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English 5 questions


3 idiom and phrases

1 one word substitution

2 spelling


According to the World Bank’s ‘Ease of Doing Business rankings’, bench-marked

to May 2019, India is ranked at

 The difference between total revenue and total expenditure of a government is

termed as
2019, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred
Nobel was awarded to
per law, the monetary policy framework in India shall be operated by
The head office of the Securities and Exchange Board of India is located
Who among the following was not a recipient of a Nobel Prize?
Which of the following represents the correct order of organizing Tennis Grand
Slams in an year (from January to December)?
Who among the following was not in the list of Bharat Ratna awardees in 2019?
Who won the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, 2019?
Who among the following are the recipients of the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award,
Who among the following was the recipient of Raman Magsaysay Award, 2019?
Which country won the FIFA World Cup Final 2018?
Where was the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup 2020 organized ?
Who among the following have won the best actress and best actor awards for 66
National Film Awards 2019?
Which of the following city was granted cleanest capital city award as per the
Swachh Survekshan Awards 2019?

Who won the Ranji Trophy 2019‐20?

Vyom Mitra' is ________

Which of the following reports is/are released by the World Bank?

A. Women, Business and the Law
B. The World's Women
C. Economic Freedom Index

Consider the following statements regarding Bharat Interface for Money ﴾

BHIM﴿ and answer the following

1. It is a payment interface developed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to

allow real‐time fund transfer.

2. It allows for the linking of multiple bank accounts and the option of
applying in Initial Public Offer (IPO).

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Which among the following releases the Human Capital Index?

Mohiniyattam', a classical solo dance, originated in
Which among the following stands for USB in relation to laptops and computers?
Which one of these is not a specialized agency of the United Nations?
Which Indian Judge was a member of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Far East (Tokyo Tribunal)?
 Which one of the following is a tripartite UN agency?
Which one of the following was established by the Rome Statute?

Which one of the following is not a principal organ of the United Nations?
The Fundamental Duties towards environment were imposed on the citizens in the
Bharat Stage Emission Standards (BSES) are set by the
The Blue Flag, a certification that a beach, marina, or sustainable boating tourism
operator meets its stringent standards, is awarded by.
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) is
also known as the
Which among the following is an international treaty related to the protection of
the ozone layer?
The United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
Forest Degradation (or UN‐REDD Programme) is a collaborative programme of the… 

World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated
Who among the following is famous for Bharatnatyam:
. Who among the following is the First Iraqi National to have received the Nobel Peace
Which of the following is correct ( question about fifa)
Bt. in ‘Bt. Brinjal’ is:
Who authored the book ‘Indian Philosophy’?
Who is the Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Who is the first Indian woman appointed as Judge of ITLOS (International Tribunal for
the Law of the Sea)


. In India, the writ of prohibition may be issued, when there is _________

Which Schedule of the Constitution of India, 1950 prescribes the forms of oaths or
affirmations for constitutional functionaries?
Who declared a state of emergency in India under Article 352 of the Constitution
of India in the year 1975?
Who among the following has a casting vote over a bill in a joint parliamentary
Exchange of Enclaves between India and Bangladesh was executed through
Article 44 of the Constitution of India is related to
Supreme Court of India’s judgement in Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and Anr. v
Union of India and Ors is related to
Indian legal system confers citizenship in the following manner: 
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 provides for special provisions for citizenship
for migrants from the following countries: 

According to the Constitution of India, which of the following fundamental rights

cannot be suspended during national emergency?

The pardoning power of the Governor of a state includes: 

A. Power to pardon a sentence of life imprisonment
B. Power to grant pardon where the punishment or sentence is by Court Martial
C. Power to remit a sentence. 

Which among the following recommended the inclusion of Fundamental Duties in

the Constitution of India?

Which of the following option(s) are available for a party aggrieved by a decision
of the Supreme Court of India? 

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

A. Curative Petition
B. Review Petition
C. Writ Petition
D. Public Interest Litigation

Under Article 25 of the Constitution of India, the right to profess, practice and
propagate religion is subject to the following restrictions: 

The provision relating to ex post facto law is embodied in

Which of the following terms was inserted in the Preamble of the Constitution of
India through the 42 Constitutional Amendment Act?
Which of the following grounds can be invoked to restrict freedom of speech and
expression according to the
Constitution of India? 
Which Amendment of the Constitution of India reduced the voting age from 21 years
to 18 years?

