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Implementing “ObamaCare”
MARCH 23, 2011
What Oklahomans Believed:

 The Patient Protection and

Affordable Care (PPACA), passed
3/23/10, and is generally Exc hanges —Cor ner stone of “ObamaCare”
known as “ObamaCare”

 Oklahomans overwhelmingly
The PPACA The Cornerstone
objected to the implementation The Patient Protection and Af- Mentioned 278 times in the
of “ObamaCare” in its’ entirety;
fordable Care Act (PPACA), PPACA, the exchanges are the
this included the development of
exchanges written before the last presiden- defining component in planning
tial election, has been con- and implementing “ObamaCare”
 The citizens of Oklahoma be-
demned by the public as the - without the exchanges there is
lieved the lawsuit against
“ObamaCare” was a real reflec-
complete government take over no “ObamaCare”. (There are 3
tion of the intent of Oklahoma’s of the U.S. health care system exchanges: the Health Informa-
leadership and that OK would and is „socialized‟ medicine. tion Exchange and the Health
not adopt this unconstitutional The PPACA (Public Law 111- Insurance Exchange, both tied to
federal law 148) is over 900 pages long; one the Health Benefit Exchange.)
Sections of PPACA dealing with
 SQ 756 addressed only one small part of this monstrous law Navigators are key, too. Insurance Exchanges:
component of the PPACA—the is the “individual man-
individual mandate. Voters
States are following a Robert 1. Section 1301: “Qualified health
date” (recently found to be un-
believed they were rejecting the Wood Johnson Foundation im- plan” ; Sect. 1302: Essential Health
constitutional). Unfortunately, Benefits Requirement; Sect. 1303:
entire PPACA. plementation timeline entitled Special Rules; Sect: 1304: Related
this one section of the law is
Major Exchange Timeline Tasks Definitions
 The voters have been where the public‟s attention has
duped. from “Health Benefit Exchanges: An 2. Sect: 1311—Planning/activities
been intentionally focused. (I.E., related to establishing an Exchange
Implementation Timeline for State
SQ 756, the lawsuit, and on the
The 2 Exchanges Timeline: Policymakers. (Another implementa- 3. Sections 1312, 1313, 1321, 1322,
campaign trail.) 1324, 1411, 1412, 1413
tion timeline is offered via the
Gov. Brad Henry Executive 2008 Not mentioned nearly enough NCSL). 4. Sect. 1561—The IT infrastructure
necessary to make it all work
Order 2008-4 have been the exchanges.
HB 2026 by Crain/ 2009

Steele—Created HUB
SB 757 by Burrage/ 2009 Vote NO on HB2130
Steele—Created HIIAB,
defined electronic medical HB 2130 by Steele/Jolley, is a key “ObamaCare” grant. This grant PPACA. These sections bind the
records, (EMRs) health piece of enabling legislation dealing application, officially called the Co- state to the federal government in
information exchange, (HIE) with the HUB board governance and operative Agreements to Support the development of the OK ex-
health information technol- members; the HUB is overseeing the Innovative Exchange Information change.
ogy (HIT) implementation of the Health Insur- Technology Systems, is a 41-page
The legislators, sticking to leadership
ance Exchange in OK. document outlining the purpose,
SB 1373 by Crain/ 2010 talking points only, have not read the
authority, and background of the
Johnson—Created OHIET HB 2130 strikes the Insurance Com- 41-page binding grant nor the state’s
funding “opportunity,” as well as
missioner (elected) and places the response - yet claim to be informed
eligibility requirements states must
HB2130 by Steele/Jolley— 2011 (appointed) Secretary of Health and decision-makers. This is not possible.
meet in order to qualify.
Establishes HUB governance Human Services as Executive Direc-
Until everyone fully under-
over exchange implementa- tor of the HUB. ( Fallin appointee The Oklahoma Health Care Author-
stands the consequences to
tion Dr. Terry Cline). ity is the grantee. The grantee has
establishing an OK exchange,
agreed to all the grant (contract)
SB 411 by Brown/Moore— 2011 Oklahoma recently applied for and the only correct vote on HB
stipulations, including adhering to
establishes comprehensive received a $54 M Early Innovator 2130 is NO!
Sections 1311 and 1561 of the
health care website

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