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Q/ what is meant by synclastic, developable, and anticlastic surfaces.

Give an
example of each surface.


Synclastic: is the type of shells with positive Gauss curvature , the edge effects
tend to damped rapidly and confined to a narrow zone of the shell, this makes
the membrane theory of these shells valid through the shell except for a small
portion near the edge member of the shell (such as Domes).

Developable: is the type of shells with zero Gauss curvature, the damping is not
rapid and extends further into the shell than in the case of shells of positive
Gauss curvature. (Such as cylindrical or conical shells)

Anticlastic: is the type of shells with negative Gauss curvature, the boundary
effect due to edge members penetrate further into the shell. (Like hyperbolic

Q/ what are the stress resultants for the cylindrical shells according to 1- The
membrane theory 2- the bending theory. Explain why it is essential to preform
bending analysis

1. Nϕx Nx Nϕ
2. A- Transverse shear stress Nϕx
B-Normal stress Nx Nϕ
C-Couple stress Mϕx Mx Mϕ shear stress Qx Qϕ

In membrane theory the shell is idealized as membrane incapable of resisting

bending stresses.

For such a state of stress to exist, it is essential that the shell be a closed surface
if it is circular, elliptical or cycloidal. If the Directrix is a parabola or catenary, the
surface must extent to infinity.

In shell it is not possible to maintain membrane states of equilibrium. So the

stresses and displacement along the edge of the shells different from those
given by membrane theory. These depend on the manner in which the shell is
supported (physical boundary conditions). Bending stresses are set up. They can
be accounted for only by means of bending theory.
Q/ Explain why the loading is expressed as Fourier series in the analysis of
cylindrical shells? In membrane theory 𝑁∅ +aZ=0 show that a uniform dead load
4 𝜋𝑥
𝑁∅ = − 𝑎𝑔 cos cos( ∅𝑐 − ∅)
𝜋 𝑙


To ensure that the differential equation developed for mid span section of the
shell may be apply to other sections as well.
𝜕2 𝜕2 𝑎4 𝜕4 𝑤
Q/ The D-K-J equation is given in term of w by�𝑎2 2 + 2
� 𝑤+ =0. Find
𝜕𝑥 𝜕∅ 𝑘 𝜕𝑥 4
the corresponding characteristic equation.

Q/ In the beam theory of cylindrical shell, explain how the shell may be analysis
as a second degree statically indeterminate arch. Why is the beam theory not
suitable for shot shell.

The shell can be analysis by number of methods. Among these methods are the
column analogy method and the elastic center approach.

The elastic center method provides a quick means for the solution of a two-
hinged polygonal arch, and for the determination of influence lines for a fixed-
ended arch. The method can be applied to symmetrical structures only, but may
be readily extended to unsymmetrical frames and arches. The column analogy
method provides the most useful means for the determination of fixed-end
moments, stiffness, and carry-over factors for nonprismatic members. This
method can be derived from the elastic center method, but may be derived
independently if required. The translational stiffness is the horizontal force
required to produce unit translation at one end of a curved member. The
distribution of bending moment in closed rings is readily obtained by the
column analogy method. Displacements in a closed ring are given by the
moment of the elastic load about an axis through the elastic center parallel to
the displacement.

In beam theory we assumed that the shell acts as a curve beam and we use a
standard formula for longitudinal stresses and shear stresses. While in short
shell the arch action is more predominant than the beam action. Arch action is
more effective and the applied load is mostly transferred by the transverse

Q/ what is meant by developable and non-developable surfaces .which type are

more efficient? Explain.


Developable is a singly curved surface, Like cylinders and cones .the cylinder can
developed into a plane rectangle without stretching, shrinking, or tearing . the
cone may be developed into a sector of a circle.
Non-developable is a doubly curved surfaces .hence the will not tend to flatten
out under loads.

This explains their superior performance.

Q/Describe with aid of sketches the reinforcement pattern in cylindrical shell


i- One set of reinforcement for the force NX along the longitudinal directions in
all locations especially in the areas of tension

ii- One set of reinforcement for forces Nϕ and Mϕ in the transverse direction. This
steel provided on the side where Mϕ causes tension.

iii-one set of reinforcement for the shear Nxϕ in a diagonal direction.

Q/what are the two type of structural behavior of folded plate. Provide sketch.

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