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Mary Help College


TTLM Code: EST ITS 1 TTLM 0621 V1

Developed by: Information technology Date 0621 Page 0 of 30


This Teacher’s Guide is developed to assist you in delivering the information technology
support service level IV training program. It is usually designed as a resource to support the
learning activity.
The information technology support service level IV Training is developed to equip the
trainees with the required competences in Plan and Organize Work, Assist with Policy
Development for Client Support, Build Internet Infrastructure, Migrate to New Technology ,
Determine Maintenance Strategy , Determine Maintenance Strategy , Establish Quality
Standards, Utilize Specialized Communication Skills, Develop Team and Individuals, Manage
and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations, Manage Continuous Improvement System
The Program is consists of ten (10) learning modules covering the ten (10) units of
This teacher’s guide covers all the ten (10) learning modules and it will assist you in
delivering the said program and achieving its learning objectives and outcomes. It also
provides information in the organization of the learning guides and assessment packets. The
learning guides are aid to the trainees by telling them what need to do, when and how to do it
and the expectations once the learning activities are completed. While the assessment packet
guide you in developing the tools or instruments to measure trainee’s overall achievement of
the stated competence. Thus it is important for you to understand the design of this program
and the mechanics in which it shall be delivered.
Your role as the teacher is to provide opportunities aimed at helping the trainees develop and
improve their competences. You are expected to guide and assist them as they go through the
learning activities and actual work.

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 1

Learning module (Matrix of Competence)
Unit of Competences Learning Modules and Code In-School In-Company Total
Hours Hours Hours
EIS HNS4 01 0811 EIS HNS4 MO1 0621 20 30 50
Plan and Organize Work Planning and Organizing Work

EIS HNS4 02 0811 EIS HNS4 02 0621 20 30 50

Assisting with Policy Development
Assist with Policy Development for Client
for Client Support

EIS HNS4 03 0621 20 30 50

EIS HNS4 03 0811 Building Internet Infrastructure
Build Internet Infrastructure

EIS HNS4 04 0811 EIS HNS4 04 0621 20 30 50

Migrate to New Technology Migrate to New Technology

EIS HNS4 05 0621 20 30 50

Determining Maintenance
EIS HNS4 05 0811
Determine Maintenance Strategy
EIS HNS4 06 0811 EIS HNS4 06 0621 20 30 50
Establish Quality Standards Establish Quality Standards

EIS HNS4 07 0811 EIS HNS4 07 0621 20 30 50

Utilize Specialized Communication Utilize Specialized
Skills Communication Skills

EIS HNS4 08 0621 20 30 50

Developing Team and Individuals
EIS HNS4 08 0811
Develop Team and Individuals

EIS HNS4 09 0811 EIS HNS4 09 0621 20 30 50

Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Managing and Maintaining
Business Operations Small/Medium Business Operations

EIS HNS4 10 1012 EIS HNS4 10 0621 20 30 50

Manage Continuous Improvement Manageing Continuous
System Improvement System

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 2

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Determine Maintenance Strategy
Unit of Competence
Determining Maintenance Strategy
Module Title
LO 1 Identify and analyze maintenance needs
Assessment Criteria  Risks to business continuity are identified due to system
malfunction including quantification of possible loss
 Systems architecture and configuration documentation are
reviewed for currency.
 Equipment and/or software audit are conducted if
appropriate information is not available
 Warranty status of components and/or software according
to vendor, project or organizational requirements are
determined and documented
 Critical components and/or software and document
recommendations are identified regarding possible service
 Identified risks and problems are documented.
 Recommended maintenance solutions are developed to
meet business needs and applied to deal with the client
based on the document

LO 2 Develop service level agreements

Assessment Criteria  The views and requirements of the client are
determined in order to identify maintenance
 Service-level agreement is prepared to match client
user and business requirements

LO 3 Formulate maintenance strategy

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 3

Assessment Criteria
 Maintenance options are examined against cost
constraints, risks to business continuity and service-
level agreements
 A specific maintenance strategy is identified based
on cost, business and service-level agreements
 A preventative maintenance schedule is created
based on cost, business and service-level
agreements requirements
 A maintenance strategy is negotiated with client and
 changes to service-level agreements are made
where necessary
 The recommended procedure is documented for
approval from appropriate person according to
organizational requirements

