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G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079


MAY 3, 2021

It is now May 3 and we already received our new topic last time. But I only have
to do my research today since I have an access to the internet. Surfing the internet
takes time because you have to make sure that the content or topic you are looking
for on a specific page is reliable and valid. Since there are various pages are being
flashed on the screen. We should also be careful in citing the reference of the topic
to avoid some problems.


MAY 4, 2021

My topic is all about types of Memorandum and I have to make sure that I have
concrete examples to be shown to the criminology students. That is why this
afternoon I went to the police station to ask for a copy of their document. But I was
rejected right after I introduced myself and which school I came from but don't get
me wrong my request got rejected because I have to do the formal way of asking for
a document which they needed a request letter for them to grant my request. Thus,
not having a request they did not allow me to have a glimpse of the files. So, lesson
learned that whenever you are asking for a document in different offices or
departments you have to make sure that you have to send a letter first to formalize
the transactions. It was a short moment but yes, I learned from that experience.


MAY 5, 2021

This morning is a very special day. Because today is my first demonstration. The
feeling of excitement and being nervous is what I feel right now. I was so excited
because finally, I was the one teaching them. Nervous, because I might mess up the
whole presentation. The discussion went smoothly despite being nervous I still
believed in myself that I can do this. I am also thankful to the students that they
cooperated with me throughout the discussions and to Ma'am Macale for good
feedback after the presentation this morning. I still have a class in the afternoon I’ll
be teaching the same subject. But this time, it becomes a little tough. I got a little
confused in the middle of the discussion but thankfully all is well especially Ma'am
Macale was there to guide me during the presentation. On the brighter side, I am

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
thankful for the students. I thought they are not paying attention while I was talking. Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079

So, I am grateful to know that though I am a student like them they still listen well.


MAY 6, 2021

After organizing my notes about my topic. I decided to send it to Ma’am to

make sure that my content was right. I've done my research still am not confident
about the content of my topic. When I received the email sent by Ma’am and I was
told that I can use some of the content in my topic. I decided to make a lesson plan
and surf the internet for another reference of my topic. Just like the first time, It was
not easy to make a lesson plan. I have to consider the individual differences of the
learner. I have to make sure also that my objectives are aligned with my activities
and evaluation to achieve the learnings of the students. Making this lesson plan is
always a challenge for me. But every time I'm making one I keep on learning and
understand every process of the lesson plan.


MAY 7, 2021

Since today is Friday and we don't have a class. We use this time for the virtual
checking of the Lesson plan and consultation. One by one we present our lesson
plan for the corrections and additional inputs in our lesson plan. In my case, there
are a few suggestions regarding the content of my lesson plan because some of my
topics is not aligned or being used in their field of work. After checking the lesson
plan. The meeting also ended so that we can focus on the suggestions and


MAY 8, 2021

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
It has been a long weekday for me. Since Monday, it was a busy day for me. I Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079

have a lot of work to do and to accomplish. Creating a lesson plan, demonstration,

making a journal, and other related activities. Despite the heavy workload, I was able
to accomplish them one by one. Each day is always a challenge that I have to
overcome to survive this battle. But I can’t also deny that every day, every moment in
this journey is becoming a precious memory that I wanted to look back in the future.
Every day is a learning process for me and I am working in progress.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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