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Mark the letter to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 1: You are not allowed to take the exam paper out of the classroom.
A. You mustn’t take the exam paper out of the classroom.
B. You may take the exam paper out of the classroom.
C. You needn’t take the exam paper out of the classroom.
D. You should take the exam paper out of the classroom.
Question 2: We arrived at the conference. Then we realized that our reports were still at home.
A. No sooner had we realized that our reports were at home than we arrived at the conference.
B. Only after we arrived at the conference did we realize that our reports were still at home.
C. Not until we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home.
D. Hardly had we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home.
Read the following passage and mark the letter to indicate the correct answer to each
Google Books: Cataloging the World's Library
The digital age has brought us several conveniences which seemed unimaginable just a few decades ago. In particular, it
has changed the way in which we consume and store information. Before the Internet, people would need large rooms with
bookshelves if they wanted to maintain a large book collection. However, thanks to e-books and services like Google
Books, readers have access to millions of books with a few clicks of their mice.
Google Books is a service provided by Google that catalogs books by scanning them and making them searchable online.
The project kicked off in 2004 with the ambitious goal of creating the largest body of human knowledge ever and making it
available online. To date, Google Books has scanned over 30 million books into its catalog. By the end of the decade, its
goal is to cover every book that is currently available.
Using Google Books is quite convenient, as it is integrated into Google’s search engine. When searching for a book that
Google Books has in its catalog, users can access some contents of the books depending on its copyright status. If a work is
considered to be in the public domain, as many old books are, they can read the entire thing. However, if a book is still
under copyright, the searcher will often be able to preview a few pages. In some cases, when an author has not given
permission to display their work, only a few random lines of text from the book will be displayed.
Although most book lovers and researchers are thrilled that Google has scanned so many books, several publishers are
upset by the company’s actions. They believe that Google Books is hurting their business. In 2005, a group of publishers
joined together to sue Google claiming massive copyright violations. In response, Google claimed that its procedures were
in line with the concept of fair use, which specifies that it is legal to display parts of copyrighted works if it is for
educational purposes. Furthermore, Google compared its project to a modern-day online equivalent to libraries’ card
catalog system. In November 2013, the case went to trial and a judge ruled in favour of Google. Although the publishers
have announced that they will appeal the verdict, the decision is a good indicator that Google is inching closer to becoming
the main caretaker of the world’s library of books.
Question 3: What is the goal of Google Books?
A. To put every book available online B. To encourage people to read more often
C. To print millions of textbooks for free D. To help publishers earn more money
Question 4: What will users see if an author does NOT give Google Books permission?
A. They can view the entire book. B. They will only see a few sentences.
C. They can only read one or two chapters. D. They will not see anything at all.
Question 5: Why are publishers upset with Google Books?
A. They think Google is ruining their books. B. The author’s names are listed on books.
C. Most publishers are against e-book sales. D. They feel that Google is costing them money.
Question 6: What could replace the word “preview” in paragraph 3?
A. purchase B. protect C. sample D. destroy
Question 7: The word “it” in he last paragraph refer to________. A. copyright B. selling C. copying D. display
Question 8: What does Google compare Google Books to?
A. A service that helps people find books B. A library that sells the best novels
C. A bookshop that improves the quality of books D. A teacher who explains why stories are important
Question 9: What does the author suggest about the court case?
A. The final decision was not fair. B. It was a great victory for the publishers.
C. Google Books may go out of business after that D. It may not solve the issue completely
Mark the letter to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the three in pronunciation in each Question
Question 10: A. ancestor B. chamber C. ancient D. danger
Question 11: A. laughed B. explained C. sacrificed D. cooked
Mark the letter to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress
Question 12: A. electric B. architect C. luxury D. mineral
Question 13: A. persuade B. decade C. apply D. offer
Mark the letter to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 14: The windows are in _________ frames.
A. wooden huge circular B. huge wooden circular C. huge circular wooden D. circular huge wooden
Question 15: Sorry that I can’t join the picnic; I’m busy. _________ , I don’t have any money after buying all these stuffs.
A. However B. Although C. So D. Besides
Question 16: There were 30 students in the class who _________ an exam when the bell went off.
A. was taking B. were taking C. had been taking D. has been taking
Question 17: Vietnam's rice export this year will decrease ___________ about 10%, compared with that of last year.
A. with B. at C. on D. by
Question 18: The architects have made _________ use of glass and transparent plastic.
A. imaginative B. imagination C. imaginatively D. imagine
Question 19: It's very cold in here. Do you mind if I _________ the heating?
A. put off B. put up with C. put on D. put down with
Question 20: .At the end of the training course, each participant was presented with a ----of completion.
A. certificate B. diploma C. degree D. qualification
Question 21: If we didn't _________ any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever.
A. make B. take C. use D. do
Question 22: It seems that you have to cope with the stresses and strains of the job, _________?
A. don't you B. haven't you C. doesn't it D. isn't it
Question 23: The more challenging the job is, _________
A. the more interesting he finds B. he finds it more interesting
C. the more he finds it interesting D. the more interesting it is to him
Question 24: This director has _______ some famous films but I think this one is the best.
A. done B. conducted C. made D. composed
Question 25: The preparation _________ by the time the guest _________.
A. will have finished - are arriving B. will have been finished - arrives
C. will have finished – arrive D. will have been finished - are arrived
Question 26: Fire crews have been operating at full _______.
A. effort B. power C. strength D. energy
Question 27: I _________ sight of the robber just before he disappeared around the corner.
