Truly Human

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What makes man truly human?

What makes man truly human? This paper seeks to prove that to be truly human is to
be histrorical, to be human it to be responsible-for-others, and to be human is to be towards
death. Man is historical because man is influenced by nature, that nature is actively guided
man to reach its potentiality and excellence. Man is responsible for others, man is
responsible for others to not make them second-hander, he is resposible to make sure that
men is not to believe that man exist to serve others. And finally to be human is to be
towards death, that man should have courageous anxiety as a proper mood towards death
for man to have an impassioned freedom towards it.

Man is historical for man, in the greeks idea of full development man is developed by
nature that man is guided to develop to reach a state of fullness or excellence. Man can
reach its fullness or excellence if man is physically and mentally advanced and if man
developed his communication and social skills. The greeks strongly believes that nature is
always the inspiration for the development of human possibilities and it is developed to
reach the fullness and excellence of human life. Man is historical because man is the only
one who makes and writes his own history. We cannot expect to animals to be written or
featured in history because animals did not write history man did. Man is the sole bearer
and actor of his own history it is rooted in the structure of ou being human.Man is historical
because of man itself and the factors that surround him.

Man is responsible for others, man should be able to let other individuals to know that
man does not exist to solely serve others, man is a creator and a creator needs no other men
to do his own bidding. A creators primary concern is the conquest of nature and not the
conquest of other men, that makes man to be responsible for others for others not to
become a second-hander or a parasite that only lives off with the use or the need of others.
Man is responsible for the fate of others, man should be aware that we are living on a single
planet called earth and we should be able to protect and care for it for it is where man and
other individuals live and die. Man should be aware that his poor actions through nature has
grave consequences and that it also affects his fellow men.Man is responsible for we are the
only ones to let or make each other know our faults and mistakes to be a better and a good

Being towards death, man reaches reaches his wholeness in death and in death man
loses his potentiality for being. It is only through the acceptance of death, as an aspect of
cycle, that man can only understand life. Man can only live his life to the fullest when he is
aware and conscious of his own pending death. Once man learns how to die, man can learn
how to live. Once man experienced death or learns death, there he can only live his life to
the fullest, every little things would matter to him the tiniest of details would mean so much
for him. Man has always known death but does not accept it, man is afraid of death but did
not know that in death man can only live to his fullest.
What makes man truly human? To be truly human has a lot of factors to be considered,
man being historical, that nature is actively guiding man to reach his own excellence and
fullness. Man is responsible for the betterness and wellness of others, that he is responsible
to make the world livable. And a being towards death that accepts death without fear but
with courageous anxiety to it. But what are we to do after we answered the question, when
have finally found what we are seeking and then when we are satisfied with the probable
answer we found, What are we going to do after and why are we here?

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