4CH1 2C Chemistry Paper 2

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Please check the examination details below before entering your candidate information (South Breeze School Candidate Number Pe Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) LLL Sunday 23 May 2021 (Morning (Time: 1 hour 15 minutes) __| Paper Reference 4CH1/2C ) Chemistry Unit: 4CH1 Paper 2C Assessment Exams June 2020-21 ) You must hav “Total Marks Calculator, ruler Instructions © Use black ink or ball-point pen. © Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. © Answer all questions. © Answer the questions in the spaces provided ~ there may be more space than you need. © Show all the steps in any calculations and state the units. © Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box BX. Ifyou change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box % and then mark your new answer with a cross KX. Information © The total mark for this paper is 70. © The marks for each question are shown in brackets ~ use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. © Write your answers neatly and in good English. @ Try to answer every question. © Check your answers if you have time at the end. Turn over ® ‘nnnnnn) Pe. 04 TAO 28 Pearson DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA Fequinu ajoym jses20u e4p 0} papunos used you aAey au}Z0}Y9 pue seddod so SosseU! QUOIE aAne/ad OL ‘panwo useq eAey (£01-06 Ssequinu oJwWO}e) SpjoURoe BY} PUe (LZ—Bg SsEquINU DJwO}E) SPOURYIUE] EYL , 4 2 2 0 saquinu (uojoud) a1woye joquiAs 2]woye seu oMUOIE apex s}UaWA]/y 84} 40 a/qe] S1pol4aq OYL 6204 7A P 2 Answer ALL questions. 1 Aniron object is coated with zinc to protect it from rusting. This protection continues even if the zinc coating becomes scratched. Explain how the zinc coating protects iron from rusting. (2) (Total for Question 1 = 2. Lithium hydroxide and lithium peroxide have been used in spacecraft to remove the carbon dioxide astronauts breathe out The equations for the reactions with carbon dioxide are 2LIOH + CO, > Li,CO, + H,0 21i,0, + 2CO, + 21i,CO, + 0, (@) Explain, with reference to these equations, two advantages of using lithium peroxide, rather than lithium hydroxide, to remove carbon dioxide from the air in a spacecraft. (2) 3 Turn over & (b) (i) Calculate the mass of lithium hydroxide needed to react with 100 g of carbon dioxide. mass of lithium hydroxide = (i) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide, at room temperature and pressure, removed by 100 g of lithium peroxide. Assume that one mole of gas has a volume of 24 000 cm? at rtp. volume of carbon dioxide =___ cm? (Total for Question 2 = 8 marks) 4 Turn over & Hydrogen peroxide solution decomposes slowly at room temperature to form water and oxygen. The equation forthe reaction is_-2H,O, > 2H,0 + O; (2) A catalyst increases the rate of this reaction. State one other property of a catalyst. (b) A student has samples of three solids, X, Y and Z. The student uses this apparatus to find out which solids act as catalysts in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution. hydrogen peroxide solution ~~ 40 60 80 100 oxygen Describe the method that the student should use to find out which solids act as catalysts. (6) 3 Turn over & (©) The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution is exothermic. On the diagram, draw and label the reaction profiles for the reaction * without a catalyst © witha catalyst Progress of the reaction 6 Turn over & (d) The equation for the reaction can be shown using displayed formulae. 2H—O—O—-H -» 2H—O—-H + O=O AH =-204k) The table gives the bond energies for two of the bonds. Bond _| Bond energy in kJ/mol HO 463 0—-o 146 (i)_ Use this information to calculate the total amount of energy needed to break all the bonds in two moles of H.0. energy needed = (ii) Use this information to calculate the total amount of energy released when all the bonds in two moles of H,0 are formed. energy released (iii) Use the value of AH and your answers for (i) and (ji) to calculate the bond energy, in ki/mol, for the O=O bond. bond energy = kd/mol (Total for Question 3 = 13 marks) 7 Turn over & 4 This question is about the laboratory preparation of salts. (a) A student writes this plan for preparing a sample of hydrated magnesium sulfate crystals. step 1 Pour about 100 cm’ of dilute nitric acid into a 250 cm’ beaker. step2 Adda solution of magnesium carbonate to the acid until there is no more effervescence. step3 Heat the solution until all of the water has boiled off. This plan will not succeed because there is one mistake in each step. Identify the mistake in each of the steps. (b) Another student uses the following plan to prepare a sample of ammonium hydrogenphosphate, formed in this reaction between aqueous ammonia and dilute phosphoric acid 2NH,(aq) + H,PO,(aq) —> (NH,),HPO,(aq) use a pipette