1.as Student Explain The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using A Computer

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Teaching ICT as Exploratory Course
Mr. Bienvenido Basal
Activity #1

1.As student explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a Computer.

The advantages of using computer(s) are that we can do research and find a lot
of information we may be looking for. Other advantages include typing out a document,
essay, letter, or a simple birthday card. We can communicate with our friends online
and send them e-mails. It helps you automate various tasks that you cannot do
manually. It helps you organize your data and information. It has much more computing
and calculating power then an ordinary human. It may help your work to be a lot easier.
It can help you communicate with friends, coworkers and other contacts. It has many
search engines to help you find information quickly.

The Disadvantages, People sometimes spend all their time secluded (separate) in theirs
rooms on the computer. It allows the old way of learning (ex: handwriting) to be
forgotten. Easier to copy peoples homework as you can sometimes find the sources
online. Illegal downloading can ruin businesses. Details such as bank records can be
hacked into, and thus your personal information is no longer as safe as it used to be.
But there are disadvantages too... some people use computers in a bad way. Some
people use computers to look at things that we aren't supposed to see. People can
actually get personal information about you by tricking you to fill out applications that
LOOK real but are NOT real at all. It can have negative effects on your social life and
interactions with other people if you do not maintain the balance between time online
and offline. It may have a negative effect on your eyesight due to radiation. It may cause
pimples and wrinkles. It may distract you from your studies.
Teaching ICT as Exploratory Course
Mr. Bienvenido Basal
2.give your insights on how computers can solve different issues we are facing now
because of Covid-19

the face of the ongoing pandemic, thousands of schools, teachers and learners
all over the world had to switch to remote teaching and learning almost overnight. While
some of them could successfully continue education with the help of educational
technologies and online learning, many still question the effectiveness and level of
engagement of the latest.

Some banks, advisors and loan offices have continued to remain open during
COVID-19 by adopting new physical distancing rules and technology to keep their
business running and their patrons safe. During the pandemic, consumers have moved
dramatically toward online channels, and companies and industries have responded in
turn. Many companies have asked employees to work from home. Remote work is
enabled by technologies including virtual private networks , voice over internet
protocols, virtual meetings, cloud technology, work collaboration tools and even facial
recognition technologies that enable a person to appear before a virtual background to
preserve the privacy of the home. In addition to preventing the spread of viruses,
remote work also saves commute time and provides more flexibility.

3.Research on the currents rends issues on ICT in the Philippines for the past 5 Years
 What is/are the issue’s
Comelec admits more problems in voting system
MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday,
February 10, admitted more problems in the automated election system as the
Comelec has less than 3 months to prepare for the May 9 elections. One of the
new major problems afflicts the vote-counting machines (VCMs).

In a recent test conducted by the Comelec, the machines rejected 1-2% of ballot
papers. Comelec Spokesman James Jimenez said this is because the machines
detected stray marks from the printers.

The Comelec attributed this to the new “self-diagnostic feature” of vote-counting

machines. This feature allows the machines to reject ballots with stray marks.
Teaching ICT as Exploratory Course
Mr. Bienvenido Basal
If the vote-counting machines rejected 2% of the actual ballots on election day,
that would mean 1.14 million ballots going to waste.
The other major problem, which the Comelec admitted on Wednesday, involves
the consolidation and canvassing system (CCS).

The CCS is the system that consolidates election results from voting precincts on
election day.

Jimenez said there was a problem in generating the image to make the CCS
program "installable."
 How it is solved or future plan to solve the said issues
This is why the Comelec has ruled out removing the "self-diagnostic feature."
Instead, the Comelec has chosen to change the "sensitivity" of the vote-counting
machines. This will make the equipment less stringent in rejecting ballots with stray
To change this "sensitivity," the Comelec now has to rebuild the source code, or the
"master blueprint," of the vote-counting machines.
Bautista said rebuilding the source code will take only a few hours.
 Who are the people involved or agencies to conduct as such solution
The Commission on Elections (Comelec)
Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista
 Give your idea on how to address such an issue
For this coming election, I think the best way to solve this type problem is to try to
make the voting machines work without fail but to never assume it won’t fail. We cannot
make our computers perfectly secure. it’s important to examine how security flaws in
our country’s voting equipment increase the vulnerability of our elections. government
officials must ensure that we have procedures in place to protect our elections at all
stages. Ensuring the physical security of voting equipment, whether in storage or in
transit to polling places, and implementing strong chain of custody procedures for both
equipment and all paper records; Conducting thorough pre-election testing on every
voting machine to ensure that all are operating correctly and counting votes accurately
before voting begins; Making sure that emergency paper ballots are available in all
polling places where electronic voting machines are used, in case of failure of those
Teaching ICT as Exploratory Course
Mr. Bienvenido Basal


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