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A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of

Amore Academy TMC of Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement in Practical Research 2

Gacis, Kuenzhel Chen

Montana, Gil Ian Claire

Rodrin, Abbygaile

Saulon, Mayanne Joy

Sombilon, Rachel Ann

Tolentino, Maann

Velasco, Patricia Jhoi

Ruiz, Vennice Janssen

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Table of Contents

Chapter I ……………………………………………………………………………………..1

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………….1

Background of the Study ………………………………………………………………..2

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………….6

Research Objectives……………………………………………………………………..6

Scope and Delimitations…………………………………………………………………7

Research Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………………7

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………...8

Chapter II …………………………………………………………………………………....10

Foreign Study ……………………………………………………………………………10

Foreign Literature ………………………………………………………………………..12

Chapter III …………………………………………………………………………………….15

Methodology ……………………………………………………………………………...15

Research Design …………………………………………………………………………16

Respondents ……………………………………………………………………………...16

Research Instrument ……………………………………………………………….........17

Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………………………………18

Analysis Of Data…………………………………………………………………………..19

Chapter IV …………………………………………………………………………………….20

Tabulation and Interpretation of Data ………………………………………………….20

Demographic Profile ……………………………………………………………….........22

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Analysis of Data …………………………………………………………………………32

Chapter V ……………………………………………………………………………………35

Conclusion and Recommendation ……………………………………………………35

References ………………………………………………………………………………38

Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………………39
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Chapter I


“Over and above its most pressing problem and its peremptory necessities, the family

is a ’center of love’, where the law of respect and communication reigns and is able to

resist the pressure of manipulation and domination from the world’s power centers’’ (Pope

Francis 2020). As a global family, the COVID-19 pandemic provides us with a great

challenge. The dream-like family we assume everyone has, in which family members

have kind, supportive, and enduring relationships, is now all around us. Our headlines tell

us that family members are sharing time together before isolation.

Although the “imagined” family is widely assumed to be the norm, family

relationships look and function in different ways. While the majority are characterized by

contact and support, there are those which are distant, unsupported, disappointing and

dangerous (Blake, 2017). We know that when parents, children, and siblings are under

one roof, many will experience psychological, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse,

with child maltreatment being a global, widespread phenomenon. We can acknowledge

the idea that "family" doesn’t always refer to people who are related by blood or genes or

shared residency. We can embrace the idea that family is about love, which doesn’t have

to be limited to a rare few but can be extended broadly and expansively to many. The

Covid -19 pandemic has reshaped our personal relationships in unprecedented ways,

forcing us to live closer together with some people and further apart from others. Life in

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lockdown has necessitated close, constant contact with our families, but social distancing

measures have isolated us from our friends and wider communities.

The purpose of this study is to present us an insight about the relationship of each

family during this pandemic. Furthermore, is to identify the changes happened, in terms

of physiology, psychology, and overall well-being of each family member. Lastly, is to gain

knowledge on how the pandemic affected the family members and how they cope up with

it together.

Background of the study

The social distancing rules enforced during the pandemic have seen families

spending long periods of time together, often in close quarters. Accounts from across

the world show us not all families have adjusted well. China reported an increase in the

number of married couples filing for divorce. Worryingly, it is also because of the

domestic abuse. Long periods of close contact can possibly cause of tress which

intensified negative relationship behavior and dissatisfaction, particularly for people with

existing personal vulnerabilities.

The changes associated with social distancing rules, such as working from home

and supervising home schooling, are additional stress for the people. These too are

likely to have exacerbated personal vulnerabilities and destructive relationship

behaviors for some families. Some vulnerable families may be able to keep them

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relationship stable, provided that the stress of social isolation that supports are in place

to minimize stress.

However, many may encounter problems if difficulty increase (for example, one

partner suddenly loses their job) or supports are removed (such as from friends or

family). Similarly, some of them may cope well with the challenges of social restriction

and other COVID-19 hardships. But, if the difficulty become too great, they're likely to

experience declines in relationship satisfaction.

