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When these two form a love connection, we will see a manifestation of conception, benevolence, and
great intimacy.

The two are both idealistic individually and as partners. Persons of the Pisces sign like to immerse
themselves into a continuous surreal and dream-like trance, while persons of the Aquarius sign tend to
constantly invent new ways of working things out. A relationship between the two signs can burrow
deeply for the truth and nestle in the excitement of searching for solutions for problems. The two can
also be quite absorbed with their inner selves being such reflective beings. Aquarius may be a bit more
judgmental with others when it comes to showing little or no accord with their visions or ideas, while
Pisces is more of a compassionate being for everyone else, even for those who don’t necessarily deserve
it. The two signs can form a wonderful friendship and potentially have an excellent sex life. Scarce will
be the problems, but at times the Aquarius may be very academically inclined and indifferent for the
Pisces, and the latter may tend to sacrifice too much of himself/herself and attest a somewhat naïve and
gullible side which may prove too much for the Aquarian taste. At times, they will have dissimilar
reactions to situations that may trigger friction between the two; Persons of the Aquarius sign can be
quite nippy on discharging others that may not accord with their insights, and persons of the Pisces signs
instantly hold or rather grapples on others’ issues. The pair will have conflicts, but these beings easily
forgive and forget.


Neptune rules over Pisces and is strongly revered by Aquarius. The two have a strong linkage which
compliments a very active and happy sexual relationship. Although they may seem to be very unlikely
for each other, the Pisces being overly romantic, forever in search of that perfect love, whilst the
Aquarius depicts a distant appeal, constantly avoiding the prisons of emotions. Their sex life may still be
incredible given that the romantic Pisces can hold himself emotionally detached before the distant
Aquarius demonstrates some signs of affection. As capricious a sign the Pisces is, they yearn for the
ecstasy from the elation of the act of sex in many variations. Although rational and likely to be less
enthusiastic, the Aquarius will willingly support this. Creativeness and inventiveness will become the
core of their sex life where a derby of emotions and a vast array of inquiries will accompany such sex life
entailing more enthusiasm and passion to the entire relationship. However, due to the dire need of
Pisces to be reciprocated with emotions, the relationship may not last because Pisces is constantly
disappointed by the distant and detached persona of Aquarius. For the sexual relationship to survive,
Pisces might have to hold off his emotional dependency before Aquarius begins to demonstrate signs of
affection. Having Aquarius show affection is vital to the survival of their sexual relationship.


This couple has to rely on a lot of trusts. The relationship may become riddled with lies or uninhibited of
it. Aquarius, being aggressive and logical, may become a problem to the emotional security of Pisces
hindering the latter’s ability to share personal and intimate thoughts. The predisposition of the Pisces to
be emotionally dependent may push the Aquarius to lie to achieve unrestricted freedom. How can this
strong trust be formed between an Aquarius and a Pisces? They will have to dig deep into their souls.
They have to reach out to each other’s core wants and needs. Aquarius wears a strong façade but is very
supple once you go far beyond that façade of intelligence and indifference. This is what Pisces has to
learn to tap. Aquarius on the other hand has to discover intimacy first. Once discovered, Aquarius will
see commitment is not as scary as she thinks it is and will learn to want and embrace such.


These two are dreamers, but awkwardly their dreams may never see the light of day. Their relationship
will have a denial of reality and this denial can bring along very confusing problems that may hurt them
both resulting in frustrations with one other or with their relationship. They may not be able to develop
a deep understanding of each other. They will enjoy each other’s company but they will have different
approaches for the same interests.


Pisces is looking for that happily-ever-after fairytale ending, Aquarius on the other hand, just wants to
be Jack and Jill and be over the hill with that pail of water. A lot of disappointment may come for Pisces
as a relationship with Aquarius could become exhausting for the romantic Pisces. The distant
characteristic of Aquarius may also throw Pisces’ feelings in a whirlwind of emotions. To make this
emotional rollercoaster ride into a safe carousel ride, Initiation must come from Aquarius. Pisces must
conquer his/her emotional dependency and be the opposite of him/her.


When it comes to values, the two signs are not that far off of each other. They will likely have the same
values - freedom, humility, exhilaration, constant change, inspiration, infatuation, insights, and dreams.
But, they will differ in what these values realize for them. For instance, Aquarius might find freedom and
humility to be absolute justice, equality, and freedom of speech. For Pisces, it may be very different. As
it may be the soothing sound of the ocean waves splashing on the shore bringing peace to the hearts of
men. They will have to develop a very deep understanding of one another to reconcile the way they see
and comprehend their values.


There will be difficulty in making a relationship between an Aquarius and Pisces work. But with a little
effort from both ends, a fruitful, successful, and happy relationship can blossom. This will be unique and
can stand as an inspiration for others. They are dreamers, but with the right set of goals and proper
prioritization, and a sense of compensating for each other, they can achieve their dreams. Patience is a
virtue for these two. With patience, they can achieve a longer relationship, develop understanding,
adjust, and achieve acceptance. This will also bring them closer to each other as communication will
become a by-product which will, in turn, bring peace to their relationship and help them attain their
goals in life.

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