LO 4 Define client and supplier processes and standards

Assessment Criteria  Reporting procedures for service requests are
negotiated and created with client and suppliers
 Response time standards is determined with client
and suppliers
 Escalation procedures is created with client and
 Help desk or other support function is been set-up in
accordance with agreed standards and procedures and
in line with industry best
Training Mechanism

The Outcome-Based Training is one form of an independent learning approach. This

approach enables trainees to be master of their own environment and in charge of their
learning. It is also characterized by the integration of theory and application as two
dimensions of an effective learning process. In this program, the competence-based system is
consists of a combination of lecture-discussion, individualized learning activities, mentoring,
field immersion and feedback.
In this program the trainees will be given individual learning guide to go through and
accomplish. They will be instructed through this learning guide to accomplish learning
activities as part of the mechanism for transfer of learning from the training situation to the
job situation. For each competence area, trainees will formulate a specific learning plan as a
guide for applying their learning to work setting and for their own continuing self-

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 4

development. At this point, your role as the teacher/facilitator is to guide the trainee in
preparing and accomplishing their plan.

Lecture and discussion of the topics outlined in the session plan should be performed first
before the trainees are instructed to go to the workshop. You are also required to demonstrate
the correct steps/procedures and techniques to your trainees before you let them practice.
Insure that they are practicing safely.
Most part of the training activities will be conducted in the workshop for better development
of specific skills. Aside from motivating them to relate concepts and skills to their own work
situations, make sure to provide the necessary opportunity for competence practice and better
internalization of such concepts and techniques. The trainees should also be provided the
opportunity to blend with the actual working unit in the industry.
In this system, it is important to develop a sustained relationship with the trainees through a
continued involvement, where you are to offer support; guidance and assistance as the trainee
go through the learning activities and actual work.
With the mentoring approach, the trainees are grouped in learning teams with one facilitator-
mentor per team. Before learning session or workshop start in the morning, each team and
mentor meets to give feedback regarding their work, or how the group improves, acquire set
of skills for the members to become more effective trainees. You are also to asses them at
the end of each module. However, they have to be ready before the assessment and it should
be them to request for it.
Before the training start you should conduct an orientation session to brief the trainees on
how the training will proceed.

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 5

Session Plan-17 MO5 LO1
Determine Maintenance Strategy
Unit of Competence
Determining Maintenance Strategy
Module Title

LO 1 Identify and analyze maintenance needs

Session Objectives: At the end of this session the trainees shall be able to –

 Risks to business continuity are identified due to systemic

function including quantification of possible loss
 Systems architecture and configuration documentation are
reviewed for currency.
 Equipment and/or software audit are conducted if
appropriate information is not available
 Warranty status of components and/or software according to
vendor, project or organizational
requirements are determined and documented
 Critical components and/or software and document
recommendations are identified regarding possible
service arrangements
 Identified risks and problems are documented.
 Recommended maintenance solutions are developed to meet
business needs and applied to deal with the client as on the

Activities Contents Methods
Sessions  Identifying due to systemic function
3 hours including quantification of possible loss Lecture
risks to business continuity are

 Conducting if appropriate information is

3 hours not available System architecture and Demonstration
configuration documentation

 Determining and Warranty status of

components and/or software according to
2 hours Lecture
vendor, project or organizational
requirements are
 Identifying regarding possible service
arrangements documented Critical
2 hours Lecture
components and/or software and
document recommendations.
 Documenting identified risks and
2 hours Demonstration

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 6

 Developing to meet business needs and
applied to deal with the client as on the
2 hours Lecture
document solutions.

Evaluation 1 hour LAP Test
Summary 30 min By telling the main ideas Desiccation
Resources  No LG 17
 Lecture room
 Computer
 White board

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 7

Evidence Plan (Formative Assessment)

TVET Program: Information technology services level IV

Learning Modules covered: LO 1 Identify and analyze maintenance needs

Batch Class: 2021

Questioning with Oral Demonstration

Ways in which evidence will be collected:

Knowledge Test

LAP Test
The evidence must show that the trainee……
(Statement should be in present, singular form, e.g. checks tools following standard
procedures, cleans equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, etc.)
 Risks to business continuity are identified due to systemic function
including quantification of possible loss
 Systems architecture and configuration documentation are reviewed for
 Equipment and/or software audit are conducted if appropriate
information is not available
 Warranty status of components and/or software according to vendor,
project or organizational
requirements are determined and documented
 Critical components and/or software and document
recommendations are identified regarding possible
service arrangements
 Identified risks and problems are documented.
 Recommended maintenance solutions are developed to meet business
needs and applied to deal with the client as on the document