The (COVID- 19) is profoundly affecting life around the globe. Living through a

pandemic is stressful and is related to feelings of uncertainty. When people are confined

to a shared space and spending more time than usual with others (e.g. roommates,

family members, romantic partners), conflicts and tension are inevitable. Isolation,

contact restrictions and economic shutdown impose a complete change to the psycho

social environment in affected countries. Even though the current crisis can bring with

its opportunities for personal growth and family cohesion, disadvantages may outweigh

these benefits. Anxiety, lack of peer contact and reduced opportunities for stress

regulation are main concerns. Another main threat is an increased risk for parental

mental illness, domestic violence and child maltreatment. Especially for children and

adolescents with special needs or disadvantages, such as disabilities, trauma

experiences, already existing mental health problems, migrant background and low

socioeconomic status, this may be a particularly challenging time (Karantzas 2020).

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It profoundly altered people’s daily lives and created multiple challenges. One important

challenge of this is maintaining well-functioning relationships with family, which are

inextricably tied to emotional and physical health. Yet research on Family relationships

shows that stress such as economic hardship, demanding jobs, and disasters can

threaten the quality and stability of family’s relationship. For many of us, being a

homebody is now mandatory. To contain the spread of corona-virus, many states have

issued stay-at-home orders for the foreseeable future. That means many families are

spending more time together than they normally do.

All that togetherness can present challenges, particularly because everyone is

confined and in close quarters with each other. But there’s plenty we can do to make the

most of family time together. Considering that family bonding is an investment in

everyone’s health. One study found that having strong social bonds was as important to

long-term health as healthy eating and exercise. Here are some ways that strengthen

those bonds, right at home. With everyone at home, there are surely plenty of chores to

be done. Come together as a family to divvy up the dish washing, vacuuming and

sanitizing. Doing chores together can strengthen family bonds. Making and sharing meals

together. The benefits of family meals are significant, and include not only opportunities

for bonding but also a lower risk of obesity and more nutritious food choices. While it’s

important every day, eating healthy is especially important now to stay healthy.

Scheduling an evening (or several) to do puzzles, play board or card games, or watch

movies as a family. If it is possible to get outside, taking a family a walk (take the dog for

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some the needed exercise too), bike ride or spend a few minutes on our own just

breathing and gathering our thoughts (Coronavirus Pandemic: How to make the Most of

Family Time at Home 2020).

Social media is filled with jokes about the spikes in divorce following quarantine,

and there is some evidence that this time might ‘make or break’ families. Being stuck at

home creates opportunities for people to get on each other’s nerve, especially since we

often take out our frustrations on the ones we love. Many families will also be facing

additional challenges that are very stressful, such as loss of income or trying to manage

additional childcare. This increase stress provides a breeding ground for conflict and

depletes out ability to manage conflict effectively.

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Statement of the Problem

This study sought to determine the advantages and disadvantages in the

relationship of each family member during the pandemic.

To perceive a clear understanding of the problem, the following inquiry was taken

into account:

1. Demographic Profile

1.1 Age

1.2 Role in the family

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship of family during


3. In what ways does it affects the relationship between parents and children?

Research Objectives:

1. To know what are the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship of family

during pandemic.

2. To know what ways does it affects the relationship between parents and children.

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Scopes and Delimitations

This study was delimited on determining the advantages and disadvantages in the

relationship of each family member during the pandemic. The researchers will choose 5

children and 5 parents, a total of ten (10) respondents. The respondents of this study will

be the colleague of the researchers or someone they know who are capable to answer

differently from the other answer. This study only focused on family member which we

are all included. The data will be gathered through online survey questionnaire and online


Research Hypothesis

In this study, the researchers pre-suppose that considering the experiences of

each family member during pandemic it may be beneficial for the relationship of each

family member. As per Adhi, 2020 she stated that the lockdown due to the pandemic,

helped each member of the family to spend more time together, eat

breakfast/lunch/dinner together, and maximize the time being able to witness all the

activities at home.

However, some studies from Stockholm University suggests that staying at home

caused increment in home violence towards the children. Nevertheless, based from the

evidences and studies reviewed by the researchers, the researchers firmly assume that

the pandemic has opened various opportunities and might be possibly beneficial for all

the family members.

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Significance of the Study

This study focuses on determining advantages and disadvantages in the

relationship of each family member during the pandemic. The findings of this study will

be beneficial to know the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship of each family

member during the pandemic in every household.