to transfer 25.0 cm? of phosphoric acid to a conical flask add 3 drops of indicator use 2 burette to add aqueous ammonia until the indicator just changes colour permanently 8 Turn over & () The diagram shows the burette readings in one experiment before and after adding aqueous ammonia. Before After Use the readings to complete the table, entering all values to the nearest 0.05 cm’. (3) burette reading in cm? after adding aqueous ammonia burette reading in cm* before adding aqueous ammonia volume in cm? of aqueous ammonia added (i) In another titration, the student made a mistake. After he filled the burette, he noticed that the space between the tap of the burette and the tip contained air, After adding the aqueous ammonia, he noticed that it now contained liquid. Explain how, if at all, this mistake affects the calculated volume of aqueous ammonia added, 9 Turn over & (©) He repeats the experiment until he obtains concordant results The table shows the results. burette reading in cm* after adding ammonia burette reading in cm* before adding ammonia volume in cm? of aqueous ammonia added concordant results (v) Concordant results are those volumes that differ from each other by 0.20 cm’ or less. (Identify the concordant results by placing ticks (v) in the table where appropriate. (il) Use the concordant results to calculate the average (mean) volume of aqueous ammonia added, average volume of aqueous ammonia = (d) The student then mixed the volumes of aqueous ammonia and phosphoric acid found in the titration Describe how to use the method of crystallisation to obtain a pure dry sample of the salt from this mixture. (Total for Question 4 = 14 marks) 10 Turn over & 5. This question is about alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. (2) Ethanol can be oxidised to ethanoic acid by heating with potassium dichromate(VI) and another reagent. () Name the other reagent. (ii) State the colour change that occurs during this reaction. from to (b) Alcohols react with carboxylic acids to form esters. (i) Name the ester that forms when ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid. (ii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between methanol and ethanoic acid. (Total for Question 5 = 5 marks) 6 Explain why metals conduct electricity but covalent compounds do not conduct electricity. (4) (Total for Question 6 = 4 marks) " Turn over & A student is given a mixture of two solid ionic compounds, A and B. Each solid contains one cation and one anion. ‘Compound A is insoluble in water and Compound B is soluble in water. (a) Describe how the student could separate the mixture to obtain solid A anda solution of B. (2)| (b) The table shows the results of two tests the student does on a solution of B. Test Observation bubbles of gas that turn damp red add sodium hydroxide solution and warm litmus blue add silver nitrate solution white precipitate forms add dilute nitric acid to the white precipitate _| precipitate does not dissolve (i) Use the information in the table to identify the cation and the anion present in compound B. cation anion (ii) Identify the gas given off in test 1 (©) The student adds dilute hydrochloric acid to solid A. A gas that turns limewater milky is given off. (Explain which anion is present in solid A. 12 Turn over ® (ii) Give a test to show that solid A contains calcium ions. (Total for Question 7 = 9 marks) 8 Crude oil is a complex mixture containing many compounds and is a source of many chemicals. (2) Most of the compounds in crude oil contain two elements. Name these two elements. a) and (b) Crude oil is separated into fractions in order to produce useful chemicals. (i) State what is meant by the term fraction. (ii) Describe the industrial process used to obtain fractions from crude oil, (Total for Question 8 = 5 marks) 3B Turn over ® Antimony, Sb, is an element in Group 5 of the Periodic Table. The mineral, stibnite, contains antimony sulfide, Sb,S, Antimony can be obtained from stibnite in a two-stage process. Stage 1 stibnite is roasted in air Sb,S, + 50, > Sb,0, + 350, Stage 2 _ the oxide produced is heated with carbon to form antimony and carbon dioxide (2) (i) State and explain which species in stage 1 is said to be oxidised. (i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction in stage 2. State symbols not required. (b) Bismuth is another element in Group 5 of the Periodic Table. Bismuth forms an oxide, Bi,O;, which has a giant ionic structure. (i) Give the formula of the bismuth ion in bismuth oxide. (ii) Explain why bismuth oxide has a high melting point. (iii) Bismuth oxide reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form bismuth chloride. Write a chemical equation for this reaction. (Total for Question 9 = 10 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER = 70 MARKS.

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