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Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce
Periyar E.V.R College (A), Tiruchirappalli-23

Ph.D full time Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of Commerce
Periyar E.V.R College (A), Tiruchirappalli-23

In India, Differently abled population (2.21%) is a consideration portion, which is
significantly reducing due to systematic and effective precautionary and preventive efforts.
Being a differently abled person, getting employment and gaining income is another serious
problem to them to sustains their lifestyle. Differently abled persons are engaging different
types of self employment activities to meet their family expenses. For that they have to cross
many obstacles and problems not only in their business, but being a differently abled person
is a main cause of barrier. In this paper, an attempt made to discuss the problems faced by
self employed differently abled persons in Perambalur District of Tamil Nadu.
Key words: Self-employment, Differently abled persons, Disability personal problems,
Family problems, financial problems
In recent decades, self-employment has been the most important contributor to
economic growth in India. It brings benefits to all the self-employed, such as increasing
independence, management development, self-determination, broader relocation skills,
greater choice, self-sufficiency and reducing unemployment. Many other studies have
recommended advantages of self employed differently abled persons that include improved
management of health for the reason that commitments and schedules can be self determined.
In the early 1980s, the US National Democratic National Committee (USDNC) coined the
term differently abled person is more appropriate name for the disabled person. Also, it seems
to be a genuine attempt to look at people who are called disabled in an additional positive
light and need to be seen as politically correct. The effectiveness and competence of the
disabled people must be formally recognized and assisted in transforming them into a money
making power through economic activities such as self-employment programs and
entrepreneurial activities. This study discusses the problems faced by self-employed
differently abled persons in Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu.

Volume XII Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2019 Page No: 1375


Alex Maritz and Laferriere (2016) has noted that some reason ranging from
inequity to own ambition and desire were identified as leading differently abled person to
think an entrepreneurial venture. Problems were besides identified, related to the societal
factors, push factors, weakness in policy and support. The need of developing for policy to
differently abled person business skill training, increase awareness of entrepreneurial activity
and also the provision of training to support workers and business mentors to realize
differently abled impairment.
Arnold and Ipsen (2005) have explained that strategy may need to support
entrepreneurship with various impairment characters in diverse ways, over changing
timescales. In order to advantage of differently abled person with various impairment
characters, such approaches might involve exploring the feasibility of the business idea.
Provision of business education and training, assessing the individual’s business potential,
developing a business plans, technical support, reviewing outcomes,finding resources from
multiple sources and adjusting future plans.
Boylan A and Burchardt T (2002) has explained that the problems face in becoming
self employed differently abled persons to opening a business acknowledged can be group
into three categories, access problems, unhelpful attitudes of advisers, professionals and the
general public, lack of financial and other support, way in to job for those who know about it
possible differently abled entrepreneurs to get the tools they require to job around their
impairment, to provide work for assistance, or to travel to the place of occupation.
Guffey and Loewy (2008) have said that depending on one’s disability, an person
will favour one way to the other. For example, one physically differently abled entrepreneur
with a wheelchair might like better phone calls or e-mail over confronting each other
conversations if they need the differently abled entrepreneur to see the business colleague in
an unfamiliar and perhaps unreachable place or business building.
Hanafin (2007) has explained that the approach is to give many supports to
differently abled persons in the education system. Differently abled persons are incomplete
vocational training or higher education than non differently abled persons and one of the
major problems is the lack or inaccessibility of assistive technologies which are adaptive
rehabilitative and assistive devices that possible PWDs to achieve exacting tasks (e.g.
allowing the use of specific artefacts such as furniture, enabling mobility, facilitating
communications and computer keyboards,).

