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Student Name: Tetyana Hyde E1144

Student ID: E0972688 Certificate III in Individual

Support (Ageing, Home and
32469/03 Knowledge Test – Short Answer Questions Community)
Module 2: Individualised
support, communication and
working legally & ethically
This is assessment 3 of 4.

1. Background/Overview Deliverables
In determining a person’s care support needs, you need to consider their Please submit this assessment in
individual goals, strengths, and rights and apply these in a person-centred Word doc format.
approach to their support.
To do list:
You must also ensure you are encouraging self-determination and 1. Write your name and
empowerment. For this assessment you will be following Julie as she student ID in the space
provided at the top of this
assists Emma in her support needs. Use your imagination and do your own
research if necessary to assist Emma in achieving her future goals.
2. Read the background/overview
and brief sections of this
2. Brief 3. Complete the 3 parts.
4. Write your answers in the
spaces provided.
This assessment consists of three (3) parts. 5. Save the Word document using
the naming convention: your
This assessment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge student number_assessment
in the following areas: number.doc. For example:
 Determining support needs 6. Upload your document in Open
 Provide support services Space using the relevant
 Monitoring individualised care plans and activities Assessment Upload link in this

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3. Activities

Answer the following short-answer questions:

 Your written answers should be approximate 50-100 words in length (+/-10%) per question unless
otherwise indicated. The word count is a guideline and you can present your answers in narrative or
bullet point format.
 Ensure you acknowledge and cite your sources accordingly – this is important whether you use your
own words or another writer’s. You can review the Academic Referencing Guide in your student

Office use only

Assessment Feedback:
Trainer & Assessor: Monicah Njoroge

Date: 05/05/2020 Result: 2nd attempt not yet satisfactory

Assessor Comments and Marking

Hi Tetyana

Please resubmit Q 1b, 1c,1d,1e,1g,1h , 2a,2b, 3b,3e and 3f

Note assessors comments next to the question in the attached document, resubmit
your questions and leave your previous responses and the assessors comments in the
document you resubmit – do your new answers in a different coloured font or highlight
and add your answers in the assessors feedback document attached to this assessment
and resubmit)


Please resubmit 1H

Withheld or Incomplete comments ONLY section:

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Part 1. Determining support needs.
A: Read the scenario then answer the questions.

Emma is one of Julie’s care clients who currently lives in her own home; she has progressive multiple
sclerosis and uses an electric wheelchair for mobility.

It has been a while since Emma’s individualised care plan has been reviewed and updated, and as such,
Julie is helping the assessment team in the process of determining Emma’s support needs, with a view to
amending her individualised care plan.

In supporting Emma, Julie needs to use person-centred practice, strengths based practice and active support as
this provides the foundations of care support work and individualised support.

Briefly describe each of these three foundations of care support work and individualised support.

Principle Brief description

(20-30 words)
1) Person-centred care Treat people with dignity, compassion and respect, provide ongoing
assistance, coordinate their work with other employees, an individual
approach allows us to preserve part of the clients' independence and
satisfy their personal desires, develop strengths in order to live an
independent and full life. 2ND ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
2) Strengths based practice Focus on the abilities and potential of clients, and not on problems, in
group discussions, everyone can contribute and everyone can learn,
involve employees in making decisions for the future by asking
questions, recognize the knowledge and experience of the group, solve
broad problems that affect communities, family. 2ND ATTEMPT
3) Active support It is important for people: to be part of the community, have good
relations with friends and family, develop experience and develop new
skills, have a choice and control over your life, respect. 2ND ATTEMPT
Not yet Satisfactory please add a sentence or two in your own
words to show understanding.

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B: Read the scenario then answer the questions.

Emma is reliant on community supports provided by CareShore to enable her to continue living in her own
home, and Julie currently prepares and cooks Emma’s evening meals. Emma used to have a wide social
circle, but recently she has noticed that it is more difficult for her to access the community on her own, so
she has fewer opportunities to catch up. She sometimes feels isolated and would like more opportunities to
meet others. She was previously a teacher before her disability, which meant she couldn’t work in a
classroom, and she misses working and feeling valued in a professional capacity.

Imagine you are Emma’s care support worker, Julie.

