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The Ochsner Journal 9:20–26, 2009

f Academic Division of Ochsner Clinic Foundation

Vertigo: A Review of Common Peripheral and Central Vestibular Disorders

Timothy L. Thompson, MD, Ronald Amedee, MD

Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA

INTRODUCTION with a peripheral disorder demonstrate nystagmus to

Dizziness, a common symptom that affects more the contralateral side which suppresses with visual
than 90 million Americans, has been reported to be fixation. Nystagmus improves with gaze towards the
the most common complaint in patients 75 years of lesion and worsens with gaze opposite the lesion.
age or older.1 Dizziness, however, is a common term Patients may also report a falling sensation. Vegeta-
used to describe multiple sensations (vertigo, pre- tive symptoms are not uncommon, and one can
syncope, disequilibrium), each having numerous expect nausea, vomiting, and possibly sweating and
etiologies. It is often difficult for a physician to bradycardia. The rate of recovery typically decreases
elucidate the quality of dizziness a patient is experi- with age and severity, and with the use of vestibulo-
encing and decide how to proceed with medical suppressive medications.
management. The focus of this article is the peripheral
and central vestibular system. We review the more MENIERE’S SYNDROME
common disorders specific to this system, describe The term Meniere’s syndrome is often used
synonymously with the terms Meniere’s disease
how patients with these disorders present, and
(MD) and endolymphatic hydrops, although they are
discuss management protocols.
different. Endolymphatic hydrops describes an in-
crease in endolymphatic pressure resulting in inap-
propriate nerve excitation which gives rise to the
The vestibular system is broadly categorized into
symptom complex of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss,
both peripheral and central components. The peripheral
and tinnitus. The exact mechanism by which this
system is bilaterally composed of three semicircular
increase in pressure produces the symptoms of MD is
canals (posterior, superior, lateral) and the otolithic
greatly debated and beyond the scope of this paper.
organs (saccule and utricle). The semicircular canals
Numerous disease processes can result in endolym-
detect rotational head movement while the utricle and phatic hydrops; if there is a known etiology then it is
saccule respond to linear acceleration and gravity, termed Meniere’s syndrome. MD is a term used for
respectively. These vestibular organs are in a state of endolymphatic hydrops of unknown etiology.
symmetrically tonic activity, that when excited stimulate The true incidence of MD is unclear due to
the central vestibular system. This information, along difficulty in diagnosis. Caucasians are more often
with proprioceptive and ocular input, is processed by affected, and it is more prevalent in females than
the central vestibular pathways (e.g. vestibular nuclei) males. Typically, these patients complain of sponta-
and maintains our sense of balance and position. neous episodic attacks of tinnitus, aural fullness,
fluctuating hearing loss, and vertigo superimposed on
PERIPHERAL VESTIBULAR DISORDERS a gradual decline in hearing. Symptoms are variable,
Peripheral vestibular disorders are limited to however, and patients may have a predominance of
cranial nerve VIII and all distal structures. Patients either cochlear (tinnitus, hearing loss) or vestibular
(vertigo) complaints. Attacks typically last minutes to
hours; however, most commonly subside after 2 to
Address correspondence to: 3 hours.
Ronald Amedee, MD Diagnosis is established with a thorough history
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery detailing the aforementioned complaints, possibly
Ochsner Clinic Foundation accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diaphoresis.
1514 Jefferson Hwy. Audiologic and vestibular testing is unreliable, but
New Orleans, LA 70121 may show caloric weakness on electronystagmogra-
Tel: (504) 842-3640 phy (ENG) and sensorineural hearing loss on audio-
Fax: (504) 842-3979 graphy.
Email: There is no cure for MD and the goal of treatment
is symptomatic relief. Medical treatment is initiated
Key Words: vertigo, vestibular system prior to more invasive surgical intervention and

