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Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation

1976, Vol. 8(/). 21-23

An inexpensive integrated circuit

intracranial stirnulator
The University ofMississippi, University, Mississippi 98677

An Intracranial stimulation unit which offers precise control of stimulus duration. frequency, and
current IS de~cribed. The. uni~ generates a square wave stimulus output utilizing very inexpensive, easily
constructed integrated circuitry.

Commercially available stimulators which allow the generates the square-wave pulse train that constitutes
experimenter to control pulse train frequency, the intracranial stimulus. This arrangement is fully
duration. and amplitude may cost several hundred capable of generating frequencies from 10 Hz to
dollars or more.' This report describes an integrated 10 kHz. depending on the selection of a suitable CF.
circuit stimulator that permits control of the above The square wave output from Pin 3 of IC2 varies
parameters. yet can be constructed for under $25.00. from ground to +V. Such a unidirectional square
The chief constraint ofthe proposed circuit is that the wave has been found to cause electrolytic tissue
stimulus waveform is not selectable; the pulse train damage at the intracranial electrode site (Mickle.
provided is a fixed 50% duty cycle biphasic square 1961). In the present circuit. the unidirectional dc
wave. More elaborate waveforms. such as the biphasic (direct current) square wave is transformed into an ac
pulse-pair advocated by Lilly (1955). require more (alternating current) waveform. This is achieved by
elaborate circuitry. However. the 50% duty cycle referencing the Pin 3 output not to ground. but to
square wave employed in the present design has two +V 12 via a voltage divider circuit composed of two
advantages when compared with shorter pulses: it 2.2-kQ resistors. The stimulus at the electrode is thus
allows the use of lower voltages to achieve required a true ac stimulus with voltage varying from +V /2 to
coulomb thresholds at the electrode site (Mickle. -V /2. Additionally. the voltage divider circuit serves
1961); and. it facilitates computation of peak current to current-limit the output of IC2 to under 5 m A.
reaching the electrode site during stimulation. This rendering the circuit impervious to damage due to
design can be used in student laboratories and general shorted stimulus outputs. The two voltage divider
experimental work where variation of the stimulus resistors should be closely matched to minimize dc
waveform is not necessary. offset at the electrode site.
A schematic of the stimulator is shown in Figure I. Stimulus current is adjusted via the .5-MQ
The circuit utilizes two LM 555 integrated circuits", potentiometer. Further. the current delivered to the
one in monostable (!C1) and one in astable OC2) electrode may be read off the 0-100 de micro-
multivibrator configuration. Upon shunting of the ammeter connected to the full-wave diode
trigger input to ground (by the closing of a bridge as shown. The diode bridge enables the use of
microswitch , for example), lCl is set to produce a an inexpensive dc meter movement; ac micro-
pulse of given duration. determined by RD. A 10-kQ ammeters are prohibitively expensive for this
resistor prevents spurious triggering by "pulling up" application. Since IC2 operates on a 50% duty cycle
the open trigger input of lCl Pin 2. to +V. (symmetrical) square wave, current read from the
The R-C circuit formed by the 2.2-MQ resistor and meter equals one-half the current being delivered to
.OI5-I-lF capacitor limits the triggering to only one the electrode site.
pulse from ICI regardless of the length of time that In intracranial stimulation research. it is important
the trigger inputs are shunted. The sustain switch that stimulus current be relatively constant despite the
bypasses the R-C circuit and allows continuous-duty impedance changes expected with chronic prep-
operation of ICI by grounding input Pin 2. arations. In this stimulator a large resistance. the
The pulse from lCl Pin 3 powers both the stimulus .S-MQ potentiometer. is placed in series with the
on light-emitting diode (LED 2) and astable IC2. IC2 electrode in order to adjust. and to regulate stimulus
current. Any change in the electrode/tissue
impedance. therefore. is a small proportion of the
This research was supported in part by the Committee on Facultv total load impedance presented to IC2. For example.
Research of the Graduate School of the University of Mississippi.
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Alan 1. Fridlund, P. assuming an electrode/tissue impedance of 15 kQ.
O. BOll 7457. Department of Psychology, University of Mississippi, and a setting of the potentiometer such that its
University. Mississippi 38677. resistance is 250 kQ. the total load impedance


orr_~ .......... POWER F..;;J.lil...:a;.LloI..llKA-_,- .., OR EQUIV.
L...-.-_ _- ' SUPPLY

!~T 10m 'I 8

555 6t---..

:> 5 2.2KO 1%

2.2 KO 1%

Kfl 2 7
Hon e

'I :> 6
2 7t-~-....
4 5
US,." IN
tC2 "t-'--.... 180KO
LM 555



Figure 1. Circuit diagram of the intracranial stimulation unit.