You need to work in collaboration with Emma to identify actions and activities that support her goals.

Identify three (3) goals Emma might have nominated that will promote her independence, and three (3) strategies
for achieving each goal. Complete the table. An example has been provided for you.

Emma Johansen
Individualised Care Plan
Individual Goals Strategies to achieve goal
(30-70 words)
Goal 1) i) Emma to decide what meals she wants for the week and write down
To have more independence in the ingredients.
preparing Emma’s own meals.
ii) Emma to let the support worker know the ingredients. Support
worker to purchase ingredients.

iii) Emma to prepare food. Support worker to be present but only

assisting if Emma asks for help.
Goal 2) i) Emma helps determine what day is best to clean the house.
to have more independence to help
Emma ensure a safe and clean ii) Emma prepares a cleaning product (special chemical, if necessary)
environment 2ND ATTEMPT to clean the home.
iii) Emma is directly involved in the cleaning process at home. We can
provide an opportunity to contact a translator during consultations,
so the client can fully understand the situation.

Goal 3) i)Emma is to decide that where she would like to go.

to have more independence for
Emma, to participate in entering the ii)She has an electric wheelchair on her.
social community.
3RD ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY iii)Ask Emma is she would like to have her family or friends to join her.

Goal 3) i)Ask Emma to ring her family or friends and ask if they can get her to
Ask for support from Emma’s family the places that she need it.
and friends for transport when she
feel the need to go out. 3RD ATTEMPT ii)Get Emma’s support worker to ring if it’s ok for Emma’s family or
SATISFACTORY friends to pick her up and drop her back home.

iii)Ask Emma if she would like to have the days with just her and her
family or friends. 3RD ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY

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C: Using the same goals from the previous question - the goals you believe Emma may have nominated - briefly
describe how you could prepare for the support activities that will enable Emma to achieve her goals. An example
has been provided for you:

Emma’s nominated goals Identify two (2) ways to prepare for Who is / are involved in this
Emma’s support strategies process?
(20-50 words)
Goal 1) i) Emma needs a recipe book or website
to decide what she wants to eat. Emma
To have more independence in Care support worker
preparing Emma’s own meals. ii) Emma needs access to a telephone to
tell Julie the ingredients she needs.

Goal 2) i) Emma needs cleaning products, so that

to have more independence the cleaning is of high quality. Emma
to help Emma ensure a safe Care support worker
and clean environment ii) Emma needs extra time so she can do
a better job.

Goal 3) i) Emma needs a notepad to record

important cases in order to store and Emma
to have more independence remind her of important information. Care support worker
for Emma, Julie frees up this Family/friends
day and reassigns all the ii) Emma needs a telephone connection
recordings of the meeting to call Julia and remind her of what she
needs to do tomorrow and prepare to
send a letter by mail the necessary
meetings that she may have.
Goal 4) i)Will Emma family or friends to agree to
pick her up and drop her back home. Emma
Ask for support from Emma’s Care Support worker
family and friends for ii)Does Emma family or friends Do not Family/friends3RD ATTEMPT
transport when she feel the know what to do if an accident happens SATISFACTORY
need to go out.3RD ATTEMPT and who to report it too.3RD ATTEMPT

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D: Using Emma’s goals from the previous two questions, can you identify any equipment that needs to be
gathered or assembled in order for Emma to achieve the goals she has nominated in her individual plan?

An example has been provided for you.

Emma’s nominated goals What equipment needs to be gathered Are there any established
or assembled to help Emma achieve her procedures for the use of the
goals? equipment?
(20-50 words) (20-50 words)
Goal 1) - Electric can and jar openers. - Unplug the electric opener
when not in use.
To have more independence in - Rocker knives for easier cutting.
preparing Emma’s own meals. - Do not use the electric opener
- A spike board for vegetables and fruit so with pressurised bottles or cans.
both hands are free to peel and chop.