20 The Ochsner Journal

Thompson, TL

consists of salt restriction, diuretics, vasodilators, maneuvers are reported to be 91% effective.4
anti-emetics, and anti-nausea medications. Those Patients with symptoms refractory to repositioning
who fail medical treatment may consider surgical maneuvers may be candidates for singular neurecto-
therapy. Surgical treatments can be classified as my or posterior semicircular canal occlusion.
either hearing-conservative or non–hearing-conserva-
tive procedures and are appropriately chosen based VESTIBULAR NEURONITIS
on the patient’s audiometric results. For patients with Vestibular neuronitis is the second most common
serviceable hearing, endolymphatic sac decompres- peripheral cause of vestibular vertigo. Infection of the
sion, vestibular neurectomy, and intratympanic ami- vestibular nerve results in nerve degeneration and
noglycoside infusion are options. Labyrinthectomy is may present bilaterally. Infection is most often thought
reserved for patients with no serviceable hearing. to be of viral origin, usually from the herpes virus
family. It may also result from bacterial invasion (e.g.
BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL Borrelia). It is believed that the superior vestibular
VERTIGO nerve is more commonly involved secondary to its
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is course throughout a long and narrower bony canal,
considered the most common peripheral vestibular making it more susceptible to compressive edema.
disorder, affecting 64 of every 100,000 Americans.2 The reported incidence of an upper respiratory
Women are more often affected and symptoms infection prior to the development of vestibular
typically appear in the fourth and fifth decades of life. symptoms varies from 23% to 100%.5
In 1980, Epley proposed that free-floating densities Patients present with complaints of sudden vertigo,
(canaliths) located in the semicircular canals deflect lasting up to several days, often with vegetative
the cupula creating the sensation of vertigo.3 This is symptoms. As this process affects only the vestibular
well documented in his Canalithiasis Theory. Although portion of the vestibulocochlear apparatus, there is an
these canaliths are most commonly located in the absence of cochlear symptoms. Vertiginous com-
posterior semicircular canal, the lateral and superior plaints gradually improve over days to weeks; howev-
canal may also be involved. er, imbalance may persist for months after resolution of
Patients with BPPV complain of vertigo with acute disease. Recurrence is not uncommon and may
change in head position, rolling over, or getting out occur several times per year. Physical examination is
of bed, and the vertigo is often side specific. Vertigo limited and should consist of audiometric evaluation
occurs suddenly and lasts for less than 1 minute. and ENG. Patients may demonstrate nystagmus and
Attacks are separated by remissions; however, caloric weakness on the affected side.
patients may complain of constant light-headedness Treatment is primarily supportive with the use of
between episodes. Classic BPPV involving the pos- anti-emetics and anti-nausea medications. Vestibular
terior semicircular canal is characterized by the suppressants should be used judiciously in the first
following: geotropic nystagmus with the problem ear few days of an acute attack. Prolonged use of these
down, predominantly rotary nystagmus toward the medications can delay recovery by inhibiting central
undermost ear, latency of a few seconds, duration compensation. Furthermore, early ambulation is par-
limited to less than 20 seconds, reversal of nystag- amount in the central nervous system’s ability to
mus when the patient returns to an upright position, compensate and is therefore recommended as soon
and a decline in response with repetitive provocation. as tolerable. High-dose methylprednisone has been
Diagnosis is made primarily through history and shown to hasten recovery; however, prospective,
also by eliciting typical physical findings during the randomized, double-blinded studies have failed to
Dix-Hallpike maneuver. The Dix-Hallpike maneuver demonstrate added benefit from the use of antivirals
entails guiding a patient through a series of move- (i.e. valacyclovir).6
ments known to elicit nystagmus in a patient with
BPPV. Electro-oculography and 2D videonystag- LABYRINTHITIS
mography are of limited use secondary to the inability Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory disorder of the
of these tests to record torsional eye movement. membranous labyrinth, affecting both the vestibular
Treatment is often supportive as a large percent- and cochlear end organs. It may present unilaterally or
age of patients will have spontaneous resolution of bilaterally, and similar to vestibular neuronitis, it is
their symptoms. For those with persistent symptoms, often preceded by an upper respiratory infection. This
the first line of treatment is canalith repositioning disorder occurs when infectious microorganisms or
maneuvers. These maneuvers attempt to reposition inflammatory mediators invade the membranous
the free-floating canalith particles from the semicir- labyrinth, damaging the vestibular and auditory end
cular canals to the utricle using gravity. These organs. Potential etiologies include viral pathogens,

