oil and ginger strips into the basin or the
9. Stir the seasonings and the potato strips together fully.

Cooking Tips:
1. The picture above was taken before they were blended. You can come up with the
same effect when you do as instructed above.
2. It takes time and patience to cut the potatoes into fine strips. You are supposed to
slice the potato first. The thinner the slices are, the better it would be. Then you are
supposed to arrange the slices together and cut along the cross-section. You may
come up with very thick and uneven potato strips. However, when you do it up to three
times, you will find out that you can do it very well.

If you find that cutting potatoes into strips is not something you would buy into. Then
there are some utensils that you can use, such as the grater (e.g. Microplane Fine Grater

However, I don’t like that for two reasons. The first reason is that it is not easy to use.
The surface of the peeled potato is smooth and difficult to hold onto. When I am sliding
the potato on the surface of the grater, the potato is easy to slide off my hand, and my
hand is subject to injury. The other reason is that the edges of the potato strips are
tooth-shaped, not smooth and not good looking. Of course, you can try for yourself
before making up you mind about what to do.

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Chili Sauce Potato Salad

As we know, stir-fried potato slices are very crispy. However, potatoes can be very soft,
too, especially when they are steamed.
To be honest, I am not used to eating steamed potatoes. However, this cold dish that I
made today amazed me and my girlfriend. That’s what I hope it can do to you when you
try it out after you come to the end of this recipe. By the way, it’s so simple that I will not
have enough words to describe it.

Potatoes: 500 g

Chili sauce: 30 g
Vegetable oil: 30 g

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Cooking Steps:
1. Rinse the potatoes clean.
2. Steam them;
3. Peel them when they are done steaming;
5. Dice the peeled potatoes and put them onto a plate;
6. Pour vegetable oil into the preheated wok;
7. Add the chili sauce into the oil when it is 50% hot;
8. When the chili sauce is done, pour it onto the diced potatoes;
9. Mix them together.

Cooking Tips:
1. I cannot tell you how much time it takes to steam the potatoes or how much water
you should use to steam them because I didn’t time or measure it. The time varies
depending on the water you pour in the pot. The amount of water required varies
depending on that amount of potatoes you are steaming.
However, it’s not rock science. I just use a chopstick or a fork to pierce the potatoes to
see if they are done. I would also check on the water and add some if necessary.
I remember reading one article on the Internet about piercing the sweet potatoes before
putting them into the steamer. This will accelerate the steaming process. I believe that
we can use this tip in the potato steaming, too.
2. You might see that the chili sauce looks too red on the picture. Well, that’s because
of the chili sauce I used. This color will depend on the one you buy in the market.

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Chinese Five Spice Garlic Scapes

To be honest, it is difficult to cook garlic scapes which are very delicious when well
cooked. There are several reasons for this.
The first reason is that it is not easy for them to get done properly. I have tried this for
numerous times and always failed. It is likely to be either undercooked or overcooked.
However, today I will tell you one small tip that will solve this problem in no time.
The second reason is that it is not simple to select the tender garlic scapes for cooking.
I would always feel like stepping on the thin ice, fearing that the old fibrous ones would
be included into my dish. A fibrous one will ruin the whole dish and all of my efforts
because they will give you a bad bite. I will tell you the method I choose them, which is
not perfect 100% of times.

Garlic Scapes: 500 g

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Salt: 6 g
Five Spice Powder: 10 g
Sichuan Pepper Oil: 20 g
MSG: 2 g

Cooking Steps:
1. Boil water of appropriate amount;
2. Rinse the garlic scapes clean;
3. Cut them into 5 cm pieces;
4. Immerse the pieces into the boiling water for five minutes (when the garlic scape is
done but still crispy);
5. Strain the scape pieces out of the hot water and place them on a plate;
6. Put all the seasonings into the plate and stir them fully.

Cooking Tips:
1. When you are choosing the garlic scapes, you want tender or young ones because
you will not chew coarse fibers when you eat. You can try some this way. However, you
cannot try them all.
Another method you can try is to look at the color of the thicker end of the garlic
scapes. I would pick those with lighter color.
2. The first problem that we put forth at the beginning of this post has already been
answered in the preparation steps. You are very smart. Yes, hot water it is.

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Stir Frying Recipes

Stir frying is the cooking method that are most commonly used in the
Chinese cooking.

