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Maisie is correct as she says, ‘My parents aren’t too

keen on my having parties at home, but they make an
exception on my birthday. We usually have a really big

Succeed in Aptis
14. Lynn is correct as she says,’ There’s nothing I enjoy
more than celebrating special occasions
with close friends. I usually have a small gathering at my
house ...’. She then goes on to say that they might just
Justification of the answers for Reading Parts: 02, have snacks or get a takeaway, so it is very informal.
APTIS for Teens: 03, 04 Maisie might seem to like informal celebrations but then
she says that everyone dresses in their best clothes so it
is quite formal. Jake actual tries to avoid any special
Test 1 occasions.
Page 13 15. Lynn is correct as she says, ‘if I’m in the mood, I cook
02 most of the food myself, or at least I can prepare some
6. D is the correct answer, as we have the phrase, ‘It all snacks ...’
begins ...’ which must be at the beginning of the text.
16. Maisie is correct as she says, ‘you can hang out with
Also none of the other options fit in at the beginning of
people you haven’t seen in a long time.’
the process; they all need further information before
them so that they can be used in the text. 17. Mark is correct as he says, ‘so one year my mum
surprised me by baking a cake on my birthday in the
7. F is the correct answer, as in D we learn about the shape of a football. My friends even dressed up as
ingredients being mixed in a bowl, and F starts with ‘The football players!’
mixture is then ...’ so we learn what happens to the
mixture after this. 18. Jake is correct as he says,’ I try to avoid joining in but
usually my parents make me. We often argue about it.’
8. B is the correct answer, as the end of F mentions the
creation of the biscuit shapes and B starts with ‘These Page 15
uncooked shapes ...’ so it refers directly back to 04
sentence F before it. 19. F is the correct answer as a circular movement is
mentioned twice in this paragraph. Firstly, ‘the Oyashio
9. E is the correct answer, as in sentence B we learn they Current, which comes down from the sub-arctic area and
are baked in the oven and sentence E starts with ‘Once travels in a counter-clockwise direction’ which talks
about the movement of the water, and secondly, ‘The
the biscuits are cooked...’ so here we learn what
North Equatorial Current is caused by the rotation of the
happens to them when they come out of the oven, i.e. Earth, which makes the flow of water go from east to
they are packaged and boxed. west’ which talks about both the movement of water
and the circular movement of the Earth. F might be
10. G is the correct answer, as ‘They are now ready to be chosen for paragraph 21 as it says, ‘The circular rotation
sent to supermarkets ...’ because they have been packed of the Gyre forces all waste material to travel inwards
into boxes. C cannot be used here because G must come towards the centre.’ However no other option fits
first to say how they get to the supermarkets, i.e. by ‘a paragraph 19, and paragraph 21 also mentions why fish
fleet of lorries’. can’t survive in this region, so there is a better choice
for this paragraph.
11. C is the only answer left, and is the correct answer
20. A is the correct answer as it says, ‘It is these warm
because we then learn what happens to them after
waters that allow life on the Japanese coral reefs to
they have been delivered by a lorry to the survive.’ There is no other reference to something
supermarkets. i.e. they are put on the shelves ready for sustaining life in the coral reef.
customers to buy them. 21. H is the correct answer as it says,’ It is for this reason
that fishermen avoid the centre as the water doesn’t
Page 14 have enough nutrients for fish to live on, so fishing there
would not be profitable.’ Paragraph 23 might be
APTIS for Teens 03
considered for answer H, as it mentions fish dying, but
12. Jake is correct as he says, ‘I’m quite happy with my this is part of a description of the whole food chain
own company, really ... Everyone says I am unsociable being affected so there is a better answer for this
and I suppose I am a bit ... ’ paragraph.
22. C is the correct answer as it says, ‘This rotation in 13. Andrew is the correct answer as he says, ‘I do my
question has also caused a lot of flotsam, such as deliveries on my bicycle in all weathers.’
driftwood, man-made rubbish, cargo lost from ships to
accumulate in the middle. All this rubbish has formed a 14. Fred is the correct answer as he says, ‘The main
floating sea of waste.’ So, the water is contaminated. C problem is that I have to wait an hour after work for the
might also be considered for paragraph 23 but, as we first train home.’
said earlier, this paragraph mentions how several
animals in the food chain are affected, so there is a 15. Jane is the correct answer as she says, ‘I work from
better title for it. 9am to 4pm.’ Andrew starts work at 7am so that is quite
early and Fred and Mary both work in the late
23. B is the correct answer as we have already afternoon, evening or night.
mentioned different parts of the food chain are affected
by the waste in the water. 16. Andrew is the correct answer as he says, ‘I do my
deliveries on my bicycle in all weathers.’ So he must
24. D is the correct answer as it says, ‘which usually cycle to work. Mary and Jane both go by bus and Fred
sends rubbish outwards and then subsequently wash up goes by train.
on beaches around the gyre.’ Also, we are then given
the example of the cargo from the shipwreck taking 17. Fred is the correct answer as he starts work at 9pm
three years to appear on the beaches. on Saturday and finishes work very early on Sunday
25. E is the correct answer as it says, ‘Curtis Ebbesmayer
noticed that the currents can change drastically from 18. Mary is the correct answer as she says, ‘I love this
time to time.’ Therefore they are unpredictable. job because I can listen to my iPod/MP3 player while I
Test 2 Page 31
