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SFOPS 8 - Cargo Transfer Plan (Oil / Product Tanker) (Ver.

1 Dec '09)

Oil / Product Cargo Transfer Plan

Ship's Name ESHIPS EAGLE Voyage Number 117
Date 12-Aug-17 Load / Discharge LOAD
STS MT MARIKA Draughts Forward / Aft Midship UKC
Berth STS MT MARIKA Arrival 8.00/8.00 8.00 42.00
Side to PORT Departure 8.20/8.20 8.20 41.80
No of Moorings See InformationLimitations
3+2 FWD & AFT 50
and Contents
Manifolds 3P page for details
Vessel Conditions Arrival Departure
Deadweight 11685 12226
Displacement 15693 16234
Maximum Allowance Manifold Pressures Cargo Rates
8 bar GASOLINE: 1200m3/h

Terminal As per Key meeting As per Key meeting

Max Cargo to Load or GASOLINE : UP TO MAX
Discharge INTAKE OF 3W AND 1W OF
Grades Gasoline: 0.735

Maximum Calculated BM & SF Allowance Communications* (VHF/UHF/Tel Numbers)

Bending Moments 35% Port OFF LOME STS 10/16

Shear Forces 28% Ship VHF CH: 16/09

*Agreed Communications for Emergency Situations


Rank Name Signature From To

Direct Supervision: Duration of Cargo
Chief Officer
NIVAS ATHIMOOLAM Transfer Operations
Officers In Charge Of The Watch
2 OFFICER YANGSON ARTURO JR 0000/1200 0600/1800

3 OFFICER RUBION LORBEN 0600/1800 1200/2400

Deck Watch Ratings

AB MISHRA PRASHANT 0000-0600 1200-1800

AB SEQUEIRA ROYSTON 0000-0600 1200-1800

AB MONOJ KUMAR 0600-1200 1800-2400

BOSUN MAHALDAR IMRAN 0600-1200 1800-2400

*Company Specific information on Cargo Plans is located in M103 – Tanker Procedures.


Rank Name Signature From To
Officers In Charge of
Duration of Bunkering
Bunkering Operations:
Chief Engineer

Officers in Charge of Engine Room Watch and Ratings

*Company Specific information on Bunkering Procedures is located in M005 – Engineering Procedures manual.

SFOPS 8 - Cargo Transfer Plan (Oil / Product Tanker) (Ver.1 Dec '09)

Name & Signature DMITRY MIN

SFOPS 8 - Cargo Transfer Plan (Oil / Product Tanker) (Ver.1 Dec '09)

Information and Contents

When completing a Cargo Transfer Plan, reference should be made to relevant Company
notices, Tanker Procedures Manual, Statutory Flag State Regulations, International
Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT), Approved Tank Cleaning Guide.

Oil / Product Cargo Transfer Plan

General Instructions
1. Attach the Specific Instructions and Plans to each Appendix.
2. No tank shall be loaded to more than 98% of its total volumetric capacity without prior
approval from the Company
3. All cargo tanks, lines, pumps shall be cleaned to the standard necessary to meet the
requirements for the next cargo
4. The requirements of MARPOL 73/78 and ISGOTT guidance must be strictly complied with at
all times
5. Any specific Charterer's instructions must be complied with, to the extent that vessel safety
is not adversely affected
6. The plans should be prepared in conjunction with the vessel's load/stress calculations to
ensure that the vessel remains within the limiting stress parameters throughout the operation
7. All officers and crewmembers, including those in the Engine Room department, who will be
involved in the transfer operation must familiarise themselves with the relevant contents of the
plan, prior to the start of operations

8. Copy of this Cargo Plan must be available in the Cargo Control Room and Engine Control
Room. Both copies MUST be sighted & signed by the Master and approved.
9. All pollution sighted on or in the vicinity of the ship must be reported to the Master.
10. The details of the plans should be discussed with all personnel, both on the ship and at the
11. Any changes to the plan should be formally recorded and brought to the attention of all
personnel involved with the operation.
12. Appropriate entries must be made in the Oil Record book promptly after completion of
List of Contents