* Critical criteria

Prepared by: Meymuna Mohammed Date: 15/6/21

Checked by: Negatu Habtamu Date: 20/6/21

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 8

Evidence Plan Template (Summative Assessment)
TVET Program: Information technology services level IV
Batch Class: 2021

Learning Module(s) covered  LO1_LO4

Demonstration with Oral Questioning

Ways in which evidence will be collected:

Written Test

LAP Test
The evidence must show that the trainee……

LO 1
 Risks to business continuity are identified due to systemic function
including quantification of possible loss
 Systems architecture and configuration documentation are reviewed
for currency.
 Equipment and/or software audit are conducted if appropriate
information is not available
 Warranty status of components and/or software according to vendor,
project or organizational
requirements are determined and documented
 Critical components and/or software and document
recommendations are identified regarding possible
service arrangements
 Identified risks and problems are documented.
 Recommended maintenance solutions are developed to meet business
needs and applied to deal with the client as on the document

LO 2


Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 9


*Critical aspects of competence

Prepared by: Meymuna Mohammed Date: 15/06/21

Checked by: Negatu Habetamu Date: 20/06/21

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 10

Mary Help College



Information technology support serves


Learning Modules

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 11

General Instructions:
a) This practical test covers the following Learning Modules –
 M05

b) You are to accomplish the tasks provided in the specific instructions.

c) You are given 2 hours to complete them.
d) You will be provided with the following to complete the tasks –
 ....
 ....
 ....
 …..

e) All your questions and clarifications should be addressed to the teacher only.
f) Submit this booklet to your teacher upon completion.
g) After you finish this assessment, you are not allowed to copy anything or tear any page from this

Specific Instructions:
 You are to accomplish the following and demonstrate the following task
1. .....
2. .....
3. .....
4. .....
B. ......

Mary Help College

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 12

TVET Program and Level


Name Meymuna Mohammed

Batch Class 2021

Date 20/06/2021

Final Mark 30


Total Number Equivalent Earned Marks
Content (Satisfactory/Not
of Test Items Marks Satisfactory
Test I: Multiple Choice Questions 10 1 10
Test II. Matching Type Questions 10 1 10
Test III: Short Answer Questions 5 1 5
Overall Rating 3 25


Read the directions carefully.

Write your name, batch class and date today in the space provided on the cover page of this
test booklet.
All written responses must be in English. You have 60 minutes to complete this test, but if
you can finish it earlier, you may hand in your booklet to your Proctor.

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 13


 There are twenty [15] questions in Test I.

 Select the best answer for each question. Do this by encircling the letter that corresponds
to your answer.
 If you wish to change an answer, place an X through the letter you have encircled and then
encircle your preferred answer.
 A correct answer scores 1 point and an incorrect answer scores 0 point. No marks will be
given for a question if more than one answer is supplied.

EXAMPLE: Which of the following does not belong in the group?

A. Computer
B. Printer
C. Photocopier
The correct answer is Photocopier so encircle the letter C.



Teacher Evaluation Guide

Key to Corrections (Learning Guides)

Learning Guide #1

A. Self-check
1. Question to ask about warranties?

a. What part and repair?

b. Are any expenses excluded from coverage?
c. How long does the warranty last?
d. All
2. Documentation tools include any technical resources and materials that are used to develop
a. Word processing
b. Drawing software
c. Database software
d. Project management software
e. All of the above

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 14

4. 1 Which risk is floods, storms, bushfires and drought
a. Natural disasters
b. Pandemic
c. Legal
d. Technology
5. Which one of the type of risk?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Directly
d. Indirectly
e. All
6. Which of the following element of IT Audit?
a. Physical and Environmental
b. System Administrator
c. Application Software
d. Application Developer
e. All of the above
7. What Question to ask about warranties?
a. What part and repair?
b. Are any expenses excluded from coverage?
c. How long does the warranty last?
d. All
8. Documentation tools include any technical resources and materials that are used to develop
a. Word processing
b. Drawing software
c. Database software
d. Project management software
e. All of the above

Learning Guide #2

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 15

A. Self-check _
1. Write the types of risk and explain each of them?
2. What is the purpose of warranties?
3. Write the steps of software audit?