It is easy and quick. It only takes minutes to finish one dish. Everyone that
is able to follow a step by step system can cook one dish that will amaze
yourself and your family.

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Sweet and Sour Chinese Cabbage

The inner part of Chinese cabbage: 300 g
Green and Red Chili Peppers: 150 g in total

Salt: 5 g
MSG: appropriate amount (The amount that you are comfortable with.)
White sugar: appropriate amount
Vinegar: 40 g
Minced Scallion: 10 g
Minced Ginger: 10 g
Sesame Oil: 30 g
Starchy sauce (Mixture of starch with water): 10 g
Vegetable oil: 50 g

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Cooking Steps:
1. Cut the Chinese cabbage inner part into strips of 4 cm x 2 cm.
2. Cut the chilly into strips, too.
3. Heat the wok.
4. Add in the vegetable oil.
5. Put the minced scallion and ginger into the heated oil. Swing the wok until you smell
the flavor of the scallion and ginger.
6. Pour the prepared Chinese cabbage into the wok and stir-fry it.
7. Add in the salt, MSG, white sugar and vinegar.
8. Add in the chili pepper strips and stir-fry for about 1 minute.
9. Pour the starchy sauce into the wok. Stir sometime until the liquid in the wok
becomes sauce (Dressing with starchy sauce).
10. Mix the sesame oil in to the finished dish.
11. Put the dish onto the plate and ready to be served.

Cooking Tips:
1. The timing of adding in the salt. It is very important when you are doing stir-frying to
add the salt when the dish is almost done – which means when it can be eaten and not
raw any more. That’s because two things that are not expected will happen if the salt is
added in very early.
a. There will be much liquid coming out of the vegetables. You know why. It’s because
the vegetable cell will lose liquid to keep the balance of the salt content on both sides of
the cell walls. We learned this in the Chemistry class at high school.
b. The loss of nutrition from the salt and the vegetables. Liquid coming out of the
vegetables brings the nutrients contained away into the soup. The salt will lost the
nutrients added when it was produced, too.
These two bad things can be prevented by controlling the timing of adding in the salt.
When you think that the vegetable is almost good for eating, you can add in the salt
and stir up quickly before turning the flame off shortly afterward.

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If you find that it is difficult to control, you can just do the dressing with starchy sauce
which will thicken the liquid or soup and make it into sauce.
Another solution is just drink the soup up when you are eating the dish. Lol.
2. The chili peppers are used to add colors to the dish. I usually cut them into the same
shape of the main ingredient. In this case, I cut them into strips. You can do the same
or some other ways though.

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Quick Fried Potato Slices with Green Bell Peppers

However, before we come to the cooking process, we need to say something more
about potatoes. Potato is a vegetable that can also be eaten as a filler like cereals. It
contains low calories, high protein, multiple vitamins and micro-elements. Therefore, it
is an ideal food for weight loss. This is why it is very popular among people that are
looking to losing weight.

Potatoes: 250 g (about two)
Green bell peppers: 250 g

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Salt: 4 g
White sugar: 5 g
MSG: 2 g
Soy sauce: 15 g
Vinegar: 15 g
Sichuan Pepper: 20 grains
Scallion: 10 g
Ginger: 5 g
Garlic: 2 cloves
Peanut oil: 50 g

Preparation Work:
1. Peel the potatoes and wash clean;
2. Chop the potatoes into 2-3 mm thick slices;
3. Remove the stem and seeds from the green bell peppers;
4. Rinse the peepers with water;
5. Break the bell peppers into pieces that are similar to the potato slices;
6. Slice the scallion and garlic cloves into thin pieces;
7. Mince the ginger.

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Cooking Steps:
1. Pour the peanut oil into the preheated wok which must be dry (The oil would spray
due to the heat otherwise);
2. Drop the potato slices into the hot oil;
3. Strain the slices of potatoes out of the oil when they turn golden yellow in color;
4. Retain an appropriate amount of oil back in the wok; (Now, you can turn off the heat.)
5. Turn on the heat again if you turned it off in the previous step;
6. Drop the Sichuan Pepper grains into the heated oil and take them out when the
pepper smell is set off;
7. Put the scallion slices, minced ginger, and sliced garlic cloves into the wok and stir
8. Add the potato slices and green bell pepper pieces in to the wok and stir for half a
9. Season it with vinegar, soy sauce, salt and white sugar;
10. Stir them fully;
11. Add in MSG and stir a little bit at last before turning off the heat.