Appendix 1 - Watch Arrangements

Appendix 2 - Cargo Sequence

Appendix 3 - Diagrammatic Timelines

Appendix 4 - COW Operations

Appendix 5 - Inert Gas Operations

Appendix 6 - Ballast Sequence

Appendix 7 - Stability Information

Appendix 8 - Contingency Plan

Appendix 9 - Chief Officer's Standing Orders

Appendix 10 - Safety & Environment

Appendix 11 - Additional Information

Appendix 12 : "Bunker Operations Instruction" if applicable

Information & Contents

SFOPS 8 - Cargo Transfer Plan (Oil / Product Tanker) (Ver.1 Dec '09)
See Information and Contents page for details

Description of Content Check
(Additional points and ship specific content may be required and should be included in each Appendix) Yes No N/A
Deck Officers and Deck Ratings. (Include nominated Engineer Officers and Ratings assigned to Bunkering
Appendix 1 : Watch Ops) o o o
Arrangements Individual duties with respect to deck security rounds and intervals of checks. o o o
Cargo Segregation Instructions (Quantity and grade of each parcel) o o o
Density, temperature and other relevant properties o o o
Cargo distribution at each stage of operation (identity of cargo tanks to be Loaded/Discharged, Cargo pumps
to be used and expected duration) o o o
Identify critical stages where highest stresses anticipated to occur. o o o
Initial start-up Rates / Arrangement (valves and line-up) 100 m3/h o o o
Restrictions necessary due to Electrostatic properties and/or use of automatic shutdown valves o o o
Appendix 2 : Cargo
Sequence Identify all valves that must remain closed during the operations o o o
Maximum Rate of Cargo Transfer Arrangement and notice of rate change agreement with Terminal o o o
Control of Cargo Heating Systems and Requirements o o o
Final Ullages, Topping off plan and Maximum topping off Rate 100 m3/h o o o
Final Stripping Procedures and line clearing (for COW Ops see appendix 4) o o o
Change of Cargo Grades (if applicable) o o o
Vapour Return Arrangement and instructions (if applicable) o o o
Sampling Instructions (number of samples required and stages of operation that sample are required) o o o

Appendix 3 : Schematics Diagram of cargo and ballast tank o o o

Timescale Diagrams Representation of cargo/ballast timescale (Bar chart). o o o

Appendix 4 : COW Tanks to be Crude Oil Washed, type of wash (full, bottom or top) and max COW line pressure. o o o
Operations (if Interaction with Cargo / Ballast operations, regard to tank ullage levels, vessel trim and stress. o o o
applicable) Sequence of Tanks and wash cycles o o o
Venting / Supply set up o o o
Appendix 5 : Inert
Gas Operations
Specific Venting System Segregation for each type of cargo (Product Cargoes) o o o
Max / Minimum Pressure 200 mbar / 20 mbar o o o
Valve and Line Setup o o o
Ballast Distribution at each stage of operation, interaction with cargo operations, particularly with regard to
Appendix 6 : Ballast tank ullage levels and vessel trim. o o o
Ballast exchange and Port sampling requirements o o o
Methods to be used for ballast transfer (by pump or gravity running to/from sea) o o o
Expected Stress such as Shear Force and Bending Moment for each stage of Cargo Ops including critial
stages. o o o
Detail all vessel specific inherent intact stability problems (Particular attention should be given to vessels with
Appendix 7 : Stability ‘U’ Shaped ballast tanks or Double bottom tanks without centreline segregation.) o o o
Drafts and Trims for each stage of operations o o o
Damage stability procedures o o o
Fire and Pollution Contingency – including port specific requirement o o o
Appendix 8 : Procedures for Emergency Stop. o o o
Emergency Set up and regular check of fire wires o o o
Contingency Plan
Shore Fire Fighting and Emergency facilities including emergency/fire signals o o o
Refer to Section 2.1.1 of M103 – Tanker Procedures Manual o o o
Safety precautions to be observed (including precautions against static generation) o o o
Anti-pollution Equipment (as per SOPEP) and precautions to be observed o o o
Security precautions to be observed o o o
Appendix 9 : Chief Organisation and management of the deck crew o o o
Officer's Standing Communications between OOW and terminal, deck crew and engine room o o o
Orders Procedures for handover of watch x o o
Authority to operate cargo valves/equipment/machinery o o o
Record keeping and reporting requirements o o o
Contingency plan for the emergency shutdown of cargo operations, including the authority of the OOW to
shut down cargo operations when this is required by the circumstances. o o o

