Department of Teacher Education

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G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079


JUNE 20, 2021

The day has finally come. I made a lesson plan after some research and
thinking about what my lesson plan will look like. When I started making a lesson
plan I have always keep in mind that I am teaching elementary pupils so I have to
make sure that aside from the learning they will gain I am making sure also that they
are enjoying the class. Although there are no real pupils during the demonstration I
considered them as part of my lesson plan. I am also happy that little by little I am
improving in making a lesson plan.


JUNE 21, 2021

Last time we weren't able to meet the students because of the webinar series.
So, we were asked to make a pre-recorded video for our last topic. This is my second
time creating a pre-recorded lesson and it's never been easy because of
environmental distractions. I have to repeat the process from the start especially if
there is some unnecessary noise. I have to make some adjustments to be able to
create a recorded lesson. It's a shame that we cannot meet the students for the last.
But I am hoping we will see each other again wearing our uniform as a public


JUNE 22, 2021

As the final demonstration is fast approaching. I decided to used my time in

editing and checking my Powerpoint presentation I wanted to make sure that
everything is prepared and no errors in my presentation. I also used this as a chance
to practice my lesson while facing the camera. I wanted to know how I looked, how
my voice sounds like, or if it was pleasing to the ears of my pupils. I have to practice
every word and master my topic. Since this topic is not new to me I wanted to show
some improvement to myself. I always keep in mind the suggestions and
recommendations of Ma'am Macale since day 1. I always make sure that I always
applied them when I am teaching. I also tried to imagined during my practice that I
am facing the pupils that we are in an actual classroom. Hoping that we can go back
to the actual classroom setting.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
, and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and the environment.
G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079


JUNE 23, 2021

Since Monday I and my Co student teachers are all feeling anxious because of
the final demonstration that is happening this week. Today we decided to have a
virtual meeting for the checking of our lesson plan and pre-demonstration. I was
worried because of my poor connection. I was having a hard time connecting and
honesty I burst into tears. That is why after calming myself I decided to went to the
seashore since the connection there is a bit stable. I am also lucky because there are
cottages that I can sit on. I wanted to attend this session since this will be a very big
help to me and I can practice the things I needed to improve for my presentation.
Since I was the first to join the link I am the first one to present but I guess the
connection was not on my side because I lost the connection while preparing my
Powerpoint. When I was able to join the session Ma’am Ruby is already presenting
her topic. She was the teacher while I was her only pupil and vice versa. The whole
experience was fun enjoyable and at least we have now our idea on how to improve
our presentation tomorrow. Although we've been teaching already as our practice
from the previous days this final demonstration is different. It seems that my career
as a future teacher will depend on this presentation. I am not confident that is why I
am worried that I might not be able to make it tomorrow. But, we are lucky that
Ma'am is very supportive of us and always encourages us that we can do better.


JUNE 24, 2021

The final demonstration is finally done. It was indeed a very stressful and
nerve-wracking week. But, all the hardships and sleepless nights have been paid off.

Page 2 of 3
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
, and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and the environment.
G/F KOICA (New Administration) Building
VSU Tolosa, Tanghas, Tolosa, Leyte 6503
Email Address:
Since I woke up this morning I feel like I'm sick, nervous and I can't even finish Contact No.: (053) 565 – 0601 loc. 1079

drinking my coffee because all I could think of is the demonstration. I keep on

practicing my lesson even when I am taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Despite
my hands are trembling with nervousness I made sure that I prepared everything I
need for my demonstration. My laptop, cell phone, power bank, chord, and myself as
well. After all the preparations I hurriedly left our home since it's almost 8 in the
morning. I was lucky I was able to find a place, a cottage to be exact I was also here
yesterday. While I was waiting I keep on reviewing my lesson then, Ma'am Macale
messaged us and my heart skipped a beat! I thought it was the link already. I can't
explain in words what I truly feel but, the important thing is we had another extra
time to prepare and practice. My co-student teachers who were not able to present
yesterday had a chance to present their lesson to Ma'am Macale for the final
coaching. I did not try to attend the session I used my time in editing my lesson plan
and checking my Powerpoint presentation and calming myself. When it was my time

to present I reminded myself of all the suggestions and tips that Ma'am Macale
shared with us. I just enjoyed the moment there. I went all out during my
presentation even though I am nervous. It was not a perfect presentation but I was
truly happy since the moment I started. I did not think that my performance was
being evaluated all I want is to present the topic that I have worked on. I'm also glad
for the good feedback from Sir Eugene and Ma'am Macale. It made my day. After all
the presentations we were given our feedbacks. In my part, I am thankful for the
good feedback I received and I also gladly accepted some of my weaknesses and
the recommendations since I know that those feedbacks will help me improve and to
do better in the future as a teacher.

Page 3 of 3
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
v2 06-11-2020
, and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and the environment.

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