Exam 2

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For a Newtonian fluid

a) shear stress is proportional to shear strain
b) rate of shear stress is proportional to shear strain
c) shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
d) rate of shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain

2. In a steady flow through a nozzle, the flow velocity on the nozzle axis is given by v=uo(1+3x/L), where x is
the distance along the axis of the nozzle from its inlet plane and L is the length of the nozzle. The time
required for a fluid particle on the axis to travel from the inlet to the exit plane of the nozzle is

a) L/u0
b) L/3u0ln4
c) L/4u0
d) L/2.5u0

3. Consider steady laminar incompressible axi-symmetric fully developed viscous flow through a straight
circular pipe of constant cross-sectional area at a Reynolds number of 5. The ratio of inertia force to viscous
force on a fluid particle is
a) 5
b) 1/5
c) 0
d) ∞

4. Figure shows the schematic for the measurement of velocity of air (density = 1.2kg /m3) through a constant–
area duct using a pitot tube and a water-tube manometer. The differential head of water (density = 1000 kg
/m3) in the two columns of the manometer is 10mm. Take acceleration due to gravity as 9.8m/ s2. The
velocity of air in m/s is
a) 6.4
b) 9.0
c) 12.8
d) 25.6

5. For the stability of a floating body, under the influence of gravity alone, which of the following is TRUE?
a) Metacentre should be below centre of gravity
b) Metacentre should be above centre of gravity
c) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same horizontal line
d) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same vertical line

6. Consider the turbulent flow of a fluid through a circular pipe of diameter, D. identify the correct pair of

I. The fluid is well-mixed

II. The fluid is unmixed
III. ReD < 2300
iv. ReD > 2300
a) I, II
b) II, IV
c) II, III
d) I, IV
7. A smooth pipe of diameter 200 mm carries water. The pressure in the pipe at section S1 (elevation: 10 m) is
50kPa. At Section S2 (elevation: 12 m) the pressure is 20 kPa and velocity is 2 ms-1. Density of water is 1000
kgm-3 and acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 ms-2. Which of the following is TRUE?
a) flow from S1 to S2 and head loss is 0.53 m
b) flow from S2 to S1 and head loss is 0.53 m
c) flow from S1 to S2 and head loss is 1.06 m
d) flow from S2 to S1 and head loss is 1.06 m

8. Which combination of the following statements about steady incompressible forced vortex flow is correct ?

P. Shear stress is zero at all points in the flow.

Q. Vorticity is zero at all points in the flow.

R. Velocity is directly proportional to the radius from the centre of the vortex.

S. Total mechanical energy per unit mass is constant in in the entire flow.

a) P and Q
b) R and S
c) P and R
d) P and S

9. The difference in pressure (in N/m2) across an air bubble of diameter 0.001 m immersed in water (surface
tension = 0.072 N/m) is _______
a) 220 N/m2
b) 288 N/m2
c) 330 N/m2
d) 189 N/m2

10. Water at 25°C is flowing through a 1.0 km long G.I. pipe of 200 mm diameter at the rate of 0.07 m3/s. If value
of Darcy friction factor for this pipe is 0.02 and density of water is 1000 kg/m3, the pumping power (in kW)
required to maintain the flow is
a) 1.8
b) 17.4
c) 20.5
d) 41.0

11. Heat and work are

a) Intensive properties
b) Extensive properties
c) Point functions
d) Path functions

12. If a fluid of certain surface tension and diameter is used to create a soap bubble and a liquid jet. Which of
the two, bubble or liquid jet, will have greater pressure difference on the inside and outside.
a) Liquid jet
b) Soap bubble
c) Both will have same pressure difference
d) None of the mentioned
13. The distance moved by liquid will be more in which type of manometer?
a) Inclined Single coloumn manometer
b) Vertical Single coloumn manometer
c) Horizontal Single coloumn manometer
d) None of the mentioned

14. Differential manometer gives the pressure reading with respect to atmospheric pressure.
a) True
b) False

15. A beaker contains water up to a certain height as shown. If the water is allowed to get discharged through a
small pipe (of a uniform diameter), what type of flow will it be in the pipe?
a) steady and uniform
b) unsteady and uniform
c) steady and non-uniform
d) unsteady and non-uniform

16. A beaker contains water up to a certain height as shown. If the water is allowed to get discharged through a
small nozzle, what type of flow will it be in the pipe?
a) steady and uniform
b) unsteady and uniform
c) steady and non-uniform
d) unsteady and non-uniform

17. Which of the following is true?

a) Flow is laminar inside the boundary layer and turbulent outside
b) Flow is turbulent inside the boundary layer and laminar outside
c) Flow is laminar both inside and outside of the boundary layer
d) Flow is turbulent both inside and outside of the boundary layer
18. Three flows named as 1,2 and 3 are observed. The Reynold’s number for the three are 100, 1000 and
10000. Which of the flows will be laminar?
a) only 1
b) only 1 and 2
c) 1, 2 and 3
d) only 3
19. First law of thermodynamics deals with _______
a) Conservation of mass
b) Conservation of momentum
c) Conservation of energy
d) Conservation of pressure
20. During a fluid flow, the temperature is developed due to________
a) Increase in density
b) Change in pressure
c) Translational Kinetic Energy
d) Fluid level

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