A. took B. got C. caught D. had
Question 28: Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the ______.
A. chin B. collar C. sleeves D. vest
Mark the letter to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions
Question 29: New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables at the front of the store.
A. incredible B. enjoyable C. noticeable D. memorable
Question 30: My neighbor is a reckless driver. He has been fined for speeding and has his license suspended for
3 months. A. famous B. enormous C. dangerous D. cautious
Mark the letter to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
Question 31: It was necessary to divide the movie "Roots" into five parts in order to show it on television.
A. transact B. adapt C. merge D. segment
Question 32: She was a woman of great courage and she will long be remembered by her grief- stricken family and friends
A. becoming thoroughly miserable B. being financially C. feeling extremely happy D. getting much involved
Mark the letter to indicate the sentence that best completes the following exchanges.
Question 33: Grace: "Your hairstyle is terrific, Ariana!" - Ariana: -“________________”
A. Never mention it. B. Thanks, Grace. I had it done yesterday. C. Thanks, but I'm afraid. D. Yes, all right.
Question 34: Mary is talking to her professor in his office.
- Mary: "Can you tell me how to find material for my science report, professor?" - Professor: “_____________”
A. You mean the podcasts from other students? B. You can borrow books from the library.
C. Try your best, Mary. D. I like it that you understand.
Read the following passage and mark the letter to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered
The position of sport in today's society has changed out of all (35)_____________. People no longer seem to think of
sports as 'just a game' - to be watched or played for the (36) ________ of enjoyment. Instead, it has become big
business worldwide. It has become accepted practice for leading companies to provide sponsorship. TV
companies pay large sums of money to screen important matches or competitions. The result has been huge rewards
for athletes, some of (37) ________ are now very wealthy, particularly top footballers, golfers and tennis players.
However , it is not unusual for some athletes to receive large fees on top of their salary, for advertising products
or making personal appearances. A trend towards shorter working hours means that people generally tend to have
more free time, both to watch and to take in sporting activity; sport has become a significant part of the recreation
industry that we now rely (38) ________ to fill our leisure hours. Professional sport is a vital part of that industry,
providing for millions of (39) ________ people all over the world.
Question 35: A recognizing B recognization C recognition D recognizably
Question 36: A. benefit B. good C. sake D. advantage
Question 37: A. whom B. who C. whose D. that
Question 38: A. In contrast B. However C. Therefore D. In addition
Question 39: A. ordinary B. abnormal C. mighty D. extremist

Read the following passage and mark the letter to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
The lack of printing regulations and the unenforceability of British copyright law in the American colonies made it possible
for colonial printers occasionally to act as publishers. Although they rarely undertook major publishing project because it
was difficult to sell books as cheaply as they could be imported from Europe, printers in Philadelphia did publish work that
required only small amounts of capital, paper, and type. Broadsides could be published with minimal financial risk.
Consisting of only one sheet of paper and requiring small amounts of type, broadsides involved lower investments of
capital than longer works. Furthermore, the broadside format lent itself to subjects of high, if temporary, interest, enabling
them to meet with ready sale. If the broadside printer miscalculated, however, and produced a sheet that did not sell, it was
not likely to be a major loss, and the printer would know this immediately, There would be no agonizing wait with large
amounts of capital tied up, books gathering dust on the shelves, and creditors impatient for payment.
In addition to broadsides, books and pamphlets, consisting mainly of political tracts, catechisms, primers, and
chapbooks were relatively inexpensive to print and to buy. Chapbook were pamphlet-sized books, usually containing
popular tales, ballads, poems, short plays, and jokes, small, both in formal and number of pages, they were generally bound
simply, in boards (a form of cardboard) or merely stitched in paper wrappers (a sewn antecedent of modern-day
paperbacks). Pamphlets and chapbooks did not require fine paper or a great deal of type to produce they could thus be
printed in large, cost-effective editions and sold cheaply.
By far, the most appealing publishing investments were to be found in small books that had proven to be steady
sellers, providing a reasonably reliable source of income for the publisher. They would not, by nature, be highly topical or
political, as such publications would prove of fleeting interest. Almanacs, annual publications that contained information
on astronomy and weather patterns arranged according to the days, week, and months of a given year, provided the perfect
steady seller because their information pertained to the locale in which they would be used
Question 40: Which aspect of colonial printing does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Laws governing the printing industry. B. Competition among printers
C. Types of publications produced D. Advances in printing technology
Question 41: According to the passage, why did colonial printers avoid major publishing projects?
A. Few colonial printers owned printing machinery that was large enough to handle major projects.
B. There was inadequate shipping available in the colonies.
C. Colonial printers could not sell their work for a competitive price.
D. Colonial printers did not have the skills necessary to undertake large publishing projects.
Question 42: Broadsides could be published with little risk to colonial printers because they
A. required a small financial investment and sold quickly B. were in great demand in European markets
C. were more popular with colonists than chapbooks and pamphlets
D. generally dealt with topics of long-term interest to many colonists
Question 43: The word "they" refers to---------- A. chapbooks B. tales C. jokes D. pages
Question 44: The word "antecedent" is closest in meaning to ----- A. predecessor B. format C. imitation D. component
Question 45: Chapbooks produced in colonial America were characterized by----------------
A. fine paper B. cardboard covers C. elaborate decoration D. a large number of pages
Question 46: The word “appealing” is closest in meaning to-------
A. dependable B. respectable C. enduring D. attractive
Question 47: What were “steady sellers”?
