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7/27/2019 CES Wrong Answer Summary 7a9f548f 2aea 4857 8bff 51cb26389a59

Wrong answer summary

Question asked (8):

What is the main purpose of a heat exchanger in a cooling water system?

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
To transfer heat from one fluid to another 

Question asked (9):

What type of heat exchanger is shown in the illustration?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:


Question asked (612):

Why did the Second Engineer wish to make a monthly allotment?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Second Engineer wished to make an allotment because he was married

 Question asked (1406):

What is the normal maximum oil content permitted for machinery space bilge overboard
discharge via OWS equipment?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
15 ppm

 Question asked (1502):

What would you do if you are told to operate a piece of mechanical equipment which you
are not familiar with?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Seek advice from your superior before attempting to operate it.

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7/27/2019 CES Wrong Answer Summary 7a9f548f 2aea 4857 8bff 51cb26389a59

Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (1734):

Why is it important that the combustion chamber of a boiler is properly ventilated prior to
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
To avoid an explosion in case any oil vapours are present from oil leakage into the

Question asked (2013):

What is the inherent danger in welding/cutting in piping containing freon?

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Development of nitrous gases?

 Question asked (2757):

Which statement is true in relation to the operating parameters for a marine diesel
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The normal temperature of the lub oil after the cooler is approximately 45 C.

 Question asked (2807):

What is the term used to refer to the valve that prevents backflow of water from the boiler 
to the feed water system?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Feed-check valve

Question asked (2820):

What action should be taken before carrying out a bottom blowdown on a steam boiler?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Raise the water level a few c entimeters above normal working level.

 Question asked (2841):

How can water hammer be avoided when operating the valves and pumps in a cooling
water system?
Selected answer:
Don't know

Correct answer:
Operate valves slowly

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7/27/2019 CES Wrong Answer Summary 7a9f548f 2aea 4857 8bff 51cb26389a59

Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (3138):

What would be the likely cause if the shaft of a centrifugal pump shows excessive wear in
way of the stuffing box?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Over tightening of the gland packing.

Question asked (3151):

Why are zinc anodes sometimes fitted in the seawater side of heat exchangers?

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
To protect against corrosion

Question asked (3544):

What will a cadet find in the maintenance manual?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 A Cadet w ill find a l ubricating chart in the maintenanc e manual

Question asked (3548):

What will happen when the ship arrives in Rotterdam?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The ship will receive fuel and diesel oil bunkers when it arrives in Rotterdam

Question asked (3566):

What is the correct name of the tool shown in the sketch?

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The correct name of the tool shown in the sketch is: Adjustable wrench

Question asked (3713):

What is a hydrostatic release unit?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 A unit which automati cally releases the liferaft/lifeboat at a depth of approx 4 metres.

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7/27/2019 CES Wrong Answer Summary 7a9f548f 2aea 4857 8bff 51cb26389a59

Wrong answer summary

Question asked (3742):

What kind of safety equipment should be used when operating a grinding wheel?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Goggles and shield.

Question asked (3744):

What is the correct lifting technique?

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Legs bent, back straight, using leg muscles to lift

 Question asked (3756):

Whilst in the Engine room you hear the CO2 release alarm, what action if any should you
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Leave the engine room as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind you.

 Question asked (3809):

What is the most likely cause of the boiler exhaust gas being white in colour leaving the
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Too much combustion air.

 Question asked (3816):

Which of the given options best completes the following statement? You should never 
attempt to light a boiler until………………….
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
… the furnace purge sequence is completed.

Question asked (10050):

The aim of fire detection is:
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 All the answers are correct

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7/27/2019 CES Wrong Answer Summary 7a9f548f 2aea 4857 8bff 51cb26389a59

Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (10130):

Which one of the following appliances is allowed to burn an oil fuel, the flash point of 
which may be a little bit lower than the one used for the main *engine?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The emergency generators

 Question asked (10136):

What is the name given to a devastating explosion that may occur when a rigid container 
containing a liquefied gas is exposed to a very high *temperature?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (10316):

The main risk for people when using CO2 as an extinguishing agent in a closed space is:
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 Air suppression

Question asked (10507):

Give the meaning of the following symbol
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Fire main with fire valves

Question asked (10516):

Give the meaning of the following symbol

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Fire station

Question asked (20241):

 A person wearing a thermal protective aid shall be able:
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
to wear a lifejacket inside

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Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (20308):

*Which part of the fresh water quantity provided for each person the liferaft is permitted to
accommodate may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
0,5 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 2 day

 Question asked (20313):

Which of air and water is the fluid that transfers the greatest amount of heat during the
same time, given that the fluid is not flowing along the immersed body?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:

 Question asked (20371):

When mustered to an abandon ship drill, what is the first thing you do when entering the
muster station?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:

Put on a life jacket

Question asked (20443):

the minimum number of lifebuoys required on a cargo ship depends on:
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
the length of the ship

 Question asked (31487):

What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Using nets

Question asked (31546):

Which routine procedures should be carried out before cold work commences?
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Carry out procedures to instructions for cold work including filling in forms and having
them signed.

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Wrong answer summary

Question asked (31570):

Identify this symbol:
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Emergency generator?

Question asked (32124):

Which statement about IED’s is true?

Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 All IE D’s have four common components.

Question asked (32147):

When handling drugs…
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Wear skin protection and a facemask.

Question asked (32355):

Why should boiler sootblowers normally only be operated in the correct sequence?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
To ensure soot is cleared progressively from the bottom tubes to the top and toward the boiler uptakes.