B. Learning Activity Performance (LAP) Test

 No lap test

Performance Test

Sample Demonstration Evidence Gathering Tool (Sample for Formative Assessment)

Trainee’s Name: Senit tamesgan

Teacher’s Name: Meymuna Mohammed

Learning Module Title: Determining Maintenance Strategy

Learning Outcome covered: LO1

Batch Class: 2021
Date of assessment: 1/7/2021
Time of assessment: 8:00AM
Instructions for the teacher

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 16

 Prepare the Trainee’s Test Guide for performance test and knowledge test.
 Provide them to the Trainee during your summative assessment.
 Observe the Trainees while demonstrating the assigned task written in the test guide.
 Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken.
 Place a check in the box below to show that the Trainee completed each aspect of the activity to the
standard expected..
Materials and equipment

OBSERVATION Please check () to show if evidence

is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the trainee: Yes No N/A

Use proper hand tools   

  
Shooting a computer firs use antistatic warp strap

Apply safety guide   

  
  

  

  

The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 
*Critical aspects of competence

Note: This document serves as the rating sheet of the teacher in evaluating the trainee’s
performance. This must be accomplished for each trainee.

Sample Demonstration Evidence Gathering Tool [Continued]

Questions Satisfactory
The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No
1. What types of action you take when you by new in the computer?
 

 
2. what observed in the market to by a computer?

 
3. what is the proper station step to to by a computer?

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 17

 

 

 

The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Feedback to trainee:
The trance has to improve his confidence when he answer the quantitation.

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainee signature: Date:19/7/2021

Teacher signature: Date:19/7/2021

Sample Recording Sheet for Oral Questioning / Interview

Trainee’s Name: Senyte Tamesgan

Teacher’s Name: Meymuna Mohammed
Batch Class: 2021
Learning Module Title: Determining Maintenance Strategy

Learning Outcome/s covered: LO1 :Identify and analyse maintenance needs

Oral/interview questions Satisfactory

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 18

Yes No
Q1 what he types of risk you face are specific to your business and its objectives.  
Q2  
Q3  
Q4  
Q5  
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory  Not satisfactory 
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Feedback to trainee:

Acceptable answers are:


Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 19

Key Answer for Knowledge Test


Multiple Choice
1 A
2 B
3 A
4 B
5 B
6 C
7 C
8 A
9 A
10 A
(Multiple Choice) Total points


Matching Type
(Matching Type) Total points


Short Answer Questions

2 ii)observation
(Short Answer Questions) Total points

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 20

Demonstration (Sample for Summative Assessment)
Trainee’s name: Seniyt tamasegan

Teacher’s name: Meymuna Mohammed

Program Title:
Learning Module covered:
Batch Class:
Date of assessment:
Venue of assessment:
Instructions for the teacher

Please check () to show if evidence is

During the demonstration of skills, did the trainee: Yes No N/A
  
  
  
  
  
  
  

The trainee’s demonstration was: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

*Critical criteria

Note: This document serves as the rating sheet of the teacher in evaluating the trainee’s
performance. This must be accomplished for each trainee.

Oral Questions Satisfactory response

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 21

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No
 
 
 

 

 

 

 Not
The trainee’s knowledge was:  Satisfactory

Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainee’s signature: Date:08/06/21

Teacher’s signature: Date:08/06/21

Assessment Summary Results (form part of the Teacher’s Report)

Trainee’s Name Senayit Tamesgen
Teacher’s Name Meymuna Mohammed
Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 22
Hardware And Network Servicing
TVET Program Title

Batch Class 2021

Module Title Determining Maintenance Strategy
Date of Assessment 08/06/21

The performance of the trainee is LO 1 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

A. Demonstration with Oral questioning

B. Written Test

Did the trainee’s overall performance meet the required

 Yes  No
evidences / standards?


General Comments [Strengths / Improvements needed]

Good keep it up

Trainee's signature: Date:08/06/21

Teacher’s signature: Date: 08/06/21

Sample only
Hardware and Network Servicing Level IV

Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 23


Batch Class: 2021

NO. Trainee’s Name
NUMBER [Competent / Not Yet Competent]

1. Sengit tamesgan 001

Legend: NYC – Not Yet Competent C – Competent

Meymuna Mohammed
Teacher’s Name and Signature


Author: Meymuna Mohammed Page 24

List of Support / Reference Materials

 TTLM prepared by information technology

 A+ certification third edition
 www.CISCO .Inessential .com

Developed by: Information technology Date 0621 Page 0 of 30

Developed by: Information technology Date 0621 Page 0 of 30

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