Page 29 04
02 19. D is the correct answer as the whole paragraph
describes how shops started to open and how they
6. D is the correct answer as when it says ‘If not, you
became larger department stores over the years so they
must apply for a new one ...’ it is referring to the
must have done well.
passport that you will need. There is nowhere else that
D would make sense in the text.
20. B is the correct answer as this paragraph describes
what happened to Oxford Street during the war when
7. G is the correct answer as you will have to book your
bombs were dropped on it.
holiday before any of the other actions mentioned in
the text can happen.
21. A is the correct answer as buses, taxis and trains are
all mentioned in this paragraph. Paragraph 22 mentions
8. E is the correct answer as it is still talking about things
transport but it is talking about the accidents where
that you have to do before you travel and the other
vehicles are involved rather than transport options.
sentences are about things you do close to your travel
Paragraph 23 is about when the road was closed to
date, or on the day you travel.
transport so there weren’t any transport options.
9. B is the correct answer as this is something you have
22. H is the correct answer as it discusses many
to do one or two days before your flight and the other
different issues connected to traffic in general, in Oxford
options are actually on the day of travel.
10. F is the correct answer as this is about what time
23. F is the correct answer as a suggestion was made to
you leave to get to the airport and making sure you
close the road to traffic but, ‘the next Mayor said that
aren’t late.
this would cause too much disruption around the centre
of London. Local business owners were not happy with
11. C is the correct answer as this is the only option that
these plans.’ so it was a controversial suggestion.
is about when you are actually at the airport and about
to get on your plane.
24. C is correct as it says, ‘Oxford Street has the world’s
highest concentration of nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen
Page 30 dioxide is a gas coming from vehicles which can be very
APTIS for Teens 03 bad for your health’
12. Jane is the correct answer as she says, ‘The best
thing about my job is that I can take home any cakes
that are left over.’
25. E is correct as the whole paragraph is about crime in 18. Liam is correct because he says that his parents
Oxford Street and what is being done about it. ‘The think he can ‘be a doctor or a lawyer, but I know my
street always has a very heavy police presence ... The grades will never be good enough. I can’t seem to get
police also use lots of plain clothed officers ... On top of them to understand that, though.’
that there are hundreds of... Since these reports in 2011,
crime has been reduced quite a lot.’ Page 47
Test 3 19. F is the correct answer as it says, ‘far from being
merely an amusing diversion, clowns at this time had a
Page 45 socioreligious role.’ So, both religious and non-religious
02 (secular).
6. E is the correct answer as it mentions that she was
20. C is the correct answer as it says, ‘the Indian clown
only six, and the other sentences talk about things that
doubled up as interpreter, translating the Prakrit
happened when she was older.
language to the general population.’, so the Indian
clown also helped to educate people. So they had more
7. G is the correct answer as this continues the theme of
responsibility. In paragraph 23, at first it may seem to
her writing books at a young age and her mother was
say that they had more responsibility but actually it says
still alive at this point to encourage her.
they just became more popular.
8. C is the correct answer as this adds more information
21. B is the correct answer as the paragraph describes
about her mother supporting her.
not only how they dressed and what they looked like
but also the gestures they made; so the humour in the
9. B is the correct answer here as we learn that her
acting was very visual. Paragraph 22 does mention some
mother died when she was still quite young.
visual humour in, ‘contorting their bodies into comical
positions’ but the main theme of this paragraph is the
10. F is the correct answer as, ‘this terrible event’ refers
roles of the clown.
to the fact that her mother died.
22. H is the correct answer as this paragraph describes
11. D is the correct answer as this is the last sentence to
the ‘variety of roles’ that clowns took on and how they
be used and it concludes the story of how she started to
differed from each other.
write and the ‘sad story’ refers to the death of her
23. A is the correct answer as, ‘They were also held in
high esteem by royalty and allowed to express opinions
Page 46 that would be considered treasonable offences if voiced
APTIS for Teens 03 by any member of the general public.’ so they could do
12. Jill is the correct answer as she says, ‘It’s not the things that other people couldn’t.
hard work that puts me off as much, as the competitive
nature of the job.’ So she doesn’t want a job that puts 24. E is the correct answer as, ‘the first use of the word
her under too much pressure. ‘clown’ appears in Shakespeare’s plays. However, it is
somewhat of a misnomer, seen from the modern-day
13. Gary is the correct answer as he says, ‘I hate perspective’
routine.’ So he needs variety in his life.
25. G is the correct answer as, ‘It was only a century
14. Tracy is the correct answer as she says, ‘I did later that the clown ... took on his modern-day guise as
unexpectedly well in my exams’ so she had a pleasant an amusing fool ... Joseph Grimaldi in the early 19th
surprise which gave her more choices in life. century then added the final touches ... to create the
modern-day clown.’
15. Liam is the correct answer as he says, ‘I know my
grades will never be good enough’ so he isn’t very good
at schoolwork. Tracy may have been considered here
but she did well in her exams so she is better at
schoolwork than she thought.