Cooking Tips:
The quality of fried potatoes can vary depending on the cooking time. If you like sticky
or starchy ones, then you can cook a little longer. On the contrary, you can put the
sliced potatoes into cool clean water in advance.

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Fried Eggplant with Caraway

If you have ever cooked eggplant for even once, you will know that eggplant eats oil. It
seems that it will never get enough of oil. At the tips part, I am going to share some
simple tips that can deal with this frustrating issue.
Eggplant is the vegetable that my girlfriend loves the best. Therefore, I have to learn
some eggplant recipes. Actually, I don’t love it specifically because of the softness of
the cooked ones. But eggplant is indispensable from the Chinese vegetarian recipes.
In Chinese, this eggplant recipe that I am introducing to you is named literally as
eggplant with “strange flavor” (because of the caraway) instead of the fried eggplant
with caraway.

Eggplant: 300 g

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Peppercorn Powder: 2 g
Caraway: 50 g
White sugar: 10 g
Vinegar: 10 g
Soy sauce: 15 g
Sesame oil: 15 g
MSG: 3 g
Scallion shreds: 4 g
Finely minced ginger: 4 g
Mashed garlic: 4 g
Dried red chili pepper: 4 g
Vegetable oil: 30 g

Cooking Steps:
1. Rinse the eggplants clean;
2. Chop the cleaned eggplants into strips;
3. Pour the vegetable oil into the wok;
4. Put the wok on high heat;
5. Drop the eggplant strips into the wok when the oil gets 70% hot;
6. Strain the eggplant strips out of the oil when they are done;
7. Leave some oil back in the wok with the high heat on;
8. Drop the dried red chili peppers into the preheated oil;
9. Add in the scallion shreds, minced ginger, mashed garlic, vinegar, white sugar,
sesame oil and soy sauce and stir them quickly when the chili peppers sets off their

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10. When the seasoning liquid boils and bubbles, pour it onto the fired eggplant strips;
11. Add the MSG, peppercorn powder and caraway into the seasoned eggplant strips;
12. Stir fully.

Cooking Tips:
How to prevent the eggplant from “eating” oil in cooking eggplant recipes? Too much oil
will not do much good to our health. There are two ways to deal with it.
Firstly, fry the eggplant strips without oil on low heat. When the moisture contained in
the eggplant is evaporated and the meat of the eggplant is softened, oil is then used for
Secondly, blend the eggplant strips with salt and leave it for sometime until the moisture
in the eggplant come out. Then squeeze the strips before starting to cook.

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Stir Fried Celery

Celery is a vegetable that I would stay away from as far as cooking is concerned.
However, whenever I go to a restaurant, I would love to order a celery dish in order to
see what the cook in that restaurant would do with it and how he does it. To be honest,
when stir fried properly, celery recipes can be very delicious.
To cook the celery well, you also need to choose the tender celery in the market place
because the older ones are just a torture when it comes to chewing the fibers in you
mouth. This is easy if you can separate the good from the bad by looking at the colors
of different kinds of celery. I would prefer the lighter color.

Celery: 300 g

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Scallion: 20 g
Vegetable oil: 10 g
MSG: 3 g
Salt: 5 g

Preparation Work:
1.Turn on the heat and put the wok with 1000 ml water onto the heat;
2. Separate the celery sticks along the stem with hands;
3. Rinse the celery sticks clean with cool water;
4. Chop the celery into strips of 5 cm long;
5. Put the celery strips into the boiling water and wait until they are done (but don’t over
do it);
6. Strain the celery strips out of the hot water;
7. Chop the scallion coarsely.

Cooking Steps:
1. Preheat the vegetable oil in the wok;
2. Drop the chopped scallion into the wok and stir a few strokes;
3. Add the prepared celery strips into the wok and stir fully;
4. Add in the salt and MSG and stir evenly.

Tips for cooking the stir fried celery:

1. It’s difficult to control the heating when it comes to celery. So letting it go through the
boiled water is a good way. This is the trick that I have just learned from cooking books.
2. Cut it through the middle when you find out that you have chosen thick celery. You
can do without the going through boiling water part. But I found it helpful to do this.