A. Printers whose incomes were quite large B. People who traveled from town to town selling Books and pamphlets
C. Investors who provided reliable financial Support for new printers
D. Publications whose sales were usually consistent from year to year
Question 48: The word “locale” is closest in meaning to--------A. topic B. season C. interest D. place
Question 49: All of the following are defined in the passage EXCEPT ---
A "Broadsides" B"catechisms" C "chapbooks” D."Almanacs
Mark the letter to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 50: Several people had apparently tried to change the man's mind, but he refuses to listen.
Question 51: Rabbit and hares look much like and are often mistaken for each other.
Question 52: No one bought jeans from her since its color was not trendy.
Mark the letter to indicate the sentence that is closest inmeaning to each of the following questions.
Question 53: No one has seen Linda since the day of the party.
A. No one has seen Linda for ages. B. Linda is nowhere to be seen at the party.
C. The party is going on without Linda. D. Linda has not been seen since the day of the party
Question 54: John was not here yesterday. Perhaps he was ill.
A. John might have been ill yesterday, so he was not here.
B. John must have been ill yesterday, so he was not here.
C. John couldn't be here yesterday because he was ill.
D. Because of his illness, John shouldn't have been here yesterday.
Question 55: "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
B. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
C. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
D. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.

-----THE END-----
Smart cards and mobile phones are becoming an increasingly popular way to make all sorts of payments. Even now, in Japan
thousands of transactions, from paying rail tickets to picking  up the groceries, take place every day with customers passing
their handsets across a small flat-screen device. And predictions in the world of finance reckon that payments using mobile
phones will have risen to more than $50 billion in the very near future.
What's the appeal of e-cash? Compared to cheques or credit cards, it offers the speed of cash, but more so. It takes just one
tenth of a second to complete most transactions and as no change is required, errors in counting are eliminated. Fraud and
theft are also reduced and for the retailer, it reduces the cost of handling money. Sony's vision of having a chip  embedded in
computers. TVs and gimes consoles means that films, music and games can be paid for easily and without having to input
credit card details.
  And what about the future of the banks? Within grip on the market, banks and credit-card firms want to be in a position to
collect most of the fees from the users of mobile and contactless-payment systems. But the new system could prove to be a
"disruptive technology" as far as the banks are concerned. If payments for a few coffees, a train ticket and a newspaper are
made every day by a conmuter with a mobile, this will not appear on their monthly credit card statements but on their mobile
phone statements. And having spent fortunes on branding, credit-card companies and banks do not want to see other
payment systems gaining popularity. It's too early to say whether banks will miss out and if so, by how much. However,
quite a few American bankers are optimistic They feel there is reason to he suspicious of those who predict that high-street
banks may be a thing of the past. They point out that Internet banking did not result in the closure of  their high-street
branches as was predicted. On the contrary, more Americans than ever are using local branches. So, as to whether we'll
become a totally cash-free society or not, we’ll have to wait and see.
1: What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. The absence of traditional payment methods B. The increasing popularity of new payment methods
C. Predictions of future payment methods D. Japan's advanced forms of payment
2: Why does the author mention "a small flat-screen device" in the first paragraph?
A. to criticize the e-cash system  B. to exemplify the e-cash system
Cto praise the e-cash system  D. to inform the e-cash system
3: Which of the following is NOT true about the strong point of e-cash?
A. faster speed            B. fewer mistakes                               C. reduced cost           D. no fraud
4: The word "embedded” is closest in meaning to……A. integrated  B. isolated       C generated     D. manufactured
5: The word "grip" is closest in meaning to …… A. wealth        B. power              C. success       D. range of branches
6: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. A lot of money has been invested into the new payment system by banks.
B. Payments using smart cards may increase to more than $50 billion.
C. Rail tickets can be purchased by mobile phones or smart cards in Japan.
D. Dealers are freed from handling money thanks to e-cash.
7: The author mentions the case of commuters in the third paragraph to illustrate …….
A. the modern technology of the e-cash system B. the banks' cooperation with credit-card companies
C. the transferability of the system D. a possible drawback of the system
8: What does the author think may happen in the future?
A. Banks will collect their fees through credit-card companies.
B. Daily expenses on drinks and tickets will appear on phone statements.
C. Americans will no longer go to their local bank branches.
D. Credit-card companies and banks will want to promote cash.
9. The word "their" refers to ……
A. credit cards       B. Internet banking C. American bankers         D. high-street hanks
10. How does the writer seem to feel about the future of banks? 
A. uncertain B. optimistic C. pessimistic D. neutral      The well-being
B Benefits of Laughter Yoga
Laughing is good for the body and the mind. When we laugh, we breathe more oxygen into our body, (1) _______
helps to keep us healthy. Endorphins, or happy chemicals, are released in the body, and you feel more relaxed and
happier. Laughter also brings people together to (2) _______ some fun.
Companies who have (3) _______ laughter yoga workshops find that they have advantages for both employers and
employees. People who are happy at work are more hard-working and make more money for the company. Also, people
who can laugh together communicate more successfully.(4) __, people do better at work when they feel happy and relaxed.