16. Gary is the correct answer as he says, ‘My parents

have done their best to try and persuade me to work for
their business, but shop work isn’t for me.’
17. Tracy is the correct answer as she says, ‘Until a few
years ago I was certain I wanted to be a hairdresser ... so
I’m thinking about going to university now, instead’.

18. Georgina is the correct answer as she says, ‘I tend to
Test 4 read biographies and autobiographies’.
Page 61
02 Page 63
6. G is the correct answer as it talks about the first time
19. H is the correct answer as it says, ‘However, it wasn’t
natural glass was used. E is not correct as it talks about
always easy to determine how much work should equate
man-made glass being used more extensively; not
to certain goods.’, so it wasn’t always a fair way of
natural glass, so it must have been at a later date.
paying for something.
7. C is correct because now the text introduces the idea
20. A is the correct answers as, ‘As such, goods could be
of man-made glass being used.
exchanged for other goods, considered to be of equal
worth. No longer would the acquisition of goods leave
8. E is correct as it then develops the theme of man-
someone feeling short-changed,’ so this explains how a
made glass.
fairer system was introduced.
9. B is correct as the ‘early years’ refers to the
21. F is the correct answer as, ‘The use of actual tools
development of man-made glass.
and weapons, such as daggers, hoes and spades, as a
medium of exchange were soon phased out to be
10. F is correct as we learn how the blow pipe made
replaced by much smaller, mini versions that were easily
glass making faster and in the sentence before we are
told what a slow process it was.
22. D is the correct answer as, ‘King Alyattes, the King of
11. D is the correct answer as it explains how Venice
Lydia, in 600 BC was the first to mint an official
then became the centre of glass making and brings us
up to the present day.
23. G is the correct answer as, ‘Coins continued to be
Page 62 used as currency in Europe until the 16th century.
APTIS for Teens 03 However, by then, the Chinese had already moved on to
12. Alex is the correct answer as he says, ‘For me, using paper notes instead of coins’. Paragraph 24 might
reading a book is all about escapism. I often want to be be considered for heading G but G says ‘begin to be
taken to a place where I can forget reality and all the replaced’ and by this point notes were already being
everyday issues that are on my mind.’ used.