Goal 2) - fabric wipes for wiping the surface, -all chemicals must be in
chemical cleaning products for all types unbroken bottles, so as not to
to have more independence of surfaces, spill the chemical and not spoil
to help Emma ensure a safe the surface, as well as to carry
and clean environment - as well as a special tool for removing out all work in protective gloves
mould in the bathroom, shower and
bathtub, if any, paper towels for rubbing - do not leave the ladder in the
glass, room, if it is not necessary for
her to use so as to avoid the fall
- a small ladder to remove dust on tall of all those present
cabinets for a better result
Goal 3) -Phone communication is an important - do not use a computer if not
aspect in this matter, an alarm not to necessary,
to have more independence oversleep (usually elderly people worry),
for Emma, Julie frees up this - write information legibly and
day and reassigns all the - a computer (iPad) to search for the clearly, transmit information
recordings of the meeting telephone number of some institution, about the meeting clearly and
distinctly, ask questions if they
- paper, pen for recording any are requested by phone,
Goal 4) - Does she need a mobile phone. - Make sure her mobile phone
Ask for support from Emma’s - Make sure the place that she is visiting or her laptop is fully charge.
family and friends for has a wheelchair access. - Unplugged from the outlet if
transport when she feel the - Does her wheelchair need to be charge. her wheelchair is plugged in.
need to go out. 3RD ATTEMPT Does Emma need assistance with public - Ask for help if Emma needs
SATISFACTORY facility. 3RD ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY assistance for going to the
toilet. 3RD ATTEMPT

E: Using the first goal from the previous activities, identify and briefly explain how you can:

o provide assistance to Emma in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment

o provide assistance to Emma in order to maintain a clean and comfortable environment

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Goal 1) To have more independence in preparing Emma’s own meals.

How can a care support worker help to maintain Support staff can make sure the cookware is available to
a safe and healthy environment for Emma to Emma and is at a good height so that Emma can get it
achieve this goal? (50-100 words) when she needs it. Make sure everything is in safe
working condition. Make sure she can do as much as she
can in her own home. 3RD ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
How can a care support worker help to maintain Help Emma with help when she needs help in a safe and
a clean and comfortable environment for Emma healthy environment. When Emma prepares food, she
to achieve this goal? (50-100 words) must make sure that she follows the rules of hygiene and
controls cross infection so that she does not have food.
Make sure everything is in order, things should be put
back in the refrigerator and stored in airtight containers.
Make sure that the equipment she uses is clean and that
after cooking she should have a clean environment and
clean kitchen towels so she can get it out. 3RD ATTEMPT

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F: When Emma is preparing and cooking her own meals, she may injure herself, or fail to prepare the meal
correctly. This is, however, her prerogative, and falls under the concept of dignity of risk.

Using the goals in Emma’s individualised care plan, identify a dignity of risk consideration that needs to be
prepared for. An example has been provided for you.

Goal Dignity of risk considerations

(20-30 words)
1) To have more independence in preparing Emma may injure herself, or fail to prepare the meal correctly.
Emma’s own meals.

2) so that Emma has more independence in Emma may slip and hurt herself or the chemicals may get into
preparing for house cleaning her eyes , Emma will not be able to finish the job
3) Emma helps Julie make an appointment Risk for Emma attending social events is there wheelchair access
with services she may need, Emma to like a ramp instead of stairs and is there someone to help her. In
participate in entering the social community. case she needs help like opening the door, going down the
ramps and going to the toilet.
4) Ask for support from Emma’s family and Emma risk of going out with family and friends is do they have
friends for transport when she feel the need the right vehicle for Emma’s wheelchair access.
to go out.

G: How can you balance your duty of care requirements with Emma’s right to dignity of risk? (50-100 words)

Make sure you work with Emma to develop her skills. So that she could make decisions on her own and
cook her own food without getting injured. Sit with Emma and make sure that you explain everything that
she needs to know what is connected with this, and give her the opportunity to make a decision for herself.

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H: In determining and delivering Emma’s support needs, there are some vital aspects you must take into
consideration as her care support worker.

