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Don’t Dodge the Sweet!

01 Apr 2015 9 Comments




Namaskaram Sadhguru, Even after so

much sadhana, I still think about sweets.
And when I eat them, I cannot control it!
Why is this happening, and will this
eventually go away?

h, the confectionary confession!

With the different forms of yoga that we
do, we are essentially trying to change the
chemical composition of what this being
is. You are a kind of a chemical soup;
whether you are a great soup or a lousy
soup is the only question. Every day, this
soup is altering itself with time, the
positions of the moon, the people around
you and what is happening in your life.
With all this, the chemistry of the soup is
constantly changing. This moment, you
are a wonderful soup. The next moment,
you are a nasty soup, or a fearful soup.
And then the next moment again, you are
a joyful soup.

Whatever the tendencies, they may have

genetic or karmic sources, or it may be

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that the damn sweet is just too good!
These genetic or karmic sources are
causing a certain chemistry within the
system, so when the chemistry becomes
strong, one becomes compulsive. The idea
of doing different systems of yoga,
particularly hatha yoga and kriya, is to
establish a certain chemistry in the
system which is sweet by its own nature.
It is blissful. If you simply sit, this being is
so sweet that you do not think about any
other sweet.

Everything is
only in
comparison to
how you are
The idea
right now. If you of doing
put your hand in different
water, it feels systems
cool because of
your body
of yoga,
temperature. If particularly
you are cold, the hatha
same water will yoga and
feel warm. Sweet
is also like that,
kriya, is to
so become really, establish
really sweet and a certain
the attraction chemistry
towards sweets
will come down.
in the
I am using the system
word “sweet” which is
both ways – not sweet by
just for sugar,
but when
its own
something is nature.
pleasant. If you
become so
pleasant that the most pleasant thing is
yourself, then other things are fine. You
do not have to give them up, the
compulsiveness will anyway come down.

Compulsion may be towards something

edible, a particular activity, or even
towards people – it does not matter what
it is. It is not a question of morality or of
right and wrong. It is just a question of
freedom and bondage, slavery and
liberation. Anything compulsive means
you are enslaved. Whatever happens in
human life, it must happen consciously.
If you consciously choose to go on a
sweet diet today, it is your choice. But if

converted by
something within you is compelling it, we
have to pay a little bit of attention to that;
not to the sweet, but to this being. The
problem is not the sweet, the problem is,
“I have a compulsive soup right now, it is
not stable.” If you are going through
something, it is best to be conscious about
it and just do your sadhana; it will fix
itself. But if you pay too much attention
to your sweet problem, it will be like the
monkey problem. If you say, “I don’t
want to see a monkey.” Only monkeys
will come up!

So, don’t try to dodge the sweet. Don’t

make it a big issue. If you are eating
something, it is okay. Just fix this much –
between two meals, don’t eat anything.
During mealtime, when you are in front
of other people, eat as much as you want!
The problem is eating in privacy, so
destroy your private stocks and the
compulsiveness will come down.

Love & Grace,

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