This study will prove useful to the following entities:

Parents. This study would inform the parents regarding of the way they treat their

children in midst of crisis. They would be aware of the negative impacts of their treatment

and will know how to give proper guidance and support which their children could use as

motivation to continue studying at home.

Children. This study would empower children, as this will serve as an “eye-opener” to

them. This can inform them about the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship

of each family member

during the pandemic. It will also provide awareness and inspiration to all the students

regarding the effects of the pandemic in every household.

School. This study would enlighten the teacher regarding the advantages and

disadvantages in the relationship of each family member during the pandemic, specifically

on their academic role. It would be a way to enlighten teachers upon considering the

experience of students studying in their home.

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Future Researchers. This study would be a source of information for them to have new

ideas based on the result of the study if they plan to make a research with connection to

relationship of each family member in midst of pandemic. It can also be considered as a

related study to support their statements as they handle researches similar to this topic.

Administration. This study would enable government officials to see the problems every

families faces in midst of pandemic. It would also enlighten them on where to focus more,

where to invest funds to.

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Chapter II

Review of Related Literature


This chapter provides an overview of previous research on knowledge sharing and

intranets. The researchers have consulted a number of related literature and studies to

examine what are the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship of each family

during pandemic.

1. Foreign Study

The following articles are derived from studies and composition paper of foreign

people that have significant information that can be helpful for this research study.

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed families with little resources to try to preserve

work-family equilibrium. Parents are solely responsible for childcare and perhaps even

homeschooling, with schools and daycare facilities closed. However, many parents still

work from home in their paying jobs, while others have increased financial worries about

losing their employment, and still others involved in health care may live away from their

families in order to minimize their exposure to the virus. The closing of schools, and the

reliance on homeschooling, is likely to elevate inequality of opportunity. Long holidays are

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perceived to be harmful to the success of children with a deprived background in

education (Campbell, 2015).

According to Van Lancker & Parolin, 2020, The present situation is not a holiday –

far from it – but we can learn from this research. In particular, it is what children do the

stimuli they receive, during periods away from school that help them to keep up or even

improve their skills. Families differ in what they can offer, in relation to factors such as

parental education, poverty, physical and psychological health, overcrowding, the

availability of computers and adequate internet access for participation in distance

learning (which must be made available to all children in the household) and parents who

speak the language in which they teach. Schools and early childhood education and care

provide children of all backgrounds with a more consistent learning experience,

sometimes offer meals, and monitor not only the performance of children, but also

significant aspects of their health and well-being.

In the Global South, where families with access to private schooling would benefit

more than families relying on public schooling, where the transition to technology-assisted

learning is more complicated, educational differences are much more pronounced

(Graham, 2020).

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It should also be remembered that the family' is not always a safe spot, or the

home'. This is also not recorded by women who are victims of intimate relationship abuse

due to shame, but these women may now be locked up with their perpetrators. Dutch

Volkskrant newspaper describes how (presumably by her partner) a teacher was

physically assaulted when she was video conferencing with her class. This is just one

poignant instance of how aggression and harassment proceed (Kumar & Casey; De

Zwaan 2020).

Lockdown helped family members eat together, stay together, stay together. It also

produces many stressful circumstances in family life that lead to tension and agony,

spending full time physically experiencing each other's pain and enjoyment (Itishree

Padhi, 2020).

2. Foreign Literature

The following articles derived from foreign theories and this will help explain the

nature of this research. This can also help to provide significant information about this

research study.

Christie Allen, 2020 stated that in the tumult of 2020 America—the pandemic, the

protests, the presidential election—BYU political scientists have spotted some good

news. On average, American families have shown strength despite the year's challenges,

according to results from the annual American Family Survey. Of the 3,000 respondents,

more than half (56%) reported that they appreciate their spouse more because of the

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pandemic. This year, 80% of parents said that parenting is very important to their sense

of identity, compared to 71% in 2018. "COVID doesn't seem to have affected family life

on average as much as you might think," said BYU professor Jeremy Pope, who co-led

the study with colleague Christopher Karpowitz. "Families are not uniformly hurting—in

fact, overall people have shown themselves to be fairly resilient. “While many of the

findings about families were positive and showed continuity from past years, Pope was

also quick to emphasize that those aggregate numbers don't represent the experience of

every family. “When you have multiple stressors on your life, such as economic or

relationship distress," Pope explained, "you become much more likely to have

experienced trouble from corona virus."