The Election Commission of India does not have the power to

Who elects the representatives of the states in Rajya Sabha?
Which practices among the following constitute ‘corrupt practice’ in the
Parliamentary election?
What can be the maximum number of representatives of States and Union
Territories in the Council of States ?
In India, provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 apply to

Clause (4) of Article 15 has been added to the Constitution of India by:
 As per the Constitution of India the sovereignty of India lies with:
Article 360 of Constitution of India has been invoked in India:
Article 20 and Article 21 has been taken from the purview of Article 359 of the
Constitution of India by
Representation of members in House of People in India is based on:
The writ of prohibition may be issued, when there is:
Article 51A of the Constitution of India provides for the Fundamental Duties of:
The power of the President of India to issue an ordinance is a
How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?
The President gives his resignation to the
Which one of the following does not constitute the electoral college for electing the
President of India?
e charge of impeachment against the President of India for his removal can be
preferred by
Which of the following writs called bulwark of personal freedom?
For the philosophy underlying our Constitution, the historic ‘Objectives Resolution’
was moved in the Constituent Assembly on 13th December, 1946 by
The Preamble of Indian Constitution envisages what kinds of justice Options:
 which year Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, Act was enacted by
Parliament of India?
Which of the set is said to be the Golden triangle of Indian Constitution
Basic structure of Constitution can be amended:
As per VII Schedule of the Constitution of India, the power to enact laws on residuary
matters lies with
Sarkaria Commission was concerned with:
Who is equivalent of Attorney General in State?
The name of the Union given in the Constitution is:
The 262nd Law Commission of India report deals with:
The President of the India can consult the Supreme Court of India:
The three lists in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India represent:
 The doctrine of ‘double jeopardy’ enshrined in Article 20 (2) means  
 taking and recording evidence, the language of every Court within the State other
than the High Court shall be
What do you mean by “candidate losing the deposit” after the poll result is
The antidefection law in India is contained in:
The electoral college that elects the Vice President of India comprises of:
Proper respect is shown to National Anthem by standing up when the National
Anthem is sung. It will not be right to say that disrespect is shown by not joining in
the singing.’ It has been held in:
 Which of the following are included as fundamental duties under Constitution of


Which is not true with regard to “common intention” under the Indian Penal
Which of the following is an offence under the Indian Penal Code?
Which chapter of the Indian Penal Code deals with general exceptions?
Under the Indian Penal Code, nothing is considered to be an offence if it is done
by a child under_____ years of age.
The right of private defence under the Indian Penal Code is available for the
protection of

Under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 dislocation of tooth constitutes the offence of
The doctrine of ‘Transferred Malice’ is contained in which Section of the IPC, 1860?
Theft and Extortion are listed under the IPC as offences against:
General exceptions are laid down in the Indian Penal Code in:

When a man inserts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being his
penis, into the vagina, the urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with
him or any other person, he commits
The Doctrine of Rarest of Rare was established in
. Doctrine of privity of contract implies


Mens rea is not a necessary condition for

The Maxim ‘ignorantia facti excusat, ignorantia juris non excusat’ means

 Non est factum means:
Caveat Venditor means


In Navtej Singh Johar case, dealing with transgenders’ issues, the Supreme Court
of India asked the Centre to include them i
In which landmark judgment did the Supreme Court of India decriminalized
In which one of the following judgments the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme
Court of India, the 'rarest of rare' principle in the award of death penalty was first laid
 9th March 2018, a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court of India confirmed that
the right to die with dignity is a fundamental right while allowing passive euthanasia
and living will. This judgment is known as
 which of the following cases was the judgment popularly known as Jallikattu verdict
Abhiram Singh v. CD Commachen (2017) is a judgment of the Supreme Court dealing
with which of the following issues?
 first Constitutional Amendment was challenged in the case:


Which of the following is a legal effect of adoption?

Under Muslim law, a legal guardian may
Which among the following is not a ground for divorce under the Special Marriage
Act, 1954?
Degrees of prohibited relationships is applicable between two persons if they are
related by
Which of the following is provided in section 7 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
The manager of Waqf is known as
An agreement consists of reciprocal promises between at least…..
Who among the following does not have the capacity to enter into a contract?
The age of majority for entering into a contract under the Indian Contract Act,
1872 is
contract of insurance is an example of
Agreement of social nature is unenforceable because it lacks

The principle of quantum meruit is applicable when:
What kind of damages are available for breach of contract Options:
Fraud occurs when:
. An agreement in restraint of marriage
 In which of the cases the relationship of principal and agent exists:
Capacity to contract relates to:
The essential characteristic of a tort is, violation of:
The term used to describe an accused who seeks pardon from the court by agreeing
to testify against all others involved in the crime
A First Information Report (FIR) for a cognizable offence may be lodged by:  
Malimath Committee is associated with reforms in the field of:
 The essentials of a valid custom are:
Which of the following is an inchoate crime? :
Which of the following is not an essential ingredient of Criminal Breach of Trust?
A general offer is an offer which:
 The right to protect one’s own person and property against the unlawful aggression
of others is known as:
The Right of private defence of the body extends to the voluntarily causing of death, if
the offence which occasions the exercise of right is
Which of the following laws has not been amended by the Criminal Law (Amendment)
Act, 2018? 
 In the year 2002 the Competition Act was enacted. This Act replaces :


Product patent in India was introduced in
Industrial design specifically refers to
 Which among the following combinations is not mentioned under the TRIPS?

The trade‐related intellectual property disputes are settled by

The formula of making Coca Cola is protected under-

Intellectual property rights are ________ in their enforcement
Under Patent Act, 1970 Patent is granted for
Under Trade Marks Act, 1999 the trademark is granted for


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