A Danish company who used Laughter Yoga for (55) _______ year reported an increase in sales of 40 percent over
the previous year. Following Laughter Yoga session, a Hawaiian timeshare company reported the highest sales of the year
- double their (6)_____________
1: A. what B. which C. that D. how
2: A. share B. give C. offer D. divide
3: A. run B. built C. stood D. jumped
4: A. In general B. Otherwise C. Beside D. However
5: A. few B. one C. certain D. over
6: A desire B target figure C aim point D plan


If you want your daughter to succeed, buy her a toy construction set. That is the advice from Britain’s (44) _____ female
engineers and scientists. Marie-Noelle Barton, who heads an Engineering Council campaign to encourage girls into science
and engineering, maintains that some of Britain’s most successful women have had their careers (45) _____ by the toys
they played with as children. Even girls who end up nowhere near a microchip or microscope could benefit from a better
(46) ____of science and technology.
‘It’s a (47) _____ of giving them experience and confidence with technology so that when they are
(48) _____ with a situation requiring some technical known-how, they feel they can handle it and don’t just
(49) _____ defeat immediately’, says Mrs. Barton. ‘I believe that lost of girls feel unsure of themselves when it comes
(50) _____ technology and therefore they might be losing out on jobs because they are reluctant even to apply for them.’
Research recently carried out suggests that scientific and constructional toys should be (51) ___ to girls from an early age,
otherwise the result is ‘socialization’ into stereotypical female (52) ____, which may explain why relatively few girls study
science and engineering at university in Britain. Only 14% of those who have gone for engineering (53) ____ at university
this year are women, although this figure does represent an improvement of the 7% recorded some years ago.
44. A. predominant B. foremost C. surpassing D. uppermost
45. A. styled B. shaped C. built D. modeled
46. A. insight B. hold C. realization D. grasp
47. A. situation B. state C. matter D. cause
48. A. presented B. encountered C. approached D. offered
49. A. allow B. receive C. admit D. permit
50. A. to B. with C. from D. for
51. A. feasible B. reachable C. obtainable D. accessible
52. A. roles B. characters C. parts D. states
53. A. alternatives B. selections C. preferences D. options
D When parchment, which was extraordinarily costly, was replaced by papyrus, it became feasible to establish libraries. At
the onset, they began as archives for record keeping and document storage. According to second-hand reports, the most
renowned papyrus library was the Alexandrian, founded by Alexander the Great around 330 B.C. in Alexandria, Egypt.
His successors as rulers of Egypt, Ptolemy I and Ptolemy n, expanded the library into the greatest collection of scrolls in
the ancient world. To acquire this collection, the rulers borrowed scrolls and manuscripts from libraries in Athens, Rome,
and other localities and ordered them duplicated. At times, the library employed more than 100 scribes and illustrators.
Some historians claim that the Alexandrian library purchased entire lesser libraries tocontribute to and enhance the quality
of its possessions.
The library owned a copy of every contemporary scroll known to the library's administrators and contained more than
400,000 items, all of which were classified and organized. The contents of the papyrus rolls were edited, and a bibliography
of Greek literature was compiled and cross-referenced, reflecting the emergence and dissemination of a highly devel-
oped Greek culture. Over time, a succession of leading scholars directed this library, which was acclaimed for the scholarly
undertakings it supported as well as for the size of its collection. At one time, 72 scholars were engaged to translate
religious testaments, historical annals, and mercantile accounts. Although the library flourished, it was accessible to only a
minority of the population because in ancient times the vast majority of urban dwellers were
illiterate. Because papyrus was extremely perishable, not a trace of the Alexandrian library remains today, and
archaeologists have several hypotheses as to what became of it.
34 What does the passage mainly discuss?
A The use of papyrus in ancient scroll collections B The origin and history of a library
C The cultural initiatives of Alexander the Great D The expansion of libraries in ancient times
35 In line 2, the word "feasible" is closest in meaning to A practicable B easy C prestigious D ebullient
36 It can be inferred from the passage that reports of the Alexandrian library----------
A were highly exaggerated B could not be verified
C were secondary in importance D could not be made known
37 In the second paragraph, the author implies that
A parchment was more durable than books B libraries were necessary to conduct research
C the library collection cannot be examined D the library was historically relevant
38 With which of the following statements about Greek literature is the author of the passage most likely to agree?
A It was nurtured in libraries in Athens and Rome. B It was integral to Greek culture.
C It was compiled and cross-referenced in the library.
D It was beginning to emerge when the library was expanded.
39 In line 15, the word "succession" is closest in meaning to A series B success C sundry D substitution
40 It can be inferred from the passage that in ancient times-----
A books and scrolls were updated regularly B libraries benefited upper social classes
C maintaining collections was fruitless D the population should have been educated
41 In the last sentence, the phrase "not a trace" most probably means
A absolutely no one B absolutely nothing C not a penny D not a soul
42 The author of the passage implies that the rulers of Egypt
A oversaw the expansion of the library directly B devoted funds and other resources to the library collections
C sought to make the library self- contained D marshaled worldwide support for the library collections
43 According to the passage, the main goal of the library in Alexandria was
A collecting scrolls loaned by other libraries B gradually replacing papyrus with parchment
C translating scrolls in ancient Egypt and Greece D accumulating translations and originals of texts
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
1 A magician is an entertainer who performs a series of deceptive tricks based on the principles of physics, optics, and
psychology. A. skillful B. incomprehensible C. misleading D. obvious
2 Shyness, the most common form of social anxiety, occurs when a person’s apprehensions are so great that they inhibit his
making an expected or desired social response. A. discharge B. trigger C. restrain D. defer
3 Techniques that create an atmosphere of suspense are commonly used by filmmakers to arouse their audiences. 
A) excite B) harass C) appease D) arrest
4 If the candidates can perform well and impress the interviewers during the interview, they can be recruited.
A. taken on B. dismissed C. employed D. chosen
5 He agreed to the plan o f his own accord.
A. enthusiastically B. voluntarily C. unwillingly D. unhesitatingly
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning
1 Judy has just won a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in the country; she must be on cloud nine
now.A. obviously delighted B. extremely panicked C. incredibly optimistic D. desperately sad
2: For those living along the coast, one unusual phenomenon capable of catastrophic destruction is the tsunami.