Volume 9, Number 1, Spring 2009 21

Vertigo: A Review of Common Peripheral and Central Disorders

bacterial invasion, bacterial toxins, and systemic

Viral labyrinthitis usually occurs in adults in their
fourth to seventh decades of life. Bacterial labyrinthitis
may result from both otogenic and meningitic infec-
tion, progressing to involve the labyrinth. Labyrinthitis
of otogenic origin can be observed in any age group
and may result from cholesteatoma or otitis media.
Meningitic labyrinthitis is more common in children
less than 2 years of age, who are more susceptible to
developing meningitis. Otogenic infections typically
cause unilateral symptoms while meningitic infections
cause bilateral symptoms.
Unlike vestibular neuronitis, patients with labyrinthi-
tis present with complaints indicative of both vestibular
and cochlear damage. Vertigo presents suddenly and is
accompanied by hearing loss. ENG may reveal
nystagmus, and audiometry will reveal a sensorineural
hearing loss or mixed hearing loss if middle ear effusion
is present. Depending on the source of infection,
patients may also present with findings consistent with Figure 1. Magnetic resonance image of a patient with
otitis media, mastoiditis, or meningitis. vestibular schwannoma.
Treatment is aimed primarily at eradication of the
underlying infection and supportive care. Middle ear numbness, respectively. Eventually, the tumor grows
effusions and mastoiditis should be drained and to a size where it compresses the brainstem and
treated with antibiotics. Meningitis should be treated cerebellum causing truncal ataxia, dysmetria, dis-
with culture-directed antibiotics with central nervous equilibrium, and possibly death.
system penetration and appropriate consultation. Diagnosis begins with a thorough history and
Anti-emetics and anti-nausea medications are helpful physical examination. An audiogram is important in
during the acute phase. documenting hearing loss and any asymmetries
which may exist. If you suspect VS, then imaging is
VESTIBULAR SCHWANNOMA necessary. Computed tomography of the head with
Vestibular schwannoma (VS) is the most common contrast is helpful, but magnetic resonance imaging
intracranial neoplasm producing vestibular symp- (Figure 1) with and without enhancement is the
toms, affecting one in every 100,000 people per preferred imaging modality.
year.7 These are usually slow-growing, benign tumors Once VS is confirmed radiographically, a decision
that originate from the Schwann cells lining the should be made on how to proceed with treatment.
vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII. Occasionally Treatment options include surgical excision, radiation
these tumors arise from the cochlear branch of the therapy, and observation with serial magnetic reso-
eighth nerve, but this is reported in less than 5% of nance imaging. In making this decision, one should
cases.8 Patients may present with either unilateral or consider the size of the lesion, age and health of the
bilateral VS. Bilateral VS is associated with neurofi- patient, and what symptoms are present. These
bromatosis II, which is additionally characterized by patients should be referred to a neuro-otologist for
glioma, meningioma, subcapsular ventricular opaci- management of their care.
ties, and less frequently, peripheral neurofibromata
and café au lait spots. PERILYMPHATIC FISTULA
Patients may present with episodic or positional A perilymphatic or inner ear fistula results from an
vertigo, disequilibrium, tinnitus, and usually asymmet- abnormal communication between the perilymphatic
ric hearing loss. Early in the disease, when the tumor space and middle ear or an intramembranous
is small, patients complain of dizziness, hearing loss, communication. There are numerous causes, stape-
and tinnitus, due to compression of the vestibulo- dectomy most commonly, and also head trauma,
cochlear nerve. The slow growth often allows for explosive blast, barotrauma, and physical exertion.
central compensation, alleviating vertigo. With con- Symptoms vary widely, with the prevalence and
tinued growth, the tumor can press against the facial severity of both vestibular and cochlear symptoms
or trigeminal nerve causing facial weakness and differing greatly between individuals.

22 The Ochsner Journal

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Diagnosis is made through a thorough history and