Use of Portable Gas Analysing Equipment and Personal Detectors o o o

Hazards of the particular Cargoes - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) availability and crew awareness o o o
Danger of Toxic Gases o o o
Personal Protective Equipment for Crewmember and Visitors o o o
Security Level and Action requirements / List of Visitors o o o
Appendix 10 : Safety High Pressure Surge precaution and prevention
& Environmental
o o o
Scupper Plugs and Valves fitted and secured o o o
Control and Maintain Domestic waste disposal o o o
Weather Forecast o o o
Weather limits o o o
Emergency spill procedures and spill containment (SOPEP equipment) o o o
Appendix 11 :
Additional Any additional information relating to vessel safe operation in port o o o
Appendix 12 : Bunker
Bunker Procedures as per M005 Engineering Procedures Manual Section 6.0 with Bunkering Safety
Operations Checklist o o o

Content Checklist
Loading Operations Instructions
Manifolds to be used: Deck Lines to be used:
As Per Manifold Rigging Diagram As Per Manifold Rigging Diagram
Initial start up rate - 100 m³/hTopping off rate - 100 m³/h
Line up
The initial line up is to be carried out by the C/O and BOSUN and prior to commencement of loading the line up is to be
rechecked by the duty officer
Pre-loading announcement to be made & Radio Communications with Shore as well as Deck Crew to be tested
* Before commencement of loading, manifold sample (0.5 ltrs) has to be taken against closed manifold valve.
Shore representative
After manifold samplemust
has be
been present
our samples.
ship ready to receive cargo and pumpman at the manifold shall be
* instructed to
Dutymanifold valve to confirm cargo passing through line and to monitor back pressure. Duty ab to check all deck
ab at manifold
* lines
and manifolds on opposite side for possible leaks
When it is clear that there are no leaks, and we confirm receiving cargo, and when all is confirmed in order, request from
* terminal
to slowly increase loading rate up to maximum agreed and resume checks on deck.
* Keep on loading according attached sequences. Keep open at least 2 tanks always, during full loading rate.
* Deck watch shall confirm no leaks on deck and on sea-side manifold
* Commence deballasting by gravity once all is settled down with loading of cargo. Use ballast pump when ballast levels are less
than 2 meters above sea level.
1. Follow loading sequences attached to loading plan.
* Maintain
2. Ensure positive pressure
the Ballast Eductorin is
tanks at all
started astimes
per procedures
* and in good time. Do not wait for ballast pumps to
At suction.
stage COT's will be loaded as per attached
* sequences.
Appendix 5 : Inert Gas Operations
Ensure IG Valve positions are cross checked and confirmed locked at the beginning of every watch.
Venting of cargo tanks should be provided by P/V. The following levels of pressure inside cargo tanks
To be kept during loading operations: min 10 mbar, max 200 mbar. Ensure that on konsberg display is Non-VECS mode
Ensure Air conditioning Intakes are set on recirculation and ensure positive pressure inside accomodation prior to starting operations
Appendix 6 : Ballast Sequence
Valve set up to be done in accordance with instruction manual for ballast pump; Keep in mind Ballast lines are made of GRP
Ensure valves are lined up correctly in sequence to avoid damage due to water hammer
Start deballasting by pump when difference between tank and sea level will be 2m or less.
Appendix 7 : Stability Information
Damage stability calculations booklet is available in CCR and must be used and followed in case of an emergency situation.
Vessel is to be kept upright at all times and at no times should stress be allowed to exceed the calculated values in the plan
All stresses are to be measured in the "Sea" Condition. Any deviations from the plan should be only on the permission of Master / Chief Officer
Appendix 8 : Emergency Contingency Plan
The Deck Watch should be aware about location of emergency stop cargo pumps buttons;
In case of emergency, watchman must stop pumps without preliminary notification of OOW;
Deck and overside checks to be performed all the time during cargo operations and duty officer informed;
Emergency towing-off wires (fire wires) shall be rigged in accordance with ISGOTT and "OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines"
and must be subject to check during all safety rounds.
Emergency Shutdown Procedures
· In case of emergency, cargo operations will be stopped by the person in charge of oil transfer (Master, Ch. Officer) who will issue an
order to the officer on watch to activate emergency stop button & close the ship’s manifold. In case that the person in charge of oil
transfer fails to issue such order then the emergency stop should be activated by Officer on watch after notification to loading Master.
Communication between the CCR and Loading Master will be with portable intrinsically safe radios and/or VHF will be used.
Communication link between CCR and Loading Master must be checked regularly.