 Question asked (32426):

When cleaning boiler burner nozzles that have just been in service the watch rating
notices that the nozzle holes are partially blocked. Which of the methods given in the
options is the preferred method to use in order to avoid damaging the nozzle holes?
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Use cleaning wires starting with a small gauge and gradually work up to the full size of 
the nozzle hole.

 Question asked (32517):

While on boiler watch on an automatically controlled steam boiler the rating notices that
the burner has failed to light following a drop in steam pressure. What action should be
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Call the duty engineer immediately using the engineers call alarm.

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Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (32520):

 After compl etion of a cl eaning job on some machinery components at s ea, the engine
watch rating is instructed to dispose of a small amount of dirty diesel oil which is left in a
bucket. How should the dirty oil be disposed of.
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Put it straight into the dirty oil tank for incineration at the next opportunity.

 Question asked (32521):

 An engine
 After complroom
eting rati
theng is assisting
tasks they havethebeen
w ith during a perioand
the engineer d of rating
UMS operation.
leave the
engine room which is returned to UMS mode. The rating realises that an oil tank filling
valve has been left open. What action should be taken?
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Inform the duty engineer immediately so that the engine room can be re-entered and the
valve can be shut.

 Question asked (32523):

The engine room rating has been assisting with ballast operations during a period of 
engine room watch duty. Ballast operations have stopped for a couple of hours while
stores are being taken. What action should the rating take during this break in
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Stop all of the ballast pumps and close all of the ballast valves as soon as operations are
stopped. Ballast lines should always be closed except when they are being used.

 Question asked (32575):

During maintenance work at sea an engine room rating is moving a heavy component to
the workshop using a chain block attached to an overhead trolley on a rail. Part way
through the operation the rating is asked by the engineer to go immediately to the store
for some equipment. What should the rating do?
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Continue with the moving operation until the component is properly secured in the
workshop before going to the store for the equipment.

 Question asked (32607):

It is important that tools are in good condition when they are being used for maintenance.
Incorrectly sharpened tools can be dangerous. Which of the following tools can be safely
sharpened using a pedestal grinder?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Steel drill bit.

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Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (32608):

 An engine room rati ng notices that the guard on a running pump is hangin g loose due to
a missing bolt on the support bracket and it is catching the shaft coupling. What is the
best action to take as a repair method?
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Inform the watchkeeper so that the pump can be stopped and a new bolt can be fitted to
permanently fix the guard in place.

Question asked (32609):

  pump cover is sealed using a paper gasket which is damaged duri ng overhaul. There
are no spare gaskets available. How should the casing be sealed when reassembling the
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Make a new gasket from old chart paper or other similar material of the same thickness
as the original gasket.

 Question asked (32611):

 A small electric mo tor needs to be tak en to the bottom plates for fitting to a domestic
water pump. It is only just too heavy to be manually carried so is to be lowered using the
engine room crane. Which of the options given would be a suitable strop to use for the
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 Any certi fied strop which has a safe working load greater than the w eight of the motor.

 Question asked (32614):

 An engine room rati ng is assisting in the maintenance of some of the valves on the low
pressure steam range. Which packing material, from the options given, would be the best
choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve?
Selected answer:

Don't know
Correct answer:
Graphite fibre packing.

 Question asked (32617):

 A spare cylinder head for the gen erator needs to be li fted from its storage cradle to the
generator flat. Because of its location the engine room crane cannot be positioned directly
above it. What method should be used to bring the cylinder head into position?
Selected answer:
Don't know
 Correct answer:
Rig chain blocks to lift the cylinder head from its cradle and then transfer it gradually over 
to the crane hook by working the chain blocks.

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Wrong answer summary

 Question asked (32620):

The threads on the drain plug for the bronze end cover of a sea water cooled heat
exchanger have been badly damaged during maintenance. There is no spare brass plug
available. What is the best solution for repairing the heat exchanger?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Make a new brass plug on the lathe to fit the drain hole.

 Question asked (32624):

pumpstrainer is blocking
frequently up during
loses suction andbilge
has pumping operations
to be primed. which should
What action is causing delaystoas
be taken
remedy the situation?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Clean the strainer more frequently and clean out the bilge well at the first opportunity.

 Question asked (33068):

 A threaded hole i s to be formed i n a steel plate using a tap and wrench. W hen drilling the
hole which of the options best describes the required drill size?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The drill should be a smaller size than the diameter of the tap.

 Question asked (33070):

 An electric motor is to be aligned to a pump by insuring shims under the motor feet.
Which of the tools given in the options would be used to check that the alignment is
correct by measurement of the gap between the coupling faces?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 A set of feeler gauges.

Question asked (33725):

Where is the "PORT QUARTER" , in the figure?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Port quarter is D, in the figure

Question asked (33729):

Is it always possible to use the word "ship" instead of the word "boat"?
Selected answer:
Don't know

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Wrong answer summary

 Correct answer:
Normally a small vessel is called a "boat" rather than a "ship", otherwise it is not

Question asked (33732):

Which is the "STARBOARD QU ARTER", in the figure?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Starboard quarter is C, in the figure

Question asked (33754):

What is shown in the picture, a crane or a derrick using what loading gear?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
 A deck c rane using grabs.

Question asked (33876):

 An airway should be use d when
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
The patient is breathing on his own but is doing so with great difficulty

Question asked (33879):

You must not attempt to move a casualty carelessly, if you suspect patient with:
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
Fractured spine

Question asked (33885):

Which statement about the garbage record book is true?
Selected answer:
Don't know
Correct answer:
It is used to record all operational and accidental garbage discharges

Question asked (33891):

When is it good practice to check the pressure-vacuum valves?
Selected answer:
Don't know

Correct answer:
Prior to cargo transfer 

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