13. Robin is the correct answer as he says, ‘I like to be 24. E is correct as, ‘These notes were authorised by
kept on the edge of my seat when I’m reading a banks that were responsible for issuing currency and
book. It needs to be full of twists and turns and exchanging banknotes for silver or gold coins when
surprises. I love it when a book has a shocking or required. The effect of the banks taking charge of
surprising ending.’ currency resulted in an increase in international trade’

14. Alice is the correct answer as she says, ‘I’m also 25. B is correct as the whole paragraph is about present
interested in how people live in these places and what and future forms of currency.
their customs and art are like.’

15. Georgina is the correct answer as she says, ‘I enjoy Test 5

reading about people who are inspirational in some way Page 77
and people who have achieved something in their life.
These types of books encourage me to work harder and 02
make something of my life.’ 6. G is the correct answer as it refers to an ‘ancient
camera’ that was very limited. E might seem possible at
16. Robin is the correct answer as he says, ‘I like to be first, but the ancient camera did not use film.
kept on the edge of my seat when I’m reading a
book. It needs to be full of twists and turns and 7. C is the correct answer as ‘much later’ moves us on
surprises.’ from the idea of the ancient camera.

17. Alex is the correct answer as he says, ‘I often want 8. E ‘these cameras’ refers back to the first practical
to be taken to a place where I can forget reality and all portable cameras in the sentence before.
the everyday issues that are on my mind. I don’t mind if
the places and characters aren’t believable as long as 9. B is the correct answer here as the Polaroid camera is
the plot is interesting.’ mentioned for the first time in the text and the
following sentences develop this theme.
23. D is the correct answer as, ‘However, the Eye proved
10. F is the correct answer as the sentence connects to unexpectedly popular, with the result that the owners
the sentence before it with the mention of Polaroid applied for a permanent lease to Lambeth Council,
cameras. which was duly granted.’

11. D is the correct answer as it brings the theme of 24. G is the correct answer as this paragraph tells us
cameras up to date, to the present, and concludes the about the different owners of the wheel and how its
text. name changed with each owner.