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Vegetable Soup Recipes

Vegetable soup is good for losing weight healthily. Vegetables contain low
calories but high in other nutrients.

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Cabbage Soup Recipe

To be honest, I have never cooked cabbage soup before in my life because I had
thought the cabbage is not a kind of vegetable for soup. This recipe for cabbage soup is
included in a Chinese vegetarian recipes book. Wondering what it would taste like, I
decided to have a try today.
Although it was my first try, the result turned out to be not a total failure, actually pretty
exciting. Without any ado, let’s get started right away.

Cabbage: 300 g
Carrots: 100 g
Lima beans: 50 g
Tomato: 50 g
Butter: 100 g

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Salt: 3 g
MSG: 2 g
Vegetable stock: 500 g
Oil flour: 100 g

Preparation work:
1. Rinse the cabbage and carrots clean;
2. Chop the cabbage into pieces of about 3 centimeters;
3. Slice the carrots into thin (2 mm) pieces;
4. Immerse the tomato into hot water, which makes it easy to be peeled;
5. Peel the tomato and remove the seeds;
6. Slice the tomato.

Cooking Steps:
1. Put the wok on high heat;
2. When the wok is hot and dry, pour the vegetable stock into it;
3. Add salt and butter into the stock;
4. Wait until it begins to boil;
5. Mix the oil flour with water of appropriate amount, and pour the mixture into the
boiling soup;
6. Then blend the cabbage pieces, carrots slices, sliced tomato and the lima beans into
the wok;
7. Add the MSG in when the soup is boiling again;

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Cooking Tips:
1. If you don’t have time to prepare the vegetable stock, you can use clean water for
now. This way, you will know which is better when you are using stock next time. For
vegetable stock recipe, visit
2. Oil flour should also be prepared. The process is easy.
a. Preheat the wok with some vegetable oil;
b. When the oil is 80% hot, pour some wheat flour into it and quickly stir it;
c. At the same time, turn the heat down a little bit in order to keep the oil temperature
down so that the flour will not be burned;
d. When the flour is done, transfer it into a container and mix it with brown sugar.

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Vegetable Soup Recipe - Mung Beans & Chinese Cabbage

Seen from the photo above, this dish looks more like a kind of porridge. But I did intend
to make a soup rather than porridge. That is my fault because I didn’t use enough water
or stock in it. That happens when you do some cooking at home if you are not a
professional cook. Don’t you think that’s part of the fun in cooking? I do.

Green mung beans: 50 g

Chinese cabbage: 250 g

Salt: 3 g
MSG: 3 g

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Cooking Steps:
In order to enjoy this Chinese cabbage soup recipe, you need to do the following work
which is simple and only takes a short time, around 40 minutes.
1. Rinse the green mung beans clean.
2. Wash the Chinese cabbage clean. Then cut it into square pieces of about 4
centimeters on each side.
Note: I just ripped the green leaves off the white part and into pieces, then I would cut
the white part of the leaf which is hard into squares.
3. Put the green mung beans into a clay pot. Cover them with appropriate amount of
4. Boil the pot on high heat.
5. When the soup is boiled, simmer it on low heat for 30 minutes.
6. Then add the Chinese cabbage pieces, salt, MSG into the soup. And boil it for
another 5 minutes on low heat.

Cooking Tips:
1. If the soup is too salty, there’s a tip that can help you. Sew a wrap with a white clean
cloth which is usually used for cooking or steaming. Put flour inside. And then put the
wrap into the simmering soup for a few minutes. The soup will not be too salty any more
because the salt is absorbed into the flour.
2. I found that it is pretty boring if you wait on the pot during all the process. You can do
whatever you want during this time. But you should set an alarm to remind you of the
simmering soup. For me, I just prepare for another dish perhaps.
Hope you will enjoy cooking and sipping this vegetable soup recipe (Green mung beans
and Chinese cabbage soup recipe) introduced today.

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Rice Porridge Recipes

Rice porridge is good for the digestive system. It is not greasy, either.
Therefore, they are good for growing kids and elderly people. I stew rice
porridge in the evening. This way, I will not worry about my weight very

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Rice Porridge with Rice Balls

Polished round-grained rice: 150 g
Fresh tangerine: 1
Rice balls: 5

White sugar: 10 g
Water: appropriate amount

Preparation Work:
1. Wash the rice clean. And immerse the rice in water for half an hour. Then filter the
water off.
2. Peel and section the tangerine.

