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Excellent (80-90%) Good ((65-80%) Fair (45-65%) Poor (45% & below)

Content Excellent ideas, content Good ideas and content relevant Content & ideas are Content in soft copy is poorly
appropriate to the topic of to the topic inappropriate to the topic of developed. Content & ideas not
assignment. Supported with very few assignment. supported with enough & proper
Appropriate examples, case appropriate examples but Not supported with examples
studies, illustrations used to statistics/illustrations are missing. examples/illustrations and Logical flow in concept/idea and
support the content. consistent logical flow in the statistics. inappropriate case content is missing
Logical flow in the content of content of assignment studies No case study included
assignment Inconsistent logical flow in the
content of assignment
Organisation Assignment well structured into Assignment well-structured. Title, Assignment moderately Assignment is not properly
sections such as introduction, body subtitles and numbering for structured. Appropriate structured into sections such as
and conclusion. Title, subtitles and sections done but proper weightage to each section introduction, body and
numbering for sections done. weightage to each section not lacking. conclusion. Layout is not proper
Layout is proper given. Assignment has paragraphs with Assignment is not as per the
Assignment is as per the format Assignment is as per the format variable font type, font size, format provided in terms of font
provided in terms of font type, font provided in terms of font type, spacing. type, font size, spacing.
size, spacing. font size, spacing. Only one source of information No bibliography provided
Proper bibliography provided bibliography provided provided Late submission
On time submission On time submission Late submission
Language & Excellent language, appropriate Good language, appropriate Appropriate language but Poor language, inappropriate
Grammar vocabulary and grammatically vocabulary and grammatically vocabulary needs improvement, vocabulary and many
flawless appropriate few grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes

Out of 05 05 04 02 01
S. Y.B. Com FC Internals Rubric for Project Assignment 2021-22
S. Y.B. Com FC Internals Rubric for Presentation 2021-22
Excellent (85-100%) Good (65-85%) Fair (45-65%) Poor (45% & below)

Presentation Excellent presentation content Good presentation content. Adequate presentation Poor presentation content
Q and A and arguments developed
excellently Orderly presentation of power Content needs proper Content was not well organised
point slides with good layout organisation and the arguments and arguments were not
Systematic presentation. needed more building developed
Few grammatical mistakes,
Well-developed and good vocabulary, good Many grammatical mistakes and Power point slides not organised
presented power point slides. pronunciation inappropriate vocabulary and few properly, loaded with a lot of text
inappropriate pronunciation
grammatically correct speech Good coordination among the A lot of grammatical mistakes,
with excellent vocabulary and group members Better coordination needed inappropriate vocabulary &
pronunciation among group members pronunciation
Q and A session handled well.
Excellent coordination among Slides could have been done Coordination among group
Good time management
the group members. better. members is lacking

Excellent handling of Q and A Q and A session – some questions Q and A session not handled well
session. not handled well
Poor time management
Excellent time management Some improvement needed in
time management

09 to 10 08 06 03
Out of 10

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