A. harmless B. disastrous C. terrific D. wonderful
3: These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. publicly said B. openly criticized C. publicly supported D. strongly condemned
4: Ralph Nader was the most prominent leader of the U.S consumer protection movement.
A. casual B. insignificant C. promiscuous D. aggressive
5 The teacher wrote that my essay contained too much superfluous information.
A. major B. modest C. problematic D. necessary
6 These plants are particularly susceptible to frost. A. antiquated B. immune C. obese D. Famous
7 We run a very tight ship here, and we expect all our employees to be at their desks by eight o’clock and take good care
of their own business. A. have a good voyage B. organize things inefficiently
C. run faster than others D. manage an inflexible system
8 If you say bad things about the person who give a job you bite the hand that feeds you.
A. be unfriendly B. be ungrateful C. be thankful D. be devoted
9 It stands to reason that if you don’t perserve with your work you can’t be successful.
A. It’s ambiguous B. It’s clear C. It’s important D. It’s believed
10 Doctors and nurses of this hospital have worked round the clock to help those injured in the recent earthquake.
A. permanently B. interruptedly C. continuously D. accurately
11 If you stick to your guns, you refuse to change what you are saying or doing despite the opposition or criticism of other
people. A. be changeable B. be persistent C. be inflexible D. be constant
12 Although Valentine's Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of
the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time.
A. traced back to the ancient people B. a long time ago and unforgettable
C. new enough for anyone to confirm D. still a mystery to everybody
13.When you consider all the advantages you’ve gained, I think you’ll admit you had a good run for your money.
A. a lot of loss from your money B. a lot of benefits from your money
C. a lot of advantages from your money D. a lot of failures from your money
14. She was to wet behind the ears to be in charge of such demanding tasks.
A. lack of responsibility B. full of experience C. without money D. full of sincerity
15 On hearing the proposal of the project, all staff threw cold water on his initial plans, which caused him a complete
upset. A. disagreed with him about his initial plans B. turned down his initial plans
C. gave his initial plans great support D. sponsored him with initial plans
16 It seems that the deal was made behind closed doors as no one had any clue about it.
A. secretly B. daily C. transparently D. frankly
17 He was found guilty of bribery. Now his reputation is under a cloud.
A. a glow of pride B. a shame C. out of reach D. open to doubt
18. We have to try to develop a product that is truly at the cutting edge if we are to stay competitive.
A. very expensive B. very sharp C. highly advanced D. the most outdated
19: She’s a bit down in the dumps because she’s got to take her exams again.
A. sad B. embarrassed C. confident D. happy
20: I clearly remember talking to him by chance in a meeting last summer.
A. in an unplanned way B. unintentionally C. by accident D. deliberately
21. Both universities speak highly of the programme of student exchange and hope to cooperate more in the future.
A. express disapproval of B. voice opinions on C. find favor with D. resolve a conflict over
22. Tom may get into hot water when driving at full speed after drinking wine.
A. get into trouble B. stay safe C. fall into disuse D. keep calm
23: So when I got this letter asking us to contribute a few days ago, it really got my back up.
A. made me annoyed B. got on my nerves C. made me cheerful D. ruffled my feelings
24. I have had enough of life in the fast lane, so I'm giving up my executive sales job and moving to the countryside.
A. an exciting and eventful lifestyle B. a boring and tedious
C. a tiring and stressful life D. a happy and
comfortable life
25. She grabbed it firmly, got to her feet and walked past him with her nose in the air.
A. modestly B. haughtily C. arrogantly D. proudly
26. He's really out of shape, so he'd better start exercising. Otherwise, he won't be able to join us on the hiking trip next
month. A. out of work B. unhealthy and stressed C. physically fit D. always joyful
27. The new arrivals may just be an adornment, with little structural importance for the ecosystem. But to Wilkinson, this
sounds like clutching at straws.
A. hopeless B. desperate C. promising D. morose
28. He didn't even cast an eye over my report which I had spent a month writing!
A. show disinterest in B. find it eye-catching with C. keep in ignorance
about D. stay uninformed of
29. One of the best ways to understand what a job is like, is to do it. Work experience is a great way to get a feel for what a
job is all about. A. to have an understanding about B. to touch with one's own hands
C. to have the faintest idea about D. to do something
on purpose
30: We have to work against the clock so as to meet the deadline of the clients tomorrow.
A. work in a haste B. work slowly C. work as fast as possible
D. work strenuously
31: John:“I think we have done enough work today. I'm feeling tired now". Alice:"Let's call it a day and hit the hay!”