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1. Put the rice into the pot together with around 1000 ml water.
2. Heat until it boils. Then turn to low flame.
3. When the porridge gets sticky and boils, add the rice balls and white sugar into it.
4. Drop the tangerine sections into the porridge when the sugar melts.
5. It is ready for serving when the tangerine sections are done.

Cooking Tips:
1. There are many kinds of rice available in the market which can be used for Rice
Porridge Recipe. We use round-grained and un-glutinous rice in this porridge.
2. I have found out that this recipe might not be enough for two or three persons to eat.
So if you need more just use twice or thrice as much as the amount we use here.
3. Don’t rely too much on the amount of ingredients predetermined in this recipe. If you
like to eat rice ball very much, why not use more of them?
4. During the process of boiling, I normally add a bit of water every time when the
porridge bubbles. This way, it will not only stop the bubbling, but also refine the finished
the porridge. I normally do this three times during the process.
5. If you think the water is too much, then just boil it for a longer time with low flame.

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Ginger Rice Porridge

Among all the rice porridge recipes, this one with ginger is one important because of its
medical value. In the Chinese tradition, ginger has always been known as one
mysterious herbal that can prevent and alleviate colds.
Ever since I was very young, I have been told to drink a bowel of ginger soup and cover
myself under a quilt, and I will be okay after a sound sleep and a splendid sweating.

Ginger: 12 g
2 dates
Polished round-grained rice: 200 g

Brown sugar: 15 g
Clean water: 1500 ml

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Preparation Work:
1. Rinse the rice with water;
2. Immerse the rice in water for half an hour, then strain it out of the water;
3. Peel the ginger and chop it finely;
4. Wash the dates clean and remove the stone.

Cooking Steps:
1. Pour water into the pot;
2. Drop the rice into the water;
3. Boil it on high heat;
4. When it is boiling, add the chopped ginger and dates into the pot;
5. Turn to low heat and boil it into porridge;
6. Season it with brown sugar (stir and let it melt into the porridge);
7. It is ready for serving after braising a little bit.

Cooking Tips:
If you are not someone who eat ginger often, this ginger porridge might taste too hot for
you. However, medicine is not good for your mouth, but good for your health.
Ginger Rice Porridge Recipes like this one can not only benefit for people that have
caught colds, but it will also maintain our overall health if you prepare for yourself and
family from time to time. It would be perfect during such a season as Autumn.
If it tastes too hot with the ginger flavor, just add more brown sugar in it. Once you get
used to the flavor, you may not live without it.

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Jicama Rice Porridge

Jicama is something that relatively new to me. I have seen it off in the vegetable section
of the super market but known nothing about them. I didn’t even know their names.
However, I came across this rice porridge recipe the other day using jicama as the main
ingredient. So I have come to know it a little bit by now.
It tastes clear and crispy when cooked into rice porridge, nothing like its brother – the
sweet potato. In addition, it looks crystal, very unique.
Therefore, I think you should also have a try with the following recipe presented in

Polished ground-grained rice: 100 g
Jicama: 200 g

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White Sugar: 15 g
Water: appropriate amount

Preparation Work:
1. Rinse the rice with water;
2. Immerse the rice in water for half an hour;
3. Strain the rice with a sieve;
4. Rinse the jicama clean with water;
5. Peel the jicama;
6. Dice the jicama;

Boiling Process:
1. Put the rice, diced jicama and water together into a pot;
2. Boil it with high heat;
3. Turn to low heat and boil it into porridge;
4. Season it with white sugar.

Cooking Tips:
1. When the porridge is too sticky, which you found is not what you want, then you can
add some water into it and repeat the process again, which will be faster than the first.
2. If you are an organized person, then you will probably measure the water that you
use this time and make your corresponding adjustment next time. It would definitely
take less time if things are done as expected for the first time.
3. I like jicama as soon as I took the first bite. I hope I can find out more jicama recipes
in the future and try them out and show you here. Come back from time to time. You
will find new recipes that you can have a try by yourself immediately.

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For more veggie recipes, visit

The Chinese vegetarian recipes included in this e-book are just a corner of
the iceberg. To have a view of more of them, please visit

Chinese Vegetarian Recipes

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