Page 78 25. A is the correct answer as in this paragraph a

APTIS for Teens 03 number of reasons are given which explain why it is so
12. Marianna is the correct answer as she says, ‘helping popular.
sick animals might be the perfect job for me.’
Test 6
13. Adonis is the correct answer as he says, ‘I need a job
where I am out and about,’. Page 92
14. Ron is the correct answer as he says, ‘Maybe writing
6. G is the correct answer as it tells us a little bit about
articles for a cultural magazine of some kind.’
her family before we go into any detail about her life
and when she grew up.
15. Andrea is the correct answer as she says, ‘A priority
for me is that I do something important. What I mean by
7. F is the correct answer as, at this point in the text, she
that is I’m helping someone in some way. That means
is still very young but we first learn that she was
that I will feel good about what I do at the end of the
becoming aware of equality in society.
8. D is the correct answer here as, ‘that situation’ refers
16. Ron is the correct answer as he says, ‘I’ve been
to the inequality mentioned in the sentence before.
writing a blog for the last year about street and public
art because I’m fascinated by that topic. ... Maybe
9. B is the correct answer as the WSPU is mentioned for
writing articles for a cultural magazine of some kind. I
the first time and the following sentences expand on
think I’m rubbish at art, so I couldn’t be a professional
this theme.
artist.’ But he clearly admires people who are artistic.
10. E is the correct answer here because we are given
17. Adonis is the correct answer as he says, ‘I pride
more information about the WSPU.
myself on keeping fit.’
11. C is the correct answer as the text finishes with the
18. Marianna is the correct answer as she says, ‘my
successful result of her work and campaigning.
father pointed out that I’m not really patient when it
comes to dealing with people, especially children, so
helping sick animals might be the perfect job for me.’
Page 93
Page 79 APTIS for Teens 03
12. Andy is the correct answer as he says, ‘Before I go
04 away, I look up my destination on the internet, too.’
19. C is the correct answer as the whole paragraph is
about the tallest Ferris wheels in the world.
13. Janet is the correct answer as she says, ‘I also love
socialising and chatting to different people,
20. H is the correct answer as it says, ‘It is just as difficult
especially on holiday, because you meet people from all
to believe that the Eye was not the first supersized Ferris
over the world.’
wheel in the capital. In fact, the ‘Great Wheel’, built for
the Empire of India Exhibition, at Earl’s Court, predated
14. Sharon is the correct answer as she says, ‘I have had
it by over a century.’
a few mishaps that have put me in hospital a couple of
21. B is the correct answer as, ‘joint entrants in the
competition, David Marks and Julia Barfield, decided to
15. Janet is the correct answer as she says, ‘I like lively
go ahead with the project nevertheless, and make their
resorts where I can go crazy at night and dance for
design a reality.’
hours. ..... On the other hand, during the day, I’m a sun
worshipper and I don’t want to do anything energetic’
22. E is the correct answer as this paragraph describes
how the Ferris wheel was built.

16. Barry is the correct answer as he says, ‘I’m dreaming 25. D is the correct answer. ‘He claimed the land for
of helping build schools in South America and fresh Britain even though the land was already occupied by
water facilities in Africa. I’ve also the Aborigines ... The British returned, in 1778, to
always wanted to teach English in some Eastern colonise this new land they claimed they had
European countries.’ discovered.’

17. Sharon is the correct answer as she says, ‘Nothing

stops me being out and about in
the fresh air and pushing myself to the limit.’

18. Andy is the correct answer as he says, ‘My idea of a

great holiday is seeing places and things of historic

Page 94
19. F is the correct answer as the paragraph talks about
Ptolemy, ‘So he drew in an imaginary land on the
bottom of his maps of the world. Over time this
unknown land came to be referred to as the Unknown
Southern Land.’

20. C is the correct answer as this paragraph tells us how

explorers started to try to find Australia. ‘For over two
hundred years, European explorers set across the seas
looking for the Unknown
Southern Land. Many explorers kept sailing right past it,
or bumped into it, but didn’t realise that they had
stumbled upon it.’

21. H is the correct answer as we are told about the

Aborigines in this paragraph. ‘While the Europeans were
searching for this unknown land, there were people
already living there. These people were the Aborigines,
the first humans to arrive in Australia.’

22. A is the correct answer. ‘There is some evidence that

fishermen and traders from Indonesia, India and China
may have visited northern Australia for thousands of
years. ... These early visitors never recorded their visits,
or had any knowledge of the vastness of Australia. They
thought it was just another one of the many islands in
the area.’ So at this point Australia still did not have a
name officially.

23. B is the correct answer. ‘In 1600 a small Dutch

sailing ship named The Duyfken, captained by Willem
Janszoon, set sail from Banten ... On 26 February 1606,
they anchored off the Pennefather
River in the Gulf of Carpentaria and went ashore. ...
however, didn’t realise he had discovered Australia.’ So
even though they didn’t realise where they were, they
were in fact the first Europeans to go to Australia.

24. E is the correct answer. ‘Cook first called

this place Stingray Bay, then he changed it to Botanist
Bay and finally called it Botany Bay because of all the
strange and unusual plants there.’


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