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Mariel Garza Rodríguez A01193056


SKIN • General appearance of Analyze the skin through

individual observation
• Rashes, sores or ulcerations
must not be present
• Change in color of the skin may
lead to anemia and jaundice
• Yellowness of skin is
• Check texture of skin (dry,
greasy or inelastic)
• Skin may get atrophied with age
or steroid medications
• Also note for eruptions,
erosions, pigmentations or
swelling or edema

HEAD • Check for head region for • Cephalic index: maximum skull
appearance and circumference width / maximum skull length
• Mesocephalic: Avg. shape of
head (76-80.9)
• Dolicocephalic: Long and
narrow head. (less than 75.9)
• Brachycephalic: Broad and
short head. (81-85.4)
• Hyperbrachycephalic: Extremely
wider head. (more than 85.5)

FACE -Straight profile Visualizing the patient from the

-Convex profile: Seen in a side.
prognathic maxilla or a -Straight profile: An imaginary line
retrognathic mandible is drawn from the forehead to the
-Concave profile: Associated with upper lip and another line from
a prognathic mandible or a the upper lip to the anterior point
retrognathic maxilla of chin. Both lines when joined
form a nearly straight line.
-Convex profile: The two
imaginary lines form an angle with
the concavity facing the tissue.
-Concave profile: The two
imaginary lines form an angle with
the convexity toward the tissue.

LIPS Examine the lips and the mucosa Labial mucosa: Gently turning the
inside the lips called labial lip out
Labial mucosa: wet and shiny
Note the lip color, texture and any
surface abnormalities as well as
angular or vertical fissures, sores,
ulcers, nodules, plaques, scars
and swellings. Also vermillion
border and presence of Fordyce´s
-Note lip posture (way in which an
individual maintains his/her
normal lip position in repose)
Mariel Garza Rodríguez A01193056
CHEEKS Note any changes in pigmentation Gently open patient´s mouth and
and linea alba, any hyperkeratotic with wood stick examine the
or any hyper pigmented patch, inside of cheeks.
swellings, nodules, scars or ulcers

LYMPH NODES • Location of nodes Ask patient to stand and slightly

• Number of nodes flex neck.
• Size of nodes: (Abnormal
greater than 1.5 cm in jugulo- • Submental nodes: Roll the
digastric area and greater fingers below the chin with
than 1cm elsewhere patient´s head tilted forward.
• Consistency (metastatic • Submandibular nodes: Roll
nodes are hard; lymphoma fingers against inner surface
nodes are firm and rubbery; of mandible with patient´s
hyperplastic nodes are soft, head gently tilted on one side
also nodes of metastatic • Parotid Nodes: Roll the finger
melanoma are soft in fornt of the ear, against the
• Discrete or matted nodes maxilla
• Tenderness = inflamed • Postauricular: Roll the fingers
• Fixity to overlying skin or behind the ear
deeper structures. • Internal Jugular chain:
• Mobility should be checked Examine the upper, middle
both in the vertical and and lower groups. Many of
horizontal planes them lie deep to
If node palpable, record: sternomastoid muscle.
• Site • Transverse Cervical nodes
• Size (vernier) • Supraclavicular: Roll your
• Texture: Soft (infection), fingers gently behind the
rubbery hard (Hodgkins), clavicles —> instruct the
stony hard (secondary patient to cough (normal
carcinoma) lymph node cannot be felt, if a
• Tenderness node is palpable, it must be
• Fixation to surrounding abnormal
tissues —> metastatic cancer
• Number of nodes

Palpable characteristics : infection

-Acute infection: large, soft,
painful, mobile, discrete, rapid
-Chronic: large, firm, less tender,
-Lymphoma: rubbery hard,
matted, painless, multiple
-Metastatic cancer: stony hard,
fixed to underlying tissues,
Mariel Garza Rodríguez A01193056
TMJ Lateral mandibular range of Lateral mandibular range of
movement = 8 - 10mm movement —> ask patient to
Maximum interincisal opening = occlude the teeth and then slide
width of two fingers (less than the jaw in both directions
Palpation may be extra-auricular
Note any sounds or intra - auricular
• Clicks: single explosive noise
Disc displacement Crepitus —> listened with a
• Crepitus: Continuous “grating” stethoscope
Caused by the articulatory
surfaces of the joint being worn

MUSCLES Palpation of Patient asked to clench their teeth

• Masseter muscles and, using both hands, the
• Bimanual palpation of the practitioner palpates the masseter
master muscles muscles on both sides. Palpate
• Palpation of the lateral the origin of the masseter along
pterygoid muscles the zygomatic arch and continue
• Palpation of the medial to palpate down the body of the
pterygoid muscle mandible where masseter is
• Palpation of the temporalis attached
• Palpation of the
• Palpation of the trapezius
Mariel Garza Rodríguez A01193056
SALIVARY GLANDS Parotitis —> pre auricular Initial inspection involves a careful
swelling, may not be visible if examination of the head and neck
deep in the parotid tail or within regions, both intramurally and
the substance of the gland. extra orally.
Intraorally —> patient should
Parotid gland: stand 3 to 4 feet away and directly
facing the examiner. The
Lies on the lateral surface of the examiner should inspect
mandibular rams and posterior • Symmetry
border of the mandible. • Color
• Possible pulsation
usually soft and not usually • Discharging of sinuses on
palpable. The secretions are both sides of the patient.
carried to the oral cavity by
Stensen´s duct, which enters the Extra oral palpation of face and
oral cavity in the cheek just neck: patient´s head is inclined
opposite the upper second molar forward to maximally expose the
tooth. parotid and submandibular gland
regions. The examiner may stand
-Check swelling over the region. in front of or behind the patient.
Note Bimanual palpation (extraoral with
• Extent one hand, intraoral with the
• sise other). One or two gloved fingers
• shape should be inserted within the oral
• consistency cavity to palpate the glands and
• Position main excretory ducts internally,
Examine the area for any fistula while using the other hand to
and enlargement of lymph nodes. externally support the head and
neck. By rolling the hands over
Submandibular gland: the glands both internally and
Resides under the inferior border externally.
of the mandibular body Parotid gland: retract the cheek

The gland is usually soft and PHYSICAL EXAMINATION

mobile and should not be tender The mayor salivary glands are
to palpation. best examined by palpation and
The submandibular duct (Wharton by observation of the salivary
´s) runs superiorly and anteriorly. effluent during palpation (parotid
glans and submandibular glands)
-Swelling, nodal swelling, skin
color and dissension of the Parotid gland: Ask patient to
mucosa clench his or her teeth together
-Pus when pushing
The submandibular gland: best
The sublingual glands lie beneath palpated bimanually with one
the mucosa in the floor of the hand in the lateral floor of the
mouth and empty directly into the mouth and the other on the
mouth or into the submandibular submandibular gland.
duct. Fingers are pushed upward and
Gland is not palpable palpation is achieved

-Sialography: injection of contrast
medium into glandular ducts.
Presence of salivary calculus
-Computed tomography: For
parotid and submandibular
-Magnetic resonance imaging

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