· During cargo transfer operations, communication between person in charge and personnel on duty, will be carried out by intrinsically
safe walkie-talkies. For communication between terminal, intrinsically safe walkie-talkie and/or VHF will be used.
· All valves in cargo piping system will be “opened” by order of person in charge only. Order will be repeated and understanding
confirmed before valve operation. When valve is closed and opened, person in charge will be informed accordingly.

· In case of sighting oil in the vessel’s vicinity, or oil discharge from the vessel, all cargo operations will be terminated immediately and
USCG will be notified.* In case of major oil spill, refer to Vessel Response Manual.
· Deck Lighting: All deck lights must be on during darkness hour.
· Records: Oil record book and CCR operation book must be kept updated at all the times.
For details see Cargo Handling manual. International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals. ICS Ship to Ship transfer Guide. Major
Ship Casualty or Major Oil Spill. Vessel Response Plan. The Oil pollution Act of 1990 and Tank Shipping.

Appendix 9 : Chief Officer's Standing Orders

The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master for ensuring safe cargo operations i.e. loading, discharging, ballasting,
deballasting and tank cleaning. He will keep the Master fully updated at all times and shall immediately inform the Master of
any operational problems or defects.

Please be guided by the Chief Officer's Standing Orders as posted in the CCR

Page 5 of 9
A) General
A1) The OOW is expected to be familiar with the contents of and comply with the instructions contained in the Company Fleet
Instruction Manuals. In addition you are expected to have a working knowledge of other publications including I.S.G.O.T.T.
A2) The OOW is expected to be familiar with the location and operation of the vessel's fixed and portable firefighting equipment
including the fixed foam system with knowledge of the starting procedures for fire pumps and the location of remote
operating points. The OOW MUST take a Deck & Safety round prior to taking over the watch
B) Port Operations
B1) The OOW is to ensure that the vessel is securely moored at all times with fire wires correctly rigged and adjusted as
necessary. When loading or cargo at an SBM, unless monitored by Terminal personnel, one man is to be stationed forward to
monitor and report at frequent intervals the position of the SBM advising the OOW in case of the vessel riding up to the buoy
or any other problems arise.

B2) Gangways and accommodation ladders are to be safely rigged and tended as required. Warning notices are to be posted as
appropriate. Shore gangways are to be monitored and shore personnel are to be alerted to any problems or potential
problems. Port, Terminal, Industry & Company Procedures with regard to Safe Access must be complied with at all times.