Complete the table relating to these considerations:

Considerations Why is this important? Who is involved in this What steps can be taken
(20-50 words) process? to do this?
(20-50 words)
You must interpret it is important to follow the Emma provide accuracy and a
and clarify your own protocols and procedures, Family high level of support,
role in implementing as well as know the Support worker make sure you meet the
Emma’s limitations of our job role. lawyer, agents, supervisor needs of people
individualised care Support worker must To ensure that you meet
plan. ensure that the necessary your needs by working
equipment is available, as if within the organization’s
necessary. The client must policies and procedures,
contribute to the planning, ensure that you comply
implementation, with laws and standards.
monitoring and analysis of
his individual plan.
You will need to ask You will need to ask for constant help from -always support a positive
for support for support for aspects of managers, reviews of intention, talk about
aspects of Emma’s Emma’s plan that are people receiving support, positive things,
plan that are outside outside your own scope of reviews of colleagues - be respectful and
your own scope of knowledge. I will need sensitive,
knowledge. to ask my supervisor for -do it in a timely manner,
support for aspects of be useful and not shy,
Emma’s plan and I need to -express health
monitor my own work. To assessments, try to be
ensure the required objective,
stranded of support is - do not compare
maintained. 3RD ATTEMPT
You must confirm It’s very important because by the client and his -collect the information
the details of that’s Emma’s personal network, all details must indicated in the plan,
Emma’s plan with information and she has be confirmed by the - plan actions arising from
her and any the right to hear about her client and his family or the objectives of the plan,
family/carers she information is correct and guardian. 2ND ATTEMPT -provide support for
has. are up to date. It’s SATISFACTORY daredevils and guardians,
important engaging with -enforce formal and
family and carers is informal assessments to
respectful to them and the change a person’s
clients. 3RD ATTEMPT preferences.
Collaborate with developing mutual support staff, as well as - to support, but not
Emma to identify understanding and trust to medical care workers, control, what people are
actions and activities work effectively with them, families and guardians, doing, -to create reliable
that not only support the client must believe that managers. 2ND ATTEMPT support, to find meaning
her plan, but we understand his needs SATISFACTORY and not to judge other
promote her and his interests. . 2ND people's behaviour,
independence. ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY - respect and learn from
each other and adapt,
- provide the ability to
make decisions,
- create everyday rituals
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and habits.
Collaborate with A conscious choice can only use the knowledge of - Provide enough
Emma to ensure she be made if the client specialists, websites, information that can help
is making informed delivers accurate family reviews. 2ND support a conscious choice
choices. information, but also ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY for the client,
understands how to - provide a choice for
present and orient this comparison,
information so that it is - eliminate difficulties in
used in decision-making. . choosing information
Respect and include  teamwork reduces errors service providers, - during meetings, listen
Emma’s family and improves customer families and guardians, carefully, observe in
and/or carers, or her safety, as well as reduces friends, client himself, different situations,
friends, as part of problems that lead to lawyer. 2ND ATTEMPT evaluate what was said,
her support team. overwork, customers and SATISFACTORY -do not rush the answer,
their families feel more conversations with the
comfortable and accept client, his families,
help, feeling more satisfied guardians and others,
with their service. . 2ND - take things in the
ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY affirmative, be attentive
and focus on what is being
said, ask for clarification, if
necessary, Demonstrate
what I understand
You will need to seek You will need to seek Supervisor It’s very important that you
assistance when it is assistance when it is not Emma talk to your supervisor as
not possible to possible to provide Support worker 3RD soon as possible so you can
provide appropriate appropriate support. It’s ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY sort it out quickly. 3RD
support. important to ensure that ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
you fully understand the
work instructions. Listen
very carefully,
acknowledge the
instructions with your
supervisor and seek help of
everything you do not
understand, or you are not
sure about. 3RD ATTEMPT

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Part 2. Provide support services
A: In order to have a working, collaborative relationship with the people for whom you provide aged care support
services, you need to talk and work with them in ways that develop and establish trust.

Identify three (3) ways you can do this. Complete the table; an example has been provided for you:

Strategy, method or action How does this develop and establish trust?
(20-50 words)
I should always be open and flexible in how an This allows people to feel comfortable to
individual communicates with me. communicate in the best method for them, at any
particular moment in time. It will allow people to
feel more relaxed in communicating with me.
1) The well-mannered approach in the workplace,
Communication required all team members is to talk to each other.
It’s involves interacting in what’s the best way works
for you and your team. 3RD ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
2) To support your team by bringing them together for
To create group problem solving open dialogue and sharing information. By doing
this it allows you to them develop cultural skills and
engaged in productive problem solving. 3RD
3) This will allow us to see the good in people and
praise their strengths, when you praise others, you
Praise others often are ten times more likely to receive a sincere
compliment in return. This will strengthen our
strengths and show our positive characteristics to
the forefront of our self-confidence, the main thing
is not to overdo it. 2ND ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY

B: Why is it important to do the following when providing aged care support services?

o Prepare for and follow the individualised care plan

o Acknowledge and respect the individual’s preferences
o Accknowledge and respect the individual’s strengths
o Follow organisational protocols and procedures (think about privacy)
o Respect individual differences (think about respect and dignity)

Complete the table:

Action Why is this important? Who is involved in this

(20-50 words) process?
Prepare for and follow the because we no its what Emma family, Emma herself, the
individualised care plan. wants and by following the care facility doctor, support staff. 2ND
plan, we know we are giving the ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
correct care. Especially in case
of health problems of the
elderly person and his support
network should know what to
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do next. It also serves as a guide
for preventive measures that
help an older person actively
Acknowledge and respect the Respect Emma and her family family, support worker, Emma
individual’s preferences. and allow Emma to give respect
and will create a natural bond
to trust each other, and also
communicate with each other
Acknowledge and respect the it is important because it Emma, family, social worker,
individual’s strengths. concrete on the inherent carers2ND ATTEMPT
strengths of individuals, SATISFACTORY
families, groups and
organizations deploying
personal strengths to aid
recovery and empowerment2ND
Follow organisational protocols it is important because they Everyone that works and is a
and procedures. provide a clear list of what client at the facility2ND
employees can and cannot do ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
directly from the management
team at an organization2ND
Respect individual differences. it's important to be treated with Everyone that works and is a
dignity and respect-taking into client at the facility2ND
consideration cultural ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
appropriateness . 2ND ATTEMPT

Part 3. Monitoring individualised care plans and activities

A: Briefly describe three (3) ways you can monitor your own work to ensure the standard of support you are
providing Emma, or another individual, is maintained.

Three (3) ways you can monitor your own work (20-50 words)
1) Job description
2) feedback
3) Code of conduct

B: In the table below, there are five ways of monitoring Emma’s support activities. Each of these monitoring
methods needs to be done in a manner that supports Emma’s self-determination.

Outline one (1) way in which each process could happen in a self-determining way for Emma.

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The first one has been done as an example.

Monitoring Emma’s support activities How can this happen in a self-determining way
for Emma? (20-50 words)
Involve Emma in discussions about how her Ensure Emma has opportunities to exercise
support services are meeting her needs. control over her support services.
Involve Emma’s family/carers in discussions Get feedback from Emma s family to ensure
about how her support services are meeting her Emma is getting the best support to suit her
Collaborate with Emma regarding any Client have a role in ensuring that care support
requirement for change. workers are informed of any changes in their
situation, abilities or support needs. 2ND
Identify aspects of the plan that may need review To make sure that Emma can perform the tasks
outlined in the plan, whether she reaches her
goal, whether she continues to practice the skills
necessary for everyday life. 2ND ATTEMPT

Talk through any potential changes to Emma’s Make sure Emma can feel safe in our
plan with a supervisor. organization. It is important that we fulfill our
obligations as requested, therefore, if we have
any problems or questions, contact the manager.

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C: As previously mentioned in Emma’s case, she sometimes feels isolated and would like more opportunities to
meet others. Due to frustration with this and her other circumstances, she can sometimes be verbally aggressive.

Knowing Emma’s situation, can you identify any situations of potential or actual risk? (50-100 words)

Emma is isolated when she feels anger, external aggression is shock, fear, danger is constantly at home
without communication, she often has to do hard work at home, the risk of interacting with other people, D:
the risk of not being able to seek help, and also inflicting harm on herself and other physical harm, damage
to the back, fracture, serious
We should talkhead
withinjury (illness).
receiving support and listen to his problems, which he may consider
risky, check objects that may cause risk, comment in the report, inform the family and guardians to arrange
meetings with friends or events, it may require a meeting with the doctor. 2ND ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY

How should you respond to any potential or actual risks in the scope of your own work role? (50-100 words)

E: When Emma is verbally aggressive, it is likely a sign of her unmet needs. In this scenario, it appears that one of
Emma’s needs is human contact, and a lack of this results in her needs being unmet and her feeling isolated. This
then manifests as verbal aggression.