The 6th annual survey of 3,000 American adults reveals the starkly different

concerns of Republican and Democratic families in this age of racial tension, polarization

and a pandemic. It was administered online by YouGov, fielded from July 3 to July 13,

and the margin of error is ±1.9%.“While many Americans answer a number of questions

on race, politics, and the pandemic along ideological lines, there is some overlap on

questions about the role of government, and there is also a silver lining to the pain of the

pandemic,” said Boyd Matheson, Deseret News Opinion Editor. “Most notably, American

families have revealed that despite the turmoil of this year, they are resilient. The

pandemic is not destroying American families. In fact, it’s making them stronger. More

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than half (56%) of those surveyed have said the pandemic has made spouses appreciate

their partner more. Only 1 in 10 disagreed.” That’s good news for a nation facing one

obstacle after another,” added Deseret News editor Doug Wilks. “Strong families are

upstream from a healthy, vibrant, and civilized society. And that gives me hope — despite

disagreements on how to solve the challenges in front of us — that America will get

through this.”47% of Americans say the pandemic actually deepened their commitment

to their relationship with their spouse or partner, and only 9% disagree. And only 13% of

those surveyed say the pandemic made them question the strength of their

relationship.88% of parents restricted their children’s in-person interactions to help keep

them safe during the COVID-19 pandemic (Deseret News PR 2020).

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Chapter III


This chapter presents the outline of research methodologies that were employed

in this study. It provides information about the respondents, of how they were sampled in

the study. The researchers described the chosen research design, its purpose and why

it was chosen for this study. The research instrument that was used for this data was also

described, as well as the procedures. This chapter includes the research design, research

instrument, respondents of the study, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

The purpose of this chapter is to explain in details the research methods and the

methodology implemented in this study. This chapter will explain the choice of research

approach, research design, as well the advantages and disadvantages of research tools

chosen. This will be followed by a discussion on their ability to produce valid results,

meeting the aims, and objectives by this dissertation. This chapter discusses the sample

size and sampling strategy applied by the author, and the data analysis used.

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Research Design

The researchers used online survey method in the study of advantages and

disadvantages in the relationship of each family during pandemic.

The researchers collected primary data using online survey to the chosen

participants. There are 5 children and 5 parents, total of 10 respondents. The selected

respondents were chosen from their close friends in social media. The researchers simply

described the participants perceptions, experiences and answers.

This study will analyze the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship of

each family during pandemic. It is important to analyze for us to know the happenings in

each and every family relationship amidst pandemic. We will do the research by

conducting an online survey.


The respondents of this study were the colleague of the researchers. The

researchers gathered (10) respondents, 5 children and 5 parents. As the respondents of

the questionnaires that were chosen according to what they have experience in this


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Research Instrument

In gathering much beneficial and relative evaluation, questionnaire is chosen as

the data collection instrument. The questionnaire was based on the statement of the

problem. In addition, this was based on some professional literature, published and

unpublished thesis, and other relevant studies. The requirements in designing a good

data collection instrument were also considered. Most of the questions are designed in a

open-ended option that can be answered based on their experience in the midst of

pandemic and this leads for researchers to gather comprehensive information in a short

period of time. Using this kind of questions will make the respondents easy to analyze the

problems that were being asked. Open-ended questions can be more specific, thus more

likely to communicate similar meanings.

Preference for the use of this questionnaire as the instrument was being used

because it is one of the least expensive means of gathering data and it also lessens the

pressure for giving immediate responses. The questionnaire was made consisting

questions that would respect the privacy of the people that has been asked. The

implications of the adult child and parent relationship for adult mental health has been

relatively neglected in the adult psychopathology literature. The Parent Adult-Child

Relationship Questionnaire (PACQ) was developed out of a need to identify key themes

in this filial relationship, and construct a valid measure for its assessment, that is simple

to administer and score.

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Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers took the following ways in gathering the needed in the study:

Phase I. The researchers stumbled upon with the study through brainstorming and

observing points regarding the Advantages and Disadvantages in the relationships of

each family during pandemic. The approval of the title was last 8th of October 2020.