physical examination. Patients may complain of
disequilibrium after an increase in cerebrospinal fluid
pressure (Hennebert’s sign) or exposure to loud
noises (Tullio’s phenomenon). Physical examination
may demonstrate a brief episode of nystagmus with
positive pressure applied to the ear through pneu-
matic otoscopy (Fistula test) or an improvement in the
audiogram after laying in Trendelenburg for 30 min-
utes (Fraser test).
Initially, treatment is conservative, with bed rest,
head elevation, laxatives, and serial audiograms and
physical examinations to assess hearing loss and
vertigo. Surgical exploration is warranted in patients
with persistent or worsening symptoms. Unfortunate-
ly, surgical exploration is successful in identifying a
fistula only half of the time.9 When a fistula is
observed, it should be patched by the surgeon with
a material of their preference (blood clot, fascia, fat).
Depending on the study, vestibular complaints were
reduced 83% to 94% of the time and hearing loss Figure 2. High-resolution computed tomography image of
13% to 49%.9–11 a patient with superior semicircular canal dehiscence
DEHISCENCE SYNDROME Unlike many other disorders responsible for
Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome vertigo, surgery is the first line of treatment. Although
(SSCDS) results from a thin or dehiscent bone there are numerous approaches, all have in common
overlying the superior semicircular canal. Minor et al. the goal of ablating the superior semicircular canal or
theorized that this defect acts as a third window, in patching the dehiscent bone with some form of
addition to the round and oval windows, allowing material. Common to these procedures are the
transfer of sound and pressure into the vestibular complications of sensorineural hearing loss, facial
system.12 This additional input is responsible for the nerve injury, and persistent vertigo.
clinical manifestations of the syndrome. Although the
true incidence of this syndrome is unknown, one TRAUMA
study showed that examination of cadaveric temporal Vertigo or ataxia is a common complaint among
bones revealed a dehiscent or markedly thin bone in trauma patients. Vestibular complaints can arise from
1.9% of specimens.13 head trauma, cervical trauma, and damage to the
This syndrome is characterized by vertigo in- peripheral vestibular system. The more common
duced by an increase in intracranial pressure or loud peripheral vestibular injuries and their medical man-
noise, chronic imbalance, tinnitus, and hyperacusis. agement are detailed below.
Patients often refrain from noisy environments in an Labyrinthine concussion may follow blunt head
attempt to avoid vertiginous symptoms. Typically, trauma or barotrauma and is characterized by a lack
patients do not demonstrate nystagmus on routine of otic capsule and intralabyrinthine membrane
examination. They may, however, demonstrate Tullio violation. Patients will have transient vertigo or
and Hennebert signs and a positive fistula test, disequilibrium and hearing loss most apparent at
similarly to patients with a perilymph fistula. When 4000 Hz. Complaints usually resolve in days to weeks
the fistula test is performed, vertical-torsional nys- but may persist for much longer.
tagmus is evoked with slow waves directed away Blast trauma, as seen with an open hand slap to
from the dehiscent labyrinth. This characteristic the ear or explosion, infrequently results in vestibular
nystagmus may also be seen when patients are damage. Patients are more likely to experience high
exposed to sound frequencies between 500 to frequency hearing loss with spontaneous recovery.
2000 Hz with intensity of 100 to 110 dB. In patients Penetrating trauma can be potentially devastating
suspected of having SSCDS, high-resolution com- to the peripheral vestibular organs. The extent of
puted tomography (Figure 2) is required to make damage to the vestibulocochlear system is dependent
definitive diagnosis. upon the mechanism of injury and the path of

Volume 9, Number 1, Spring 2009 23

Vertigo: A Review of Common Peripheral and Central Disorders

penetration. In an otherwise healthy individual, ves- MIGRAINE-ASSOCIATED DIZZINESS