Volume XII Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2019 Page No: 1376


Handicap international (2006) has reveals that differently abled persons might in
addition require rehabilitation, assistive device, psychological support and social inclusion
programmes preceding and during their economic activity. Successful self employment also
essential need to Self-confidence, motivation, adequate personal attitude, some specific
know-how (vocational training, education and prior business experience) that will allow the
PWDs to successfully develop a sustainable self employment activities.
OECD and European Union (2014) have revealed that the first approach is to
reconsider current business start to support contributions to ensure that it is obtainable in
accessible formats and to educate business advisers on the potential and risks that self-
employment have for differently abled persons. A second approach of action for government
is to support the expansion and acceptance of assistive technology.
Paul Adam (2010) has noted that the assured skill has also been known as being
significant when self employed, such as decision- making, organizational skills, managing
money, problem solving, and so on. Nevertheless, unlike personality several skills can be
educated or you may decide to find a business partners who is skilled in these field. Having
an awareness of self and your disease means knowing your and being conscious of how your
disease affects your ability to function on a daily activities.
Statement of the Problems
Empowerment of weaker sections in the field of social and economical aspects is one
of the major components of the sustainable inclusive growth of the country. Peoples are
categorised on the basis of religion, community, occupation and region that reflect their
identity and differentiate them from others, but from these all categories there is another sub
category called Physically Handicapped. Differently abled persons are likely to countenance
specific problems to entering and sustaining entrepreneurship as well self employment in
adding to the general problems, all of which requires a explicit policy response. Some of
these problems are very entrenched, social-structural constraints, imposing harsh limits on
life probability for certain groups of differently abled persons. Self employment is one of the
innovative approaches to sustain the disabled person socio-economically. They should be
enabled to manage business or economic activities, with their ability and nature of disability.
For the empowerment of disabled population, the attainment of education and participation in
economic activity are extremely important. The work status of disabled persons, by sex, by
residence and by type of disability and the attributes of disabled non-workers are discussed to
throw light on the various aspects of their participation in an economic activity. The present

Volume XII Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2019 Page No: 1377


research study is useful to explore the self employment schemes and problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons in the study area.
The present research study is mainly focus on the problems faced by self employed
differently abled persons in the study area. The present research study is descriptive in
character using only primary data. Case study method has used to collect the primary data
from the respondents in Perambalur District.
Study area
The study area is Perambalur district in the state of Tamil Nadu. It covers 4 taluk
such as Perambalur, Veppanthattai, Kunnam and Alathur. It measured as universe for the
purpose of collection and analysis of data.
Source of data
Primary data were collected with the help of a interview schedule. The interview
schedule comprises objective and optional type among Likert’s 5 point scale type questions.
It covers demographic profile, Problems Faced by Self Employed Differently abled Persons.
Sampling techniques
Proportionate stratified random sampling method was applied to select the sample
respondents. The sample size of each stratum in this technique is proportionate to the
population size of the stratum when viewed against the entire population. There are 122 self
employed differently abled persons in Perambalur district which is consider as the population
size of the research study. From each 4 taluk 30 respondents were identified.
Sample size calculation
As regards District Differently Abled Welfare Board 122 self employed differently
abled persons in Perambalur district. 122 sample respondents were selected of which 15
interview schedule were incomplete. Therefore total sample size is 105.
Table No.1
Sample respondents in Perambalur district
Taluk Distributed interview Collected interview
schedule schedule
Perambalur 31 27
Veppanthattai 31 27
Kunnam 30 26
Alathur 30 26
Total 122 105

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Data analyses
Data collection from the sample respondents have been analyzed with the help of
descriptive statistics and other advanced and appropriate statistical tools used in SPSS.
Percentage analysis was applied to understand the demographic profile and
problems faced by self employed differently abled persons.
T-test was applied test the significant difference betwee6n gender and problems
faced by self employed differently abled persons.
ANNVO analysis used to measure the significant relationship between religion,
community, type of disability and problems faced by self employed differently abled
Objectives of the Study
To know the demographic profile of differently abled persons in Perambalur District
1. To identify the problems faced by self employed differently abled persons in Perambalur
Table No.2
Demographic profile of self employed differently abled persons
Demographic Profile Category Total No. of Respondents Percentage
Gender Male 80 76.2
Female 25 23.8
Total 105 100.0
Religion Hindu 81 77.1
Christian 14 13.3
Muslim 10 9.5
Total 105 100.0
Community FC 5 4.8
BC 27 25.7
MBC 38 36.2
SC/ST 35 33.3
Total 105 100.0
Type of Disability Blindness 14 13.3
Low Vision 21 20.0
Hearing Impairment 29 27.6
Loco Motor Disability 41 39.0
Total 105 100.0
Source: Primary data
Table No.2 demographic profile of self employed differently able persons.
It reveals the demographic profile of the respondents in the study area. Out of 105
respondents, 76.2 per cent are male and 23.8 per cent are female.
The table shows the religion of the respondents, 77.1 per cent of the respondents
belong to the Hindu, and 13.3 per cent of the respondents belong to the Christian, and 9.5 per