Phase II. The researchers started this study on the first week of November (November 2,

2020). They have prepared the sample instruments to be used for gathering information.

Phase III. The researchers concluded the study by using online survey questionnaire that

was conducted by the researchers as a tool for gathering evidences and data. The online

survey questionnaire consists of different opinion about the advantages and

disadvantages in the relationship on each family member during the pandemic that can

be answer by saying their experiences in their house during this pandemic. The tools for

data gathering were in English as related to the fulfillment of the study and to aid the

participants in answering it.

Phase IV. The gathered data were analyzed and evaluated through the feedback and

response of each family member who participated in the given online survey

questionnaires in the 3rd week of November. A Matrix Analysis was prepared to present

the gathered data in this study.

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Analysis of Data

A survey research design using qualitative method was used in order to determine


Advantages and Disadvantages in the Relationship on Each Family Member during the


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Chapter IV

Tabulation and Interpretation of Data

This chapter overseen the tabulation and interpretation of data gathered by the

researchers. This study aims to determine the advantages and disadvantages in the

relationship of each family member during the pandemic. Presented data were tabulated

and interpreted to answer the questions in the statement of the problem. The tables are

arranged according to the sequence of specific questions.

Table 1 Demographic Profile

Table 1.1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age.


1 1


13 17 18

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1 1 1


37 38 46 50

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their role in the



5 5

Children Parents

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Table 2



Gloria M. Luna

Activities done during We build (my family) our own small business during

Q1 the pandemic the pandemic

Our bond is growing stronger we value our time for our

Relationship towards
Q2 family and also with the help of our small business we
the family
have our unity.

Q3 Yes, because they are my family. And we value each

other so we are comfortable

•They grow as individuals

Q4 Changes noticed
•They really helping me in my passion.

•Yes, but we take this opportunity as a blessing. Our

family united because of this pandemic even our

relatives helps us.

Effects of the
Q5 •We are blessed that we take this pandemic as an
opportunity and not a hindrance, and in God's grace

our small business before is now known in different


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Cristina Layos

Activities done during Decluttering, cleaning, painting, putting up wallpapers

Q1 the pandemic and family devotion

Relationship towards stronger, the saying goes “the family that prays
the family together, stays together”

Q3 yes, because every moment spent with my children are

precious to me. Even before the pandemic happened.

•I could rely on them more on house chores when they

were not yet too busy answering their modules and

Q4 Changes noticed activities

•They could pray more not only for themselves but to

pray for others as well.

Yes, the pandemic affected our family very much

especially our prayer life. Before everybody was too

Effects of the
Q5 busy doing each activity, but now we have set time to
sit down and have our family devotion and it has made

us rely on God more and more.

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Jenny Lyn S. Garcia

We watched a lot of movies together; we also have

Activities done during
more time to catch up and talk about many things like in
the pandemic
Q1 our daily lives.

The bond between me and my parents grew stronger,

when you are in the middle of pandemic, you'll just badly

Relationship towards
Q2 want to bond with them every day so that you will not
the family
feel anything bad because they are there beside you

making you happy, and you make them happy also.

Q3 Yes, I feel like I am in my safe zone whenever I am

Comfortability always beside them. Even if there is no pandemic, they

make us feel comfortable.

I noticed that they became more caring than the usual,

Q4 Changes noticed and also, they are more anxious about the health of the

whole family.

Yes, it is financial problem. All of us suffer from financial

Effects of the problem, I felt like I just wanted to help them make
lockdown money and let them rest so that they will not sacrifice

their lives by getting out every day.

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Joel Garcia

Activities done during I always cook them their favorite food. We eat

Q1 the pandemic together more often.

Relationship towards It grew stronger, spending time together makes our

the family family more connected to each other.

Q3 Yes, we did things that we didn't do in the past months

or years. We feel safe in the arms of each other

They always ask questions about everything and

Q4 Changes noticed
wants to communicate every single day.

Yes, a lot of work opportunities became nothing.

Q5 Effects of the lockdown Getting out of the house is very dangerous but we did

it so that we can feed our children.