Signs of unmet needs are often called ‘behaviours of concern.

Identify three (3) examples of behviours of concern as a sign of additional or unmet needs, and decide how you
would respond (take confidentiality, reporting and service provision into account).

Challenging behaviour What should you do?

(20-50 words)
Screaming, abusing, beige rude, mocking, taking Report to your supervisor and fill in a concern
unacceptably report. 3RD ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
2) Talk to the client who is displaying a behaviour of
Wandering, restlessness concern in calm manner using short assistive
communication in an attempt to diffuse the
3) Documented and report to the supervisor2ND
repetitiveness (physical actions, verbal) 2ND ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY

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F: When monitoring and documenting Emma’s support, you will need to take into consideration the requirements
of your workplace, confidentiality, and other workplace protocols.

Complete the table below for reporting and documentation considerations.

Reporting and documentation Why is this important? If you are unsure of this aspect
considerations (20-50 words) of reporting and documenting,
what can you do?
(20-50 words)
Maintain Emma’s confidentiality it is important that the Talk to my supervisor2ND
and privacy within workplace consistency and continuity of ATTEMPT SATISFACTORY
policies and protocols support and services can be
maintained, to ensure that the
principles of confidentiality are
respected, and that
documentation complies with
legal standards. 3RD ATTEMPT
Comply with your workplace’s use formal and informal to Check with your organisation
formal and informal reporting methods to observe and and supervisor3RD ATTEMPT
requirements. monitor client behaving. SATISFACTORY
Reports help you get
information fast. Reports are
important because they retain
important information about
what is happening in
organizations. Formal
procedures are designed to
substantiate a complaint with
evidence; unofficial attempts
have failed. It is important if
someone is investigating or
protesting a complaint. 3RD
Comply with workplace Because they can help us Workplace Health and Safety
procedures for reporting to a identify health and safety officer or representative or a
supervisor. problems and find solutions. supervisor2ND ATTEMPT
Implementing a simple SATISFACTORY
reporting procedure at our
workplace will help us get
important information about
health and safety issues at the
workplace, identify problems
when they arise, and solve

Complete and maintain all To ensure principles of privacy Some aged care centres offer
documents according to your and confidentiality are upheld, policies for corporate
organisation’s policies. as well as ensuing governance of RACFs and
documentation is legally Community Care, and clinical
compliant2ND ATTEMPT procedures which are used to
SATISFACTORY clinically guide staff in these
organisations2ND ATTEMPT
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Store information according to it’s important because the Check with your organisation
your organisation’s policies. privacy laws demand. and supervisor2ND ATTEMPT

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4. Assessment Rubric
Below is a rubric that determines whether your answers and knowledge is satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

To be deemed satisfactory, and to pass the assessment, you must complete the requirements for the column that
is titled ‘satisfactory’.

It is advisable to read the rubric for the question you are answering to determine if you have fully answered the
question to the correct standard.

Criteria Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory

Part 1: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question A - correctly identify three principles of person- - correctly identify three principles of person-
centred practice, centred practice,
and and / or
- adequately describe what each of the three - adequately describe what each of the three
identified principles directs care support workers identified principles directs care support
to do. workers to do.

Part 1: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question B - identify three logical goals Emma might have - identify three logical goals Emma might have
decided on (given her situation), decided on (given her situation),
and and / or
- adequately describe three strategies that Emma - adequately describe three strategies that
could use to achieve each of her three goals. Emma could use to achieve each of her three
Part 1: The student is able to: The student fails to:
Question C - correctly list the three goals already identified in - correctly list the three goals already
Question B, identified in Question B,
and and / or
- identify two logical ways they could help Emma - identify two logical ways they could help
prepare for using the strategies (suggested in Emma prepare for using the strategies
Question B) for each identified goal, (suggested in Question B) for each identified
and goal,
- correctly identify the person / persons involved in and / or
the process of achieving each identified goal. - correctly identify the person / persons
involved in the process of achieving each
identified goal.