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cent of the respondents belong to the Muslim. A maximum number of respondents (77.1%)
belong to the Hindu and a minimum number of respondents (9.5%) belong to the Muslim.
The table shows the community of the respondents, 4.8 per cent of the respondents
belong to the forward community (FC), and 25.7 per cent of the respondents belong to the
backward community (BC), and 36.2 per cent of the respondents belong to the most
backward community (MBC), and 33.33 per cent of the respondents belong to the schedule
caste/schedule tribe community SC/ST. A maximum number of respondents (36.2%) belong
to the most backward community (MBC) and a minimum number of respondents (4.8%)
belong to the forward community (FC).
The table indicates that out of 105 respondents, as per type of disability members, 14
respondents are from blindness disability, 21 respondents are from low vision disability, 29
respondents are from hearing impairment disability, and 41 respondents are from loco motor
disability. Therefore, a maximum number of 41 respondents belong to loco motor disability
and a minimum number of 14 respondents belong to blindness disability.
Table No.3
Problems faced by self employed differently abled persons
Problems Level Frequency Percentage
Personal Problems Low 20 19.0
Moderate 60 57.1
High 25 23.8
Total 105 100.0
Organisational Low 19 18.1
Problems Moderate 49 46.7
High 37 35.2
Total 105 100.0
Financial Problems Low 21 20.0
Moderate 50 47.6
High 34 32.4
Total 105 100.0
Marketing Low 18 17.1
Problems Moderate 51 48.6
High 36 34.3
Total 105 100.0
Source: Primary data
The table no.3 clearly shows that regarding the personal problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons, 20 respondents (19.0%) have low level, followed by 60
respondents (57.1%) have moderate level and 25 respondents (23.8%) have high level for
personal problems.

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The table indicates the organisational problems faced by self employed differently
abled persons, 19 respondents (18.1%) have low level, followed by 49 respondents (46.7%)
have moderate level and 37 respondents (35.2%) have high level for organisational problems.
The table reveals the financial problems faced by self employed differently abled
persons, 21 respondents (20.0%) have low level, followed by 50 respondents (47.6%) have
moderate level and 34 respondents (32.4%) have high level for financial problems.
The table shows the marketing problems faced by self employed differently abled
persons, 18 respondents (17.1%) have low level, followed by 51 respondents (48.6%) have
moderate level and 36 respondents (34.3%) have high level for marketing problems.
Table No.4
Gender and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons
Ho: There is no significant difference between gender with respect to problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons
Problems Assumptions Levene's Test for Equality of T-Test
About Variance Variances
F Sig.
Personal Equal variances .207*
Problems assumed
.382 .538
Equal variances .207
not assumed
Organisational Equal variances -1.317*
Problems assumed
.702 .404
Equal variances -1.205
not assumed
Financial Equal variances -1.265*
Problems assumed
1.616 .207
Equal variances -1.104
not assumed
Marketing Equal variances .203*
Problems assumed
.192 .662
Equal variances .210
not assumed
*.Significance at 5% level
Levence’s test on problems like personal problems (F=.382, p>0.05), has a
probability greater than 0.05, it can be assumed that variances are relatively equal.
Therefore, we can use the t-test and two-tail significance for the equal variance estimates to
determine personal problems faced by self employed differently abled persons of two group
of gender viz, male and female. It indicates p<0.05 significant (t=0.207, p<0.05). It shows
that there exists a significant difference among personal problems.
Organisational problems (F=.702, p>0.05), has a probability greater than 0.05, it can
be assumed that variances are relatively equal. Therefore, we can use the t-test and two-tail