tibular complaints usually subside in days to weeks in (VESTIBULAR MIGRAINE)
unilateral injuries. Hearing loss varies and may be Migraines are considered a vascular syndrome
permanent. Treatment also varies greatly and may be resulting from serial constriction and dilation of
as limited as bed rest and extensive as surgical repair, intracranial vessels. Patients describe episodic at-
depending on the degree of injury. tacks of severe headache and associated symptoms
Barotrauma is subclassified into two groups, such as nausea, photophobia, phonophobia, and
alternobaric trauma and atmospheric inner ear baro- sensitivity to head movement. Approximately 10% of
trauma. Alternobaric trauma occurs most frequently in Americans are afflicted with this disorder, women
divers and pilots as they ascend. Symptoms occur as more commonly than men. Patients suffering from
a result of increased middle ear pressure in relation to migraine are usually between 30 to 50 years of age;
the ambient pressure. This increased pressure stim- however, any age group can be affected. Migraines
ulates the vestibular and cochlear system leading to are classically defined as migraines with or without
transient vertigo and hearing loss. These complaints aura.14 Auras are reversible neurological symptoms
often resolve within 15 minutes. Conditions which which develop over 15 minutes or less and typically
alter the patency of the eustachian tube, such as an resolve within an hour as the headache begins. Most
upper respiratory illness, exacerbate this phenome- commonly auras are characterized by visual distur-
non. Patients involved in predisposing activities bances such as scotomata, specks, scintillating
should be educated in the use of frequent equilibra- scotoma, and hemianopia, but may consist of
tions, the use of topical decongestants, and avoid- alterations in somatosensory, olfactory and auditory
ance of such activities while afflicted with an upper hallucinations, weakness, speech difficulty, and diz-
respiratory illness. ziness. Multiple triggers for migraines have been
Atmospheric inner ear barotrauma results from identified which include stress, diet (red wine, fruits,
extreme pressure changes which damage the middle nitrates, chocolate, artificial sweeteners), fluorescent
and inner ear structures. This most commonly occurs lights, allergies, and hormonal changes.
in divers, but has been reported in less likely It has been reported that 38% of patients with
situations such as forcefully sneezing with a closed migraines have episodic vertigo.15 Migraine-associat-
mouth and nose. Unlike alternobaric trauma, injury ed vestibular symptoms vary greatly among patients
can be long lasting and even permanent. Patients in regard to duration, severity, character, and tempo-
complain of hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo in ral relation to headaches. Vestibular symptoms most
varying degrees. Symptoms typically resolve with commonly present as an aura and last seconds to
conservative management (bed rest and head eleva- hours. They may occur concurrently with the head-
tion); however, those with progressive hearing loss or ache, after the headache, or between attacks with no
vertigo for greater than 3 to 5 days warrant surgical appreciable temporal relation. Some patients may
exploration. It has been suggested that patients only have a distant history of headaches or only a
should refrain from diving for at least 3 months. family history of migraines. As mentioned earlier,
migraines can present at any age, and many believe
CENTRAL VESTIBULAR DISORDERS they are responsible for benign paroxysmal vertigo of
Not all vertigo results from a peripheral vestibu- childhood. This disorder usually occurs between the
lopathy and may actually be secondary to central ages of 2 and 4 years and is described as brief
pathology. Patients with central pathology more often (5 minutes) episodes of vertigo associated with
present with complaints of disequilibrium and ataxia anxiety, fear, nausea, and diaphoresis. Symptoms
rather than true vertigo, but this is not always the rapidly resolve with no residual neurologic signs.
case. Often their inability to stand or walk distinguish- Symptoms disappear by 5 to 10 years of age.
es them from patients with a peripheral lesion, who Migraine-associated dizziness (MAD) may present
more commonly are able to stand or ambulate with with new onset motion intolerance. Auditory halluci-
assistance. Unlike peripheral lesions, nystagmus of nations have been reported, but more commonly
central pathology changes direction with gaze, is patients complain of low frequency sensorineural
unaffected by fixation, and may be purely vertical or hearing loss. Hearing loss may fluctuate, complicating
torsional. Depending on the site of lesion there may the distinction between vestibular migraine and MD.
be associated hearing loss as well as multiple other Diagnosis is complicated by the lack of interna-
neurological symptoms. A thorough neurological tionally accepted criteria for MAD. Neuhauser et al
examination is essential and should include such suggested the following criteria: the patient experi-
tests as the ‘‘foam and dome,’’ heel to shin, and finger ences recurrent episodic vertigo and a current or prior
to nose. history of migraine, and at least one migraine