A. stay awake B. go to sleep C. take a bath D. eat
32. With so many breakthroughs in robotic science and technology, much manual work will soon be taken over by robots.
A. intellectual work B. physical work C. monotonous work D. dull work
33. I'd go mad if I had to do a dead-end job like working on a supermarket checkout.
A. boring B. monotonous C. fascinating D.
34: One of the best ways to understand what a job is like, is to do it. Work experience is a great way to get a feel for what
a job is all about. A. to have an understanding about B. to touch with one's own hands
C. to have the faintest idea about D. to do something on purpose
35 It stands to reason that if you don’t perserve with your work you can’t be successful.
A. It’s ambiguous B. It’s clear C. It’s important D. It’s believed
36 She travelled __________ of Ireland looking for her missing brother.
A. the length and breadth B. the ins and outs C. ups and downs D. from far and wide
Mistake correction:
1 In 1903 ,Orville and Wilbur Wright finally constructed an airplane having based on calculations they had been making for
2. According to many scientists, the release of man-made chemicals into the atmosphere has made much damage to the
fragile ozone layer
3 Manufacturers may use food additives for preserving, to colour, or to flavour, or to fortify foods.
4 Educated in the UK, his qualifications are widely recognized in the world of professionals.
5. I am now in my attempt winning a place at the same university as my brother.
6 The (A) residence of Greenville, Texas hold an (B) annual Cotton Jubilee to remember the crop that (C) caused their city
(D) to prosper.
7 Smoking has been made illegally in public places in some countries.
8 Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.
9. The nightly news is filled with stories of people who have lost his jobs due to the economic crisis.
10 A good artist like a good engineer learns as much from their mistakes as from successes.
11 Musical comedies, as an American form of entertainment, often take its subjects from America’s present or past.
Mark the letter to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest .
1 A. drought B. enough C. weight D. although
2 A. volunteer B. position C. community D. introduce
3 A. control B constant C. contour D. contrary
4 A. education B. individual C. procedure D. productive
5 A. educate B. eliminate C. certificate D. dedicate
6 A. academic B. campus C. apply D. entrance
7 A. wonder B. construct C. structure D. Statue
8 A. explosion B. conversion C. precision D. expansion
9 A. adventure B. addict C. adjective D. advent
10. A. conservation B. desertion C. consider D. Consort
11. A. tension B. erosion C. procession D. depression
12:A. examine B. eleven C. exact D. elephant
13:A. aboard B. cupboard C. keyboard D. overboard
14:A. diary B. diameter C. diaper D. diamond
Mark the letter to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress
1 A. contaminate B. artificial C. intelligent D. encouragement
2 A. argument B. employee C. category D. difference
3 A. vacancy B. expand C. applicant D. category
4 A. investigate B. supervisor C. contaminate D. convenient
5 A. postpone B. specialize C. purpose D. summarize
6 A. under B. toward C. above D. behind
7 A. dangerous B. conspicuous C. marvelous D. numerous
8 A. elegant B. arrogant C. departure D. fortunate
9 A. character B. property C. ambitious D. excellent
10 A. disaster B. encounter C. determine D. consonant
11 A. calculate B. pessimist C. military D. presentative
12 A. preciseness B. passenger C. chaotic D. withdrawal
Vocabulary and grammar:
1. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall ____A.out B. through C. back D. off
2 We're over the_______! Who wouldn't be? We've just won $1 million.
A. planet B. clouds c. stars D. moon
3.Let me help you do it,……………… ? A shall I B may I C Will I D do I
4 Those spacecrafts are used------taking photographs ----- space.
a. about / through b.for /in c. of / at d. in / off
5 Having been found guilty of theft, ___ to find work in his chosen field as an accountant. was difficult for Henry Jones B. Henry Jones found it difficult found Henry Jones difficult D. it was found by Henry Jones difficult
6 David is talking about Mr. West’s early retirement. - David: “Mr. West is going to retire next month.”- Kathy: “______.”
A. Oh, I have no idea. B. You don’t say!
C. Right, you’d probably be the next. D. Congratulations!
7 I remember the boy’s face but his name _______ me. A. misses B. forgets C. fails D. escapes
8 I think we ought to _______a party for little John’s birthday. A. drop B. put C. throw D. cast
9 I had all the information at my ______ before attending the meeting.
A. fingers B. fingertips C. thumbs D. hands
11 . “Don’t forget to do as I have told you.” “_______ “
A. Yes, I won’t B. Yes, I will C. No, I won’t D. No, I will remember
12.Two friends David and Tom are talking about their last driving test. Select the most suitable response to complete the
exchange. - David: “I failed my driving test yesterday.” - Tom: “_____”
A. You should try your hand at it. B. I wish that we could talk about it.
13 Bill and Ted ________ each other straight away and became firm friends. 
A. took after                   B. held together                   C. took to                   D. let in
14 Peter: “ I can’t open the top of this orange juice” Jack: “____________ “
A. Have Mark do B. Make Mark to do C. Mark have to do. D. Have Mark done
15 Shortly after receiving her gold medal, the Olympic champion answered questions at the press_____.
A. discussion B. seminar C. conference D. assembly
16 Whatever _____ come, I will always be by your side. A. may B. could C. must D. need
17 It is not _________to stay up late the day before the test. A. advisory B. advice C. advisable D. Advisability
18 It is only recently that ballets have been based on themes ___ American life.
A. reflects B. reflecting C. reflected D. that reflected
19 When the student got----------the test, he gave it to the teacher.
A. over with B. through with C. through at D. over
20 The supervisor told her to keep -----------the good work. A. over B. on C. with D. up
21 Nothing that I can see .............what you have described. A. compares B. relates C. resembles D. consists
21 Uncle Jack is very ill, but he could recover completely. When there is life there is ___.
A. faith B. breath C. healing D. hope
22 During the late fifteenth century, ................... had professions in the fields of arts and crafts.
A. only a few of the native societies of America B. only few of the native societies of America
C. few but only of the native American societies D. a few only of the native American societies
23 Beginning in the Middle Ages, composers of Western music used a system of notating their compositions.......................