B3) All persons boarding the vessel are to be challenged by the deck watch. Procedure to be done as per "Ship Security Plan" and
"Gangway standing orders" in accordance with Security Level which is in force. Legitimate visitors are to be escorted to the
accommodation and non-authorized personnel are to be denied access. The deck watches are to consult the OOW in any
B4) UHF radio communication is to be maintained between the deck watch and the OOW/CCR at all times. The deck is not to be
left unattended. If the deck watches needs to leave the deck the permission of the OOW must be obtained. In any event
there must be one man standing by the manifold area at all times during cargo operations. All communications are to be in
B5) Full cooperation is to be extended to Terminal personnel. If you consider any request to be unreasonable or unsafe or if you
are in any doubt you are to call either the Chief Officer and/or the Master. Shore personnel should be treated courteously at
all times.

C) Cargo Loading and cargo Operations, Ballast Operations.

Loading, cargo and ballast operations are to be carried out as per the load/discharge plan. No deviation from the plan is
allowed unless in an emergency, without the Chief Officer and/or Masters permission.
C1) Prior to and during any loading and cargo operations the OOW shall ensure that the ship/shore safety checklist has been
completed and all points have been complied with. In particular frequent checks should be made to ensure all outside doors
are closed and that smoking regulations are being complied with.

C2) The OOW shall be familiar with the operation of the vessel's cargo and ballast handling systems, valve operation, gauging
methods and inert gas system.
C3) Prior to loading/cargo the OOW is to check the line up of the cargo system and check that all tank inert gas valves are open
updating. Inert gas valves are not to be closed without the permission of the C/O and should be logged as closed in the cargo
log book. During cargo operations positive pressure is to be maintained in the cargo tanks at all times. If difficulty is
experienced in maintaining positive pressure then call Chief Officer and/or Master and reduce the pumping rate to prevent
the tanks going into vacuum.
C4) Manifold valves and manifold drain valves are not to be operated without the permission of the Chief Officer
C5) The hydraulic valve control system is to be closely monitored and the level of the hydraulic tank checked at least once every
watch. The Chief Officer and/or Master is to be called immediately if any problem is experienced with the valve hydraulic

C6) The running of cargo pumps are to be monitored throughout the discharge. Any abnormalities are to be reported
C7) Load and discharge rates are to be calculated hourly. If possible, comparisons with shore rates should be obtained and call
the Chief Officer and/or Master any large discrepancies are found to exist. All events regarding cargo and ballast operations
are to be accurately recorded in the Port Log Book including and not limited to tank change overs, starting/stopping of pumps
etc. Pumping Records and IG Log are to be completed as required. The Deck Log Book is to be written up in full at the end of
each watch.
C8) The status of full and empty tanks not being loaded or discharged is to be constantly monitored in order to detect any
leakages which might occur.
C9) Do not rely solely on CCR remote level gauge readouts. Local and remote readings should be compared frequently, auto
gauge readings checked against UTI ullages whenever possible, and at any rate, before a tank reaches its topping off level
C10) Surveyors and shore personnel are not permitted to operate any ship's equipment, open any tank / ullage
port nor enter any enclosed space without my permission. Surveyors are to be accompanied by the OOW or a
responsible member of the crew when undertaking gauging or sampling of tanks.
C11) Monitor weather conditions closely and call me if they deteriorate, cargo operations are to be suspended if electrical storms
are in the vessel's vicinity.
Appendix 10 : Safety & Environmental
A safe operation with safety of personnel & protection of the environment is paramount.
Keep an eye on weather conditions especially wind force and act in accordance with Ship/Shore Checklist Requirements
If wind force increase up to 20 kn the Master and Chief Officer shall be notified immediately;
Watch out for rain and ensure decks are clear of water at all times. Ensure scuppers are closed and if open, a person should be standing
by and monitoring the discharge of water from the deck to avoid pollution.
One portable gas detector (BW Microclip) should be available at manifold area at all times and any alarm to be immediately reported to
the Duty Officer and Chief Officer
Be Aware of Hazards of Oil being handled, the same are available at MSDS posted at CCR & Main Deck alleyway;
Many of the cargoes carried onboard may contain toxic gases, the exposure to which may be harmful and in some cases lethal.
Distribution of toxic gases may cause damage to the following organs: upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes and central nervous system
Page 6 of 9
All crew members involved in any deck activity should wear proper PPE in compliance with company procedures;
Garbage disposal: Garbage to be landed ashore only with permission of Chief Officer
Appendix 11 : Additional Information
Observe and be familiar with Port Requirements, Terminal & International Regulations and Chief Officer's Standing Orders;
Only one door shall be kept unlocked in port for access to accomodation, 1st Deck Port Side near CCR.
Ensure Air Conditioning is on sufficient recirculation to maintain a positive pressure inside the accomodation.
Liaise with the Engine Room Staff and keep them informed in advance about the use of pumps, winches, cranes etc., to ensure a smooth operation
Precautions Before and During Cargo Handling
1.      Advice to the Tanker or Ashore:
·         Preferred order for Loading / Discharging cargo.
·         Proposed tank venting requirements.
·         Nominated quantities of cargo to be loaded / discharged and loading / discharge rate.
·         Maximum pressure available / rate at the ship’s connection, number and size of the manifolds.
·         Communication system, signal for emergency stop. (Refer also to ship’s “Contingency Plan”)
·         Limitation on the movement of cargo hoses or arms.
2.      Agreed Loading / cargo Plan:
·         Includes ballast distribution on arrival and cargo on departure.
·         Quantity, tanks to be loaded / discharged, lines to be used, loading / cargo rate, operating pressure, maximum allowable
pressure, venting system, nature of cargo to be loaded / discharged, ship tank change, ballasting operation and emergency stop
3.      Inspection of cargo tanks before loading / cargo:
·         Cargo tanks inspection will be done with UTI gauge only. Opening of cargo tanks is not permited.
4.      Communication ( See also Ship’s “Contingency plan”)

