Axioms For Plane Geometry: Definition 3.3.1. A Set of Points S Is Said To Be A Convex Set If For Every Pair of Points A

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Axioms for Plane Geometry



The fourth axiom explains how a line divides the plane into two half-planes. Among
other things, this axiom allows us to define angle—one of the most basic objects of study
in geometry.

Axiom keempat menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah garis membagi bidang menjadi 2

(Setengah bidang)

Definition 3.3.1. A set of points S is said to be a convex set if for every pair of points A
´ is contained in S.
and B in S, the entire segment AB

Definition 3.3.1. Himpunan titik-titik S disebut dengan himpunan konvex jika setiap
pasang titik A dan B pada S maka semua elemen AB ´ terkandung pada S

Axiom 3.3.2 (The Plane Separation Postulate). For every line l, the points that do not
lie on l form two disjoint, nonempty sets H 1 and H 2, called half-planes bounded by l ,
such that the following conditions are satisfied :

1. Each of H 1 and H 2 is convex.

2. If P ∈ H 1 and Q ∈ H 2, then PQ
´ intersects l.

Aksioma 3.3.2 (Postulat Batas Bidang). Untuk setiap garis l , akan memisahkan dua
bidang yang tidak kosong H 1 dan H 2, disebut bidang yang dibatasi garis l , dimana
berlaku kondisi :

1. H 1 dan H 2 konvex.
2. Jika P ∈ H 1 dan Q ∈ H 2, maka PQ
´ memotong garis l.
Some of what the postulate asserts can be more succinctly stated using set theoretic
notation. Here, in symbols, is what the postulate says about H1and H2.

 H 1 ∪ H 2 =P ∖ l
 H 1 ∩ H 2=∅
 H 1 ≠ ∅ and H 2 ≠ ∅
 If A ∈ H 1 and B∈ H 1, then AB⊆
´ H 1 and AB∩l=∅
´ .
 If A ∈ H 2 and B∈ H 2, then AB⊆ H 2 and AB∩l=∅.
´ ´
 If A ∈ H 1 and B∈ H 2, then AB∩l=∅.

Some of what the postulate asserts can be more succinctly stated using set theoretic
notation. Here, in symbols, is what the postulate says about H1and H2.

 H 1 ∪ H 2 =P ∖ l
 H 1 ∩ H 2=∅
 H 1 ≠ ∅ and H 2 ≠ ∅
 If A ∈ H 1 and B∈ H 1, then AB⊆
´ H 1 and ´
AB∩l=∅ .
 If A ∈ H 2 and B∈ H 2, then AB⊆
´ H 2 and ´
 If A ∈ H 1 and B∈ H 2, then AB∩l=∅.

Notation. Let l be a line and let A be an external point. We use the notation H A to denote
the half-plane bounded by lthat contains A.

Notation. Let l be a line and let A be an external point. We use the notation H A to denote
the half-plane bounded by lthat contains A.

Definition 3.3.3. Let l be a line, let H 1 and H 2be the two half-planes bounded by l, and
let A and B be two external points. We say that A and B are on the same side of l if they
are both in H 1 or both in H 2. The points A and B are on opposite sides of l if one is in H 1
and the other is in H 2
Definition 3.3.3. Let l be a line, let H 1 and H 2be the two half-planes bounded by l, and
let A and B be two external points. We say that A and B are on the same side of l if they
are both in H 1 or both in H 2. The points A and B are on opposite sides of l if one is in H 1
and the other is in H 2

he separation properties of a line can be restated in the terms just defined.

The separation properties of a line can be restated in the terms just defined.

Proposition 3.3.4. Let l be a line and let A and B be points that do not lie on l. The points
A and B are on the same side of l if and only if AB∩l=∅
´ . The points A and B are on
opposite sides of l if and only if AB∩l=∅ .

Proposition 3.3.4. Let l be a line and let A and B be points that do not lie on l. The points
A and B are on the same side of l if and only if AB∩l=∅
´ . The points A and B are on
opposite sides of l if and only if AB∩l=∅ .

AB and ⃗
Definition 3.3.5. Two rays ⃗ AC having the same endpoint are opposite rays if the
´ AC
two rays are unequal but AB= ´ . Otherwise they are nonopposite.

Definition 3.3.5. Two rays ⃗AB and ⃗

AC having the same endpoint are opposite rays if the
´ ´
two rays are unequal but AB= AC . Otherwise they are nonopposite.

Another way to state the definition is this: AB and AC are opposite rays if B∗A∗C

Another way to state the definition is this: AB and AC are opposite rays if B∗A∗C
Definition 3.3.6. An angle is the union of two nonopposite rays ⃗ AB and ⃗AC sharing the
same endpoint. The angle is denoted by either ∠ BAC∨∠CAB. The point A is called the
AB and ⃗
vertex of the angle and the rays ⃗ AC are called the sides of the angle.

Definition 3.3.6. Sudut adalah gabungan dua sinar ⃗ AB and ⃗AC yang keduanya bukan
sinar yang berlawanan. Titik A disebut titik sudut dan sinar AB dan ⃗
⃗ AC disebut sisi sudut

Notice that the angle ∠ BAC is the same

as the angle jCAB.We have defined angle
in such a way that there is no angle
determined by opposite rays. This may
differ from what you learned in high
school, where you probably worked with
straight angles. One reason we define
angle the way we do is so that we can go
on to make the next definition. The
definition of interior of an angle would
not make sense for a straight angle (or for
larger angles).

Definition 3.3.7. Let A, B, and C

be three points such that the rays
AB and AC are nonopposite. The interior of angle ∠ BAC is defined as follows. If
⃗ ⃗
AB ≠ ⃗
⃗ AC, then the interior of ∠ BAC is defined to be the intersection of the half-plane H B
determined by B and AC ´ and the half-plane H C determined by C and AB ´ (i.e., the
interior of ∠ BAC is the set of points H B ∩ H C ). If ⃗
AB=⃗AC, then the interior of ∠ BAC is
defined to be the empty set.

Definition 3.3.7. Let A, B, and C be three points such that the rays ⃗ AB and ⃗AC are
nonopposite. The interior of angle ∠ BAC is defined as follows. If ⃗ AB≠ ⃗ AC, then the
interior of ∠ BAC is defined to be the intersection of the half-plane H B determined by B
and AC´ and the half-plane H C determined by C and AB ´ (i.e., the interior of ∠ BAC is the
set of points H B ∩ H C ). If ⃗ AC, then the interior of ∠ BAC is defined to be the empty
The interior of any angle is a convex set; see Exercise 1. Since a half-plane consists of all
points on the same side of AB ´ a given line, another way to state the definition of angle
interior is this: A point P is in the interior of ∠ BAC if P is on the same side of C and on
the same side of AC ´ as B. Among other things, the concept of angle interior allows us to
define betweenness for rays.

ADis between rays ⃗

Definition 3.3.8. Ray ⃗ AC if D is in the interior of ∠ BAC.
AB and ⃗

ADdiantara sinar ⃗
Definition 3.3.8. Sinar ⃗ AC jika titik D terletak pada ∠ BAC.
AB dan ⃗

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