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Chainie Ausan

Some activities we did together during pandemic

Activities done during includes watching movies, baking, playing outside and

the pandemic indoor activities such as sports and board games and

Q1 also eating together every dinner.

Yes, our bond between my family seemed to grew

Relationship towards stronger since we’ve been together from the very start
the family of pandemic and by that I’ve got to known them more

and spend more bonding with them.

Q3 Yes, I feel comfortable spending time with them since

they are my family.

They’ve became moodier (maybe because of the

Q4 Changes noticed situation) and I’ve also noticed that they’re having

mixed emotions sometimes.

Yes, this pandemic has affected our lives in many

ways. As I’ve mentioned, our bond became more

Effects of the
Q5 stronger but we’ve also encountered a lot of problems.
And during that situations I’ve been feeling mixed


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Chelsie Ausan

Activities done during Something related to sports.

Q1 the pandemic

Relationship towards The pandemic we are experiencing right now made

the family our bond stronger since we're all staying at home.

Q3 Yes, because the pandemic gave us, family, the

opportunity to spend more time with each other

•Sleeping late at night was approved but not all the

Q4 Changes noticed time.

•Eating brunch instead of breakfast.

Absolutely yes, the pandemic stopped us from hanging

Effects of the out somewhere in public places which we always do

lockdown before the pandemic has happened and it's kind of


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Activities done during Mostly watching Netflix and baking pastries

Q1 the pandemic

Relationship towards It indeed grew stronger as my parents and I are close

the family since when I was young.

Q3 I'm definitely comfortable bonding with them as I can do

Comfortability crazy stuffs or whatever I want without being judged


•Especially, my mom and younger sister have become

obsessed in watching Kdramas and sleeping at late

Q4 Changes noticed o'clock.

•During lockdown, my papa spent his time more on


Indeed, it affected my family during the lockdown as my

parents can't do what they're used to and have to

Effects of the
Q5 stopped working for a while and spend their time in the
house. During lockdown, I kept myself busy and always

being the noisy one so I won't feel dejected.

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Nina Grace Bayona

Activities done during Cooking, watching tv, playing with my kids

Q1 the pandemic

Relationship towards It grew stronger because I can make more time to my

the family son and my husband.

Q3 Yes, spending more time with them is really priceless

and nothing can change that

Q4 Changes noticed My son is more talkative and very sweet

Yes, financially, but it's okay we can spend more time

Q5 Effects of the lockdown together and this is the way that makes us stronger

and have more faith in God.

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Marilyn Magsino

Activities done during We cleaned the house and reorganize some stuffs.

Q1 the pandemic

Relationship towards It grew stronger because we had the chance to spend

the family a lot of time together.

Q3 Comfortability Yes, because they are my family.

I noticed that they are creative and meticulous on

Q4 Changes noticed

Yes, it affected my family in a way that we become

closer to each other because of the lockdown we

Effects of the
Q5 cannot go outside so we just stayed indoors and
bonded as a family. I am happy because we have been

closer than ever before.

Indang – Trece Road, Luciano, Trece Martires City Cavite
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Anjelika Hye T. Advincula

Activities done during Watch movies together, play chess, and gardening

Q1 the pandemic

I think our bond grew stronger than before, maybe

Relationship towards
Q2 because we've been open about our thoughts, and we
the family
have time to catch up.

Q3 Comfortability Yes, it makes me feel a little bit happy and relaxed.

•they are so noisy.

Q4 Changes noticed
•we have different hobbies.

Yes. If we are talking about my whole family's bond, I

think it affected us in a good way. It affected us in a good

Effects of the
Q5 way because I don't really have time to talk with them
before the pandemic, but now I talk with them a lot, and

I can express myself to them even more.

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Analysis of Data

As the result we’ve gathered, most of the family take

this pandemic an opportunity and to bond more to

each other. They did something that they didn’t do

before like cooking, devotion, playing, watching and

Activities done during
also talking about life.
the pandemic

“We watched a lot of movies together; we also have

more time to catch up and talk about many things like

Q1 in our daily lives.”

It seems to us that the relationship towards the family

became stronger that they’ve given a chance to know

more about them and despite the pandemic they had

it will not hinder the relationship inside the home.

