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Most Ursent

sfrK eqru ffiS Pradipta Kumar Bisoi

uew (orFfo) Member (Personnel)
ero d-Er d Postal Services Board
sro f{ff.r Department of Posts
qdrt rirrdq {rut{qqt Nlinistry of Communications
qRiI lmtlt Govt'rnment of India
cro r+q, *frrE qrrf Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
r{ fid-r ro oor NEW DELHI-110 OO1

D.O. No. X-20/32/2019-SPN-II Dated the 13th September, 2019

Please refer to Directorate's communication of even number dated 27.06.2019
requesting to provide information regarding vacant posts in your Circle, which is
required to be updated in Vacancy Monitoring Module in eSamiksha postal of the
Cabinet Secretariat by the Directorate.

2. AII Postal Circles were requested to provide information in respect of Group'C',

Group 'B' (non-gazetted) officers and Assistant Superintendent ofPosts on a monthly
basis latest by 30th of every month (i.e. information in respect of month 'september'
may be sent latest by 30th September 2019 and so on). However, the matter has not
been given due attention it deserves. Onlv two Circles had furnished information for
the month of June 2019. four Circlg had furnished i-nformation for the month of Julv
2019 and only one Circle has furnished information for the month of Auzust 2019 till
due date.

2. The issue is being monitored at the highest level of the Government (PMO and
Cabinet Secretariat) and non-submission of report has been viewed seriously.
Therefore, you are requested to look into the matter personally to ensure that the
information in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-A) attached with Directorate's
communication dated 27.06.2019 must be sent by 30th of everv month. In this regard,
a spreadsheet has been developed and requisite information may be feed in the
following link by 3Qttt of every month without fail: -

"https://docs. LQmIG

cQIvl E StHSdqnd4bgSc/edit?uspsharingz
\4+, Yours sincerely,

(Prafipta K ar

A1l Head of Circles (By Name)

,IIr{tJ s,
8 : +91-11-23096078 ! :

$ : +91-ll-23096079 @ :
Vacancy Monitorlng Module for September, 2019

Aaaistant Superintond€nt of Posts Group'B' (Non.gaz6tt€d) Group 'C'

Roa3ons for
s" dfte Cirde ss WB v Vacanclgs sl ws v Vacancloa sst ws v Vacancloa held up Sleps tak€n to
fillod during flllod durlne fllled durlng vacanclo3, flll vacancla! Remark3
1 2 3"1-2 ths r€ported 4 5 6=4-5 tho reportgd 7 8 9=7-8 lho reponod lncludlng court

month monlh month orders

I Andhra Pradesh
2 A.ssam
3 Bihax
I rl
7 Haryana
8 Himachal Pradesh
I .Iemmu & K.eshmir
ll Xamataka
t2 Kerala
Madhya Pradesh

13 I

t4 Maharasltra =
l5 North-East
l6 Odbha
t7 Pu4iab IIIII II
18 Raiasthan
l9 Telangana
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pl,desh
ro r--- r---l
a West Ben88l l

Tot l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

' SS is Sanctionod Stenqth

" WS is working gtrenth as on the last day of the reported month
" V is Total vacanci€s as on th€ last day of lhe reporled month

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