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G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079


APRIL 26, 2021

Today, I was preparing my lesson plan and PowerPoint presentation because

tomorrow will be our first pre demonstrations. I already followed the suggestions
and corrections needed to polish my lesson plan and Powerpoint. It will all now
depends on how well I execute my lesson plan in actual teaching. Thinking about the
demo makes me feel extremely nervous since this is very different from the
presentation that we've done in a face-to-face setting. The interaction will be
different since this is a virtual class but hoping that it will end well.


APRIL 27, 2021

Since last night I was feeling nervous because of the pre demonstration that is
happening today. It was scheduled in the morning but got canceled because Ma'am
has a prior appointment. So it was rescheduled for the afternoon. Before one o'clock
I arrived at Ruby's house. Roma and I went there to have better access to the signal
since she is living in the proper of Dulag. Every one of us is feeling nervous especially
when Ma’am Macale started spinning the "Wheel of Name". I felt a big relief when it
was not pointing out my name and I was the last person to present. During the
presentation, the problem that most of us encountered was the poor signal. Some of
us are not prepared when it comes to the PowerPoint presentation and just like me
some are not prepared with the topic that we are presenting and I am not proud of it.
But one thing that I learned from today. If I know my lesson well I will not feel
intimidated or will be panicked in facing everyone. After all the presentations, we are
given our constructive feedback and I accepted it wholeheartedly because I know on
my part that I was lacking and that feedback will help me improve my performance.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079


APRIL 28, 2021

Today is Wednesday and I have a class in block C148-BSCrim 3 rd year. I guess

being nervous is part of me. I don’t know when will I get used to this feeling. The
discussion went smoothly and I noticed that some of the students were being shy
when being called. But what I liked most of them is that they tried to answer or
participated in the discussion and from time to time Ma'am Macale allows me to
talked to the class and whenever that happened I thought my heart will explode. But
the overall experience of today's class brought a smile to my face.


APRIL 29, 2021

To deliver my topic with confidence, I have to understand my topic and be

knowledgeable enough to share with the students what the topic is all about. I
decided to watch YouTube channel about all the video that is related to Subject-Verb
Agreement and Tenses. Lucky enough I found good content for my topic and it helps
me a lot to understand the topic. Although this lesson is taught since our elementary
days we can't help it but sometimes we forgot all the basics things that we should
know. This is also a good opportunity for those who are no longer familiar with the
topic because they will refresh their mind.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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