Part 1: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question D - correctly list the three goals already identified in - correctly list the three goals already
Questions B and C, identified in Questions B and C,
and and / or
- correctly identify all relevant equipment they - correctly identify all relevant equipment they
could gather or assemble for Emma to achieve could gather or assemble for Emma to achieve
each identified goal, each identified goal,
and and / or
- adequately describe procedures established for - adequately describe procedures established
the use of each identified equipment. for the use of each identified equipment.

Part 1: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question E - adequately describe a way / ways to maintain a - adequately describe at least one way to

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safe and healthy environment for Emma to achieve maintain a safe and healthy environment for
her first goal (given), Emma to achieve her first goal (given),
and and / or
- adequately describe a way / ways to maintain a - adequately describe at least one way to
clean and comfortable environment for Emma to maintain a clean and comfortable
achieve her first goal (given). environment for Emma to achieve her first
goal (given).

Part 1: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question F - correctly list the three goals already identified in - correctly list the three goals already
previous questions, identified in previous questions,
and and / or
- correctly identify the relevant dignity of risk - correctly identify the relevant dignity of risk
considerations for each identified goal. considerations for each identified goal.

Part 1: The student is able to fully and clearly explain a The student fails to fully and / or clearly
Question G way / ways to balance their duty of care explain at least one way to balance their duty
requirements with Emma’s right to dignity of risk. of care requirements with Emma’s right to
dignity of risk.
Part 1: The student is able to, for each given The student fails to, for each given
Question H consideration,: consideration,:
- explain fully and clearly why the consideration is - explain fully and clearly why the
important, consideration is important,
and and / or
- correctly identify the relevant person / persons - correctly identify the relevant person /
involved the process, persons involved the process,
and and / or
- adequately describe logical steps that can be - adequately describe logical steps that can be
taken to perform the relevant actions. taken to perform the relevant actions.

Part 2: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question A - identify three appropriate ways (strategy, method - identify three appropriate ways (strategy,
or action) to develop and establish trust, method or action) to develop and establish
and trust,
- explain fully and clearly how each identified and / or
strategy, method or action can be used to develop - explain fully and clearly how each identified
and establish trust. strategy, method or action can be used to
develop and establish trust.
Part 2: The student is able to: The student fails to:
Question B - fully and clearly explain, with a reason / reasons, - fully and clearly explain, with at least one
why each action is important when providing care reason, why each action is important when
support services, providing care support services,
and and / or
- correctly identify the person / persons involved in - correctly identify the person / persons
the process of each action. involved in the process of each action.

Part 3: The student is able to adequately describe three The student fails to adequately describe three
Question A appropriate ways they can monitor their own work appropriate ways they can monitor their own
to ensure the standard of support they provide. work to ensure the standard of support they

Part 3: The student is able to explain fully and clearly how The student fails to explain fully and / or
Question B each method of monitoring Emma’s support clearly how each method of monitoring
activities can be carried out in a self-determining Emma’s support activities can be carried out in

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way for Emma. a self-determining way for Emma.

Part 3: The student is able to correctly identify at least one The student fails to correctly identify at least
Question C potential or actual risk in Emma’s situation. one potential or actual risk in Emma’s

Part 3: The student is able to explain fully and clearly how The student fails to explain fully and clearly
Question D they should respond to the identified risks in the how they should respond to the identified
scope of their own work role. risks in the scope of their own work role.

Part 3: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question E - correctly identify three behaviours of concern - correctly identify three behaviours of
from Emma, concern from Emma,
and and / or
- adequately describe what they should do in the - adequately describe what they should do in
presence of each identified behaviour. the presence of each identified behaviour.

Part 3: The student is able to: The student fails to:

Question F - explain fully and clearly why each reporting and - explain fully and / or clearly why each
documentation consideration is important, reporting and documentation consideration is
and important,
- adequately describe a step / steps they can take and / or
to handle each given reporting and documentation - adequately describe at least one step they
consideration when they are unsure of it. can take to handle each given reporting and
documentation consideration when they are
unsure of it.

Overall assessment requirements

Word counts As per tasks

Plagiarism All the student’s work is original and sourced where appropriate.

Referencing Appropriate referencing conventions are used.

5. Units of Competency
This assessment meets the following units of competency:

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically

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