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CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS oF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RFQL-HPD-2100001 OVERVIEW The City and County of Honolulu (City), Honolulu Police Department (Police Commission), is seeking a Consultant to provide professional services in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) §103D-304 to assist with the examination and assessment of psychological, competency and other characteristics for the selection of Chief of Police. SCOPE OF WORK The Consultant shall assist the City with the following proposed scope of work: ‘The scope of work under this solicitation involves processing and evaluating candidates for the position of Chief of Police, City and County of Honolulu. This shall include (1) an initial on-site Visit and job analysis, (2) an assessment center administration and reporting results to the Honolulu Police Commission, and (3) further discussion of the results of assessment center. The services to be performed by the Consultant for the project shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Analyze and identify the key skils, abilities, and psychological characteristics needed and desired for the position of Honolulu Chief of Police through interview and orientation, and review of informational materials (¢.g., organization and manning charts, functional statement, budgets, documents, reports and articles, etc.) 2. Develop a mechanism to accept public comment(s). 3. Phase One: Develop essay questions, review essays, and identify the strongest candidates to be evaluated and participate in the assessment center (Phase Two). 4. Phase Two: Establish and develop a minimum of four (4) assessment center exercises for the purpose of evaluating the candidates for the position of Honolulu Chief of Police. The Consultant shall also establish rating dimensions, rating forms, scoring and other related materials. 5. Train approximately five (5) evaluators for the assessment center. Conduct assessment center at a location to be provided by the City and County of Honolulu Police Department. Provide an oral and written report to the Honolulu Police Commission on the assessment center results for each candidate within one week of the completion of the evaluation exercise, Provide a written summary report regarding the strong and weak points and traits of each candidate who participated in the assessment center. These reports will be provided to the Honolulu Police Commission for dissemination to the candidates. Coordinate with a psychologist to be retained by the Honolulu Police Commission so that ‘such consultant has sufficient information to conduct psychological evaluations of the finalists, PROJECT SCHEDULE ‘The City hopes to select the consultant within a few weeks after the closing of this Request for Qualifications and award shortly thereafter. The performance of services by the Consuitant shall last until the selection of Chief of Police has been completed. SUBMITTAL MATERIALS Qualified organizations that is interested in being considered in providing these services are invited to submit their qualifications in accordance with HRS §103D-304. The Statement of qualifications shall include the following 1. 2 3 Letter of Interest - dated and signed by an authorized representative of the firm. Information on the firmlorganization a. Name of the firm or person, the principal place of business, and location of al its offices. b. The age of the firm and its average number of employees over the past year Project Team Composition (do not include sub-consulants, if any) a. Key Team Members education, training, ttle, project role and responsibilities, experience and qualifications of key members. b. Anarrative of past experiences and qualifications of the firm and individuals to be involved. ©. Client references - The names and phone numbers of up to five (5) clients who may be contacted, including at least two (2) for whom services were rendered during the preceding year. if not applicable, please provide an explanation. 4. Any other pertinent data that should be considered in the evaluation of the firm's qualifications and any other promotional or descriptive literature which the firm desires to submit, 5. The attached Qualifications Submittal Format is recommended as a format to provide this information. In accordance with HAR §3-122-63. (b), the Statements of Qualifications and related information submitted by the Offerors (Submittal materials), except those portions designated “CONFIDENTIAL,” will be open to public inspection upon posting of this Contract. Offerors shall designate in writing those portions of their Submittal Materials that contain trade secrets, proprietary, confidential commercial and financial information, or information that are confidential due to privacy interests that are to remain confidential, subject to HAR §3-122-58. All materials submitted which have not been clearly designated as proprietary, shall become the property of the City and subject to public inspection and may be retumed only at the City’s discretion EVALUATION CRITERIA ‘Submittal materials will be evaluated based on the following criteria, in descending order of importance, as required by HRS Section 1030-304 1. Experience and professional qualifications relevant to the project type: 2 Past performance on projects of similar scope for public agencies or private industry, including corrective actions and other responses to notices of deficiencies; and 3. Capacity to accomplish the work in the required time Pursuant to HRS §103D-304(h), the City will negotiate with the first ranked consultant. Ifa satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated with the first ranked consultant, negotiations with that consultant shall be formally terminated and negotiations with the second ranked consultant on the list shall commence, and so forth, DEADLINE Statement of Qualification from interested firms shall be submitted with one (1) original and three (3) copies and one (1) digital copy of the entire submittal in PDF searchable text or Microsoft Word format, on a Universal Serial Bus ("USB") flash drive by June 29, 2021 no later than 4:30 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time to’ City and County of Honolulu Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Division of Purchasing 530 South King Street, Room 115 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Attention: Professional Services Advertisement No. RFQL-HPD-2100001 No facsimiles or electronic copies will be considered, 3 Further inquiries regarding professional services required shall be directed in writing to Questions in regards to this request for Statements of Qualification shall not be accepted after June 18, 2021. (DOK Dison} KELSI IMAMURA & a Assistant Purchasing Administrator Posted on web: June 1, 2021 QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTAL FORMAT This submittal format is provided to assist you in assembling your Statement of Qualification CRITERIA No. OF Pages Introductory letter, including the name of the firm, the category the consultant is submitting for, number of years in the business, and office locations 2 1. Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services. The project manager must have experience in managing projects of similar nature and scope, and shall be a professional, licensed in the State of Hawaii unless otherwise stated herein. The project manager's resume must be included in the Appendix. The consultant shall designate experienced professional and technical staff to competently and efficiently perform the work, either through their ‘own personnel or sub-consultants. The qualifications shall identify the project team composition, project leadership, reporting responsibilities, and address how sub-consultants will fit into the management structure. Resumes of key team members, limited to one page per person, must be included in the Appendix. Note: This information includes the qualifications of the individuals and sub - consultants, and a list of applicable past projects the consultant worked on The selection is made on the team, and not just the prime consultant. 2. Past performance on projects of similar scope for public agencies or private industry, including corrective actions and other responses to notices of deficiencies. The consultant shall include a list of all similar projects that the consultant worked on and successfully completed. Include the name, contact person and telephone number of the government and/or private agencies, and how cost control, quality of work, and schedule compliance issues were addressed. 3. Capacity to accomplish the work in the required time. The consultant must demonstrate that sufficient knowledgeable staff is, available and that any sub-consultant hired by the consultant is experienced and capable of performing the work. The consultant shall include a list of current projects, which shall include the start and estimated consultant contract completion dates of the projects. 4 Any additional criteria. ‘Submit any conflict of interest you may encounter in performing services for the City and County of Honolulu. Innovative or Alternative Methods to Perform the Required Services, and Anticipated Concepts for Completion of the Project. Please indicate any innovative, unique or alternative methods that would be used to perform the required services. TOTAL 14° “Appendix: Resumes of key personnel 1 page per person maximum ‘Appendix: Company brochure (optional) *A page is considered to be letter size, printed on one side, single spaced, with characters no ‘smaller than 12 point font. Additional information may be requested at our discretion.

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