A Classic Example Ofhowa Tragedy Can Be Transformed Into A Great Cause

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Living Strong and Wise

25 Mar 2015 6 Comments



n the midst of effervescent activity of

I major projects taking shape,
International Yoga Day preparations and
teacher training in progress, I had to travel
as there was a commitment to be at
Jodhpur for the Head Injury Foundation.
This foundation came into existence as a
consequence of calamity that struck
Maharaja Gaj Singh II and his family in the
form of a serious head injury to their 30
year old son in a polo accident ten years
ago. A classic example of how a tragedy
can be transformed into a great cause.

Mehrangarh fort
is an astounding
fort complex and
the event truly
A classic
impressive and example
classy. Isha will of how a
be collaborating
to create and
offer an event in
can be
February 2016 at transformed
their other fort at into a
Nagore – look great
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On the way to
Jodhpur in
Rajasthan, I made a small detour of 3000
km to Guwahati in Assam to address
Indian Forest Service officers of North
Eastern Region of India. Twenty five
percent of India’s forest cover is in this
region, rich in biodiversity and wild life. Has
an incredibly rich variety of ethnic and tribal
cultures. This region is unique and
extremely well preserved cultural wealth.

This region instead of going the usual

mining and industrial exploit, best if it is
developed as nature and culture tourist
destination. If world class infrastructure is
built for this purpose this region can be
developed without destroying the wealth of
nature’s bounty and cultural uniqueness.

Now in Delhi for a

number of
meetings, I came
to know of the
It is with a
centennial very
celebration of heavy
Indian heart that
participation in
World War I.
I write
Over a million that we
strong army of have
Indian troops been
were taken by the
British to various
battle fronts too many
across Europe, times. It is
Middle East, time that
Central Asia and
Northern Africa.
India lives
Indian Political strong
leaders and wise.
thinking it will
achieve their political goals. Seventy four
thousand died, nearly hundred thousand
with grievous injuries and many went
missing. These brave soldiers fought in
unfamiliar terrain and weaponry, spent
winter months in summer clothing. Lives
and limbs lost but the nation is largely
unaware of their sacrifice and their families
who must have suffered immensely for a
salary of Rs. 15/ a month. As if this was
not enough, once again nearly two million
strong Indian army was forced to

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participate in World War II which claimed
nearly a million and a half lives. Fighting not
against the oppressors of that day but
fighting alongside.

So much for political wisdom and so much

for non-violent way of claiming freedom for
the nation. It is with a very heavy heart that I
write that we have been ‘Taken’ too many
times. It is time that India lives strong and

Love & Blessings,

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