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Sub: Implementation of rain water harvesting & Ground water recharging plan at Colvale Ind. Estate.

With reference to the above subject matter the work of rain water harvesting & ground water
recharging at Colvale Ind. Estate is incomplete i.e. WRD has provided 10 nos. bore holes at Colvale Ind.
Estate. Also all units holder also has been instructed to follow the following points:-
1. Not to dump waste near bore holes.
2. Not to release any waste or other hazardous chemicals into rain water drain.
3. Also not to block the rain water drain and to connect their roof drain pipe to the trench leading
to bore holes

After execution of work i.e. providing of 10 nos. bore holes, officials from WRD have not visited the site
& also not maintained the said bore holes.

Submitted for kind information & further needful.

Yours Faithfully


Sub: Implementation of rain water harvesting & Ground water recharging plan at Tuem Ind. Estate.
With reference to the above subject matter the work of rain water harvesting & ground water
recharging at Colvale Ind. Estate is completed i.e. Provided/constructed percolation tank also they have
taken up the work of rain water drains which connect/leading to percolation tank. Also all units holder
also has been informed to follow the following points:-
1. Not to dump waste near percolation tank.
2. Not to release any waste or other hazardous chemicals into rain water drain.
3. Also not to block the rain water drain and to connect their roof drain pipe to the trench leading
to percolation tank.

After execution of aforesaid work, officials from WRD have not visited the site & also not maintained the
said percolation tank.

Submitted for kind information & further needful.

Yours Faithfully


Sub: Implementation of rain water harvesting & Ground water recharging plan at Colvale Ind. Estate.

With reference to the above subject matter the work of rain water harvesting & ground water
recharging at Colvale Ind. Estate is in incomplete stage i.e. WRD has provided 10 nos. bore holes at
Colvale Ind. Estate & not provided/constructed percolation tank nor they have taken up the work of rain
water drains which connect/leading to percolation tank.
After execution of work i.e. providing of 10 nos. bore holes, officials from WRD not visited the site & also
not maintained the said bore holes.

Submitted for kind information & further needful.

Yours Faithfully

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