24 The Ochsner Journal

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symptom must be present during two or more ner’s syndrome, dysphagia, hoarseness, and rarely,
episodes of vertigo.15,16 Perhaps the most problem- facial nerve paralysis.
atic dilemma is in differentiating MAD from MD. Both Lateral pontomedullary infarction secondary to
may present with episodic vertigo and possibly occlusion of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery will
hearing loss. A thorough history is imperative and result in lateral inferior pontine syndrome. This
should inquire about headaches, photophobia, pho- syndrome is characterized by symptoms similar to
nophobia, presence of aura, and any other neurolog- Wallenberg’s syndrome with notable differences.
ical symptoms that may point towards a diagnosis of Involvement of cranial nerves VII and VIII results in
migraine. ENG and rotational testing is non-specific ipsilateral facial paralysis and tinnitus and hearing
and often adds little if anything towards a diagnosis. loss, respectively. Dysphagia and hoarseness, how-
Once the diagnosis of MAD has been reached, ever, are not apparent as cranial nerves IX and X
numerous therapies are available for treatment. Initial nuclei are uninvolved with occlusion of the anterior
management should focus on avoidance of triggers inferior cerebellar artery.
through lifestyle modification. Patients should avoid Lateral superior pontine syndrome occurs when
food and drinks as well as other agents known to the superior cerebellar artery is occluded. With this
induce migraines. Stress relief is recommended and syndrome, one can expect vertigo, nystagmus, gait
both sleep and exercise are encouraged. For those disturbance, ipsilateral limb ataxia and facial pain or
who fail to find relief with lifestyle modification alone, numbness, contralateral body hemianesthesia, and
medical treatment may be necessary. Prophylactic Horner’s syndrome. Distinguishing this syndrome is
treatment varies depending on the physician, but the finding of contralateral impairment of vibration and
most often includes one or more of the following; temperature due to medial lemniscus involvement.
amytryptyline, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, calci- A high index of suspicion must be kept with any
um channel blockers, and selective serotonin reup- patient presenting with spontaneous vertigo to avoid
take inhibitors. Acute attacks may require anti- missing the diagnosis of ischemic stroke. It is
emetics and anti-vertiginous medications, as well as essential to consider stroke in any acutely vertiginous
triptans. Those with headaches may also benefit from patient with concomitant neurological signs and
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. symptoms. Once VIS is suspected, an expeditious
work-up is necessary. This should include a thorough
VERTEBROBASILAR ISCHEMIC STROKE physical examination, imaging, and neurology con-
The blood supply to the brainstem, cerebellum, sultation for both evaluation and treatment.
and inner ear is derived from the vertebrobasilar
system. Occlusion of any of the major branches of this VERTEBROBASILAR INSUFFICIENCY
system may result in vertigo. Symptoms of vertebro- Vertebrobasilar insufficiency is synonymous with a
basilar ischemic stroke (VIS) are highly variable and transient ischemic attack (TIA) of the vertebrobasilar
depend on which of the three major circumferential system. By definition, patients experience symptoms
branches are occluded; the posterior inferior cerebel- similar to those detailed above, but the symptoms
lar artery, anterior inferior cerebellar artery, or superior resolve within 24 hours. If left untreated, the disease
cerebellar artery. Numerous processes may occlude process will eventually progress to stroke with
the vertebrobasilar system. The most common are permanent or long-lasting seqeulae. Risk factors
atherosclerosis, emboli, and vertebral artery dissec- and causes are identical to those for VIS. Forty-eight
tion. Vertebral artery dissection can result from percent of patients who suffer a VIS report a TIA in the
trauma or neck manipulation, or can occur sponta- preceding days or weeks.17 In fact, 29% of patients
neously. Less common causes include subclavian suffer from at least one episode of vertigo, a symptom
steal syndrome, hypercoagulation disorders, and of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, prior to their VIS.18
inflammatory conditions. Patients suffering a vertebrobasilar TIA are likely to
As mentioned earlier, the symptoms associated progress to stroke more quickly than those experi-
with ischemic stroke in this area are highly variable encing TIAs in the anterior territory.
and greatly dependent upon which branch of the Vertebrobasilar insufficiency is a common cause
system is occluded. Occlusion of the posterior inferior of vertigo in the elderly. Symptoms may last from
cerebellar artery will cause a lateral medullary minutes to hours, but typically average 8 minutes in
infarction and result in lateral medullary syndrome, duration. In as many as one third of patients, vertigo is
also known as Wallenberg’s syndrome. Expected the only manifestation of their disease. Although this
manifestations include vertigo, nystagmus, gait dis- disease should always be in the differential, several
turbance, ipsilateral limb ataxia and facial pain or months of recurrent vertigo unaccompanied by other
numbness, contralateral body hemianesthesia, Hor- neurological signs suggests another disorder. The

Volume 9, Number 1, Spring 2009 25

Vertigo: A Review of Common Peripheral and Central Disorders

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26 The Ochsner Journal

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