presented to IC2 is 265 kQ. Even if the impedance of Stimulus duration and frequency are determined by
the preparation increases by one-third, to 20 kQ, total appropriate selection of duration resistor RO and
load impedance only increases to 270 kQ. Since in a frequency capacitor CF. These parameters have been
series circuit current in any part of the circuit is a shown to influence substantially responses induced at
function of the total circuit impedance. current at the specific electrode sites (Ervin & Kenney, 1971).
electrode site decreases by only 2% {(2S6 kQ- In our laboratory. the prototype stimulator
270 kQ)/26SQ]. Thus for practical intensities of employed six-position switches for RO and CF. such
stimulation. current regulation is quite satisfactory. that stimulus duration could be varied from
The operation oflC2 itself is relatively independent of .05-1.0 sec. and frequency from 60 Hz to I kHz.
wide variations in electrode impedance. CF should be determined first, Use a temporary
Power supply requirements for this circuit are not value of 1 MQ for RD. Close the sustain switch and
critical. Any 12-18 V de supply capable of producing shunt the trigger inputs; this turns IC2 on
300 rnA, and with some filtering. will work. The indefinitely. The use of a digital frequency counter is
circuitry is compact and. excluding power supply. can highly recommended. and is connected to the
easily be placed on one 4 x 6 in. printed circuit card. stimulus outputs for this measurement. If such a
although lead dress is not critical and point-to-point counting meter is not available, the stimulus outputs
wiring may be used effectively. If possible, the may be connected directly to 600-Q headphones. The
stimulator ground should "float" free from the stimulus frequencies can then be calibrated with an
conductive elements of the animal's cage." audio generator by "beating" the stimulus output
frequency against the generator frequency. The
frequencies match when the beat frequency is 0 Hz.
Table I Values of CF are selected for the frequencies desired;
Values for C F for Varying Stimulus Frequencies
approximate values for different frequencies are
CF (Microfarads) Frequency (Hz) shown in Table 1. Precise frequency determinations
will require addition of appropriate "gimmick"
.0033 1000
.005 750 capacitors either in series or parallel with CF. In
.0075 500 general. a close approximation for CF can be obtained
.01 350 from the formula:
.02 200
.027 120
.033 100
.075 60

Table 2 Table 3
Values of R O (01 Varying Stimulus Durations Parts List fOI the Intracranial Stimulation Unit
Ro (Ohms) Duration (Sec) Quantity Component

220 K .05 2 LM555 integrated circuit

430 K .1 4 IN4148 silicon diode (or equivalent)
850 K .2 2 light emitting diode
1.3 meg .3 2 27011 v.. W 10% resistor
1.7 meg .4 1 1.5 k11 v.. W 10% resistor
2.0 meg .5 2 2.2 k11 v.. W I % resistor
I 10 k11 Yo W 10% resistor
1 180 k11 Yo W 10% resistor
Inexpensive disk capacitors were employed. and I 2.2 M11 Yo W 10% resistor
yielded a frequency stability of ±3 Hz. Stability may 1 .5 M11 linear taper potentiometer
be greatly improved by using more expensive mylar I Ro (see text)
2 .01 ).IF 50 V dc (ceramic or mylar)
capacitors. I .015 ).IF 50 V dc (ceramic or mylar)
Precise determination of RO is best accomplished I .22 ).IF 50 V de (ceramic or mylar)
using a digital counter. The sustain switch is opened. I CF (see text)
The counter is again connected to the stimulus I Power supply, 12-18 V de, 300 rnA
outputs. The number of square wave pulses for a 2 SPST toggle switches
1 0-100 dc microammeter
given frequency (already established by CF) and
duration is calculated. For instance, if the operating REFERENCES
frequency of IC2 has been chosen to be 100 Hz. then a
.S-sec stimulus duration will yield SO square wave ERVIN. F. R .. & KENNEY, G. J. Electrical stimulation of the brain.
pulses at the outputs. for each triggering event. Thus In R. D. Myers (Ed.). Methods in psychobiology. New York:
Academic Press. 1971. Pp. 233-237.
the correct value of RD is that which will produce a LiLLY. J. C. HUGHES. J. R., ALVORD, E. C. JR., & GALKlN, T. W.
count of 50 on the digital counter each time the trigger Brief. noninjurious electric waveform for stimulation of the
inputs are shunted. Approximate values of RO for brain. Science. 1955. 121,468-469.
varying stimulus durations are noted in Table 2. In MICKLE. W. A. The problem of stimulation parameters.
In D. E. Sheer (Ed.I, Electrical stimulation of the brain.
general the appropriate value for RO can be
Austin. Texas: The University of Texas Press. 1961. pp. 64-67.
calculated using the formula: 70.
R - Ds
0- .235 ' I. Exemplary are the Haer 4B Digital Stimulator with Optical
Isolator 74-60-1 ($945.00); and the W-P Instruments Model 302-T
Anapulse Stimulator. with two Model 305-2 stimulus isolation units
where RD is expressed in megohms and DS is the to obtain a bipolar waveform ($1.410.00).
desired stimulus duration in seconds. 2. The LM 555 integrated circuit is commonly available at Radio
Table 3 includes all the componentry needed to Shack outlets at $1.49 per chip. The lC is also available as NE S55V
from James Electronics. P. O. Box 882. Belmont. California 94002.
construct the stimulation unit.
at $.70 per chip. The 555IC is also available as a dual chip.
It should be noted that a pulse indicating stimulus LM 556 N. It is not recommended for this application, however.
onset and duration may be derived from Pin 3 of LC}. since it is more expensive than two LM S55s and since failure of one
This pin is normally at ground potential, and rises to section of the 556 necessitates replacement of the entire IC
+V during stimulation. The pulse may be used 3. "Floating" the stimulator ground from the cage floor and
manipulanda assures that no DC offset voltage will arise during
directly, or divided as appropriate, for input to an stimulus presentation. due to the offset correction induced by the
event recorder. computer interface. or any other voltage divider circuitry. Studies in our laboratory. however.
device which draws no more than 50 mAo indicate that any offset introduced from the electrode site through
The trigger inputs may also be connected directly to the animal's body to a grounded cage floor is negligible. amounting
a TTL interface; TTL "0" activates the stimulator. to offsets less than 3 microA.
Thus. stimulation can easily be brought under (Revision received for publication December 30. 1975;
computer control. accepted January 3. 1976.)

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