The United Nations Environmental Programme

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The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) was founded in June 1972 as

a result of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The UNEP is the
coordinating body for the United Nations’ environmental activities. It has played a
significant role in identifying and analyzing global environmental problems,
developing regional and international environmental programs and conventions, and
promoting environmental science and information. Among its most important tasks is
assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and

Since 1997, in response to the environmental requirements of Agenda 21, UNEP has
also published its Global Environment Outlook (GEO), a comprehensive report on
global state of the environment. Its headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya.

Current status

UNEP provides the technical assistance for a variety of international

conventions, including the Montreal Protocol on Substances That
Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987), the Basel Convention on the
Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their Disposal (1989), and the UN Convention on Biological
Diversity (1992). As the secretariat for these conventions, UNEP
services the conferences, implements the decisions, monitors
implementation, and provides data and information. Together with
the Food and Agriculture Organization, UNEP helps
to implement the Convention on the Prior Informed Consent
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in
International Trade (1998). UNEP also coordinates the work on UN
agencies with respect to desertification and the regional seas (with
special attention to the Mediterranean Sea).

The 58-member Governing Council, the organization’s principal

legislative body, is elected by the UN General Assembly for four-
year terms. Seats are allocated by region to assure widespread
representation, generally providing about 16 seats for African states,
13 for Asia, 6 for eastern Europe, 10 for Latin America and the
Caribbean, and 13 for western Europe and other states.

information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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Importance of unep pg 7

By its given mandate, UNEP is charged to promote environmental

coordination among national and international organizations, encourage
them to give due emphasis to the environment in their deliberations, and to
catalyze actions which will enhance the prospects of a better quality of life
through a healthier environment resulting from effective environmental

The fundamental principle of UNEP’s catalytic action in the area of

environmental education is based on the need to ensure that the
environmental dimension is adequately covered in education programmes.
Actions within the functional tasks of environmental assessment and
management are expected to identify and produce environmental materials
which should be reflected in educational curriculum content and

Pg 8 photos

Pg 9 environmental and scientic social value of unep

 To enhance outcomes by systematically integrating

environmental and social dimensions in UNEP-funded
programmes and projects.
 To strengthen alignment of UNEP’s work with the SDGs and
other UN entities and partners in addressing the
environmental and social sustainability of development
 To set standards of sustainability for UNEP’s operations
thereby confirming UNEP’s accountability to its member
States, and other funders.
 To enable UNEP to work in a safer and smarter manner,
thereby minimizing potential risks and harm to intended
beneficiaries while enhancing UNEP’s capabilities and
 Biodiversity Conservation, Natural Habitats, and Sustainable
Management of Living Resources
 Climate Change and Disaster Risks
 Pollution Prevention and Resource Efficiency
 Community Health, Safety and Security
 Cultural Heritage
 Displacement and Involuntary Resettlement
 Indigenous Peoples
 Labor and Working Conditions

Pg 10


Pg 11 problems in society

 Pollution. ...
 Soil Degradation
 Generating Unsustainable Waste. ...
 Waste Disposal.
Pg 12 solutions to these ( khud se likh)

Pg 13 data unep

Promoting Human Rights

Human right graph

 Protecting the Ozone Layer


Tackling Fish Stock Depletion


 Prosecuting War Criminals

Graph and evidence

Pg idk scroll up

Result conclusion
Since the General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the
United Nations has helped to enact dozens of legally binding agreements on political, civil,
economic, social and cultural rights. By investigating individual complaints, the UN human
rights bodies have focused world attention on cases of torture, disappearance, arbitrary
detention and other violations, and have generated international pressure on Governments
to improve their human rights records.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
have been instrumental in highlighting the damage caused to Earth's ozone layer. As a
result of a treaty known as the Montreal Protocol, countries have been phasing out
chemicals that cause the depletion of the ozone layer and replacing them with safer
alternatives. This will spare millions of people from contracting skin cancer because of
exposure to increased ultraviolet radiation.

Ninety per cent of major marine commercial fish stocks are exploited to their sustainable
limits or beyond. FAO monitors global fisheries production and the status of wild fish stocks
and works with countries to improve the management of fisheries, stamp out illegal fishing,
promote responsible international fish trade and protect fragile species and environments.

By prosecuting and convicting war criminals, the UN tribunals established for the former
Yugoslavia and for Rwanda have helped to expand international humanitarian and
international criminal law dealing with genocide and other violations of international law.
Both tribunals have contributed to restoring peace and justice in the affected countries and
in the region. The International Criminal Court is an independent permanent court that
investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious international crimes—
genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes—if national authorities are unwilling or
unable to do so. Situations in nine countries have been referred to the Court, which has
already established itself as the centrepiece of the system of international criminal justice.
UN-backed courts in Cambodia and Lebanon are prosecuting those responsible for serious
violations of international law, including mass killings and war crimes.

All in all UNEP has been a successful organisation in maintaining ecological and social
balance ensuring its laws and formulated policies are not being violated . having that said
there are still illegal activities being performed which make a huge impact on the
environment . Example : dumping of nuclear waste in the open oceans , release of toxic
chemicals in more quantity than given permit.

All organisations have loop holes and it is practically impossible to fix them all at once .
Fixing one problem at time UNEP has proved its worth and stirn governance over
international environmental laws .

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