·         To ensure the safe control of operations at all the time, it should be the responsibility of both parties to establish and maintain a
reliable communication system. Before loading / cargo commences the system should be tested and be used for communication
between Officers on duty and responsible person on deck and CCR. A Ship to Shore / Ship to Ship checklist should be completed for
safety to both parties involved.
5.      Openings in Superstructure and Cargo tanks:
·         Doors, ports and windows in accommodation should be kept closed at all the times.
·         Cargo tank lids must be closed during any cargo operation.
·         Ullage ports during any of the cargo and ballast handling operations should be kept closed. If opened, no cargo or ballast
operations are to be permitted, in cargo compartments the IG pressure is reduced to allow measuring or sampling.
·         Permanent ballast tank lids should be kept closed when cargo or ballast is being handled.
6.      Ship to Shore / Ship to Ship cargo connections:
·         Cargo hoses connections should be checked frequently, keeping the ship in position to prevent damage to cargo hoses / arms.
7.      Accidental
operation Oilreported
must be Spillage and Leakage:
to the person in charge of the operation immediately, and the operation stopped until the defect is
·         In case of any overflow the cargo operation must be stopped immediately, deck cleaned and fault rectified before cargo
operation can be resumed.
·         Scupper plugs must be placed before start of cargo operations.
·         A close watch should be kept around the ship in case any oil leak occurs through sea valves.
·        Supervision
8.      andOfficer
A responsible Control:
must be on watch and sufficient crew on deck to deal with the operation and security of the vessel and to
carry out checks as mentioned above.must be in continuous touch with CCR by radio or Ship telephone System. The agreed ship to shore
·         The deck and engine watches
/ ship to ship communication system should be maintained in good working order.
·         At
All each change
Officers of watch,
and crew whenOfficer
on dutyonmust
duty to
must confirm
wear safetythat communication
shoes and helmets. Asystem
OK. must be carried at night for better
checks on deck / sea.
·         No naked lights or matches are permitted on deck on duty or off duty.
·         Smoking is only allowed in authorized smoking areas – Officer and Crew Smoking Rooms & ECR.
9.      Ballasting / De-ballasting:
·         This (as other) operations can be commenced with agreement of the Loading master and Surveyor.
·         Allowance for stress must be kept in mind.
·         Monitor the area around the ship for traces appear, if any stop de-ballasting and investigate the reason.
·         Do not exceed the maximum permitted rate of loading during de-ballasting.
10.  Loading / Discharging of Cargo:
·      Before commencement of cargo operation, make sure the following has been observed:
a)      Fire hoses must be placed forward and aft of manifold.
b)      Monitors must be pointed towards the manifold, ready for immediate use with water pressure on deck, through the operation.
c)      Fire extinguishers (two) must be conveniently placed near manifold.
d)      Fire plan must be placed near the gangway.
e)      Eductor with OSD / foam must be Stand by.
f)       International shore connection near gangway or on the point near the gangway.
g)      Fire wires must be on place and correctly rigged. No slack on deck is allowed.
h)      Oil pollution preventing equipment must be conveniently placed near manifold and on main deck in front of accommodation.
· At the commencement and during cargo / ballast operations, as mentioned earlier, frequent checks should be carried out on
deck, and sea around ship.