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significance for the equal variance estimates to determine organisational problems faced by
self employed differently abled persons of two group of gender viz, male and female. It
indicates p<0.05 significant (t=-1.317, p<0.05). It shows that there exists a significant
difference among organisational problems.
Financial problems (F=1.616, p>0.05), has a probability greater than 0.05, it can be
assumed that variances are relatively equal. Therefore, we can use the t-test and two-tail
significance for the equal variance estimates to determine financial problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons of two group of gender viz, male and female. It indicates
p<0.05 significant (t=-1.265, p<0.05). It shows that there exists a significant difference
among financial problems.
Marketing problems (F=.192, p>0.05), has a probability greater than 0.05, it can be
assumed that variances are relatively equal. Therefore, we can use the t-test and two-tail
significance for the equal variance estimates to determine financial problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons of two group of gender viz, male and female. It indicates
p<0.05 significant (t=.203, p<0.05). It shows that there exists a significant difference among
marketing problems.
Table No.5
Religion and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons
Ho: There is no significant association between religions and problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons
Factors Source Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 20.110 2 10.055
Personal Within 1084.937 102 10.637 .945* .039
Problems Groups
Total 1105.048 104
Between 10.128 2 5.064
Within 1350.387 102 13.239 .382* .023
Total 1360.514 104
Between 26.290 2 13.145
Within 1162.757 102 11.400 1.153* .020
Total 1189.048 104
Between 46.090 2 23.045
Within 1169.757 102 11.468 2.009* .013
Total 1215.848 104

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*.Significance at 5% level
Oneway ANOVA was applied to find the significant mean difference between the
religion and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons and the result showed
that there is a significant difference between religions (Hindu, Christian and Muslim) of self
employed differently abled persons towards personal problem (F-value = .945, p<0.05),
organisational problems (F-value = .382, p<0.05), financial problems (F-value = 1.153,
p<0.05) and the marketing problems (F-value = 2.009, p<0.05).
Table No.6
Community and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons
Ho: There is no significant difference between communities and problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons
Problems Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 32.335 3 10.778
Personal Within 1072.713 101 10.621 1.015* .021
Problems Groups
Total 1105.048 104
Between 105.794 3 35.265
Within 1254.720 101 12.423 2.839* .042
Total 1360.514 104
Between 101.395 3 33.798
Within 1087.652 101 10.769 3.139* .029
Total 1189.048 104
Between 106.075 3 35.358
Within 1109.773 101 10.988 3.218* .026
Total 1215.848 104
*.Significance at 5% level
Oneway ANOVA was applied to find the significant mean difference between the
communities and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons and the result
showed that there is a significant difference between communities (Forward, Backward, Most
Backward and Scheduled Caste/Tribe) of self employed differently abled persons towards
personal problem (F-value =1.015, p<0.05), organisational problems (F-value = 2.839,
p<0.05), financial problems (F-value = 3.139, p<0.05) and the marketing problems (F-value
= 3.218, p<0.05).
Table No.7
Type of disability and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons

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Ho: There is no significant difference between types of disability and problems faced by self
employed differently abled persons
Factors Source Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 8.792 3 2.931
Personal Within 1096.256 101 10.854 .270* .047
Problems Groups
Total 1105.048 104
Between 18.224 3 6.075
Within 1342.291 101 13.290 .457* .013
Total 1360.514 104
Between 10.959 3 3.653
Within 1178.088 101 11.664 .313* .016
Total 1189.048 104
Between 81.155 3 27.052
Within 1134.693 101 11.235 2.408* .022
Total 1215.848 104
*.Significance at 5% level
Oneway ANOVA was applied to find the significant mean difference between the
type of disability and problems faced by self employed differently abled persons and the
result showed that there is a significant difference between type of disability (Blindness, Low
Vision, Hearing Impairment and Loco Motor Disability) of self employed differently abled
persons towards personal problem (F-value =.270, p<0.05), organisational problems (F-value
= .457, p<0.05), financial problems (F-value = .313, p<0.05) and the marketing problems (F-
value = 2.408, p<0.05).
Major Findings
o It has noted that majority of the self employed differently abled persons were belongs
to male (76.19%) category and the few of them were comes under female (23.80%)
o A maximum number of the self employed differently abled persons were belongs to
Hindu (77.14%) religion and minimum number of them were belongs to Muslim
(9.52%) religion.
o A maximum number of the self employed differently abled persons were belongs to
MBC (36.19%) community and minimum number of them were belongs to FC (4.76%)

