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Actividad 1

10 oraciones

1. yesterday I played on the beach with my brothers (ayer jugué en

la playa con mis hermanos)
2. I read the newspaper yesterday (Leí el periódico ayer).
3. my sister drove daddy's car yesterday( mi hermana condujo el
coche de papa ayer)
4. My mother turned off the light at 9 o’clock. (Mi mama apagó la
luz a las 9 en punto)
5. Yesterday’s homework was so easy (La tarea de ayer fue muy
6. today I ate with my whole family ( hoy comí con toda mi familia)
7. I went to a party last night: (Anoche fui a una fiesta)
8. My best friend visited me last weekend: (Mi mejor amigo me
visitó el fin de semana pasado)
9. Last nigh i played cards with my brothers ( antenoche jugué cartas
con mis hermanos)
10. yesterday I ate seafood with my cousins at their house(ayer
comí mariscos con mis primos en su casa)
Actividad 2

a) Yesterday i went to the park (go)

b) My grandparents visited us last week ( visit)
c) Last weekend i wrote an email to my friend ( write)
d) My brother not played any computer games last night ( not play)
e) We eaten cereal and drank juice for breakfast( eat, drink)
f) I wached my favourite tv programme yesterday ( not watch)
g) My friend gave me a new pencil case for my birthday (give)
h) Yesterday i walked to school, i not did by car ( walk, not go)

Actividad 2 (continuación)

1. She was sitting [was sitting/sat] (sit) on a chair and watching tv.
2. We waved at him, but he didn’t looked [wasn’t looking/didn’t
looked] (not look).
3. When i was Young i was Young [was wanting/wanted] (want) to
be a pilot.
4. What did happened { did happened/happened] (happen) after
5. did you see [were you Seing/did you see] (you/see) jane last
6. She wore [was wearing/wore] (wear) her new jacket when i saw
7. I was seeing [was seeing/saw] (see) you walking in the park this
8. I got up at seven and then i had [was having/had] (have) a big
Actividad 3
Last year I did not go on a trip with my family we stayed at home to a
place that if we went to the beach we ate a lot of seafood and relatives
came to visit us with whom I and my brothers had a lot of fun talking
and playing with them and also we went to play soccer on the beach.
We also went to visit some guys in Tabasco paradise, they took us for a
walk to the park, to eat pizza, we also went to the movies, although we
did work a little more than usual because of the holidays, but in one
case we raised enough money to buy ourselves. Many things and giving
dad a gift for his birthday, despite the difficulties that exist due to the
covid-19 pandemic, it was the most beautiful and fun vacation to see
them spent with my family.

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