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1. What are non candidates of test automation?

 Tests that require human intervention

 Tests which will be executed only once
 Test cases, which would take a lot of effort to automate(complex test cases), are
generally not worth automating
 Cannot be used for ad hoc testing, usability testing and look and feel testing
 We can't go for automation testing, if the application is not stable

2. What is the entry level criterion for automation testing?

When do you start developing your automation tests?
 Proper test methodology should be in place
 Application should be stable
 Clear objective is important

3. What is test harness or test driver?

A program or test tool used to execute tests.The typical objectives of a test harness are to:
 Automate the testing process.
 Execute test suites of test cases.
 Generate associated test reports

4. What are the challenges in automation testing?

 Test automation is a development effort
 Not enough time to update scripts (poorly designed)
 Limitations of the testing tools
 Automation of the wrong tests for the given constraints
 Application is not stable enough (last minute changes)
 Immature Test Automation methodologies
 Budget constraints
 Lack of in-house expertise

5. What are the common misconceptions in automation testing?

 Automation is simply record and playback
 Automation testing is the silver bullet to solve all testing problems
 ROI will be achieved immediately
 Automation will replace all manual test cases
 Automation can be a sideline effort

6. What are the principles of good testing scripts for automation?

 Proper code guiding standards
 Standard format for defining functions, exception handler etc
 Comments for functions
 Proper error handling mechanisms
 The appropriate synchronization techniques
7. Why do most companies still rely so heavily on manual testing?
 Time: Testing teams may not have time to investigate alternatives to manual
testing, learn how to use tools, and or build and maintain scripts
 Application complexity : Too complex to automate
 Skill set: Lack of skills needed to be successful with test automation tools
 Cost : May lack the budget to invest in tools
 Awareness: Organizations may lack the awareness that viable automated testing
alternatives exist

8. What happens if you can’t automate?

 Reevaluate – do I really need to run this test this often?
 What’s the cost of doing this test manually?
 Look for new testing tools
 Consider test hooks

9. What is automation framework?

A Test Automation Framework is a structured combination of various assumptions,
concepts and tools that provide support for automated software testing.

10. What are the main benefits of automation framework?

 Use of a "Common Standard" across the Organization / Product Team / Project
 Reusability of test code
 Ease of maintenance
 Reduces Exposure of Non-Technical Testers to Code
 Provides an Outline of overall Test Structure
 Design that enhances the outcome of code scripted
 Faster test scripts generation
 Longer automation code life
 Data driven test
 Software migration support
 Extended reporting capability

11. How Many Types of Automation Frameworks are there?

There are four types of automation framework available
 Data driven automation framework
 Keyword driven or Table driven automation framework
 Modular automation framework
1. Test script modularity
2. Test library architecture
 Hybrid automation framework

12. What are the factors that influence framework design?

 Factor 1 Type of Automation
 Factor 2 Software or tools to use
 Factor 3 Application under Test
 Factor 4 Expected Automation life time
 Factor 5 Level of Reporting required
 Factor 6 Multiple language support
 Factor 7 Time Available
 Factor 8 End users / Automation executors

13. What are the guidelines to create best test automation frameworks?
 Creating generic functions that are not dependent on the application
 Common data (non-application specific data) should be dynamically generated
within the script rather than referencing a Test Data sheet.
 Create object repository which contains the objects for the GUI based validation
testing. Any change in GUI objects is modified at a central location, thereby
avoiding rework of scripts
 A Reporting or Logging Mechanism should be configured so that test results
generated during the execution phase are easily accessible and understood
 Global Variables and Constants should be used in the automation test suite
wherever possible. These provide the flexibility to modify references dynamically
and ensure test suite maintainability
 Recovery Scenarios help the automation script flow to follow a definite execution
flow or path whenever unexpected exceptions arise during the script execution
 Cleanup Scripts should be developed for both conditions – after successful
execution of the script and at end of the recovery scenario invocation

14. What are the different types of framework available? Explain them

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