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Ensure Loading Rate Logs & Log Books are kept filled at all times with all pertinent information.

Do not hesitate to call the Chief Officer and/or the Master if you are in any doubt, encounter any anomaly, abnormality or situation
where helpadvice
their help, / advice
or /guidance
guidanceis required.

Page 8 of 9
VOY. NO : 117 DATE :12 August 2017
Volume: 3980 m3 Volume: Volume: Volume: Volume: Volume:
Density 0.7350 Density Density Density Density Density
3W & 1W
Tanks: Tanks: Tanks: Tanks: Tanks: Tanks:
Conn: 3P Conn: Conn: Conn: Conn: Conn:
Stop: Ship ✘ Stop: Ship ✘ Stop: Ship ✘ Stop: Ship ✘ Stop: Ship Stop: Ship ✘

Shore Shore Shore Shore Shore Shore

Shore Req: Shore Req: Shore Req: Shore Req: Shore Req: Shore Req:




Ship Cap: 1200 m3/h Ship Cap: 1400 m3/h Ship Cap: 1200 m3/h Ship Cap: Ship Cap: Ship Cap:





Man Press 8.0 Bars Man Press 8.0 Bars Man Press 8.0 Bars Man Press Man Press Man Press
Sequence of Loading And Deballasting:
3P 50.0% 5.50 m FPK 80% 445 m3 BM: 30.0% FWD: 7.90 m Cargo: Ballast:
3S 50.0% 5.50 m 1P 50% 210 m3 SF: 13.0% AFT: 8.10 m Start slowly 100 m3/h,check all lines, manifolds for De-Ballasting as per the plan.

1 1P 50.0% 5.95 m 1S 75% 300 m3 GM: 1.43 m TRIM: 0.20 m leaks, if all OK. increase to max 1200 m3/h. Empty 2W WBT
S 1S 50.0% 6.05 m 2W 0% 0 m3 Deadweight 11742 mt Load Evenly all COT Use 1S for List Corrn
3P 50% 190 m3 Displacement 15750 mt
3S 50% 180 m3


3P 98.0% 1.00 m FPK 30% 170 m3 BM: 22.0% FWD: 8.20 m Cargo: Ballast:
3S 98.0% 1.00 m 1S 50% 200 m3 SF: 15.0% AFT: 8.20 m Continue Loading 3W and 1W equally and De-Ballasting as per the plan.
1P 98.0% 1.00 m 1P 0% 0 m3 GM: 1.28 m TRIM: 0.00 m top off 1W First;
Use 1S for List Corrn and FPK to make
2 1S 98.0% 1.00 m 3W 0% 0 m3 Deadweight 12226 mt Reduce Rate to 100m3 for Top OFF EK
D Displacement 16234 mt Eships Eagle STOP Empty 1P, 3W WBT

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