Volume XII Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2019 Page No: 1384


o It has revealed that majority of the self employed differently abled persons were
belongs to loco motor disability (39.04%) category and few of them were comes under
blindness (13.33%) category.
o Personal problems are moderately (57.1%) influenced by self employed differently
abled persons in Perambalur district.
o Organisational problems are moderately (46.7%) influenced by self-employed
differently abled persons in Perambalur district.
o Financial problems are moderately (47.6%) influenced by self employed differently
abled persons in Perambalur district.
o Marketing problems are moderately (48.6%) influenced by self employed differently
abled persons in Perambalur district.
o There is a significant difference between gender of self employed differently abled
persons in Perambalur district and personal, organisational, financial and marketing
o There is a significant difference between religion of self employed differently abled
persons in Perambalur district and personal, organisational, financial and marketing
o There is a significant difference between community of self employed differently abled
persons in Perambalur district and personal, organisational, financial and marketing
o There is a significant difference between type of disabilities of self employed
differently abled persons in Perambalur district and personal, organisational, financial
and marketing Problems.
Self Employment is a way to establish a person as an independent person and sustain
their economic stability with their creativity, skill, ability or hard work. To make PWD self
employable is a serious problem and at the initial stage there is a need of assistance like
mobilisation of resources, finding the right place and position, marketing, allocation of funds
etc. But if they are trained properly, they can also compete with those who are abled and
engaged in self employment.
PWDs (Persons with Disabilities) are more likely to be unemployed and generally
earn less than people without disabilities, even when they are employed. Both employment
and income are affected adversely in proportion to the severity of the disability. PWDs may

Volume XII Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2019 Page No: 1385


experience extra disability-related costs due to medical care, assistive devices, or personal
attendants, and may thus need more resources to achieve the same outcomes as non-disabled
people. It is concluded that differently abled persons who are involving self employment
activities are facing various problems such as personal, organisational, financial and
marketing problems. Among these problems financial problems is play a vital part in their
self employment activities and income generation. Therefore there is a need of liberalised
flow of financial assistance to differently abled persons for their self employment activities.
1. Alex Maritz and Richard Laferriere (2016). Entrepreneurship and self-employment
for people with disabilities, Australian Journal of Career Development, Vol. 25, Issue
No.2 pp45–54.
2. Arnold, N L. & Ipsen, C. (2005). Self-employment policies: Changes through the
decade, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Vol. 16, Issue No. 2, pp 115–122.
3. Boylan A and Burchardt T (2002). Barriers to self-employment for disabled people,
Report for the Small Business Services. London: Department of Trade and Industry.
4. Guffey and Loewy (2008). Essentials of Business Communication, ninth edition,
Cengage Learning, PP 1-.40.
5. Hanafin.(2007). Including young people with disabilities, Assessment challenges in
higher education’, Higher Education, vol. 54, pp.435–448.
6. Handicap International (2006). Good Practices for the Economic Inclusion of Person
with Disabilities in Developing Countries, Funding Mechanisms for Self Employment.
7. OECD & European Union (2014).Policy Brief on Entrepreneurship for People with
Disabilities, Entrepreneurial Activities in Europe. pp 1-24.
8. Paul Adam & Dian Lacai (2010). Self Employment: For People with Disabilities A
Booklet of Practical Tips and Resources for Becoming Self employed, pp 1-14.

Volume XII Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2019 Page No: 1386

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