Relationship towards
the family
“Yes, our bond between my family seemed to grew

stronger since we’ve been together from the very start

of pandemic and by that I’ve got to known them more

and spend more bonding with them.”

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Telephone No.: (046) 412-2664
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Q3 Based on the online survey that we conducted, all of them

became more comfortable with each other. They've been

closer to each other because of having a longer quality

time than the usual.


"I'm definitely comfortable bonding with them as I can do

crazy stuffs or whatever I want without being judged


The online survey resulted that parents became more

careful when it comes to the health of their family

members. Majority of the children are able to be the best

version of themselves. All in all, most of the respondents

get advantages in terms of the family relationship during

Q4 Changes noticed

"I noticed that they became more caring than the usual,

and also, they are more anxious about the health of the

whole family."

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Based on the online survey that we conducted, the family's

relationship became more stronger in terms of praying, bonding,

doing family indoor activities because of the pandemic but some of

them are having a lot of problems like their financial, emotions,

Effects of
wasted opportunities and the way they facing to the pandemic.
Q5 the


"Yes, financially, but it's okay we can spend more time together

and this is the way that makes us stronger and have more faith in


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Telephone No.: (046) 412-2664
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Chapter V

Conclusion and Recommendation

The result shows that the advantages in the relationship of families during pandemic

has been beneficial for many. Based on the results that we have gathered, most of the

respondents said that despite of the lockdown and the pandemic, they still enjoyed and

actually strengthened the relationship with their loved ones, families, and their relatives.

One of the respondents stated that their relationship with each other grew stronger

because they can express their own struggles and they have a whole day to spend time

together as a family. According to Coronavirus Pandemic: How to Make the Most of

Family Time at Home 2020, "Doing household chores, making and eating meals together

can strengthen family bonds." In addition, results of families having healthier connections

to each other have been visible to many. The Coronavirus, though gruesome, has brought

advantages within households. As stated by Murat Sofuoglu (2020), "In this process, I

believe, unity and solidarity among families will be consolidated." Truly, the pandemic

brought advantages by strengthening relationships.

In contrast, the disadvantages in this study shows that other families are struggling

during the pandemic. The result gave us knowledge that the children and women are

most affected in this kind of situation because some of families are experiencing

maltreatment from their partners. According to Karantzas, (2020) “This disadvantage may

Indang – Trece Road, Luciano, Trece Martires City Cavite
Telephone No.: (046) 412-2664
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outweigh these benefits such as increased risk for parental mental illness, domestic

violence, and child maltreatment. Especially for the children and with special needs or

disadvantages, just as trauma experiences, already existing mental health problems,

migrant background and low socioeconomic status. Domestic violence has grown and

increased during the pandemic. With that, it is truthful to claim that some families have

faced the disadvantages of being in a pandemic.

The researchers therefore recommend to put more time to connect with each

member of the family. The research confirms that the pandemic brought advantages by

strengthening relationships, although some families found that the pandemic is beneficial,

some families found it unfavorable, few of them are experiencing maltreatment from each

other. It would be Good if each family member took extra care, love and understanding

when it comes to how they treat each one of them.

The researchers recommend teachers to observe their students’ behaviors. Help

students to express their problems or struggles during the pandemic. By knowing what

their students’ problems and concerns, the teachers could help and provide better advice

for their students.

For the students, the researchers recommend that they should be vocal with their

emotions. Allow themselves to be heard and be open with the opinions of your relatives

or family members.

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Telephone No.: (046) 412-2664
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For the future researchers who will be encountering the same research to broaden

their study about the advantages and disadvantages in the relationship of each family

member during the pandemic. This study would help them to gather more information.

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Telephone No.: (046) 412-2664
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Good day! We are students from Amore International Academy of TMC, Cavite. We

are here to ask you some question about our study, Advantages and Disadvantages in

the Relation of each Family Member during the Pandemic.



Parent ( )

Children ( )

1. What are some activities you (parents/children) did together during pandemic?

2. Does your bond between them grew stronger or grew apart? (What made you say


3. Do you feel comfortable spending your time with them? (What made you say so?)

4. List at least two (2) things you've noticed with them as the quarantine started

5. Do you think the pandemic or the lockdown affected your and your family's life? In

what way? What did you feel about it?


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