A. that be performed by musicians B. yet they would be performed by musicians
C. when performed by musicians D. so they could be performed by musicians
24 ----------in the 1940s reported that one person in every five over sixty was receiving some form of financial support from
son or daughter A an invention B a study C an interrogation D a research
25 A new ______ satellite has just been launched into the earth's orbit to take some necessary photographs.
a. communicate b. communication c. communicative d. communicatively
26 Has he made ______ her after their quarrel yet? A. up for B. up with C. off with D. up of
27 If you leave---------any information, the form will be returned to you. A. down B. out C. up D. away
28 They are leaving the district, so they have put their house up for ___. A. purchase B. sale C. offer D. trade
29______ the best of my knowledge, this system cannot work automatically.
A. For B. To C. Within D. In
30 “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop ____ excuses!” A. making B. doing C. having D. taking

31 Man is killing---------all the fish in the sea. A. out B. away C. off D. up

32 The restaurant has a very ------------------- menu. Every day there are several delicious dishes to choose from.
A. variable B. variegated C. Various D. varied
33 There are other hobbies that I indulge……… for a while. A. in B. on C. at D. of
34. 1/4 of my income -----------to pay for my university debts.
A. has been used B. has used C. were used D. are used
35. The lady along with her friends _________ because of using drugs.
A. have arrested B. were arrested C. was arrested D. arrested
36: ---------the public's concern about the local environment , this new road scheme will have to be abandoned
A As regards B in view of C in the event of D however much
37 It was time to............ the kids ready for bed. a.prepare b.get c.take D make
38 Playing a major role in the economic life of the Unites States, ..............................
A. the women currently make up 46 percent of the workforce B. women currently make up 46 percent of the workforce?
C. women currently they make up 46 percent of the workforce
D 46 percent of the workforce is currently made up of women
39 This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and _____ are built and promoted.
A effort B. solidarity C. knowledge D. enthusiasm
40.It’s twenty years since I worked in Germany and my German is pretty ………… now.
A scratchy B scruffy C rusty D sloppy
41 Many factories break the anti-pollution laws and---.
A. put up with it B. take it over C. get away with it D. come round to it
42. Many people in remote areas are not clear about the use of the Internet. ………………., they are isolated.
A. Therefore B. However C. For example D. Namely
43 Anne’s win in the beauty contest has gone………A. up her ears B. to her head C. up and down D. far and high
44: Unfortunately, the company closed down because it couldn’t keep _____ with rapidly changing technology.
A. pace B. fast C. time D. speed
45 I can't give you an answer on the… I'll have to think about it for a few days. A. place B. Minute C. Bet D. spot
46 “-------------_?”  “Yes, 8123456”.
A Which is your phone number? BMay you give me your number?
C Do you have a telephone? D: Are you on the phone?
47 Excuse me, is this the Sale's Department? _________
A.I'm afraid you have the wrong number. B.You are wrong. C.What's wrong with you? D. What are you talking about?
48 The newspaper did not mention the -------------- of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range B. amount C quantity D. extent
49 That’s the trouble with the night shift. It _______ your private life too much.
A. breaks through B. breaks up C. breaks into D. breaks in
50 Amelia Earhart --------------history in1928 when she became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic
A. fixed B. made C. prepared D. did
51 “Could I borrow your calculator?” –“ ___”. A. Yes, you could B. Yes, you can C. Yes, you will D. Yes, you do.
52..........., she received a big applause.
A. Once finished the lecture B.When the speaker finished C.After she finishes speaking D.Once finishing her lecture
53 This---------------dictionary includes a few animations. A. electrifying B. electronic C. electric D. electrical
54 The teacher told the pupils that salt water --------------------at a lower temperature than fresh water.
A. froze B. would freeze C. freeze D. freezes
55 : The marathon runner for nearly one hour and a half when she ------------ to the pavement.
A. has been running / collapses B. were running / collapsed
C. had been running / collapsed D. ran / had been collapsing
56. She passed the National High School Graduation Exam with________________colours.
A. bright B. flying C. red D. true
57. Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his________until it was announced publicly.
A. cap B. tongue C. hat D. umbrella
58. I am sorry 1 have no time at present to----------------------detail of our plan.
A. bring in B. take into C. come in D. go into
59 The head teacher has asked me to take the new boy under my ______ and look after him.
A. sleeves B. arm C. wing D. cloak
60 My college graduation was a real_______day for my whole life.
A. red brick B. red ink C. red tape D. red letter
61 She hasn’t read any technological books or articles on the subject for a long time. She’s afraid that she may be________
with recent developments.
A. out of touch B. out of condition C. out of reach D. out of the question
62: True friends always stand by you when you’re _______.
A. home and dry B. high and low C. on and off D. down and out
63: Despite all the evidence, he wouldn’t admit that he was in the _______.

A. fault B. error C. wrong D. slip

64 I'm going on business for a week, sp I'll be leaving everything___________.
A. on your guards B. up to your eyes C. in your capable hands D. in the care of you
66 Jack is very independent, he always paddle his own_____________
A. boat B. canoe C. ship D. yatch
67 At this stage in the story it…………………..that my uncle was a man blessed with a vivid imagination.
A. must be pointing out B. must point out C. must to be pointed out D. must be pointed out
68 They have considered all the fifty applications, ………………seems suitable for the position.
A. none of them B. none of whom C. none of these D. none of which
69 Sport today has become…….and is no longer enjoyable.
A. too much competitive B. far too competitive C. more too competitive D. competitive
70 He carried a(n)_________ driving license. A. untrue B. unfaithful C. artificial D. false
71.Just think! Next month you'll be _______ and it seems like only yesterday you were a baby
A. in your teens B. in your teenage C. teenager D. at your teens
72 The boy was always getting-----------trouble as a youth. Then, to everyone's surprise, he became a
policeman. A. into B out of C for D away from
Sentence rewriting:
1 He behaved so recklessly, so he would be disqualified from keeping his last job.
A. If he hadn’t behaved so recklessly, he hadn’t quit his last job.
B. Without his reckless behavior, he would have lost his last job.
C. If only he had not behaved so recklessly, he wouldn’t have been fired from his last job.
D. He didn’t quit his job because he knew that he had behaved so recklessly.
2 “Mum , please don’t tell dad about my mistake,” the boy said .
A. The boy begged his mother that she didn’t tell his father about his mistake .
B. The boy earnestly insisted that his mother not tell his father about his mistake .
C. The mother was forced to keep her son’s mistake as a secret when he insisted .
D. The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake any more .
3 “Don't forget to submit your assignments by Thursday," said the teacher to the students.
A. The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
B. The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
C. The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
D. The teacher ordered the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
4 The president offered his congratulations to the players when they won the cup.
A. The President congratulated that the players had won the cup.
B. When they won the cup, the players had been offered some congratulations from the President.
C. The President would offered the players congratulations if they won the match.
D. The President congratulated the players on their winning the match.
5 People who are unhappy sometimes try to compensate by eating too much.
A Unhappy people are usually overweight because they tend to eat too much.
B When depressed, people occasionally attempt to offset their misery by overeating.
C Eating too much occasionally makes people unhappy and depressed.
D For some people, eating too much is a reason to be miserable.
Sentence combination:
1 She heard the news about her friend’s death. She broke down
A. She broke down while she was hearing the news about her friend’s death.
B. Having broke down, She heard the news about her friend’s death.
C. She broke down the moment she heard the news about her friend’s death.
D. She broke down the moment when she heard the news about her friend’s death.
2 “If I were you, I wouldn’t read the job advertisement and position description carelessly.” Helen said.
A. Helen recommended that I take no notice of the job advertisement and position description.
B. Helen advised me on reading the job advertisement and position description carelessly.
C. Helen advised me against reading the job advertisement and position description carelessly.
D. I was blamed for not reading the job advertisement and position description carefully by Helen.
3.It is raining cats and dogs outside. I want to climb the mountain today but I can’t.
A. I can’t carry out my mountain climbing because there are many cats and dogs falling out the sky.
B. It is the heavy rain that prevents me from climbing the mountain today.
C. I find it rather hard to climb the mountain despite a heavy downpour outside.
D. The heavy rain makes it possible for me to continue going climbing today.
4 I was fined by the police. I thought parking was allowed there.
A. I had trouble with the police since I was under the impression that I could park there.
B. Being fined by the police, I thought parking was allowed there C. The police fined me and let me park there.
D. After being fined by the police, I thought I would be able to park my car there.

Although the "lie detectors" are being used by governments, police departments, and businesses that all want guaranteed
ways of detecting the truth, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are properly called emotion detectors, for
their aim is to measure bodily changes that contradict what a person says. The polygraph machine records changes in
heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical activity of the skin (galvanic skin response, or GSR). In the first
part of the polygraph test, you are electronically connected to the machine and asked a few neutral questions ("What is
your name?", "Where do you live?"). Your physical reactions serve as the standard (baseline) for evaluating what comes
next. Then you are asked a few critical questions among the neutral ones ("When did you rob the bank!). The assumption
is that if you are guilty, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to deny it. Your heart rate, respiration, and GSR
will change abruptly as you respond to the incriminating questions.
That is the theory: but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not reliable. Since most physical
changes are the same across all emotions, machines cannot tell whether you are feeling guilty, angry, nervous,
thrilled, or revved up from an exciting day. Innocent people may be tense and nervous about the whole procedure. They
may react physiologically to a certain word (“bank”) not because they robbed it, but because they recently bounced a
check. In either case the machine will record a "lie". The reverse mistake is also common. Some practiced liars can lie
without flinching, and others learn to beat the machine by tensing muscles or thinking about an exciting experience during
neutral questions.
Question 3: This passage was probably written by a specialist in ____________.
A. sociology B. mind reading C. anthropology D. criminal psychology
Question 4: What is the main idea of this passage?
A. How lie detectors are used and their reliability
B. Lie detectors distinguish different emotions
C. Physical reaction reveal guilty
D. Lie detectors make innocent people nervous
Question 5: The word “ones” in paragraph 1 refers to _________.
A. evaluations B. reactions C. standards D. questions
Question 6: According to the test, polygraph _________.
A. make guilty people angry B. record a person's physical reactions
C. always reveal the truth about a person D. measure a person's thoughts
Question 7: The word "assumption" in paragraph 1 could best be replaced with _________.
A. faith B. imagining C. belief D. statement

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. D 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. A
21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. C
31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. B
41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. B

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